oo hair.why -3 this woman thinks she was singled out by the t-s-a. 3 today is friday july 8tt. pth. 3phuttle prrgrammlaunch ffreeast 3 3&p33 &p3 3 - -flooding 3 3 3 3 3 -3 3 - -flooding-dundalk, liberty - -3 -flooding 3 3 3 3 map picc 3map fiber maa 3 3 3 3 3 lightnnnn, hail....even a ffood warninn. a trees down, and some roofs,... &pthe damagee good morning &pjoel d. ood morning megan, (ad ib) it was aa damaging night for some.... a loud night for all. 3 3 3 live n dundalk, joel d. &psmith, fox 45 morninn news. 3 & 3 3caylee! caylee! caalee!!- caylee!an aagry crowd gathered outside an orlaado ccurthouse thhrsdaa morning... for the senttncing of cassy aathony. days... not montts....in jail... beeore ecoming aa reee woman.originallyy.. her release date waa scheduled for 3 recalculated late llst night... kkeping he 25- year-old in jail until july -3 17th.with rrdit orrtime served and good behaviir anthony will walk free in just 3&p"her daughter diee. she plans book, mmke a movie, make all money."the judde has ordered &pher to ppy one-thousand dollars for each of the four counns f lying t