SFGTV: San Francisco Government Television
Mar 28, 2014
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back and look at what's the long term staffing solution, is it more physical ppo or is it more police -- what is the actual appropriate thing, maybe technology can help and maybe after a year or six months, compliance will come up. but we're going to evaluate that and see what else can we do. our goal is to start it in a segment and grow it as it makes sense. that's the end of this presentation. so i will defer back to the cef. >> do you have anything addition or go straight it the public. >> thank you popendale. >> the public will be given two minutes. and we have howard followed by charles and jenna lion luna. >> good morning mr. stressner. >> i want to speak ahead of your budget. you have no item on your budget to really improve subway operation for the metro. here you are doing great work in the tip to speed up the l and the n, and that's going to attract more drivers. the n is over load and the n is close. and the solution is to do more on street coupling the way the system was originally designed. we don't know if it's going to work. we don't know if it's going to take more stud
back and look at what's the long term staffing solution, is it more physical ppo or is it more police -- what is the actual appropriate thing, maybe technology can help and maybe after a year or six months, compliance will come up. but we're going to evaluate that and see what else can we do. our goal is to start it in a segment and grow it as it makes sense. that's the end of this presentation. so i will defer back to the cef. >> do you have anything addition or go straight it the...
SFGTV: San Francisco Government Television
Mar 21, 2014
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back and look at what's the long term staffing solution, is it more physical ppo or is it more police -- what is the actual appropriate thing, maybe technology can help and maybe after a year or six months, compliance will come up. but we're going to evaluate that and see what else can we do. our goal is to start it in a segment and grow it as it makes sense. that's the end of this presentation. so i will defer back to the cef. >> do you have anything addition or go straight it the public. >> thank you popendale. >> the public will be given two minutes. and we have howard
back and look at what's the long term staffing solution, is it more physical ppo or is it more police -- what is the actual appropriate thing, maybe technology can help and maybe after a year or six months, compliance will come up. but we're going to evaluate that and see what else can we do. our goal is to start it in a segment and grow it as it makes sense. that's the end of this presentation. so i will defer back to the cef. >> do you have anything addition or go straight it the...
Mar 11, 2014
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@op @t@p 0 p@@pp @@p@$p@ @@e@ @e@@@p@l@i@@ph@ @o@o@@@@ p@h@@i@e h@ppp@@@e c@mp@@@ @@@ @'@ @@@e t@d@ppo t@@@ piph p@m@ @d p@@@phlp@pa@@@ pdpp@s@lpa@i@@@@@@tp ph@ip@p@p@@pe@d a@c@ppa@@@@i@d i@ppp@@@e @@ @p@py@l@,@ ph@u@@p @t @ @@ @lpepepñhdñ@ñ t odp?d[lo ólw@ñ@ñ@ñ@ñ ph@p x@up @upp@m@pp p@p@@@ @@@@ o@ ph@ ph@l@pph@x l@h@ @@pp@@@u@ @l@o@@@@ p@l@ pph@l@ @i@e i@ppp@@@d ph@'p @@@@@ @p@pp?8< t@h@(@p p dp@p@@p@d@ @@@ep@@@@d@op p@@p@e op@p @@@ 00 0< t@@p @@@ p @@p@po t@@@ @ p@p@@c@@@p @@ppep @@p @@@@ph qp@pp@o@p 08 a@@ hp @@p@p ph@lp@@@@ @d l@l@@@@t@l@ ph@p t@@@p d@@@lp@ñ@@ñ@ñ@ñt5t- phÑp>polu ml[tz@n@w@ñ@ñ@@@@@ñ@@ñ ph h@h@ @hp@@ @p@@p@@ @lpp@ 0< a@@ oph@p d@l@@ epp@lp@p 0< dpd@@ p@i@@ @@@ ph@p p p@l@p@@@@@t@pp@@dp @@@dp po p@a@ @o@,@sp@@i@@@x i@ ph@p e@o@@@p < h@ @o@pp @tpp 0 a l@lphp@p p@@p 8> y@p @@@ ph@p p@p@@@p@p @@@p up 0< a@@ t@@@p a@t@p@@@@@p@@ @@@s @@w@@@@@pp@ @d t@@@p a@@ 0< t@@x>@yl>dut@ñ@ñt5t5t-t-ppwpm@odothopuplçd@ñ@ñ@ñ @p a p@i@e t@@p @ips@lpl t@@@p @p@@@p,0< @@ p@p pa@@ t@ @@@pp@@t@cp p@p@ l@t@d l@@p@p@m p@@ @@@@@@@d d@l@@ epp@l@@p0@d y@u p@ @@pt@d@ 0 a@@ 8 p@p p@@u@d c@@@@o@o@@@@
@op @t@p 0 p@@pp @@p@$p@ @@e@ @e@@@p@l@i@@ph@ @o@o@@@@ p@h@@i@e h@ppp@@@e c@mp@@@ @@@ @'@ @@@e t@d@ppo t@@@ piph p@m@ @d p@@@phlp@pa@@@ pdpp@s@lpa@i@@@@@@tp ph@ip@p@p@@pe@d a@c@ppa@@@@i@d i@ppp@@@e @@ @p@py@l@,@ ph@u@@p @t @ @@ @lpepepñhdñ@ñ t odp?d[lo ólw@ñ@ñ@ñ@ñ ph@p x@up @upp@m@pp p@p@@@ @@@@ o@ ph@ ph@l@pph@x l@h@ @@pp@@@u@ @l@o@@@@ p@l@ pph@l@ @i@e i@ppp@@@d ph@'p @@@@@ @p@pp?8< t@h@(@p p dp@p@@p@d@ @@@ep@@@@d@op p@@p@e op@p @@@ 00 0< t@@p @@@ p @@p@po t@@@ @ p@p@@c@@@p...
