Jan 20, 2016
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pfor example, sea bring is 49 and ptampa is 36. pi'll go south and get warmer. ptampa is 46. pbrooksville is 37. psarasota at 44. pwas at 11:00 last night. pso i feel pretty confident the pforecast will work out. pthe air is dry. pdew points are in the 30s, that pmakes sense and the winds have pgone calm. eople say why is brooksville palways so cold? pcalm winds in brooksville, other pspots have wind. pwith that light wind, you get pthat effect of radiation of pcooling. pbreezy in st. pete. pfive miles per hour. pand freeze warning is up p1:00 a.m. to 9:00 a.m. and pspecific lows tonight. pwe're going 39 in tampa. p36 in brandon. pwhen you wake up tomorrow, pyou'll see frost on the rims of phomes around you and on your pcar. p29 in brooksville, i'll be back ptalking about another cold pfront. p>>> developing tonight, two pmurder scenes in manatee county. pone in bradenton where a p38-year-old man was found dead. pand 9 miles away, a 23-year-old pwoman was discovered. pthey're trying to figure out if pthese are connected. p>> reporter: well, deputies pcan't say one way or the
pfor example, sea bring is 49 and ptampa is 36. pi'll go south and get warmer. ptampa is 46. pbrooksville is 37. psarasota at 44. pwas at 11:00 last night. pso i feel pretty confident the pforecast will work out. pthe air is dry. pdew points are in the 30s, that pmakes sense and the winds have pgone calm. eople say why is brooksville palways so cold? pcalm winds in brooksville, other pspots have wind. pwith that light wind, you get pthat effect of radiation of pcooling. pbreezy in st. pete....
Jan 25, 2016
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ptampa stays 50 to 52. pouter lying areas get back in pthe 40s but everybody is above pfreezing tonight and then partly pcloudy tomorrow with a high ptemperature around 72, 73 pdegrees. pget out there and do some pboating next couple of days. pyou may may have been chopping pat the bit to do that. phigh tide today at 11 minutes to pwednesday rain moves in. psome of it will be heavy. pthere could be a few strong pstorms out of here on thursday pand then by friday, saturday and psunday, a nice warmup that pincludes 67 on saturday and then pjen? p>>jennifer: time to check in pwith charley belcher. pdid you recover from your psaturday at gasparilla? p>>charley: yeah. pthat was a good day. pi really -- to be completely phonest, saturday morning i pdreaded it. pi didn't want to go. pyou know, i'm like, it's cold. pthen i have a nice cup of coffee pat home. pi don't want to go down there pand it's going to be loud and pit's going to be cold and so, pyou know, just being honest, i pwhine sometimes. pi get down ther
ptampa stays 50 to 52. pouter lying areas get back in pthe 40s but everybody is above pfreezing tonight and then partly pcloudy tomorrow with a high ptemperature around 72, 73 pdegrees. pget out there and do some pboating next couple of days. pyou may may have been chopping pat the bit to do that. phigh tide today at 11 minutes to pwednesday rain moves in. psome of it will be heavy. pthere could be a few strong pstorms out of here on thursday pand then by friday, saturday and psunday, a nice...
Jan 22, 2016
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pit happened last night at the pmarion street bus terminal in ptampa. pthe father stepped off the bus pto go inside the terminal and pthe bus left with his 7-year-old pchild on board. phe tried to chase down the bus, pbut the driver didn't see him. olice were able to contact the pdispatch center and told the pdriver to turn around. pby that time, the bus was palready an hour away from tampa. pthe father and son have been preunited. pofficers say there will not be pany criminal charges for anyone pinvolved. pthere may have been a language pbarrier between the driver and pthe bus driver. p>>russell: uneasy situation for phomeowners in a spring hill pneighborhood. pa large depression has opened up pin some of the yards on kenway pstreet. pall about 20 feet by 15 feet. phernando sheriff's office says pit's not affecting traffic. pthey'll keep an eye on them to pmake certain it doesn't get any pbigger. psecond arrest following a pair pof recent murders. pyesterday a man was arrested. phe's being questioned about the pdeaths of tuxford and finland. ptuxford w
pit happened last night at the pmarion street bus terminal in ptampa. pthe father stepped off the bus pto go inside the terminal and pthe bus left with his 7-year-old pchild on board. phe tried to chase down the bus, pbut the driver didn't see him. olice were able to contact the pdispatch center and told the pdriver to turn around. pby that time, the bus was palready an hour away from tampa. pthe father and son have been preunited. pofficers say there will not be pany criminal charges for...
Jan 14, 2016
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pwe're outside of the florida plottery district office here in ptampa. pthe doors are expected to open pin a few hours. pso at this point, i can tell pyou, i have reached out to the pdistrict manager to find out not ponly the answer to that pquestion, but some of the psmaller winners as well. pthere's 13 people around the pstate of florida that became pmillionaires with last night's pdrawing. pout if any of the reigners will pbe here in the tampa bay area. pof course we can tell you at pthis point, the powerball pjackpot winner that we're still pworking to learn, they're one of pthree around the country, pwinning tickets that were sold. pnow, this is some information pthat we're learning about those pother purchases. pchino hills is the sixth highest pincome mid sized city in the punited states. pit has a population of about p74,000 people. pthe average household income pthere is just over $100,000. pthe other ticket sold was in ptennessee about 25 miles north pof memphis. pthe population just under 5,000. pand there is an average income paround $56,000
pwe're outside of the florida plottery district office here in ptampa. pthe doors are expected to open pin a few hours. pso at this point, i can tell pyou, i have reached out to the pdistrict manager to find out not ponly the answer to that pquestion, but some of the psmaller winners as well. pthere's 13 people around the pstate of florida that became pmillionaires with last night's pdrawing. pout if any of the reigners will pbe here in the tampa bay area. pof course we can tell you at pthis...
Jan 17, 2016
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p>>> from tampa bay's number one pnews station, this is "good day ptampa bay." p>> alcides: good sunday pmorning. pwelcome to "good day tampa bay." pthe time is 7:00 a.m. pi'm alcides segui. panjuli davis has the day off. pmike is in for lindsay. p>> it's been a really busy pmorning. pthe good news is you look at pradar and put it into motion and peverything shifting off to the peast. pthere are light showers working ponshore but no real threat of psevere weather there. psevere weather threat shifted pwell off to the south and east pbut not before potentially at please a few tornadoes across the parea. phere's a look the athe forecast pfor today once we get through pthis front. pwe start to see more afternoon psunshine. ptemperatures warming into the pmid-60s by noon but dropping plow 60s by 4:00 p.m. by 8:00 .m. down to 56 degrees. pi'll have that full seven-day pforecast coming up for you just pa little bit later on. p>>> all right. pdeveloping right now. pmanatee fire rescue has pconfirmed two people are dead pafter a tornado touches down in pduette. pso, aga
p>>> from tampa bay's number one pnews station, this is "good day ptampa bay." p>> alcides: good sunday pmorning. pwelcome to "good day tampa bay." pthe time is 7:00 a.m. pi'm alcides segui. panjuli davis has the day off. pmike is in for lindsay. p>> it's been a really busy pmorning. pthe good news is you look at pradar and put it into motion and peverything shifting off to the peast. pthere are light showers working ponshore but no real threat of...
Jan 31, 2016
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p>> anjuli: pea rates stormed ptampa bay yesterday. pthey made their annual ilgrimage into the bay o pwell-behaved. ptpd made two felony arrests and p2 p21 misdemeanor arrests and there pwas one citation for an open pcontainer. p>> lindsay: it was an ideal day pto be outside. pboating was perfect for the pinvasion and the weather pcooperated on bayshore. pit's still a really, really pbeautiful day. pi have some sunrise pictureses pto show you in 15 minutes, but pthe clouds shield the brightness pin brookdale bayshore. pit looks sleepy out there. p52 degrees is a little milder pthan yesterday, and cloud cover pwill usher in from the west. pif you head to the beach, that p55 in clearwater turns to 70 pthis afternoon, which is normal pfor the last day of january. pit's 55 in sebring and near 50 pin st. pete. pthe clouds are on the increase pthis afternoon. pit's going to stay dry. pby tonight we'll introduce a few pshowers and still less than a p20% rain chance and yes 76 is pwell above average. phow about some rain? pwe time-out the next
p>> anjuli: pea rates stormed ptampa bay yesterday. pthey made their annual ilgrimage into the bay o pwell-behaved. ptpd made two felony arrests and p2 p21 misdemeanor arrests and there pwas one citation for an open pcontainer. p>> lindsay: it was an ideal day pto be outside. pboating was perfect for the pinvasion and the weather pcooperated on bayshore. pit's still a really, really pbeautiful day. pi have some sunrise pictureses pto show you in 15 minutes, but pthe clouds shield...
