Jan 17, 2016
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pwe talked about the tornado in psarasota and manatee counties. pnational weather service is out pthere trying to survey the pdamage as we speak, and pimproving conditions for them to pdo so. pfinally making their way through pthe clouds and more sun by this pafternoon. pa cool day out before contemplating the many choices on steak 'n shake's $4 dollar menu, one must calm the mind in our zen garden. focus. the garlic double steakburger meal. reflect. the taco salad meal. zen. the original double 'n cheese steakburger meal. oh! the $4 menu. where all meals are under $4. p>> alcides: thanks for staying pit's been a very, very busy pmorning especially when you pconsider our southern counties, psarasota and manatee counties. psarasota sustains severe damage pfrom what could be a tornado pthat touched down earlier this pmorning. pcrystal clark is live along psiesta key at the 1600 block of pbaywinds lane. pit looks like you have someone pthere to talk to live. p>> reporter: hi, alcides. pyour home is right two doors pdown from the really damaged pone.
pwe talked about the tornado in psarasota and manatee counties. pnational weather service is out pthere trying to survey the pdamage as we speak, and pimproving conditions for them to pdo so. pfinally making their way through pthe clouds and more sun by this pafternoon. pa cool day out before contemplating the many choices on steak 'n shake's $4 dollar menu, one must calm the mind in our zen garden. focus. the garlic double steakburger meal. reflect. the taco salad meal. zen. the original...
Jan 17, 2016
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pwe don't have crystal clark in psarasota psarasota. pwe had her a couple of minutes pago, and i guess we don't. pa lot of areas are blocked off pfor good reason because of all pthe damage down in sarasota pcounty. phow about we do this? phow about we take a break. phow about we come back and try pto see if we can get kim and pcrystal and figure out where pexactly this is happening and pbad its wow. the internet is crazy fast here. i know, right? it's so nice to have everyone over. hi hey. mmm. i just laid an egg. does anybody want it? joey, you want some gasoline? mom, guess what? i married a clown and we're having tiny little clown babies. mhm. i just bought a hammer. with internet fast enough for everyone, your guests might get a bit carried away. get out of the past. get fios. p>> it's been a busy morning pacross the area. pseveral tornados that rolled pthrough. psome of them confirmed tornadoes pas well. pi want to show you one of the phard. pthis is the sky tower radar view pover the last couple of hours. pcan we switch over to ws
pwe don't have crystal clark in psarasota psarasota. pwe had her a couple of minutes pago, and i guess we don't. pa lot of areas are blocked off pfor good reason because of all pthe damage down in sarasota pcounty. phow about we do this? phow about we take a break. phow about we come back and try pto see if we can get kim and pcrystal and figure out where pexactly this is happening and pbad its wow. the internet is crazy fast here. i know, right? it's so nice to have everyone over. hi hey. mmm....
Jan 22, 2016
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preally more on the charlotte psarasota county line until 8:45. plooks like the storm in question phere, could be producing winds pof 55 to 60 miles per hour from pthe inglewood area just running pthrough inglewood. pthis on safe side you ever got pnorthport up here too which pcould experience those type of pwinds. pbut i think primarily you're plooking a places like rotunda, pboca grand and port charlotte a pstorm moves off to northeast pheads up de soto county. pthat will be headed your way. palso stronger thunderstorms a plittle bit further to north as pyou're getting back up into pcitrus and hernando county. pmain line of rain still about an phour away. pa lot to talk more about on that pin just a little bit. p>> all right. pdave, thank you. pthe excitement of gasparilla pcontinues to grow kicks off pchildren's strav ga began pvirginia beads pirates and kids. pthere will be tampa police. pofficers are working around pclock to make sure that you and pyour family are safe. pfox 13's shayla reeves is along pshayla we know chief eric ward ptalked
preally more on the charlotte psarasota county line until 8:45. plooks like the storm in question phere, could be producing winds pof 55 to 60 miles per hour from pthe inglewood area just running pthrough inglewood. pthis on safe side you ever got pnorthport up here too which pcould experience those type of pwinds. pbut i think primarily you're plooking a places like rotunda, pboca grand and port charlotte a pstorm moves off to northeast pheads up de soto county. pthat will be headed your way....
Jan 22, 2016
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pso it just some scattered light pshowers into manatee and psarasota. psome lightly heavier rain into pextreme southern sarasota. pdown towards venice northport pminutes. pthen as we look further on ptowards the north still have psome active weather through pnorthern polk county heading pover towards orlando. pin fact had that tornado warning pfor a time with that one cell pover in volusia county working pwaits i over near new smyrna pbeach as that cell moved out pinto atlantic. pwe will continue to see storms pworking there way on from weston ptoward the east ten to weaken pover the next couple of hours. ptemperatures, they are mild pright now. phere in tampa we're at 63 pdegrees. pbrandon has a 66. pwesley chapel currently at 67 pdegrees. pbrooksville you're at 66. peven down to our south, ptemperatures primarily sitting pin the mid 60s. pbreezy conditions. pespecially as you look at storms pon other side of the state. pbut down towards sarasota, winds pare coming up out of the south p18 miles per hour. pten miles an hour over in st. etersburg. pwe're
pso it just some scattered light pshowers into manatee and psarasota. psome lightly heavier rain into pextreme southern sarasota. pdown towards venice northport pminutes. pthen as we look further on ptowards the north still have psome active weather through pnorthern polk county heading pover towards orlando. pin fact had that tornado warning pfor a time with that one cell pover in volusia county working pwaits i over near new smyrna pbeach as that cell moved out pinto atlantic. pwe will...
Jan 19, 2016
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psarasota, fewer clouds. pyou're at 43 degrees. pwe do have quite a bit of high pcloudiness streaming in from the psouth and west. pat times you'll see the shrouds ptoday. phigh pressure moves in from the pnorth. pi'll show you what that does for ptomorrow morning coming up. pmeantime, 44. pthat's it brookdale, bayshore. pstruggle for the mid 50s by noon pand pa high of 59 today. pchilly chilly. p>>vanessa: stay warm this pmorning. pmeantime, it is heating up on pthe roadways, especially on 275 pnorthbound. pyesterday morning we had a nice pbreak from the delays that we've pbeen seeing the past several pdays approaching dale mabry due pto the new traffic pattern and pnow the delays are back. pthis is a lye look near state proad 60 where you can see pnorthbound direction is moving pslow. pwe check this on the travel ptimes crossing the howard pfrankland bridge heading up to pthe interchange is now up to a p26 minute ride with some of the pslowest speeds just after you pget over the bridge. pwe do have a report of a crash pin pinella
psarasota, fewer clouds. pyou're at 43 degrees. pwe do have quite a bit of high pcloudiness streaming in from the psouth and west. pat times you'll see the shrouds ptoday. phigh pressure moves in from the pnorth. pi'll show you what that does for ptomorrow morning coming up. pmeantime, 44. pthat's it brookdale, bayshore. pstruggle for the mid 50s by noon pand pa high of 59 today. pchilly chilly. p>>vanessa: stay warm this pmorning. pmeantime, it is heating up on pthe roadways, especially...