Mar 26, 2014
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in this new age of ever escalating healthcare costs more companies are dropping their ppos and other plans and only offering employees high deductible plans. that's one reason employees are becoming more discerning as they start shopping around for various medical services. rita pyrillis is a senior editor at workforce magazine. how common is this becoming? >>it's becoming very common. in 2005 there were about a million employers who were offering these high deductible plans. today, it's about 15.5 million. it's expected to grow at about15% per year. so we're talking a large majority. >>millions and millions of people who otherwise would just trust the medical system to lead them. that's how traditionally we've been trained to donot to question your doctor, not to think about price, and not to negotiate price. especially when it comes to our healthcare. they say it'll be like shopping for a television but no one wants to shop for a surgeon the way they would for a television. >>what kind of skills do people need to be sure they're getting the best care and doing it in an efficient wa
in this new age of ever escalating healthcare costs more companies are dropping their ppos and other plans and only offering employees high deductible plans. that's one reason employees are becoming more discerning as they start shopping around for various medical services. rita pyrillis is a senior editor at workforce magazine. how common is this becoming? >>it's becoming very common. in 2005 there were about a million employers who were offering these high deductible plans. today, it's...
SFGTV: San Francisco Government Television
Mar 22, 2014
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leadership on that issue especially if it's going to be a privately operated -- i can't remember what ppo stands for, public open space. the expectation is this is rec and park property and if you can't walk your dog in the park, who is going to receive the complaint? and it's going to be phil and phil said it's not our park. >> i'm reminded that sidney is one of the parks that's maintained but has a lot of restrictions and i don't know if we get a lot calls when people can't do what they want to do. commissioner bonum. >> i wanted to state cold heartedly that the slake project has some really extremely high expectations in terms of the community as regards to its development and i think if we can be successful in acquiring that property to develop it, that it should be done under any circumstance because the -- i can tell you, living out in that area that the expectations are great in terms of its development and its been talked about for, many, many years and i hope to see in the next couple of years or so that we'll be going to a ground breaking there. so i wanted to express a great de
leadership on that issue especially if it's going to be a privately operated -- i can't remember what ppo stands for, public open space. the expectation is this is rec and park property and if you can't walk your dog in the park, who is going to receive the complaint? and it's going to be phil and phil said it's not our park. >> i'm reminded that sidney is one of the parks that's maintained but has a lot of restrictions and i don't know if we get a lot calls when people can't do what they...
Mar 18, 2014
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it's ppo. >> people our age are just happy that we can stay on our parents' health insurance until we're 26. >> i'm a full-time student and where work two jobs, so any little bit of help really helps. >> already because of the affordable care act, more than 3 million americans under age 26 have gained coverage under their parents' plan. more than 9 million americans have signed up for private health insurance or medicaid coverage. >> while there's been a lot of talk about the millions of americans now covered under obamacare, there has not been a lot of focus on those who will still be left uninsured even with the law fully implemented. an estimated 30 million people. that's about the populations of ohio, michigan, indiana, and west virginia combined. here's a breakdown of who gets left out. about 20% are illegal immigrants who don't qualify for coverage. but 80% are american citizens. many of those americans are caught in the gap where they earn too much to qualify for medicaid but not enough to pay out of pocket for health insurance. and then there are others in the lowest income brack
it's ppo. >> people our age are just happy that we can stay on our parents' health insurance until we're 26. >> i'm a full-time student and where work two jobs, so any little bit of help really helps. >> already because of the affordable care act, more than 3 million americans under age 26 have gained coverage under their parents' plan. more than 9 million americans have signed up for private health insurance or medicaid coverage. >> while there's been a lot of talk...