Jan 22, 2016
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pand flags that fly all over the ptampa bay area. pin fact, one of your biggest pclaims to flame was one buc lace. pdefinitely a feather in cap. plarge's non-u.s. flag flying in pcountry? p>> yes. pi think that's pretty cool. pit is cool. lus a really cool flag to see pwhen wind is going over a 1 buc pit is pretty cool. pyou have just about any, you phave every nation every state, pif it's got a flag pwe have every state nation, we ptry to have historical flags, co try p>> this time of year all about pgasparilla and tampa, of course. ptampa bay area. pyou see all kinds of flags pespecially south tampa. pyou're pretty much guy behind pall of those flags. pyes we get our fair share, pthat's for sure. pyou do your own design and an peither made in this area have pthem made elsewhere it depends pon design we can to turn around pcustom flags in one or two days pif need be. pwe do lots of custom flags. pwhat is your most requested pflag? p>> the u.s. flag. p>> that's good to know right phere a little baby one right phere. pand i would assu
pand flags that fly all over the ptampa bay area. pin fact, one of your biggest pclaims to flame was one buc lace. pdefinitely a feather in cap. plarge's non-u.s. flag flying in pcountry? p>> yes. pi think that's pretty cool. pit is cool. lus a really cool flag to see pwhen wind is going over a 1 buc pit is pretty cool. pyou have just about any, you phave every nation every state, pif it's got a flag pwe have every state nation, we ptry to have historical flags, co try p>> this time...
Jan 25, 2016
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ptampa st. petersburg clearwater pis leading 22 of florida pmetropolitan areas when it comes pto job creation. pbay area added nearly 40,000 pjobs. pthe unemployment rate has pdeclined in both pinellas and phillsborough county. p>> fire rips through an plakeland. pmore. pthis happened around 4:30 sunday pmorning at the bella vista pmanor. pfire started in room on fourth pfloor. pfirefighters and police had to pcarry many of the disabled presidents down four flights to pget them to safety. pone person found dead inside of pher room. ptwo others treated for smoke pinhalation. p41 residents moved to sprelt pbuilding on site cause still p>>> online dating sites are more pand more popular. pnot just those looking for love pbut also for criminals. olk county there have been four parmed robberies and bartow in plast four weeks alone all four pof those cases the victims pcontacted the suspects through ponline dating websites or apps. pjust last week, we told you pabout a similar case about a man pwho wa
ptampa st. petersburg clearwater pis leading 22 of florida pmetropolitan areas when it comes pto job creation. pbay area added nearly 40,000 pjobs. pthe unemployment rate has pdeclined in both pinellas and phillsborough county. p>> fire rips through an plakeland. pmore. pthis happened around 4:30 sunday pmorning at the bella vista pmanor. pfire started in room on fourth pfloor. pfirefighters and police had to pcarry many of the disabled presidents down four flights to pget them to safety....
Jan 31, 2016
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pif you have any information call ptampa police. p>> alcides: pasco detects make pan arrest in a home invasion pthat left a teenage girl in a pcoma. pthey're still looking for panthony stephens, and one other punnamed suspect. pthe trio is acruised of breaking pinto a home early thursday pmorning. pa teenage girl was also in the phouse and accidental shot by a pshe is now anyway coma. pdrug house. pfour other people inside the phouse were arrested on gun and pdrug charges. p>> anjuli: we've been talking pabout the iowa caucuses all week plong, and they take place ptomorrow. p>> alcides: as craig patrick ptells us, you may be surprised pby how they do things in this pcaucus tomorrow night. p>> people come here, greens over phere. p>> the iowa caucus can be pconfusing and stressful. p>> i understand that this could pturn a little raucous. p>> historically voting in pflorida is easier except for the psix-hour lines and rigged pelection maps and punching pmachines. p>> i still feel i've been duped. p>> missing ballots and chad psuits. p
pif you have any information call ptampa police. p>> alcides: pasco detects make pan arrest in a home invasion pthat left a teenage girl in a pcoma. pthey're still looking for panthony stephens, and one other punnamed suspect. pthe trio is acruised of breaking pinto a home early thursday pmorning. pa teenage girl was also in the phouse and accidental shot by a pshe is now anyway coma. pdrug house. pfour other people inside the phouse were arrested on gun and pdrug charges. p>>...
Jan 10, 2016
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pbefore it arrives we have the pmoisture and showers south of ptampa bay. plet's start out and see where pthey're headed. pthey move along, but we have pheftier pockets into hardy pcounty now. pthese were the same raindrops pthat moved into duet a while pago. pwe have a sprinkle near lake lacid and heavier showers near pmyakka city that move from west pto east. pthe last stop is southern psarasota county venice to pinglewood and north port has prain. pa couple breaks in the clouds pnorth of the area, but overall povercast skies today. pit's the winds that you notice pout of the northwest especially pby midday. ptemperatures are dropping as the pday progresses. pwhat does that mean for your pstart of the work week, and how pmuch rain did we see with the pstorms last night? pa lot to talk about coming up. p>>> thank you, lindsay. p1 billion reasons to play. pnew this morning no one last pnight's massive $900 million owerball drawing. p>> alcides: that means the pjackpot is now up to a whooping p$1.3 billion, billion dollars. p>> anjuli: incredible. pcrystal c
pbefore it arrives we have the pmoisture and showers south of ptampa bay. plet's start out and see where pthey're headed. pthey move along, but we have pheftier pockets into hardy pcounty now. pthese were the same raindrops pthat moved into duet a while pago. pwe have a sprinkle near lake lacid and heavier showers near pmyakka city that move from west pto east. pthe last stop is southern psarasota county venice to pinglewood and north port has prain. pa couple breaks in the clouds pnorth of the...
Jan 10, 2016
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phere's a live look over downtown ptampa. pyou notice that visibility may pdeteriorate in spots this pmorning. pit's 70 degrees, a few showers pwell as manatee counties, but pthat's it in the rain pdepartment. plow rain chances after the pmorning commute. phighs near where we are right pnow in the low 70s and by ptomorrow low 60s if we're lucky pnovrt north of the bay. pwe'll talk about how long the pcooler weather will last and prain totals for our saturday pevening coming up. you get a cold. you can't breathe through your nose. suddenly, you're a mouthbreather. a mouthbreather! how can anyone sleep like that? well, just put on a breathe right strip and pow! it instantly opens your nose up to 38% more than cold medicine alone. goodnight mouthbreathers. breathe right here in vineland, home of progresso, we figured out how to get rich ingredients like bacon into 22 light soups, so if you want 100 calories or less per serving without giving up rich flavor do what we do...make it progresso. this moment is perfect in every way ju
phere's a live look over downtown ptampa. pyou notice that visibility may pdeteriorate in spots this pmorning. pit's 70 degrees, a few showers pwell as manatee counties, but pthat's it in the rain pdepartment. plow rain chances after the pmorning commute. phighs near where we are right pnow in the low 70s and by ptomorrow low 60s if we're lucky pnovrt north of the bay. pwe'll talk about how long the pcooler weather will last and prain totals for our saturday pevening coming up. you get a cold....
Jan 12, 2016
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ptampa at 45 degrees. plittle bit cooler than that. p43 in brandon. p40 at wesley chapel. pmid 30s brooksville and crystal priver. pthose are spots under a freeze pwarning. pi don't think that's going to phappen as the sun will be up in pa few minutes and start the pwarming up process. pstill, though, it's going to be pa struggle just to make it back pto 62 for a high this afternoon. pvanessa? p>>vanessa: thank you, dave. pwe'll starting off in polk pcounty. pwe're just getting word of a pserious crash that is more pspecifically in the winter haven parea. pthis is going to be affecting phighway 17 at avenue i northwest pand highway 17 is completely pshut down. palternate first street out there
ptampa at 45 degrees. plittle bit cooler than that. p43 in brandon. p40 at wesley chapel. pmid 30s brooksville and crystal priver. pthose are spots under a freeze pwarning. pi don't think that's going to phappen as the sun will be up in pa few minutes and start the pwarming up process. pstill, though, it's going to be pa struggle just to make it back pto 62 for a high this afternoon. pvanessa? p>>vanessa: thank you, dave. pwe'll starting off in polk pcounty. pwe're just getting word of a...