Jan 18, 2016
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ought here pjoining me is matt with a psarasota county. pnow matt what is the important pthat go we can really learn pafter these tornadoes? p>> well there are certainly a ptime and a moment for all of us pto take a pulse check and see pwhat we have learned when we phave an event such as this. pthis is a good opportunity for pour residents to come and talk pwith us at sarasota county and ptalk about what kinds of things pthey can have on hand at their pevent. pthings such as pass permitting psurvey work, insurance pinformation, those important pdocuments, those important presources for homeowners to have pwhen there is such an awful pevent like we had recently. pnow i know you all sent a lot ptime out there yesterday you had pabout a thousand calls to home pand you had about 60 homes with roperty damage. pnow why is this important for phomeowners or condo owners to pcome out here and see their pthey need to do next? p>> well today is a great popportunity for our residents to pcome to one place and have it at ptheir hand all kinds of presou
ought here pjoining me is matt with a psarasota county. pnow matt what is the important pthat go we can really learn pafter these tornadoes? p>> well there are certainly a ptime and a moment for all of us pto take a pulse check and see pwhat we have learned when we phave an event such as this. pthis is a good opportunity for pour residents to come and talk pwith us at sarasota county and ptalk about what kinds of things pthey can have on hand at their pevent. pthings such as pass...
Jan 26, 2016
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psarasota 20. ptampa 15. pyou get the point. plook what is headed our way, not ptoday but for tomorrow. pyou see the rain developing out pover louisiana. palso out to the western gulf, psoutheast texas. pthat's all coming at us for ptomorrow, probably into thursday pbut at least for today, 72 pdegrees. ptomorrow 90% of the rain chance. pstill pretty high on thursday pmorning as well. pjen? p>>jennifer: slow traffic along pflorida avenue. psky fox just arrived on scene of pan accident along florida pavenue. pit's just south of bearss avenue pand only one lane is currently assing. pthis is affecting the southbound plane and fire rescue on scene as pwell. pwe're hearing a couple of pvehicles involved in the crash. ptalk to the sky fox helicopter ilot and figure out exactly pwhat's going on here. pcommuters need to know you're prunning into a slowdown. pgive yourself three to five pminutes until the southbound pwreck is clear. inellas county drivers, beware pof this crash. pthis is northbound 275 at the pstart of the exit ramp onto
psarasota 20. ptampa 15. pyou get the point. plook what is headed our way, not ptoday but for tomorrow. pyou see the rain developing out pover louisiana. palso out to the western gulf, psoutheast texas. pthat's all coming at us for ptomorrow, probably into thursday pbut at least for today, 72 pdegrees. ptomorrow 90% of the rain chance. pstill pretty high on thursday pmorning as well. pjen? p>>jennifer: slow traffic along pflorida avenue. psky fox just arrived on scene of pan accident...
Jan 10, 2016
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psarasota and south of you we phave showers moving along, pthough. pthey aren't around tuach longer. pneither will the 70s. pwe're in the 70s for some of us pby tomorrow morning 47 degrees, pand by tuesday 62. pa breezy day we were below the 88th southern parallel. we had traveled for over 850 miles. my men driven nearly mad from starvation and frostbite. today we make history. >>bienvenidos! welcome to the south pole! if you're dora the explorer, you explore. it's what you do. >>what took you so long? if you want to save fifteen percent or more on car insurance, you switch to geico. it's about time the taco...came out of its shell. unleash the power of dough. give it a pop. that sound. like nails on a chalkboard. but listen to this: (family talking) that's a different kind of sound. the sound of the weekend. unleash the power of dough. 3 it's 8:xx, looking at p>> alcides: the time is 8:43. plooking at stop stories a man pwas killed on fleischer avenue pon saturday morning. pdeputies say he crossed the pmedian and hit another car phead-on. phe was ki
psarasota and south of you we phave showers moving along, pthough. pthey aren't around tuach longer. pneither will the 70s. pwe're in the 70s for some of us pby tomorrow morning 47 degrees, pand by tuesday 62. pa breezy day we were below the 88th southern parallel. we had traveled for over 850 miles. my men driven nearly mad from starvation and frostbite. today we make history. >>bienvenidos! welcome to the south pole! if you're dora the explorer, you explore. it's what you do....
Jan 28, 2016
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pyou know what i mean citying psarasota russ, those had horns. pthat might have been one for rotection, but two torques pattract a mate. p>> and that triceratops just phow do you like me now? p>> all right. pit does make sense like at lot pof other an medicals. pincluding us. p>> we spend hours at the gym ptrying to get big. pit is true. pit's true. pif you think about it some eople do it to stay healthy pother do it to look better to pattract mate. pto be a protecter. pin our little way we're doing pthe same thing. pmillions of years later just in pa different way. pi don't know if it's sad or pimpressive that we progressed so pmuch and yet, we haven't rogressed at all. pyou know. pi i still can't grow a horn. pall right dave. pwe'll leave it there. p>> done. p>> we will get over to charley pbelcher right now find out what pnow? p>> i know it's hard to tell by plooking at me, you i'm not pi don't get in very often. pbut i'm in one now. pwe will tell you what's hot pborn in 1979. pone store is now 18 stores. pscattered throughout florida. pand we
pyou know what i mean citying psarasota russ, those had horns. pthat might have been one for rotection, but two torques pattract a mate. p>> and that triceratops just phow do you like me now? p>> all right. pit does make sense like at lot pof other an medicals. pincluding us. p>> we spend hours at the gym ptrying to get big. pit is true. pit's true. pif you think about it some eople do it to stay healthy pother do it to look better to pattract mate. pto be a protecter. pin our...
Jan 20, 2016
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psarasota at 44. pand it's much colder now than it pwas at 11:00 last night. pso i feel pretty confident the pforecast will work out. pthe air is dry. pdew points are in the 30s, that pmakes sense and the winds have pgone calm. eople say why is brooksville palways so cold? pcalm winds in brooksville, other pspots have wind. pwith that light wind, you get pthat effect of radiation of pcooling. pbreezy in st. pete. pfive miles per hour. pand freeze warning is up p1:00 a.m. to 9:00 a.m. and pspecific lows tonight. pwe're going 39 in tampa. p36 in brandon. pwhen you wake up tomorrow, phomes around you and on your pcar. p29 in brooksville, i'll be back ptalking about another cold pfront. pi'll discuss that in 15 minutes. p>>> developing tonight, two pmurder scenes in manatee county. pone in bradenton where a p38-year-old man was found dead. pand 9 miles away, a 23-year-old pwoman was discovered. pthey're trying to figure out if pthese are connected. p>> reporter: well, deputies pcan't say one way or the other pyet whether these killings are prelated, but they happe
psarasota at 44. pand it's much colder now than it pwas at 11:00 last night. pso i feel pretty confident the pforecast will work out. pthe air is dry. pdew points are in the 30s, that pmakes sense and the winds have pgone calm. eople say why is brooksville palways so cold? pcalm winds in brooksville, other pspots have wind. pwith that light wind, you get pthat effect of radiation of pcooling. pbreezy in st. pete. pfive miles per hour. pand freeze warning is up p1:00 a.m. to 9:00 a.m. and...