Mar 24, 2014
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a ppo with about a $1500 deductible. i would be able to receive about $400 subsidy to lower my premiums, but i would be at minimum doubling my deductible and then my co-pay. more importantly, because my wife is diagnosed with cancer on top of 10 years of other medical crises, i need access to the doctors able to see me -- or see her. the hmo plan, quite simply, particularly in rural areas like parts of virginia, not that world but rural enough, limit my ability to be able to access the doctors we need to see. essentially, i could take advantage of $400 off the top, which is essential, but realistically, for me, since i am using the services already and am already in the process, i will be increasing my out-of-pocket expenses tremendously. they call me an e-mail me every day to sign up, almost completed my application, but i am afraid to sign the dotted line. i know currently as it stands, at least in virginia and in my case, they will end up costing me more money. guest: that is definitely probably a common theme people
a ppo with about a $1500 deductible. i would be able to receive about $400 subsidy to lower my premiums, but i would be at minimum doubling my deductible and then my co-pay. more importantly, because my wife is diagnosed with cancer on top of 10 years of other medical crises, i need access to the doctors able to see me -- or see her. the hmo plan, quite simply, particularly in rural areas like parts of virginia, not that world but rural enough, limit my ability to be able to access the doctors...
Mar 24, 2014
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a ppo with about a $1500 deductible.be able to receive about $400 subsidy to lower my premiums, but i would be at minimum doubling my deductible and then my co-pay. more importantly, because my wife is diagnosed with cancer on top of 10 years of other medical crises, i need access to the doctors able to see me -- or see her. hmo plan, quite simply, particularly in rural areas like parts of virginia, not that world but rural enough, limit my ability to be able to access the doctors we need to see. essentially, i could take advantage of $400 off the top, which is essential, but realistically, for me, since i the services already and am already in the process, i will be increasing my out-of-pocket expenses tremendously. they call me an e-mail me every day to sign up, almost completed my application, but i am afraid to sign the dotted line. i know currently as it stands, at least in virginia and in my case, they will end up costing me more money. that is definitely probably a common theme people are seeing. look, premiums te
a ppo with about a $1500 deductible.be able to receive about $400 subsidy to lower my premiums, but i would be at minimum doubling my deductible and then my co-pay. more importantly, because my wife is diagnosed with cancer on top of 10 years of other medical crises, i need access to the doctors able to see me -- or see her. hmo plan, quite simply, particularly in rural areas like parts of virginia, not that world but rural enough, limit my ability to be able to access the doctors we need to...
Mar 20, 2014
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i didn't know the difference between the ipo and ppo. most people don't know -- two thirds of the people don't know the number of outstanding shares which is the denominator to figuring out how much of the company you own. most people have a four to 5x delta between what they think they will make and what they will make given the actual average exit value of companies at the stage of the ones they're in. there are a lot of examples of people not knowing. >> chris, i applaud you for bringing this up. i think some people might remember the movie about facebook as being an example of how somebody can think they've got a lot of equity and all of a sudden they don't. it seems to me like this has changed over the past 15 years. when i first got to the valley back in the very late '90s you heard about secretaries becoming millionai millionaires when an ipo happened. have the vcs and founders gotten more sav vie about how they structure the packages so the rake in file get screwed over? >> yeah, i think they've certainly gotten more savvy. they'
i didn't know the difference between the ipo and ppo. most people don't know -- two thirds of the people don't know the number of outstanding shares which is the denominator to figuring out how much of the company you own. most people have a four to 5x delta between what they think they will make and what they will make given the actual average exit value of companies at the stage of the ones they're in. there are a lot of examples of people not knowing. >> chris, i applaud you for...
Mar 24, 2014
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a ppo with about a $1500 deductible. >> "washington journal" airs live every morning at 7:00.in the following order, h.r. 3060 and h.r. 1813. the unfinished business is the vote on the motion of the gentleman from texas, mr. farenthold, to suspend the rules and pass h.r. 3060 on which the the nd nays were ordered clerk will -- were ordered. the clerk will report the title. the clerk: h.r. 1813, a bill to , a bill to . 3060 designate the u.s. postal facility in burleson, texas, as the sefrpblt william moody post office building. the speaker pro tempore: members will record their votes by electronic device. this is a 15-minute vote. [captioning made possible by the national captioning institute, inc., in cooperation with the united states house of representatives. any use of the closed-captioned coverage of the house proceedings for political or commercial purposes is expressly prohibited by the u.s. house of representatives.] the speaker pro tempore: on this ote, the yeas are -- the speaker pro tempore: on this vote, the yeas are 397, the nays re zero. the speaker pro tempore:
a ppo with about a $1500 deductible. >> "washington journal" airs live every morning at 7:00.in the following order, h.r. 3060 and h.r. 1813. the unfinished business is the vote on the motion of the gentleman from texas, mr. farenthold, to suspend the rules and pass h.r. 3060 on which the the nd nays were ordered clerk will -- were ordered. the clerk will report the title. the clerk: h.r. 1813, a bill to , a bill to . 3060 designate the u.s. postal facility in burleson, texas,...