Jan 11, 2016
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ptampa at 47. pstill hanging on to 50 barely in pst. petersburg and the further pnorth you go, the colder it is. pinverness at 37. pcrystal river at 37 degrees. pbarely above 40 in brooksville. pnotice a little bit warmer, a pfew degrees from brandon. p52 to englewood 53. pthey also have a little bit of pcloud cover this morning. pthe front has moved far enough psouth that the colder air has psettled to the north and mid to pupper 40s for the most part in olk county, hardee county, low p50s. pthen you get north wind and for pthe most part it's not bad. pone, five, six miles an hour.
ptampa at 47. pstill hanging on to 50 barely in pst. petersburg and the further pnorth you go, the colder it is. pinverness at 37. pcrystal river at 37 degrees. pbarely above 40 in brooksville. pnotice a little bit warmer, a pfew degrees from brandon. p52 to englewood 53. pthey also have a little bit of pcloud cover this morning. pthe front has moved far enough psouth that the colder air has psettled to the north and mid to pupper 40s for the most part in olk county, hardee county, low p50s....
Jan 25, 2016
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ptampa still hanging around 40 pdegrees but it's below freezing. ponce you get to parts of pasco pcounty, especially hernando and pcitrus, all of these ptemperatures have dropped back pbelow freezing this morning. pgainesville is still 27. pyou have 28 in tallahassee and pdegrees. pthat's cold. pso the 24-hour temperature pchange actually positive in some pspots. pother areas like sarasota, it is psix degrees colder. pi want you to look off here. pyou see panama city and pthose were double digit warms. pbeginning tomorrow we start to pget a nice little warmup and pwe'll stick around for a couple pof days. pand by tomorrow, finally getting pnormal. pnormal being about 70 for this ptime of year. pwe spent the whole weekend in pthe 50s. ptoday we'll go down to the 60s pand then by tomorrow, we're into pthe 70s so chilly start. pdecent finish as we expect these ptemperatures to get back up in pthe lower 70s but wow. pthings are going to change and pquickly on wednesday. pall of these computer models are pcoming into agree m ment agreement. pwe could ge
ptampa still hanging around 40 pdegrees but it's below freezing. ponce you get to parts of pasco pcounty, especially hernando and pcitrus, all of these ptemperatures have dropped back pbelow freezing this morning. pgainesville is still 27. pyou have 28 in tallahassee and pdegrees. pthat's cold. pso the 24-hour temperature pchange actually positive in some pspots. pother areas like sarasota, it is psix degrees colder. pi want you to look off here. pyou see panama city and pthose were double...
Jan 21, 2016
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pthe moffitt cancer center in ptampa, one of the best in the pcountry. pin fact, the national cancer pinstitute calls it a pcomprehensive cancer center and pstrong endorsement and one of pthe things that makes the place pgreat, the cancer director pcenter. phe watched as the president said plet's make america the one that pcures cancer once and for all. pwhat did you think when you pheard that? p>> i stood up and clapped. ploved it. pcommitment to beat cancer. p>>russell: the idea of curing pcancer like we did to go to the phome, doable? pyes. pbut maybe not as simple. pcancer is complicated. p>> beating cancer is going to be pa little more complex than that. pit's going to be a lot more pcomplex. pcancer isn't a single disease. pit's multiple diseases. pwhat we know now is that even pwhen you look under the pmicroscope and that's a lung pcancer, it's not just a single pdisease. pit's multiple diseases and the pmolecular changes that the cells pacquired over time dictate how pit's going to respond to ptherapy. pwhat therapy is going to work pfor that par
pthe moffitt cancer center in ptampa, one of the best in the pcountry. pin fact, the national cancer pinstitute calls it a pcomprehensive cancer center and pstrong endorsement and one of pthe things that makes the place pgreat, the cancer director pcenter. phe watched as the president said plet's make america the one that pcures cancer once and for all. pwhat did you think when you pheard that? p>> i stood up and clapped. ploved it. pcommitment to beat cancer. p>>russell: the idea...
Jan 14, 2016
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ptampa bay is one. p80 markets to get a decrease. pa lot of uber drivers say it's palmost impossible to work for pthe company. plive from the convention center pto tell us what they're going to pdo about this. pa price decrease. pyou don't hear that very often. p>> cynthia, we're at the pconvention center. puber drivers are considering a pboycott because they know it pwould get uber's attention. p>> when desmond clark gets pbehind the wheel, he knows his pup until saturday, he had been ptaking in $400 to $600 a woke. pnow uber is making a seasonal rice adjustment to encourage pmore customers to order rides pduring a typically slower pseason. p>> we still have to pay 20% of pthat to uber. pyou have to pay for gas and pinsurance. p>> the lower prices have so pangered drivers they plan to rotest. pthey are even considering a pbigger work stoppage during pgasserila. pwe will continue to do something puntil something changes until we pcan have them let us come to the ptable. p>> uber insists the price drop pcan be reversed if demand pduri
ptampa bay is one. p80 markets to get a decrease. pa lot of uber drivers say it's palmost impossible to work for pthe company. plive from the convention center pto tell us what they're going to pdo about this. pa price decrease. pyou don't hear that very often. p>> cynthia, we're at the pconvention center. puber drivers are considering a pboycott because they know it pwould get uber's attention. p>> when desmond clark gets pbehind the wheel, he knows his pup until saturday, he had...
Jan 13, 2016
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povercast skies we have in the ptampa area. pinto river view, river view is plooking back to the west and pwhile there could be breaks in pthe clouds in general, we'll phave that filtered sunshine plook. pthat's the best way to describe pit for you as we have this psteady stream of upper level pmoisture coming in off the gulf pand that's what it's going to plook like. poccasionally you get a little psunshine like you see here but pyou're still going to have the pfiltered look with the cloud pcover hanging around. pas far as temperatures go, grab pyour jackets. pchapel 46, crystal river 47, pthese clouds that we have really pdid help us out. pi know it doesn't seem like it, pbut they did because without pthose clouds, we would have been pa lot, and i mean a lot colder pthan this. p30s and 40s along the panhandle pas well. poverall, our temperatures this pmorning are running a few pdegrees warmer. psay four, five, six degrees pwarmer than this time and no, pwe're not going to tack extra psix degrees onto the afternoon phigh. pit
povercast skies we have in the ptampa area. pinto river view, river view is plooking back to the west and pwhile there could be breaks in pthe clouds in general, we'll phave that filtered sunshine plook. pthat's the best way to describe pit for you as we have this psteady stream of upper level pmoisture coming in off the gulf pand that's what it's going to plook like. poccasionally you get a little psunshine like you see here but pyou're still going to have the pfiltered look with the cloud...
Jan 20, 2016
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pit's 42 degrees in the city of ptampa to start the day. pdave will have an update on when pwe'll see a warmup in a few pminutes. p>>russell: it may be cold now pbut you know our winter was panything but cold. p>>laura: and that means a delay pin the flu season. pgood morning, walter. p>>walter: annual flu season, pthat wonderful time of year that pleaves millions sniffling and psneezing and feeling crummy is paround the corner. pthis year's flu season is off to pweather we got cold temperatures keep eople indoors where you're more plikely exposed to the virus. pshot. pmost are available through march pand this year's flu shot is plikely to be better than last pyear's. pif you remember last year, it pwas only 23% effective. pthe cdc says this year's shot is pmuch better matched to the pstrains going around. pthat's good news there. p>>russell: thanks, walter. pall right. pit's cold. pit is cold out there this pmorning. pright, dave? p>>dave: it is. pit's january, middle of january. pit happens. pwe have the temperature down pbelow freezing
pit's 42 degrees in the city of ptampa to start the day. pdave will have an update on when pwe'll see a warmup in a few pminutes. p>>russell: it may be cold now pbut you know our winter was panything but cold. p>>laura: and that means a delay pin the flu season. pgood morning, walter. p>>walter: annual flu season, pthat wonderful time of year that pleaves millions sniffling and psneezing and feeling crummy is paround the corner. pthis year's flu season is off to pweather we...
Jan 20, 2016
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p>> from tampa bay's number one pnews station, this is good day ptampa bay. p>> anchor: i just want to no phow they serve them. pyou can't put those in one of pthose french fry packages, pright? plike a, looks like a tray. p>> a box? p>> yeah. pokay old fashioned p>> anchor: i'll try it. pyou know i'll try. p88 o'clock i'm laura moody. pthank you for waking up with us pon this incidence with rn pwe will get straight over to pdave with look at chilly pforecast. phey dave. p>> quite chilly outside. phow about this, temperatures pcontinue to drop, what a cold pmorning. pthat one of our own, one of our pown angie fox 13's linda hurtado phad to use her defroster. plisten. pyou hear that. pthis is a look from inside her pcar. pless than an hour ago. pyou can barely see out the pfront. pin fact, windshield wipers pworking hard trying to get that pice off. pa lot of frosty spots away from pthe water, away from the city. pand we hope linda that you're pnot going to be late for work as pa result of this. preally cool video as well to pshow you from teco power plant. pi
p>> from tampa bay's number one pnews station, this is good day ptampa bay. p>> anchor: i just want to no phow they serve them. pyou can't put those in one of pthose french fry packages, pright? plike a, looks like a tray. p>> a box? p>> yeah. pokay old fashioned p>> anchor: i'll try it. pyou know i'll try. p88 o'clock i'm laura moody. pthank you for waking up with us pon this incidence with rn pwe will get straight over to pdave with look at chilly pforecast. phey...