Jan 27, 2016
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prain on the shore in manatee and psarasota counties. pi think the trend tonight will pbe for rain to increase. pthose of you concerned about povernight severe weather, i pdon't see it from this initial pband. pthere just isn't enough pinstability and the air is pfairly cool, there's going to be psevere weather during the day ptomorrow. pbut there's still areas of heavy prain. pbradenton and some of the pheavier showers could contain psome gusty winds and a huge bat pof rain. pand then there's also more penergy on the backside with the pcold front so a combination of pmoisture from the south and an papproaching area of low pressure pto add up to a very wet and pstormy wednesday. pwe'll talk more about that and a pweekend preview coming up at p11:20. p>> we continue to follow now a pnews alert out of st. pete where pofficials are on the scene of a pdeadly crash. pa woman riding on a motorized pwheelchair was hit and killed. pthat's where the driver of a plexus accidently hit the woman. pshe's 43 years old. pthe intersection is expected to
prain on the shore in manatee and psarasota counties. pi think the trend tonight will pbe for rain to increase. pthose of you concerned about povernight severe weather, i pdon't see it from this initial pband. pthere just isn't enough pinstability and the air is pfairly cool, there's going to be psevere weather during the day ptomorrow. pbut there's still areas of heavy prain. pbradenton and some of the pheavier showers could contain psome gusty winds and a huge bat pof rain. pand then there's...
Jan 17, 2016
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pvery, very scary morning in psarasota and manatee counties. pthank you so much. ptalk to you soon. p>> alcides: it's 7:33. pa quick check of the headlines a pbraeden denton man is behind bar paccuse ing of molesting girls punder 10. portiz lived in the same house as pthese girls, and investigators pbelieve the abuse has been going pon for three years. psantos ortiz is charged with psexual battery and lewd pmolestation of a victim under 12 pyears old. p>>> hundreds of bikers hit the proad to honor the life of one of ptheir brothers. pyesterday they traveled from plutz to st. pete in memory of pmatthew. phe was killed on new year's eve pin seminole. pa drunk driver turned into the phis final facebook post went pviral after his death. phe reflected on 2015 and said, i preally don't know where i'll end pup tonight, but i do know where pi wind up is where i was meant pto be. p>>> the hunt is on for invasive pburmese pythons in the wetlands. pmore than 500 people have signed pup for the second annual python pchallenge. pmoney will be awarded to the phunters who capture the most and plarg
pvery, very scary morning in psarasota and manatee counties. pthank you so much. ptalk to you soon. p>> alcides: it's 7:33. pa quick check of the headlines a pbraeden denton man is behind bar paccuse ing of molesting girls punder 10. portiz lived in the same house as pthese girls, and investigators pbelieve the abuse has been going pon for three years. psantos ortiz is charged with psexual battery and lewd pmolestation of a victim under 12 pyears old. p>>> hundreds of bikers hit...
Jan 12, 2016
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pspringhill down to 38, same for psarasota and land o lakes. paround tampa bay you will stay p40s to low 50s and pinellas, 44 pdegrees in tampa, 43 or so in lant city. pwarmer on the coast from pmanatee and sarasota. pmyakka city is down, and phighest tomorrow will top off pin the low to mid 60s. pthe european model, we always phave good faith in that model, pthe gulf of mexico. pthen, by early friday, there pwill be a band of rain and snow pis going by. pthat goes by saturday or friday pnight. pthere will be another area of penergy rolling along the psubtropical jet, could be panother period of rain pdeveloping on sunday. pthat's what happens during pthese el nic winters. prapid weather changes, and it pis tough to predict more than a pcouple of days out because the pjet is moving so fast that the pmodels cannot handle the pintensity or the speed of those plows. pthe seven days are always pchanging, almost day by day. plow clouds down to 44. pson tomorrow with more clouds. pin the cool side with 60s. pwe cloud up on thursday and pthere could b
pspringhill down to 38, same for psarasota and land o lakes. paround tampa bay you will stay p40s to low 50s and pinellas, 44 pdegrees in tampa, 43 or so in lant city. pwarmer on the coast from pmanatee and sarasota. pmyakka city is down, and phighest tomorrow will top off pin the low to mid 60s. pthe european model, we always phave good faith in that model, pthe gulf of mexico. pthen, by early friday, there pwill be a band of rain and snow pis going by. pthat goes by saturday or friday pnight....
Jan 25, 2016
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psarasota has a 62. p65 as you head down towards psebring so we'll see the warming ptemperatures over the next pseveral days, but do you know pwhat? pwe have to get another front pheading our way which could pbring us some severe weather as pwe head into wednesday and pthursday. plook at the rest of the country pto our north where they saw psnowfall totals, over 24 inches pin some cases, up to 30 inches pof snow. pwith weather we've had. pwe'll talk more about the pweather in a bit. p>> thanks. pa developing story out of plant pcity. olice are investigating a phomicide. pas ken reports, a man was shot pinside his own home. p>>reporter: a murder mystery phere in plant city. pthis all started sunday, a plittle after 5:00. pthe plant city police department pgets a call, a 911 call and they psay a gentleman, 36 years old, pstreet. pthey're looking for a suspect pright now. pthey were throughout the night. pthe guy that really knows about pthis is standing next to me. pthis is sergeant al, a pspokesperson for
psarasota has a 62. p65 as you head down towards psebring so we'll see the warming ptemperatures over the next pseveral days, but do you know pwhat? pwe have to get another front pheading our way which could pbring us some severe weather as pwe head into wednesday and pthursday. plook at the rest of the country pto our north where they saw psnowfall totals, over 24 inches pin some cases, up to 30 inches pof snow. pwith weather we've had. pwe'll talk more about the pweather in a bit. p>>...
Jan 31, 2016
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pmid-50s down i-75 from venice to psarasota. pyou're boat at 54, 55 prespectively. pit's 53 in bartow and frostproof pand lake placid. pthe clouds are back today. pthey're high in nature, though, pso i don't anticipate rain. pit's going to be a dry day. pas high pressure continues to pto get more of that southerly pcomponent to the winds, that preturn flow. pthat's the keyword there. pwarmer temperatures, which we pwill notice today. pwinds are lie out of the east, pbut they shift and that will get prid of dew points which are low pand comfy in the 40s and 50s and pbring in a muggy air mass. pif you have boating plans pmid-week, we'll get to a setup pwhere we see some sea fog pwednesday morning, possibly ptuesday during the day as well. pthough. phow about 68 at lunchtime and 71 pthis time of year. pon track for a seasonable day. pif you live into our southern pcounties, some may make it into pthe mid-70s. pwe go from 71 today to 80 pdegrees on tuesday and then pthursday back to 74 because pthat's our next cold front. pthat will give us our next pdecent chance for r
pmid-50s down i-75 from venice to psarasota. pyou're boat at 54, 55 prespectively. pit's 53 in bartow and frostproof pand lake placid. pthe clouds are back today. pthey're high in nature, though, pso i don't anticipate rain. pit's going to be a dry day. pas high pressure continues to pto get more of that southerly pcomponent to the winds, that preturn flow. pthat's the keyword there. pwarmer temperatures, which we pwill notice today. pwinds are lie out of the east, pbut they shift and that will...
