pwhen you have 20 minutes to pspare, you can listen to golden pticket get away once before the pline goes dead. pyou can ask yourself, do i preally want to do business with pa company whose first contact pviolates the law? p>> how did umail come up with laying the disconnected sound. pif it works, it sounds like a pgreat idea. p>>reporter: they originally pdecided they wanted to try pgirlfriends. peffective. pso they said if this works on pthe ex girlfriend, this can pcertainly work on the criminals pwho are bothering us during pand constantly. p>> how about that. p>>reporter: three little notes. p>> good stuff, chris, thank you p>>> still to come tonight, it pwill soon be the end of the road pfor some idol hopefuls. p p>> the judges are going to pnarrow it down to the top 14 pthis week. psome really good again! r again! again! again! again? again! again! general mills is removing artificial flavors and colors from our cereals. so you can love cereal... tonight at 11... p>>> coming up in just a few pminutes at 11:00, passengers say pit was a flight from hell trying pto get from phill