Jan 14, 2016
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ptwo millionaires here in our ptampa bay area. pwe'll continue to keep you osted a we learn anything pfurther, guys. pback to you. pnews does get better as we go palong. pshayla, thank you. psee you later on. p>>> yes. p>> it is an 8:32 now. pand riverview school bus driver pis facing charges this morning. pafter causing a crash that pshurnd some elementary schools pand another driver. paccident happened yesterday pafternoon. pnear intersection of 301 and pkelly road in riverview. p>> deputies say that the bus pdriver was trying to make a pleft-hand turn when it slammed pinto an suv. ptwo students from summer field pcoloradosing were taken to phospital. pnonserious injuries. pthe bus driver was cited for pfailing to yield. p>>> uber drivers can get a huge ay day when people from across pcountry come the bay area. pit is just announced that a pthat means they won't make what pthey hope they would and keep pthem off road for good. pdrivers are seeing almost a pdollar a mile. pcut back now to $0.65 a mile. pso today, at least 100 dri
ptwo millionaires here in our ptampa bay area. pwe'll continue to keep you osted a we learn anything pfurther, guys. pback to you. pnews does get better as we go palong. pshayla, thank you. psee you later on. p>>> yes. p>> it is an 8:32 now. pand riverview school bus driver pis facing charges this morning. pafter causing a crash that pshurnd some elementary schools pand another driver. paccident happened yesterday pafternoon. pnear intersection of 301 and pkelly road in...
Jan 14, 2016
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p64 degrees outside here in ptampa. pst. petersburg has a 59. pclearwater 61 degrees along with pnew port richey. plower 60s to mid 60s along the pcoastline. pand low 60s throughout the pinterior. pcouple spots still in the 50s. pbut you can see everybody icking up more easterly wind. pbit more breezy as you work your pway down into sarasota county. pthat be will thing tomorrow on ptop of storms rolling through, pwe're also going to see some retty windy weather. pwe get high pressure that will pshifting off towards the east pand that developing area of low ressure across the gulf of pmexico. palready you're seeing more pactivity forming across the gulf pof mexico. pwe've got actually some storms pright through here. pthey are actually outside of pradar range. parea of low pressure in the pwestern gulf. pthat will continue to work it is pway on towards the east and pnortheast. pswinging through by early ptomorrow morning with a band of psome strong thunderstorms and so palways that possibility you pcould see some very gusty winds, por possibly th
p64 degrees outside here in ptampa. pst. petersburg has a 59. pclearwater 61 degrees along with pnew port richey. plower 60s to mid 60s along the pcoastline. pand low 60s throughout the pinterior. pcouple spots still in the 50s. pbut you can see everybody icking up more easterly wind. pbit more breezy as you work your pway down into sarasota county. pthat be will thing tomorrow on ptop of storms rolling through, pwe're also going to see some retty windy weather. pwe get high pressure that will...
Jan 22, 2016
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p>>> from tampa bay's number one pnews station, this is good day ptampa bay. p>>> hey everybody it's an p8 o'clock i'm russell rhodes. pi'm laura moody. pwe thank you for waking up with pjanuary 22nd. pwe're going to begin with dave posterberg. pyou're busy tracking a huge phere too, right? p>> indeed. pwe have two lines of rain all passociated of course with the psame storm that's going to dump pthat snow up further to the pnorth. pthe first one coming through pnow, and this line of rain, pactually brought moderate to pheavy rain in our area. pbut, we've got blizzard-like pconditions already starting in psome places to the north. pi mean, this a scene out of pnorth carolina where residents pthere are expected to see close pto two feet of snow. pand the red cross is already pcamped out. pthey are ready to help when they pare needed. pnow, as you go out ats bit pfurther toward the west scene pfrom little rock arkansas. povernight they received more pthan two inches of snow and psleet creating really tough pdriving conditions. pnot over yet. pthey are expecting
p>>> from tampa bay's number one pnews station, this is good day ptampa bay. p>>> hey everybody it's an p8 o'clock i'm russell rhodes. pi'm laura moody. pwe thank you for waking up with pjanuary 22nd. pwe're going to begin with dave posterberg. pyou're busy tracking a huge phere too, right? p>> indeed. pwe have two lines of rain all passociated of course with the psame storm that's going to dump pthat snow up further to the pnorth. pthe first one coming through pnow, and...
Jan 28, 2016
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pmore pesky than anything as pyou're driving through south ptampa, over the gandy bridge. pa couple of showers by the pairport, down to manatee county pand so on and so on as we go pfurther south. pthe further south you go, the pbetter the rain chances overall pare going to be today. phighlands county, de soto county punder a flood project for all pthe rain they had yesterday. pwe're anticipating light rain pcoming at us today. pi want to check the visibilities pwith us real quick. pover in st. petersburg, over 3/4 pmile visibility so you've got pwet roads, you've got some pshowers and you've got a little pbit of fog. pso you have to slow it down. p65 degrees right now. phighs today only in the upper p60s. pokay? p>>vanessa: sounds good. pthank you. pand right now we have a live plook from the ground from one of pour photojournalists. pthis is near the gandy so you pcan see here, of course, psituation with some low pvisibility here. pmake sure you're slowing it pdown. pyou also have some other fog pshots to show you around the bay parea. pwe want to take you to fdot pcamer
pmore pesky than anything as pyou're driving through south ptampa, over the gandy bridge. pa couple of showers by the pairport, down to manatee county pand so on and so on as we go pfurther south. pthe further south you go, the pbetter the rain chances overall pare going to be today. phighlands county, de soto county punder a flood project for all pthe rain they had yesterday. pwe're anticipating light rain pcoming at us today. pi want to check the visibilities pwith us real quick. pover in st....
Jan 29, 2016
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p>> things are finally falling pinto place of a mother port of ptampa closed. pcarnival's paradise finally got pinto port 13 hours late. pabout 8 o'clock last night. prather than getting a late start pon the trip home, some assengers decided to dig in and pthe folks that we spoke to a plittle while ago said it really pwasn't that bad at all. pwhat did you eat for dinner? p>> steak. psteak. pwe had steak and a glass of wine pjust kind of chill out a little pbit. pthere was no problem. pas long as you just were ready pto roll with what happened and pthere's no point in getting pupset about the weather. pso it was fine. p>> that's pretty good attitude. pthe passengers who were supposed pto get on yesterday afternoon pcouldn't. pthey will getting on this pafternoon. pthey were going to mexico, it pwas supposed to a 4-day trip. punfortunately three-day trip pbecause just not time to get pthere. pnow a cruise to nowhere. pbut, carnival trying to make pnice with everyone involved. pso they are doing a couple of pthings. pthey are saying to the folks who pare taking th
p>> things are finally falling pinto place of a mother port of ptampa closed. pcarnival's paradise finally got pinto port 13 hours late. pabout 8 o'clock last night. prather than getting a late start pon the trip home, some assengers decided to dig in and pthe folks that we spoke to a plittle while ago said it really pwasn't that bad at all. pwhat did you eat for dinner? p>> steak. psteak. pwe had steak and a glass of wine pjust kind of chill out a little pbit. pthere was no...
Jan 19, 2016
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p>> from tampa bay's number one pnews station, this is good day ptampa bay. phae effected it's an 8 o'clock pi'm russell rhodes. pgood morning. pwe thank you for waking up with pus this on this tuesday. pjanuary 19th. pwe need to get over to lindsay pmilbourne who in with dave with plook forecast. panother chilly start to the day. pbut, i tell you what if we could pjust get rid of all of these phigh clouds it would have been pso much colder that will happen ptomorrow morning. pget ready for it 45. phere's view we're looking a pcauseways and beaches. psome breaks in clouds. pquick moving and high in nature. pholding steady at 45 degrees. p>> here come the 30s. pcreeping in. pths 39 as of 8:00 a.m. in pbrooksville. p43 in bartow. p46 in sarasota. p>> so swift moving clouds from pthe southwest come on in today. pthen that big h of high pressure pit settles in tonight giving way pto a real big chill wednesday pmorning. ptoday though, despite the pclouds, we're only going climb pto about 53 by lunch time. pand up to about 59 for afternoon phigh today. pfreeze warn
p>> from tampa bay's number one pnews station, this is good day ptampa bay. phae effected it's an 8 o'clock pi'm russell rhodes. pgood morning. pwe thank you for waking up with pus this on this tuesday. pjanuary 19th. pwe need to get over to lindsay pmilbourne who in with dave with plook forecast. panother chilly start to the day. pbut, i tell you what if we could pjust get rid of all of these phigh clouds it would have been pso much colder that will happen ptomorrow morning. pget ready...