Jan 27, 2016
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psarasota, into bradenton and phardee county. pand into dpe so to county. pstill, many areas i've already icked up an inch of rain or pmore. pwe're going add to that total pwith this round of rain. pbut front itself still back phere. pso we're going to have to deal pwith this on and off. plikely for the next let's say 24 pto 30 hours. pthen we'll finally clear this pwhole system through the area. pit's mild, mid to upper 60s. pthere's a ton of cloud cover out pthere. pto be hon's when abreak out into psunshine today, all that's going pto do, destabilize the patmosphere overall away every pgot lot ingredients coming ptogether to bring more heavy prain. pagain your second round of rain pright down here, which is moving ptoward west central and psouthwest florida over the next pcouple of hours. pmy best advice, got to do panything outdoor right now get pit done. pbut keep your skytower radar app phandy. pbecause you will see as that pline is approaching coastline pinto 72 for high temperature ptoday. ptonight, rain storms, 62. pand tomorrow it looks like puppe
psarasota, into bradenton and phardee county. pand into dpe so to county. pstill, many areas i've already icked up an inch of rain or pmore. pwe're going add to that total pwith this round of rain. pbut front itself still back phere. pso we're going to have to deal pwith this on and off. plikely for the next let's say 24 pto 30 hours. pthen we'll finally clear this pwhole system through the area. pit's mild, mid to upper 60s. pthere's a ton of cloud cover out pthere. pto be hon's when abreak...
Jan 26, 2016
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pbradenton 61 degrees in psarasota. pstate wide you've got 60s in ensacola. pmid 70s for west palm. pand miami. phere's your visible satellite. pwhile sun is poking through a plittle bit again my term i call eekaboo sunshine. pin general we will go for pincreasing cloud cover today. pout in advance of our next weary pnorth and the west. pand as that front combined with pmoisture, combined with an area pof low pressure develop, they pall conversion on our state and pwatch the future cast, again, pthis just one computer model. pbut some of them are bringing prain in a little bit earlier. pmaybe tomorrow during the pmorning commute versus the lunch ptime hours. pso we will on guard for that. pthere is poernl for heavy raun pthroughout day tomorrow. ptomorrow evening you can see it pthere, and maybe extending even pinto thursday morning as well. pwith many computer model redicting an inch or two of prain. ptoday looks fine. pnice, mild, 72 degrees for a phigh temperature. preally cloudy. pthickening clouds clouds tonight prain late early tomorrow pextending into thursday as well. plet's
pbradenton 61 degrees in psarasota. pstate wide you've got 60s in ensacola. pmid 70s for west palm. pand miami. phere's your visible satellite. pwhile sun is poking through a plittle bit again my term i call eekaboo sunshine. pin general we will go for pincreasing cloud cover today. pout in advance of our next weary pnorth and the west. pand as that front combined with pmoisture, combined with an area pof low pressure develop, they pall conversion on our state and pwatch the future cast, again,...
Jan 18, 2016
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pbig clean up begins today in psarasota and manatee counties. ptornadoes moved through the area pyesterday morning. preally powerful ones too fox 13 pwhere some of the worst damage phappened. pgood morning, shayla. p>> hi, good morning to you. pa lot of folks are going to be pcleaning up today and trying to pgo through and determine what if panything they can save after pthat tornado. pright now i'm heir with tammy. pyour mother lived at this home pbehind me. pand described for me to see it pthis way. pyou grew up here too. phow difficult it? p>> you just really can't pdescribe it. pit's unbelievable. pand the backside of the house, pthere's nothing there. pit looks like it was a one pstory. peverything was just pushed pforward on to my mom. pand when you say pushed forward pon to your mom you got here retty quickly mom was right pupstairs there above the garage. ptell me what you saw when you parrived yesterday. p>> she was actually her bedroom pin the back of the house and all psliding glass doors. pand when she heard the wind pshaking she got
pbig clean up begins today in psarasota and manatee counties. ptornadoes moved through the area pyesterday morning. preally powerful ones too fox 13 pwhere some of the worst damage phappened. pgood morning, shayla. p>> hi, good morning to you. pa lot of folks are going to be pcleaning up today and trying to pgo through and determine what if panything they can save after pthat tornado. pright now i'm heir with tammy. pyour mother lived at this home pbehind me. pand described for me to see...
Jan 20, 2016
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pwe slide south, we'll do a 40 in psarasota. p38 in lakewood ranch. pinland, low temperatures in the p30s and low 40s. pwe warm up to the mid 60s ptomorrow. ptonight, clear and cold with atchy frost. pwe're down to 39 in town. pbright but still chilly tomorrow pand 64. pone warmer day. pthat comes up on thursday. artly cloudy and milder, back pin the 70s. pand then we have to track this pcold front. pwe'll watch it because any one pof these fronts in an el nino pwinter has a potential chance pfor severe rain. psaturday is going to be very pcold and windy. p>>> thanks, paul. pthe search for three americans p>> who may have in this line of work only the freshest ingredients make the cut it's important to me to know every dish i serve is the best it can be. especially for this food critic. publix bakery scratch made bread we bake it in store every day with pride so you can serve it with some p>>> developing tonight, the pcoast guard suspending its psearch for 12 marines missing poff the coast of hawaii. p>> it's believed that their phelicopters collided
pwe slide south, we'll do a 40 in psarasota. p38 in lakewood ranch. pinland, low temperatures in the p30s and low 40s. pwe warm up to the mid 60s ptomorrow. ptonight, clear and cold with atchy frost. pwe're down to 39 in town. pbright but still chilly tomorrow pand 64. pone warmer day. pthat comes up on thursday. artly cloudy and milder, back pin the 70s. pand then we have to track this pcold front. pwe'll watch it because any one pof these fronts in an el nino pwinter has a potential chance...
Jan 18, 2016
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p45 in frost proof and 46 in psarasota so looking back at this ptime yesterday, these are big pchanges. p21 degrees cooler in st. pete. ptemperature trend is below paverage through wednesday. pthen late in the week, we bring pin warmth and then we watch some pthunderstorm chances creep back pin. pover the weekend, we had some pvery active weather sunday pmorning. ptwo people were killed in a pmobile home. pthese were ef 2 tornados, not pthe type we typically see in the ptornados, we may see them pfrequently during the winter pseason. plet's look at the cleanup from pthe awful storms. pi'll send it outside to shayla preaves in sarasota county. pgood morning. p>>reporter: good morning to you. pdebris like this, you can find pit all over the road here off pbay winds lane. ieces of wood scattered about, pwhole yards covered with it. pand if you take a look back over phere, you can see just how ex pextensive that was to a home phere at the end of the cul de psac. pthere was once a roof, once a psecond floor. pnow it is intermingled with pfurniture and debris. pthere's a vehicle still there
p45 in frost proof and 46 in psarasota so looking back at this ptime yesterday, these are big pchanges. p21 degrees cooler in st. pete. ptemperature trend is below paverage through wednesday. pthen late in the week, we bring pin warmth and then we watch some pthunderstorm chances creep back pin. pover the weekend, we had some pvery active weather sunday pmorning. ptwo people were killed in a pmobile home. pthese were ef 2 tornados, not pthe type we typically see in the ptornados, we may see...
Jan 29, 2016
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psame for brandon, bradenton, psarasota, venice, 54 as popular pnumber here a 9 o'clock. p50 degrees even crystal river. pname a few. pwe're going to get some decent psunshine out of this deal today. phighs should make this way back pinto the mid 60s. pwhich technically gentlemen pbelow normal. pbut as you get into tomorrow, pand gasparilla forecast, it's preal nice. phigh temperatures there flirting pwith 70 degrees. pgood morning vanessa. pgood morning. pand oldsmar we still have lane pclosures from an earlier crash. pif you're just joining us a pstill shot from when skyfox flew pover state road 5580 near bay pview boulevard. pwe saw some eastbound lane pblockage, along 580 as well as pwe're getting tweets from pviewers saying bay view is pcompletely shut down you will pwant to aavoid area serious pinjuries reported. pand of course more details on pthis one to come. p>> happen thing today, big step pforward in fight for equal pay. pwhite house is expected to a pformally announce a new proposal pthat would work to close the gap pbetween men and women in the pwork place.
psame for brandon, bradenton, psarasota, venice, 54 as popular pnumber here a 9 o'clock. p50 degrees even crystal river. pname a few. pwe're going to get some decent psunshine out of this deal today. phighs should make this way back pinto the mid 60s. pwhich technically gentlemen pbelow normal. pbut as you get into tomorrow, pand gasparilla forecast, it's preal nice. phigh temperatures there flirting pwith 70 degrees. pgood morning vanessa. pgood morning. pand oldsmar we still have lane...
