doctor prescrcred avort.aouounc) over timim a avort actually shrinks the prprostete and improves ininarsymptoms. so i can go more easasil when i need to go d go less often. (annnnouncer avodart is for men only. e risk of a spifificirth defect. do not done e d until 6 months after opping avodart. tetell your doctor if you have liver disease. swellilingr r nderness of the easts can occur. ly your health care provider can tell if symomoms e from an enlarged prostate and not a re serious condition like prostate cancer. so have regular exams. call your r doctoroday. avodart. help tata care of your growing prproblem >>>>wewelce back to "the ed showow o nbc. breaking news about f forrr presididtt georgebush. d wiretapping. joining me nowow with theatatt is nbc's kellyly o'dononne.. kekell we know ththat the offic of i ispector generaral came out with anotherer reptt today. this dealing with memest surveieillcece pproams. whatidide find out about president bush and hi ininlvlvemt andwhat really went wn? >> repeporr:r