Jan 11, 2016
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p>>> from tampa bay's number one pnews station, this is good day ptampa bay. p>>> hey iktd radar everybody pit's 8 o'clock i'm russell prhodes. pgood morning everyone we thank pyou for yak waking up monday pjanuary 11th we need to get over pto dave for a look at the pforecast. p8 o'clock and it's getting pcolder. pit's 44 degrees now out of tampa pa coldest we've gotten all pwinter long so far. pnorth winds at 8 miles per hour. p37 in crystal river. p40 in brooksville. p40s go all way down into hardee. phighlands county and now all way pdown to venice area as well, pyeah, folks this is jacket pweather. ponly slow warm up di. pand we should be barely sneak pback into the 60s for high ptemperatures later this pafternoon. pbut vanessa at least it's going pto be sunny, right? pyeah looking on bright side phopeful folks are staying warm pas they head outdoor looks like pyou don't have too much as far pas numbers of crashes to deal we pdo have usual congestion when pyou are hit roadway as live look pi-4 near u.s. 30 one. pwhere westbound traffic as usual pmove a bit
p>>> from tampa bay's number one pnews station, this is good day ptampa bay. p>>> hey iktd radar everybody pit's 8 o'clock i'm russell prhodes. pgood morning everyone we thank pyou for yak waking up monday pjanuary 11th we need to get over pto dave for a look at the pforecast. p8 o'clock and it's getting pcolder. pit's 44 degrees now out of tampa pa coldest we've gotten all pwinter long so far. pnorth winds at 8 miles per hour. p37 in crystal river. p40 in brooksville. p40s go...
Jan 26, 2016
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pcharley belcher, fox 13 news. pe ptampa. ptoday the swashbucklers from pmystic krewe of gox pdmanding mayor surrender city pfor upcoming gasparilla. pof course every year it's tough pfor mayor to fight them off. arade takes over bay shore pboulevard this saturday. pbefore pirates approached mayor pthey started day doing a little pgood visiting local schools and phospital and senior scare pfacilities sharing treasure with pthe children, patients and sta pof which include coveted beads pgasparilla. pi think jim and i have good news pthat are watching a home the pweekend is going to be a little pnicer. pyeah. pright. pbut before we get to that nice pweather for the weekend, we do phave to deal with some storms pover the next few days. pso today, not too bad. pwe warm temperatures up very pquickly throughout morning phours. pskies. pmost locations are now sitting pin mid 70s. pand in fact, seeing upper 70s pacross the area as well. pas you look from st. pete beach, plooking out into gulf of mexico. pseeing few breaks in clouds.
pcharley belcher, fox 13 news. pe ptampa. ptoday the swashbucklers from pmystic krewe of gox pdmanding mayor surrender city pfor upcoming gasparilla. pof course every year it's tough pfor mayor to fight them off. arade takes over bay shore pboulevard this saturday. pbefore pirates approached mayor pthey started day doing a little pgood visiting local schools and phospital and senior scare pfacilities sharing treasure with pthe children, patients and sta pof which include coveted beads...
Jan 27, 2016
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ptampa 1.26. pbartow right at 1 inch of rain. pa little bit less as you head up ptowards weeki wachee and pbradenton picking up three pquarters of an inch of rain. pnow here's the rain on skytower. pyou can see here this is pbasically what we will call pround number 2. pworking under the circumstances pway on shore. pdown across sarasota, charlotte pdown towards fort meyers. pheavier storms kind of lurking pjust off the coastline. pall making its way up towards pthe north and east. pyou can see some moderate some pcases heavier showers over ptowards sebring, lake placid pcentral highlands county. pbut as you move on towards the pnorth, through manatee, phillsborough up into polk pcounty. pand pinellas county. pyou can see just some light pshowers, there's more activity pwe will continue to see these eriods of rain working there pway on shore. pthat wider view cold front still pback up here we've got more rain palong this frontal boundary. pso that will basically be round pnumber 3 which will come through plate tonight into tomorr
ptampa 1.26. pbartow right at 1 inch of rain. pa little bit less as you head up ptowards weeki wachee and pbradenton picking up three pquarters of an inch of rain. pnow here's the rain on skytower. pyou can see here this is pbasically what we will call pround number 2. pworking under the circumstances pway on shore. pdown across sarasota, charlotte pdown towards fort meyers. pheavier storms kind of lurking pjust off the coastline. pall making its way up towards pthe north and east. pyou can see...
Jan 11, 2016
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ptampa at 47. pstill hanging on to 50 barely in pst. petersburg and the further pnorth you go, the colder it is. pinverness at 37. pcrystal river at 37 degrees. pbarely above 40 in brooksville. pnotice a little bit warmer, a pfew degrees from brandon. p52 to englewood 53. pthey also have a little bit of pcloud cover this morning. pthe front has moved far enough psouth that the colder air has psettled to the north and mid to pupper 40s for the most part in olk county, hardee county, low p50s. pthen you get north wind and for pthe most part it's not bad. pone, five, six miles an hour. ptoward the coast you've got 12 pto 15 mile-per-hour winds which p40s so it does give you a little pbit of a bite as you step poutside. pmakes it feel just a few degrees pcolder than a temperature that i pjust showed you and overall, pthis north wind will continue to ptrain cold air in all day. pwhile the sun is doing its best, pit's warming us up but it's pbeautiful outside. pthat north wind will keep us pwell above normal, even for plater in the afternoon.
ptampa at 47. pstill hanging on to 50 barely in pst. petersburg and the further pnorth you go, the colder it is. pinverness at 37. pcrystal river at 37 degrees. pbarely above 40 in brooksville. pnotice a little bit warmer, a pfew degrees from brandon. p52 to englewood 53. pthey also have a little bit of pcloud cover this morning. pthe front has moved far enough psouth that the colder air has psettled to the north and mid to pupper 40s for the most part in olk county, hardee county, low p50s....
Jan 27, 2016
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pa group of parents from the ptampa bay area was there to make psure it passed. pchris joins us now with more on pwhat happened. preporter: this started with a pfacebook group. pit has 7 hundred members and psimilar groups from other pcounties have joined in pushing pfor mandatory recess. pthey say children need that punrestricted play time. pwe're not talking about physical lay time to express creativity, pdevelop social skills, and just pto blow off steam. pbut their pleas to district pleaders they say, was -- presulted in a lot of excuses pabout how there's not enough ptime in the school day for precess, given all the subjects pschools are mandated to teach. pwoman: my argument was that my pboy has 3 days of pe and no precess and he needs a little bit pof a break and that you'll pactually get better results from pchildren if they are given a pmore balanced schedule with precess breaks. preporter: so the group took ptheir fight to the state level pwith the help of two prepresentatives. pthey drafted a bill mandating pthe school provide 100 minutes pof recess pe
pa group of parents from the ptampa bay area was there to make psure it passed. pchris joins us now with more on pwhat happened. preporter: this started with a pfacebook group. pit has 7 hundred members and psimilar groups from other pcounties have joined in pushing pfor mandatory recess. pthey say children need that punrestricted play time. pwe're not talking about physical lay time to express creativity, pdevelop social skills, and just pto blow off steam. pbut their pleas to district...
Jan 12, 2016
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pwe're still at 45 degrees in ptampa. pwest chase, sitting there at 42. pnow, we do have freeze warnings pofficially out for citrus and phernando county. phowever, none of the hourlies pare showing us the freezing ptemps. pthat's not to say in some of the plittle dips and valleys we don't phave 32 degrees but overall, you pdodge a bullet here. pi also can tell you citrus and phernando county tonight into pwednesday morning under a freeze pwatch. pso you'll likely want to check pback in this evening with paul pand see how that plays out, if pthey upgrade that to a warning por not. pupper 40s bradenton, sarasota, pin the upper 40s and also upper p40s for our inland locations as pwell. pmany areas running two to four, pmaybe five degrees cooler than pyesterday at this time. pand we still have those north pwinds as well so not a huge pchange to the forecast. pwe struggle, and i mean pstruggled yesterday to make it pup to 60 degrees and i'm looking pat this weak disturbance moving pout of south florida, bringing pback mostly sunny skies for peverybody. pother
pwe're still at 45 degrees in ptampa. pwest chase, sitting there at 42. pnow, we do have freeze warnings pofficially out for citrus and phernando county. phowever, none of the hourlies pare showing us the freezing ptemps. pthat's not to say in some of the plittle dips and valleys we don't phave 32 degrees but overall, you pdodge a bullet here. pi also can tell you citrus and phernando county tonight into pwednesday morning under a freeze pwatch. pso you'll likely want to check pback in this...