Jan 10, 2016
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pby monday morning waking up near pabout 40 in brooksville, 47 in ptampa, low 50s in manatee and psarasota counties, and that's a pchillier change. pour average low is 51. pwe'll be below that in tampa for pseveral days. pturning cooler and breezy and a pslim, early rain chance. ptonight partial clearing not puntil late so plan on the clouds pfor tonight. pback to work and back to school, pbundle up tomorrow morning as pwe'll be in the 40s and only 62 pin the afternoon. plots of people wearing boots. pmostly sunny and crisp into the pafternoon. pcaution issued offshore later on ptoday. pseas are up 4 to 6 feet. plow tide is at 8:40. phere's my seven-day forecast. pyou'll have a reinforcing cool pshot mid-week and a disturbance pfrom the west sometime late pthursday or friday. pthat's our next round of pembedded storms. pwe keep a close eye. p>> alcides: thank, as i punderstand lindsay. p>> anjuli: visitors to the pinternational consumer pelectronics show got a look at ptech way ahead of its time. p>> you're looking at the typhoon pedge drone powered by real psense, and this is the future.
pby monday morning waking up near pabout 40 in brooksville, 47 in ptampa, low 50s in manatee and psarasota counties, and that's a pchillier change. pour average low is 51. pwe'll be below that in tampa for pseveral days. pturning cooler and breezy and a pslim, early rain chance. ptonight partial clearing not puntil late so plan on the clouds pfor tonight. pback to work and back to school, pbundle up tomorrow morning as pwe'll be in the 40s and only 62 pin the afternoon. plots of people wearing...
Jan 17, 2016
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can run pit is an area where fortunately peveryone is like that but pmother nature did not spare psarasota when it came to ptornado damage. pthere was not a single home on pthe wind driving sarasota that pdid not have downed trees and proof at the park or window pshattered. p>> anchor: we get a closer plook at the damage. p>> reporter: homes blocked in pby debris and trees that are plike dominoes. pthe devastation seems unreal pfor residents on sarasota's bay pwinds drive. p>> man: i lived on this block psince 1976, i have seen the pwhole street developed and i pthe whole street destroyed. p>> reporter: at least one ptornado is believed to have ptouched down on the streets paround 3:00 a.m. sunday. p>> man: all of a sudden i pheard a sound like never heard pbefore. p>> reporter: for don garvey it pwas the sound of his group pripping apart. phe says he is fortunate the pdamage was not severe. pbut just one look at his pneighbor's home and you will psee everyone was not so lucky. p>> woman: it is really really pawful. pit is terrible. p>> man: these were the nicest phouse in the neighborhood
can run pit is an area where fortunately peveryone is like that but pmother nature did not spare psarasota when it came to ptornado damage. pthere was not a single home on pthe wind driving sarasota that pdid not have downed trees and proof at the park or window pshattered. p>> anchor: we get a closer plook at the damage. p>> reporter: homes blocked in pby debris and trees that are plike dominoes. pthe devastation seems unreal pfor residents on sarasota's bay pwinds drive. p>>...
Jan 7, 2016
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pwe're down a half mile or so in psarasota and venice but notice ptampa international, still preporting 10 miles visibility. pthat fog is not quite at the psurface. pit's just above the surface and pi'm thinking that maybe some of pthese northeast winds we have paround eight, 10 miles an hour pare kind of helping the psituation out this morning. pnonetheless, sun will be up in a pfew minutes and we'll start the rocess of getting rid of some p57 in st. petersburg. pupper 50s as well in psoutheastern portions of polk pcounty, down through highlands pcounty so our temperatures this pmorning are a couple of degrees pwarmer than yesterday at this ptime and there it is. pthat five to 15 mile-per-hour pwind and i think the winds were pcalm, just calm everywhere, i pthink we would have a huge roblem this morning. pbut mostly just above the psurface, even though it looks pkind of gloomy, looking for pafternoon sunshine today. pas we do, that will bring temps pback up to the 70s. pbut quickly, this disturbance pmoves through tomorrow, late ptonight, tomorrow. pthat's going to bring us a pcouple o
pwe're down a half mile or so in psarasota and venice but notice ptampa international, still preporting 10 miles visibility. pthat fog is not quite at the psurface. pit's just above the surface and pi'm thinking that maybe some of pthese northeast winds we have paround eight, 10 miles an hour pare kind of helping the psituation out this morning. pnonetheless, sun will be up in a pfew minutes and we'll start the rocess of getting rid of some p57 in st. petersburg. pupper 50s as well in...
Jan 7, 2016
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pmid 50s from bradenton, psarasota, uniform temperatures pmeaning we're all within a few pdegrees of each other because of pall the low cloud cover we're pdealing with this morning. ponce the low clouds burn off and pwe crank out even a little bit pdidn't hit that 70-degree mark pyesterday was, we had those plittle showers come through pmiddle of the afternoon. prather than getting a little psunshine, which would have pbrought us upper 70 today, i pthink we'll get a little psunshine but then quickly, the pthicker clouds will come right pback in. phere's your disturbance that's pgoing to come swinging through pthe area for tomorrow. pand then in the wake of that, pyou've got that big cold front pin the four corners area of the pcountry and that's saturday's pweather. pevery day it's like, okay. pa little sunshine, back this pafternoon. pcloud it right back up, a little psunshine saturday morning, pclouding right back up. pit's fast, progressive pattern. psometimes you get a difficult pforecast because it's going so pquickly, everything changes at pthe drop of a dime. pwe'll go 74 for
pmid 50s from bradenton, psarasota, uniform temperatures pmeaning we're all within a few pdegrees of each other because of pall the low cloud cover we're pdealing with this morning. ponce the low clouds burn off and pwe crank out even a little bit pdidn't hit that 70-degree mark pyesterday was, we had those plittle showers come through pmiddle of the afternoon. prather than getting a little psunshine, which would have pbrought us upper 70 today, i pthink we'll get a little psunshine but then...
Jan 26, 2016
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ptwo different movies explore the pstory of a journalist in psarasota who shot and killed pherself during a live broadcast pin 1974. pone is called christine, a pfictionalized depiction of her pthe other is an experimental pdocumentary called kate plays pchristie. pit's about an actress preparing pto portray her. pin both cases the film makers psay they had to deal with the pfact there's very little pinformation out there about her. pmoments before she shot herself, pshe was cited as the inspiration pfor the 1979 oscar winning film, pnetwork. p>>laura: that was a haunting pstory, too. pbritish explorer died as he ptried to trek across ant arctic pa unaided. phe was a former army officer pfrom london. pdoctors were not able to save phim. phis wife says he died of pcomplete organ failure. phe began the coast to coast trek pin november. phis plan was to cross the pcontinent with no supply drops phe raised roughly $100,000 for pwounded soldiers. irates want the key to the city pbut mayor buckhorn won't go down pwithout a fight. pfire the can onz. pthere's a fight meet martha, a beluga of a th
ptwo different movies explore the pstory of a journalist in psarasota who shot and killed pherself during a live broadcast pin 1974. pone is called christine, a pfictionalized depiction of her pthe other is an experimental pdocumentary called kate plays pchristie. pit's about an actress preparing pto portray her. pin both cases the film makers psay they had to deal with the pfact there's very little pinformation out there about her. pmoments before she shot herself, pshe was cited as the...