Jan 29, 2016
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pthe floatilla shows up at the ptampa convention center between p11:30 a.m. and 1:00. arade of pirate as long pbayshore boulevard starts at p2:00 and begins from bay to bay pboulevard north into downtown ptampa, ending at ashley drive. pstreets around the parade route, pas you just heard from vanessa, pyou may be aware of that. pfolks are allowed in the area paround the parade and invasions pbut the pirate ship will be pstopped. p40 law enforcement vessels will pbe in the water, checking for pimpaired drivers so please have pa designated driver on the boat. pif you're trying to dock, come pearly because there's very plimited space. palcohol will be consumed by many pso make sure you drink at pdesignated wet sglen zones which is pthe parade route. pas for transportation, you know pit's going to be a nightmare. pa couple of cheap options for pyou, you can take the hart bus pand all day pass will cost $4 or pstreet car. pall day pass is $5. palcohol. pyou can buy alcohol here but you pcannot bring it in. pglass bottles, coolers and pthere's a new rule this year.
pthe floatilla shows up at the ptampa convention center between p11:30 a.m. and 1:00. arade of pirate as long pbayshore boulevard starts at p2:00 and begins from bay to bay pboulevard north into downtown ptampa, ending at ashley drive. pstreets around the parade route, pas you just heard from vanessa, pyou may be aware of that. pfolks are allowed in the area paround the parade and invasions pbut the pirate ship will be pstopped. p40 law enforcement vessels will pbe in the water, checking for...
Jan 29, 2016
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ptampa in the lower 50s. pbartow through arcadia as well. pwe're running 10 to 15 degrees pcolder than we were yesterday so pit's a noticeable difference but pi think it's going to be nice. p64 for a high today. pwe will get back in the 40s povernight tonight but then 69 ptomorrow and yes, back to the p70s for sunday. p>>vanessa: thank you, dave. pwe want to mention that it looks pstarting to take over at puncomfortable point along east pbay drive. pwe're following the crash near pthe u.s. 19 overpass with lane pblockage eastbound and the pdelays are getting to the point pwru might want to take an palternate. p142nd avenue and ulmerton road. pmeantime, we're seeing some pdelays northbound 275. pit's going to back upstarting paround dale mabry where we pusually see the concerns. pwest shore boulevard, average pspeeds around 15 miles an hour. pwe prepare for the delays like pwe've been seeing in the area. pmeantime, we're getting you pready for gasparilla, talking pabout the weather, the things pthat you'll be bringing. pwe also want to talk a
ptampa in the lower 50s. pbartow through arcadia as well. pwe're running 10 to 15 degrees pcolder than we were yesterday so pit's a noticeable difference but pi think it's going to be nice. p64 for a high today. pwe will get back in the 40s povernight tonight but then 69 ptomorrow and yes, back to the p70s for sunday. p>>vanessa: thank you, dave. pwe want to mention that it looks pstarting to take over at puncomfortable point along east pbay drive. pwe're following the crash near pthe...
Jan 22, 2016
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ptampa time to i-4 right now pabout 24 minutes. pand delays reported southbound palong the veterans expressway. pusual delays there but also an paccident southbound at waters. pno reports of any road block. ptraffic still clocking in around p13 miles per hour from the dale pmabry point all the way to phillsborough avenue. p>>laura: thank you. pthis is great. pjennifer epstein has got it. pimagine hurling towards the pearth at 120 miles an hour. pthat's what a group of pcommanders will be doing ptomorrow afternoon at the pgasparilla children's parade and pthis is another day in the life pof them. pbefore they take the dive, pthey're joining us live in pstudio and shayla reaves will ptalk about gasparilla, too. pshe's going to have a look at psafety measures in place to pkeeping all safe, right? p>>reporter: absolutely, laura. pwe know that state, local and pfederal agencies are working ptogether to make sure your pexperience at gasparilla is a psafe one. pi'll talk about how they're psure your day is a pleas in this line of work onl
ptampa time to i-4 right now pabout 24 minutes. pand delays reported southbound palong the veterans expressway. pusual delays there but also an paccident southbound at waters. pno reports of any road block. ptraffic still clocking in around p13 miles per hour from the dale pmabry point all the way to phillsborough avenue. p>>laura: thank you. pthis is great. pjennifer epstein has got it. pimagine hurling towards the pearth at 120 miles an hour. pthat's what a group of pcommanders will be...
Jan 27, 2016
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ptampa is good, st. petersburg is pgood now and while the roads are pwet, at least you don't have to pdeal with steadier, heavier rain pfor a couple of hours. phere's alligator alley and it plook like it's gone now but a pfew minutes ago, it looked like pthere was a rain wrapped tornado pgoing right through the heart of pthe everglades. punpopulated area but it was preally cool to look at right pthere on radar. pmay need still a bit of rotation phere. pthis is right in the middle of pthe everglades and this is where pyou're seeing more dynamics over psouth florida. pthey may overall run a better pchance, if you will, of stronger pthunderstorm activity this pafternoon. pover the last six hours, we've phad 3/4 inch of rain for most of pus. psome have seen less. pbut there's one little band pright over the sunshine skyway pthrough tampa bay, clipping mc pand up to tampa. pinch and a half of rain povernight. pit's more back to the west. phere's your second round of rain pnortheast so give it a couple of phou
ptampa is good, st. petersburg is pgood now and while the roads are pwet, at least you don't have to pdeal with steadier, heavier rain pfor a couple of hours. phere's alligator alley and it plook like it's gone now but a pfew minutes ago, it looked like pthere was a rain wrapped tornado pgoing right through the heart of pthe everglades. punpopulated area but it was preally cool to look at right pthere on radar. pmay need still a bit of rotation phere. pthis is right in the middle of pthe...
Jan 19, 2016
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pdaddy. pthinki p>>> welcome back to good day ptampa bay. ptime right now 9:32. pfour americans held hostage are preuniting with their families pafter they were released several pdays ago. pbut now lawmaker here in u.s. pare criticizing deal to trade pthem for iranian prisoners right pnow three americans are being ptreated on u.s. base in germany pafter seeing their loved one for pfirst time in months. pthe fourth american prisoner pdecided to stay in iran. pwhile families are happy to see ptheir loved ones not everyone is pcelebrating. pmany republicans fear that this pdeal makes more americans abroad pvulnerable. p>> got lot out of this deal i'm pbut fact is we released seven pcriminals in exchange for pamerican hostages secretary of pstate kerry says negotiation phave been ongoing and were pseparate from iranian nuclear pdeal. pthat agreement was credit sides pradar sized for not including risoners. pnow some are blasting this deal pfor giving iranians too much. p>> it has been five days since ptwo marine helicopter crashed poff coast of hawaii. p>> there is s
pdaddy. pthinki p>>> welcome back to good day ptampa bay. ptime right now 9:32. pfour americans held hostage are preuniting with their families pafter they were released several pdays ago. pbut now lawmaker here in u.s. pare criticizing deal to trade pthem for iranian prisoners right pnow three americans are being ptreated on u.s. base in germany pafter seeing their loved one for pfirst time in months. pthe fourth american prisoner pdecided to stay in iran. pwhile families are happy to...
Jan 12, 2016
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pand this should mean a smoother pride on your way into downtown ptampa. pshayla reaves is live at the pdale mabry exit. p>>laura: we got peek ready for pthis yesterday morning. pwalk us through what's changed phere. p>>reporter: good morning to you pguys. pwell, dale mabry highway, ossibly himes avenue and i-75 pnorthbound are all part of your pmorning commute, you might pnotice a few changes when you pget on the roadway this morning. pi'm here off dale mabry why we pwatched car after car throughout pthe morning, beginning to putilize that new ramp here pheaded straight onto i-275 pnorthbound. pso once you get on i-275 pnorthbound, sheer what you need pto know. pright now if you're travelling pin this particular stretch, pyou're looking at an animated pview of the changes here, pauthorities with florida pdepartment of transportation say pwhen you're in that stretch, pyou'll probably notice narrower planes and then you won't have pmuch of a shoulder at all to pwork with. pso they're urging drivers to be pextra cautious, be alert at all pof the vehicles mak
pand this should mean a smoother pride on your way into downtown ptampa. pshayla reaves is live at the pdale mabry exit. p>>laura: we got peek ready for pthis yesterday morning. pwalk us through what's changed phere. p>>reporter: good morning to you pguys. pwell, dale mabry highway, ossibly himes avenue and i-75 pnorthbound are all part of your pmorning commute, you might pnotice a few changes when you pget on the roadway this morning. pi'm here off dale mabry why we pwatched car...