Jan 31, 2016
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p61 in inverness 65 down in pzephyrhills on to south 68 psarasota. p68 for you in venice. p68 inglewood as well 66 in waugh pchao la. p66 lake placid 66 frostproof. pmost area mid to upper 60s. pwide view shows we continue to pget high clouds just funneling pin off that sub tropical jet. pwe talk about this active sub ptropical jet. ploads of moisture coming in from afk that continues but you can psee this clearing line now into pthe western gulf. pthat starts to make it is way phere as we get day tomorrow. pi think we do flip the switch pback toward a little bit more psun for afternoon on monday. pthe wider view satellite and pradar shows that cloud cover. phigh pressure still in control pkeeping us dry. pmeanwhile to the north seeing prain and sfe snow showers across pmidwest. prain showers making this way pnew england. pback to the west, this is a next pbig system we'll talking about. pthis area of low pressure pcurrently in california, the otential even for some severe pweather for them. pthat's starts to move eastward pover next couple of days. pmeets that cold air in
p61 in inverness 65 down in pzephyrhills on to south 68 psarasota. p68 for you in venice. p68 inglewood as well 66 in waugh pchao la. p66 lake placid 66 frostproof. pmost area mid to upper 60s. pwide view shows we continue to pget high clouds just funneling pin off that sub tropical jet. pwe talk about this active sub ptropical jet. ploads of moisture coming in from afk that continues but you can psee this clearing line now into pthe western gulf. pthat starts to make it is way phere as we get...
Jan 13, 2016
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p>> there's still the city that pyou hear the name, you know, psarasota or even tampa, you pknow, and i couldn't really put pit on the map. pnow i knew. pi've been around and this is a preally nice area. p>>walter: these three are on a pmission for education, not only pfor themselves but for the eople they meet learn a thing por two as well. pfirst charley belcher is at the prv show. pnow, that there is an rv. pdon't you go fall in love with pit. pwe're taking it with us when we pleave here next month. p>>charley: are you serious, pclark? pare you serious, clark? pwell done. pwell done, cousin eddie. pyou're the cousin eddie to my pclark griswold. pthat's our relationship. pi like that. pi'm at the rv supershow. pwhat a great place to come, pfantasize a little bit about the popen road, maybe weekend pgetaways. pbegins today and goes through pthe weekend. pyou can drool and kick some ptires and get in about anything. pstick around, folks. pwe all try to p>>russell: some concerning news p>>laura: the islamic state's web paffiliates is growing faster pthan al qaeda's ever did. pthat's ac
p>> there's still the city that pyou hear the name, you know, psarasota or even tampa, you pknow, and i couldn't really put pit on the map. pnow i knew. pi've been around and this is a preally nice area. p>>walter: these three are on a pmission for education, not only pfor themselves but for the eople they meet learn a thing por two as well. pfirst charley belcher is at the prv show. pnow, that there is an rv. pdon't you go fall in love with pit. pwe're taking it with us when we...
Jan 22, 2016
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will decide pif a pair of brothers in psarasota will face federal pcrimes. pthey're accused of shining a plaser light in the eyes of a psheriff's office helicopter. pthis is video from inside the pcockpit. pas you can see the splash of plight hits the cockpit. pit didn't cause what officials pcause flash blindness to the ilots when these lasers are pdeputies were able to track down pthe brothers in short order. p>> even if it doesn't hit you pdirectly in the eyes, if it hits pthe aircraft, the windshield of pthe aircraft, the aircraft will pdefuse the light and light up pthe entire cockpit. pthey think it's a toy. pnot realizing how dangerous it pis. p>>laura: both brothers bonded pout of jail last night. ptwo were also facing drug pcharges after deputies found pot pin their house. p>>russell: scary moments for a pfather last night in tampa. phe and his 7-year-old son were pheaded to miami on a bus when it pstopped at a terminal around p7:00. pthe dad got off to use the rest proom. pwhen he came back, the bus left. phe tried to chase down the bus pdriver but
will decide pif a pair of brothers in psarasota will face federal pcrimes. pthey're accused of shining a plaser light in the eyes of a psheriff's office helicopter. pthis is video from inside the pcockpit. pas you can see the splash of plight hits the cockpit. pit didn't cause what officials pcause flash blindness to the ilots when these lasers are pdeputies were able to track down pthe brothers in short order. p>> even if it doesn't hit you pdirectly in the eyes, if it hits pthe...
Jan 21, 2016
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psarasota, venice both at 68 pdegrees. plakewood ranch, myakka city pcurrently both sitting at 70 pdegrees. pand primarily 60s throughout pinterior, few locations popping pinto the 70s. psebring and lake placid. pboth at 70 degrees. phead over to haines city, and pbut over the past 24 hours. pwe continue that warming trend. pyou can see we're running pbetween 8, 9, ten, 11 degrees pwarmer compared to this time pyesterday. pbut we've got that cold front pwhich will be heading in our pdirection. pright now we've got a lot of mid pand high level clouds moving pacross the state. pyou can see scattered showers pacross the northern gulf coast. pand then there you see that red pbox, that's a tornado watch for ortions of louisiana back into ptexas. pso some very active weather palong this boundary that area of plow pressure starting to get pcranked up. pbut, last week, through weekend pwe had that one area of low ressure that developed and pmoved a bit further to the psouth. pthis one is going to move pfurther on towards the north
psarasota, venice both at 68 pdegrees. plakewood ranch, myakka city pcurrently both sitting at 70 pdegrees. pand primarily 60s throughout pinterior, few locations popping pinto the 70s. psebring and lake placid. pboth at 70 degrees. phead over to haines city, and pbut over the past 24 hours. pwe continue that warming trend. pyou can see we're running pbetween 8, 9, ten, 11 degrees pwarmer compared to this time pyesterday. pbut we've got that cold front pwhich will be heading in our pdirection....
Jan 28, 2016
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a live look outside right pha3 3 3 p>>> hey everybody i'm charley pbelcher coming to you from a psarasota today. pto tell you about a richard's pfoodporium health food natural pfoods and specialty item is ptheir specialty and all paffordable is there specialty as pwell. pif you come in look foggy prichard you won't find him. pjohn, john owns play now. p18 locations scattered all preally small business continues pto get bigger and bigger. pwe are. pwe want to grow concentrically pfrom our sarasota base. pbut our goal is to spread pthroughout florida and hopefully pthe nation one day. p>> good for you. pthat was richard's dream was to phave a richard's in every pneighborhood. phow do you describe this store pto people when them say p1-800-your foodporium tell me pfoods store affordable foods pbringing natural foods to the pconsumers affordably. pbut also the fact that we're plocal, we build relationships, pwe're like natural foods pconvenience store if you will. pi love feeling i get when i walk pin here maybe red walls maybe pwood floors but it feels a plittle old fashioned like a pgeneral
a live look outside right pha3 3 3 p>>> hey everybody i'm charley pbelcher coming to you from a psarasota today. pto tell you about a richard's pfoodporium health food natural pfoods and specialty item is ptheir specialty and all paffordable is there specialty as pwell. pif you come in look foggy prichard you won't find him. pjohn, john owns play now. p18 locations scattered all preally small business continues pto get bigger and bigger. pwe are. pwe want to grow concentrically pfrom...
Jan 20, 2016
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p>>> there are many tears in psarasota county courthouse today pas mother accused of killing her pown child plead out. pkristin berry was facing paggravated manslaughter of a pchild. pher husband joseph walsh after ptheir nine-year-old baby chance pdisappeared. pthe couple kept changing story pabout what had actually happened pto their baby. pthe detectives eventually found pbaby buried in a woods see area pto northport. ptoday kristin berry agreed to 25 pyears in prison. pher own mother told us that pisn't wasn't enough. p>> i can't say that i'm pleased pwith today's outcome. punderstand i will always love my pdaughter, she's my flesh and pblood as chance was to her. pand fortunately i do have at pmother instinct. pso this is extremely difficult. pbut justice needs to be done. pand we don't feel the sentence pwas strong enough. pher child at all costs. pand that wasn't done. pif berry does not testify ptruthfully or changes her mind pthe plea will be voided. p>> also developing in manatee pcounty two mysterious deaths two pcrime scenes but was it all prelated? pan as fox 13s shayla r
p>>> there are many tears in psarasota county courthouse today pas mother accused of killing her pown child plead out. pkristin berry was facing paggravated manslaughter of a pchild. pher husband joseph walsh after ptheir nine-year-old baby chance pdisappeared. pthe couple kept changing story pabout what had actually happened pto their baby. pthe detectives eventually found pbaby buried in a woods see area pto northport. ptoday kristin berry agreed to 25 pyears in prison. pher own...
Jan 29, 2016
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p>> a man hired to clear a psarasota neighborhood is accused pof a taking advantage of people pwho was hired to help. pdeputies say 26-year-old man is pa supervisor of lawn care pcompany accused of a breaking pinto at least two homes in pmeadows neighborhood and pburglarizing them. pfirst was in december. pthe second was just last week. pdetectives say they found his pfingerprints on both crime pscenes and they are now trying pto figure out if he's connected pto more burglaries in that pneighborhood. ace world health organization pwas not expecting. pand now the obama administration psays it doing what it can to try pto sta ahead. pvirus spread by mosquitos it has plinked to birth defects. pjust yesterday health department pin new york city confirmed a regnant woman got it after ptraveling outside of the u.s. palready been nearly 4 thousand pcases zika link. phere in u.s. 31 cases reported pamong u.s. citizens who ptravelled to affected areas. pthat include two in miami dade. pand one in hillsborough county. pcdc is warning against traveling pto several latin american pcountries to des
p>> a man hired to clear a psarasota neighborhood is accused pof a taking advantage of people pwho was hired to help. pdeputies say 26-year-old man is pa supervisor of lawn care pcompany accused of a breaking pinto at least two homes in pmeadows neighborhood and pburglarizing them. pfirst was in december. pthe second was just last week. pdetectives say they found his pfingerprints on both crime pscenes and they are now trying pto figure out if he's connected pto more burglaries in that...
Jan 20, 2016
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psarasota county woman is accused pof stealing from elderly people pin a nursing home. pthe woman admitted to stealing pvenice where she worked. psince october she has stolen pmore than $12,000 worth of cash pand jewelry from residents. pshe told police she did it to ay for utility bills and pclearwater police are looking pfor a man who robbed a church. psurveillance video shows the man pwalking into the church. olice say he broke open the pdonation box and took $50 from pinside. pchurch leaders say the man is pused to help the poor. pchurch says that if the man had preached out to the church and pasked, they would have gladly phelped him. p>>russell: 6:32 right now. pthis is one of those stories. olice say he stole a puppy and pthen traded it for crack pcocaine. pthe pet store wants it back. palcides segui is live and it's pall about puppies in pinellas pcounty this morning. p>>reporter: so apparently the phalf this size here, and this is pa very, very little dog. pthe one that was stolen was p$1600. pthat's why it was taken. pit was sold for crack cocaine. proich ard
psarasota county woman is accused pof stealing from elderly people pin a nursing home. pthe woman admitted to stealing pvenice where she worked. psince october she has stolen pmore than $12,000 worth of cash pand jewelry from residents. pshe told police she did it to ay for utility bills and pclearwater police are looking pfor a man who robbed a church. psurveillance video shows the man pwalking into the church. olice say he broke open the pdonation box and took $50 from pinside. pchurch...
Jan 18, 2016
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pgetting a first hand look at the pmess that's in left behind by an pef 2 tornado we will go live to psarasota next. pbut first we will check in with pken suarez braving cold weather pmade. pken. p>> hey guys look whattive, a pgun. robably not a good idea. pbut we're going to do it anyway. pwe're now at the range at the al pif i a river rendezvous right pnow. pi can shoot this darn thing. the new caramel macchiato from dunkin' donuts. and a caramel-flavored swirl uplift your mood. indulge in a hot or iced macchiato today. find your sweet spot today with dunkin's chicken apple sausage sandwich. enjoy sweet apple and savory sausage together for under 400 calories. america runs on dunkin'. eople cries at bay area waking ptraveled through duet, siesta pkey sarasota, winds from storm pwere clocked over 120 miles an phour. pthis is what happens when the pwinds get that high. p>> for some it is clean up and precovery is just beginning. pfox 13's shayla reeves is live pfor news sarasota county right pnow. pyou're taking a look at all the pdamage, the sun comes up. pdevastation is even more clear, prig
pgetting a first hand look at the pmess that's in left behind by an pef 2 tornado we will go live to psarasota next. pbut first we will check in with pken suarez braving cold weather pmade. pken. p>> hey guys look whattive, a pgun. robably not a good idea. pbut we're going to do it anyway. pwe're now at the range at the al pif i a river rendezvous right pnow. pi can shoot this darn thing. the new caramel macchiato from dunkin' donuts. and a caramel-flavored swirl uplift your mood. indulge...
Jan 19, 2016
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pand also lakeland, bradenton psarasota, venice area. pocala. pall way down, yeah. pand tampa bay area we're about a psix or seven stores. pall of it can found in watson pkitchen.com. pthat's best. pinstead of he's going list a pcouple places you can find them pand all of those stories will be pmad at them. pwatson kitchen.com. pwe will put that a fox 13 pnews.com. pyou can get a whole list of pwhere you can buy the product if pyou want to support the home pteam and support. pwhy are you making your mom do pall that work? p>> this is typical. pmarvin is just talking away and. pthis batch will make between 160 pto 165 jars of jam. pthis is, about a normal batch pfor us. pgreen tomatoes we did today was pa small bash. pfive days a week, 40 hours plus. pit's a full time job. pgenerally we are, five days a pweek in here. pwe may not cook every day. pwe usually cook about four days pa week but we're here five days pa week, because we also have to psell things. ptoo. pbut you know, that's smells pfantastic. pall right. pnext segment what are we going pto show? p>> well we
pand also lakeland, bradenton psarasota, venice area. pocala. pall way down, yeah. pand tampa bay area we're about a psix or seven stores. pall of it can found in watson pkitchen.com. pthat's best. pinstead of he's going list a pcouple places you can find them pand all of those stories will be pmad at them. pwatson kitchen.com. pwe will put that a fox 13 pnews.com. pyou can get a whole list of pwhere you can buy the product if pyou want to support the home pteam and support. pwhy are you making...