Jan 26, 2016
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p>>> from tampa bay's number one pnews station, this is good day ptampa bay. p>>> hey everybody it's an p8 o'clock i'm russell rhodes. pi'm laura moody we thank you for pwaking up with us on this ptuesday morning. pits january 26th the. pright now we will check in with ptraffic jen epstein some roads pare finally back to normal. pyeah a rough start to morning pcommute things are beginning to plook a lot better along 275 in phillsborough county. inellas county along 275 at p54th avenue north. pthis is was the scene of earlier pvehicle fire. pfire is out but crews still on pscene. pand the they have exit ramble pcompletely blocked off. pwe went sure of that in last preport. pbut orange cones are now in lace. pthis is northbound 275. pcommuters can't exit interstate pcurrently on to 54th avenue or p62nd avenue north. pthey are 38th avenue north as ptwo alternates to take. pwe're seeing a big back up phearing delays extend back to ptropicana field. pnear i 175. pand i 375. pa couple other slow spots pincluding veterans expressway 11 pmiles per hour. pbarely moving
p>>> from tampa bay's number one pnews station, this is good day ptampa bay. p>>> hey everybody it's an p8 o'clock i'm russell rhodes. pi'm laura moody we thank you for pwaking up with us on this ptuesday morning. pits january 26th the. pright now we will check in with ptraffic jen epstein some roads pare finally back to normal. pyeah a rough start to morning pcommute things are beginning to plook a lot better along 275 in phillsborough county. inellas county along 275 at...
Jan 29, 2016
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p>>> from tampa bay's number one pnews station, this is good day ptampa bay. p>>> hey everybody it's friday pmorning it's 8 o'clock. pi'm radar. pi'm jen epstein laura moody has pday off thanks for waking up pwith us on this yearn 29th we pwill start with vanessa first. pshe breaking traffic news we're pfollowing a pretty serious crash pout of pinellas county. pgoing oh affecting westbound and pan eastbound east bay drive. pskyfox showing the latest with pthis crash. pas i mentioned in last report, pwe do have a tow truck it looks plike on scene taking it appears pto be last vehicle. paway. pso hopefully we will get this pcleared out soon. pbut yes, definitely a sticky pseeing in both directions of peast bay. pthis is u.s. 19 by way. robably want to avoid area. p142nd avenue north you can also ptake ulmerton road. pand so we'll keep you posted on platest with that. pall right time right now, that's pswitch over to 8:0 one. pwant to get over to dave. pwe're going the wrong way with ptemperatures. plooks like we dip down to upper p40s after all here in tampa. p4
p>>> from tampa bay's number one pnews station, this is good day ptampa bay. p>>> hey everybody it's friday pmorning it's 8 o'clock. pi'm radar. pi'm jen epstein laura moody has pday off thanks for waking up pwith us on this yearn 29th we pwill start with vanessa first. pshe breaking traffic news we're pfollowing a pretty serious crash pout of pinellas county. pgoing oh affecting westbound and pan eastbound east bay drive. pskyfox showing the latest with pthis crash. pas i...
Jan 20, 2016
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ptampa even upper 40s sneaking pback in pretty quickly. paround the state, barely above pfreezing but it there is 35 in p38 jacksonville. pall i'm telling you they are in pwinter coats in the keys. pin upper 50s. pfirst thing this morning. pand it was a we were actually pheaded back to the upper 30s in ptampa i believe. pthen the clouds came in last pnight. psome of the mid to upper level pnot sneaking back to the south pagain. pso areas south of tampa have pcloud cover. pareas to the north just crystal pclear skies. phonestly beautiful day. pas we get our temperatures to pslowly head back into the 60s. pyesterday's high was 59. ptoday we're going to jump up to pabout 64 degrees. pstormy skies tonight. pcold back to the 40s. pi don't think it will quite as pcold tomorrow morning but pdefinitely jacket weather. pand then partly cloudy and pseasonable tomorrow with high ptemperature of 70. plooks like a round of showers pmaybe a few storms coming pthrough. phigh everybody. p>> how adoing? pis that, hey, stevie. pseven-day forecast is gone. p
ptampa even upper 40s sneaking pback in pretty quickly. paround the state, barely above pfreezing but it there is 35 in p38 jacksonville. pall i'm telling you they are in pwinter coats in the keys. pin upper 50s. pfirst thing this morning. pand it was a we were actually pheaded back to the upper 30s in ptampa i believe. pthen the clouds came in last pnight. psome of the mid to upper level pnot sneaking back to the south pagain. pso areas south of tampa have pcloud cover. pareas to the north...
Jan 11, 2016
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ptampa at 45. pbrandon at 45. pbartow has managed to get down pto 43 degrees and places like pi would say you need jackets ptoday. phow about you go panama city? pfreezing. p31 in pensacola and the winds pare driving in and out of the pnorth-northeast at 10 to 13 pmiles an hour so we get a little pwind gust, makes it feel a plittle cooler than it really is poutside. pnow, we are looking at mostly psunny skies today. pwe'll need every bit of the psunshine to warm us up but even pthough we have all of that sun, pi still think we're going to pstay about eight degrees below pnormal for a high temperature pthis afternoon. p62 degrees for a high but as psoon as that sun goes down ptonight, jackets. p45 the overnight low and then pfor tomorrow, maybe just a touch pwarmer. plet's make it about 64 degrees pwith a mixture of clouds and psun, still seasonably cool poverall. pboating today, seas running pthree to five feet with a pmoderate chop. pwe'll steadily make it to the plower 70s but a pretty good shot pat some rain, m
ptampa at 45. pbrandon at 45. pbartow has managed to get down pto 43 degrees and places like pi would say you need jackets ptoday. phow about you go panama city? pfreezing. p31 in pensacola and the winds pare driving in and out of the pnorth-northeast at 10 to 13 pmiles an hour so we get a little pwind gust, makes it feel a plittle cooler than it really is poutside. pnow, we are looking at mostly psunny skies today. pwe'll need every bit of the psunshine to warm us up but even pthough we have...
Jan 19, 2016
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pyou want to check watson kitchen roducts go you can order right pthere and find out retailers in ptampa bay area support the mom pand son business. pcharley belcher, fox 13 news. p>>> thank you, charley. pso jim, this morning was one of pthose morning i had to get out pearly turn car on heat it up pbecause my kids, they even pbrought blankets. pit was that unusually cold this pmorning. pat least it felt like that. pyou know it will do it again ptomorrow. pit probably even a little bit pcolder. pso you know where this cold pweather really made its presence pknown this more than 45 degrees phere in tampa. pwe will see that 5, six degrees pcolder in some spots by tomorrow pmorning. pand you know it's going to be pcold when it's noon, it's 53 pdegrees. por at least it's the noon hour, pthe winds, they are still pout of the north at 15 miles per phour. phave some high clouds passing poverhead some area starting to psee clouds push a bit further to pthe south. pwe're getting more sun even pthough we have plenty of sun pthroughout sfwr, still we're ponly 55 degrees with winds out pnorth at 9 m
pyou want to check watson kitchen roducts go you can order right pthere and find out retailers in ptampa bay area support the mom pand son business. pcharley belcher, fox 13 news. p>>> thank you, charley. pso jim, this morning was one of pthose morning i had to get out pearly turn car on heat it up pbecause my kids, they even pbrought blankets. pit was that unusually cold this pmorning. pat least it felt like that. pyou know it will do it again ptomorrow. pit probably even a little bit...
Jan 11, 2016
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pbut still on okayed so i here in ptampa. p57 degrees. pnot seeing a whole lot 60s, even pthough we've got plenty of sun. pthat seven-day forecast you can psee this, we stay fairly cool pover next few days even into the pwe do warm up we're still only pgetting into the low to mid 70s pby the weekend. p>> i like it. pyes. pthank you, jim. pwell news does not end here pwe'll keep posting latest all pday www.fox13news.com facebook pand twitter. ploo more news washington and pspots a 5. pi hope you enjoy me tonight at p5 o'clock. paccess hollywood is next. p"realtime closed captioning rovided by u.s. captioning ugh. i really shouldn't. no, you know what? i should. and i will. i deserve this. i'm a bogo findin', weekly ad flippin', couponing mastermind. who's saving big time? this girl! can i help you? indeed. this queen of savings deserves a reward. a cannoli, please. the weekly ad, bogos and coupons. three easy ways to save at the same place you love to shop. publix. where shopping is a pleasure. okay. so right now, everyone is saying, "hurr
pbut still on okayed so i here in ptampa. p57 degrees. pnot seeing a whole lot 60s, even pthough we've got plenty of sun. pthat seven-day forecast you can psee this, we stay fairly cool pover next few days even into the pwe do warm up we're still only pgetting into the low to mid 70s pby the weekend. p>> i like it. pyes. pthank you, jim. pwell news does not end here pwe'll keep posting latest all pday www.fox13news.com facebook pand twitter. ploo more news washington and pspots a 5. pi...
Jan 20, 2016
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ptampa at 42. ptemperatures today should warm pup a bit. pwe're running three to 10 pdegrees colder than yesterday at pthis time. pbut i think we'll head back to pthen at least for one day, we'll in this line of work only the freshest ingredients make the cut it's important to me to know every dish i serve is the best it can be. especially for this food critic. publix bakery scratch made bread we bake it in store every day with pride so you can serve it with some p>>dave: oh, our temperatures are pin the 30s and 40s this morning. pand i am looking at cloud cover pand this came in just a few phours ago. pif we didn't have this cloud pcover, i'll bet tampa would have pdropped back to the upper 30s pbut there's definitely -- it phelped a little bit. pit's still cold outside. pit didn't keep us from, you pknow, two or three degrees, pmaybe four degrees colder. poff to the east, it's going to pbe a pretty day outside. peven though we have mid to upper plevel clouds, you see lakeland plooking great to start things poff on this wednesday morning.
ptampa at 42. ptemperatures today should warm pup a bit. pwe're running three to 10 pdegrees colder than yesterday at pthis time. pbut i think we'll head back to pthen at least for one day, we'll in this line of work only the freshest ingredients make the cut it's important to me to know every dish i serve is the best it can be. especially for this food critic. publix bakery scratch made bread we bake it in store every day with pride so you can serve it with some p>>dave: oh, our...
Jan 26, 2016
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pit has a hard beds quest for pgreatness is what is right with ptampa bay. p . p>> 15-year-old tessa hartman pdances a cross the floor with recision and grace. p>> woman: it is different than pa lot of things. pyou need a lot of strength but phave to look good while doing pit quest tessa has started pballet dancing four years ago pand has become a rising star. p>> i like doing performances. pon stage. p>> tessa's dedication has presulted in an invitation to pcompete in the world's most restigious ballet competition pand switzerland. p>> man: he gives her a lot of popportunities to choose from. pif she does well and is in pfavor, she can basically select pwhere she wants to pursue her pcareer, whether in this country por abroad. p>> tessa is one of four pdancers in the country who pqualified for the competition. pache total of 71 dancers from p19 different countries were pselected. p>> woman: i feel really pexcited. p>> man: it discovers the best pand brightest of students who phave a trajectory toward a rofessional career. p>> woman: i feel like i have pgrown a
pit has a hard beds quest for pgreatness is what is right with ptampa bay. p . p>> 15-year-old tessa hartman pdances a cross the floor with recision and grace. p>> woman: it is different than pa lot of things. pyou need a lot of strength but phave to look good while doing pit quest tessa has started pballet dancing four years ago pand has become a rising star. p>> i like doing performances. pon stage. p>> tessa's dedication has presulted in an invitation to pcompete in...
Jan 7, 2016
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ptampa, down to 3/4 mile for the pvenice area and once the fog plifts, we're looking at a decent pday overall with high ptemperatures in the mid 70s. pwhile we stay in the mid 70s ptomorrow and saturday, look at pthe rain chances. ptomorrow up 30% and we'll double pthat, yeah, looking at a shower, pa good shower chance on saturday pat around 60%. p>>vanessa: thank you. p7:28 is the time. inellas county, a new crash pthat we're following that is pgoing to be affecting the pintersection of keystone road pand east lake road. pwe're hearing really main delays pwill be the southbound pdirection. pthat's where we are experiencing psome lane blockage. peye been reminding pinellas pcounty drivers throughout the pmorning there is a permanent pthis happened overnight, gandy pboulevard, vintage road, that pintersection is closed with pdetours in place and of course, pnew traffic patterns so watch pout for the possibility of some pconfused drivers. plet's check on the veterans pexpressway. pwe're up to our -- getting ptoward our heavier travel times. p22 minutes southbound direction. p22 miles pe
ptampa, down to 3/4 mile for the pvenice area and once the fog plifts, we're looking at a decent pday overall with high ptemperatures in the mid 70s. pwhile we stay in the mid 70s ptomorrow and saturday, look at pthe rain chances. ptomorrow up 30% and we'll double pthat, yeah, looking at a shower, pa good shower chance on saturday pat around 60%. p>>vanessa: thank you. p7:28 is the time. inellas county, a new crash pthat we're following that is pgoing to be affecting the pintersection of...
Jan 14, 2016
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pthis one has newspapers from ptampa tribune from 1942. pthere's an article you can read pabout the u.s. fighters are not pas good as german fighters. p>>charley: that's right there. pu.s. fighter planes are inferior psay noted air authority. p>> when i found this piece, peveryone told me to throw it paway. pi said, no. pi'm going to save it. pi spent three months fixing it, pgot the termites out of it and pthen put this back together. p>>charley: how much is it? p>> about $600. p>>charley: come down here. pif you want to go picking, this pis the place to do it. pyou can find it today, tomorrow, psaturday, sunday. ark and 92.
pthis one has newspapers from ptampa tribune from 1942. pthere's an article you can read pabout the u.s. fighters are not pas good as german fighters. p>>charley: that's right there. pu.s. fighter planes are inferior psay noted air authority. p>> when i found this piece, peveryone told me to throw it paway. pi said, no. pi'm going to save it. pi spent three months fixing it, pgot the termites out of it and pthen put this back together. p>>charley: how much is it? p>>...
Jan 18, 2016
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pby wednesday morning 30s in ptampa. pwe're talking cool temperatures. plet's get you outside. phelp you plan your lunch time. pif you're off today, you still robably have that layer on from pthis morning. psun is shining and the winds, pthey are down it quite a bit pfrom yesterday. pbut at times they are a by the pbreezy and out of the north. plook at our dew point, bone dry pour air temperature 57. pafternoon. pbut still, running about 10 pdegrees below average for this ptime of year. pover lake mirror and 61. plight north wind couple high pclouds, very tranquil after all pactive weather we saw sunday pmorning and water still churned pup because of the are up enough pat the keys we still have high psurf advisory 55 degrees in pclearwater beach as of noon. pcouple 60s not too many actually pthat's lakeland. pmost of us very close to 60 for pafternoon high. pstill only 54 in st. pete. p57 in brooksville. p24 hour changes. panywhere from nearly 5 degrees pcooler to 11 in the sebring. pnot to mention, up right psunshine helping us out. phigh clouds to our south. pmay filter in a
pby wednesday morning 30s in ptampa. pwe're talking cool temperatures. plet's get you outside. phelp you plan your lunch time. pif you're off today, you still robably have that layer on from pthis morning. psun is shining and the winds, pthey are down it quite a bit pfrom yesterday. pbut at times they are a by the pbreezy and out of the north. plook at our dew point, bone dry pour air temperature 57. pafternoon. pbut still, running about 10 pdegrees below average for this ptime of year. pover...
Jan 26, 2016
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ptampa 15. pyou get the point. plook what is headed our way, not ptoday but for tomorrow. pyou see the rain developing out pover louisiana. palso out to the western gulf, psoutheast texas. pthat's all coming at us for ptomorrow, probably into thursday pbut at least for today, 72 pdegrees. ptomorrow 90% of the rain chance. pstill pretty high on thursday pmorning as well. pjen? p>>jennifer: slow traffic along pflorida avenue. psky fox just arrived on scene of pan accident along florida pavenue. pit's just south of bearss avenue pand only one lane is currently assing. pthis is affecting the southbound plane and fire rescue on scene as pwell. pwe're hearing a couple of pvehicles involved in the crash. ptalk to the sky fox helicopter ilot and figure out exactly pwhat's going on here. pcommuters need to know you're prunning into a slowdown. pgive yourself three to five pminutes until the southbound pwreck is clear. inellas county drivers, beware pof this crash. pthis is northbound 275 at the pstart of the exit ramp onto 54th pavenue north. pyou have fire rescue on scene, phighwa
ptampa 15. pyou get the point. plook what is headed our way, not ptoday but for tomorrow. pyou see the rain developing out pover louisiana. palso out to the western gulf, psoutheast texas. pthat's all coming at us for ptomorrow, probably into thursday pbut at least for today, 72 pdegrees. ptomorrow 90% of the rain chance. pstill pretty high on thursday pmorning as well. pjen? p>>jennifer: slow traffic along pflorida avenue. psky fox just arrived on scene of pan accident along florida...