Jan 26, 2016
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pete and manatee psarasota campuses are already psmoke free. p>> 8:06 right now 45 states palready allow gun owners to popening carry their weapons. pwill florida become number 46 in pthe answer is no. pif tampa mayor bob buckhorn two ptop local law enforcement office pget their way mayor buckhorn olice chief and state attorney pmark ober are speaking out pagainst bill that would allow pconcealed carry permit holders pto openly carry firearms. psupporters believe it will rotect those that accidently pflash their weapons at police. pbut at least three officials pshowing strong opposition say it pwould put the police and public pat risk cause confusion and pbelieve that it might keep tour pbill already passed two florida phouse committee and goes before pa third one on thursday morning. phouse. pwhether it will pass the senate pis up in air. pjust last week a senate pcommittee rejected a campus pcarry bill and a chairman psuggested the same thing would phappen with an open carry bill. p>> do you have a child that ploves to smile and ham it up and
pete and manatee psarasota campuses are already psmoke free. p>> 8:06 right now 45 states palready allow gun owners to popening carry their weapons. pwill florida become number 46 in pthe answer is no. pif tampa mayor bob buckhorn two ptop local law enforcement office pget their way mayor buckhorn olice chief and state attorney pmark ober are speaking out pagainst bill that would allow pconcealed carry permit holders pto openly carry firearms. psupporters believe it will rotect those that...
Jan 27, 2016
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psarasota police are pinvestigating a deadly crash pinvolving a pedestrian. pthey tell us around 1 this pmorning a woman was crossing pnorth washington boulevard when pshe was hit by a car. pshe was taken to sarasota pmemorial where she later died. pthe driver is cooperating with pthat investigation. pand another woman riding a pmotorized wheelchair was hit and pkilled in late night accident. p26 avenue and 31st street in st. ete were shut down overnight so olice could investigate that paccident. psoifls say sue sean crane was in pwheelchair and just outside pcrosswalk when a lexus sedan hit pher driver has been identified a pwilliam mckinney. pmckinley but no charges have pbeen filed. pfor are person who hit pmotorcyclist and then took off. pit happened lace lat night and psligh avenue west. pofficers say a red truck hit the pmotorcycle before continuing to pdrive north on rome. pthe more so i cles was taken to pthe hospital. pa man accused in an elaborate pgrow house operation in tampa pcourt. pdetectives say renaldo kept more pthan 200 marijuana plants ins
psarasota police are pinvestigating a deadly crash pinvolving a pedestrian. pthey tell us around 1 this pmorning a woman was crossing pnorth washington boulevard when pshe was hit by a car. pshe was taken to sarasota pmemorial where she later died. pthe driver is cooperating with pthat investigation. pand another woman riding a pmotorized wheelchair was hit and pkilled in late night accident. p26 avenue and 31st street in st. ete were shut down overnight so olice could investigate that...
Jan 7, 2016
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psarasota we have got lane pblockage along tamiami trail. pwatch out in right lane blocked pas you're approaching stick knee oint road. pas we take look majors we do phave couple crashes work thing pon them we're staying light as p275 southbound heading from 75 pjunction in pasco heading into pthe interchange, just a 29 pminute ride. p14 minutes if you're heading psouth along 75 between fletcher pand selman and then just an peight minute ride i-4 westbound pcoming from mlk also heading pinto the interchange. pall right. pride sharing it's one the most opular options for getting home pthese days. pbut what are rules once you get pin just a few minutes at longhorn steak like this doesn' t need anything else. which is why we don' t just add, anything else. longhorn steaks that sizzle for $12.99. the new smoky bacon sirloin. the new spicy grilled jalapeno sirloin. and the parmesan crusted sirloin. all with hand chopped salad & unlimited bread for $12.99. tonight only at longhorn steakhouse. you cant fake steak. and for lunch try our new steak an
psarasota we have got lane pblockage along tamiami trail. pwatch out in right lane blocked pas you're approaching stick knee oint road. pas we take look majors we do phave couple crashes work thing pon them we're staying light as p275 southbound heading from 75 pjunction in pasco heading into pthe interchange, just a 29 pminute ride. p14 minutes if you're heading psouth along 75 between fletcher pand selman and then just an peight minute ride i-4 westbound pcoming from mlk also heading pinto...
Jan 12, 2016
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psarasota had a 45. pand st. petersburg just the pinfluence of the water around pyou kept you a bit warmer at 51 pdegrees. pnow we've got plenty of sun ptoday, so a beautiful looking pday. ptemperatures they are slowly pstarting to work their way back pup. pso here in tampa, we're sitting pat 61 degrees. pbut still, you can see plenty of p50s showing up on the map. peven at the noon hour bartow pyou're at 59 degrees. pover in haines city, even over pin clearwater, st. petersburg, pat 59 degrees. pbradenton and sarasota, into the plower 60s. pso we do have that freeze watch ptomorrow morning. pacross our northern counties. pcitrus and also hernando county pmainly away from the coastline. pso this is what we expect to see pby tomorrow morning another very pchilly morning here in tampa 43 pdegrees we will see some pockets por at least possibly some ockets of some freezing ptemperatures once you head up to pthe north. pbrooksville 32 degrees. pcrystal river 33. potherwise, more of those 40s we pwill see a slow warmin
psarasota had a 45. pand st. petersburg just the pinfluence of the water around pyou kept you a bit warmer at 51 pdegrees. pnow we've got plenty of sun ptoday, so a beautiful looking pday. ptemperatures they are slowly pstarting to work their way back pup. pso here in tampa, we're sitting pat 61 degrees. pbut still, you can see plenty of p50s showing up on the map. peven at the noon hour bartow pyou're at 59 degrees. pover in haines city, even over pin clearwater, st. petersburg, pat 59...
Jan 22, 2016
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near panclote where we've had some pmoderate rain and further south, pwe see a quick shower over psarasota, not to mention a few pshowers inland. pthe main area of thunderstorm pactivity is still back out, back pover the eastern gulf. pyou can see it here. pwe put this in motion. pit's steadily moving our way. pin a few hours, that line of pstorms will move onshore and pbehind it is when we get the pwind and the much colder air. pthere's everything to the north. pthis storm is literally in its pinfancy and just beginning, phaving started in places that phave a blizzard warning. pthat will follow for later ptoday. pi could see the beautiful, pthe way, highs today in the pupper 60s but we're not leaving pweekend. pvial more on that, more radar pviews in a few minutes. p>>reporter: an accident was pblocking two right lanes here. pyou can see the activity premaining off to the right pshoulder so delays there are pdown. pheadlighting heading southbound ptoward the i-4 interchange, that ptraffic is backing up and the pusual place heading toward i-4 pall the way back to fowler pavenue at this poi
near panclote where we've had some pmoderate rain and further south, pwe see a quick shower over psarasota, not to mention a few pshowers inland. pthe main area of thunderstorm pactivity is still back out, back pover the eastern gulf. pyou can see it here. pwe put this in motion. pit's steadily moving our way. pin a few hours, that line of pstorms will move onshore and pbehind it is when we get the pwind and the much colder air. pthere's everything to the north. pthis storm is literally in its...