Sep 6, 2016
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a nuestras espaldas empezÓ a llegar el cortejo con las cenizas de su padre y vio la reacciÓn del pueblo, vamos a ver esas imÁgenes que realmente conmueven a cualquiera. >> quiero que te des vuelta porque estas viendo aquÍ atrÁs. >> quÉ amor, que amor. >> escucha a la multitud. >> alberto (lloran) . >> yo sÉ que es muy duro, no es lo mismo. >> yo sÉ que es muy duro (lloran) silva es muy duro para Él, yo lo sÉ, el estÁ actuando como cualquier hijo, como cualquier hijo doliente. >> Él no querÍa morir (lloran) >> la verdad que... pues conmueve escucharlo, Él estÁ sufriendo mucho, no solamente por la muerte de su papÁ ¿por quÉ? dice que tambien se siente excluido que le han dado informaciÓn confusa por eso no estaba junto a la ceniza de su padre entrando al centro de bellas artes planea acercarse con las cenizas de su papÁ mas adelante el pueblo ha querido despedir a juan gabriel con todos los honores una estrella de su talla y hoy se mÉxico le da este Último adiÓs que habÍa reclamado aquÍ en bellas artes grandes estrellas rinden tributo al "divo de juÁrez" como Él querÍa cantando, rogelio m
a nuestras espaldas empezÓ a llegar el cortejo con las cenizas de su padre y vio la reacciÓn del pueblo, vamos a ver esas imÁgenes que realmente conmueven a cualquiera. >> quiero que te des vuelta porque estas viendo aquÍ atrÁs. >> quÉ amor, que amor. >> escucha a la multitud. >> alberto (lloran) . >> yo sÉ que es muy duro, no es lo mismo. >> yo sÉ que es muy duro (lloran) silva es muy duro para Él, yo lo sÉ, el estÁ actuando como cualquier hijo,...
Sep 1, 2016
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enrique: el pueblo natal de juan, parÁcuaro michoacan vive las Últimas pors para darle un tributo al juan gabriel en parÁcuaro michoacÁn , es encabezado por la banda juven que Él apoyÓ, y el profesor de mÚsica, recuerda cÓmo si fuera ayer la primera vez que le cantaron la estrella, hace 14 aÑos cuando estos jÓvenes eran a penas unos niÑos >> le cantamos unas canciÓn de Él y cuando volteo, estarÁ llorando, a lo mejor estÁ llorando porque cuanantaron feoo maestro, quÉ bonito, que precioso ¿quÉ necesita? instrumen instrumentos, pÍdame una lista, lo que ocurre. jÉsica: asÍ llegaron a parÁcuaro los instrumentos. uno con la mÚsica acÁ olvida muchas cosas, porque estÁn en penas y recurren al calo coalta ha servido mucho. el divo de juÁrez fundÓ tambiÉn una escuela de mÚsica >> era lo mÁximo para nosotros, como si fuera cualquier gente, llegaba y te abrazaba, un grande. jÉsica. tambien construyÓ un hotel para fomentar el turismo, y una carretera que llega al pueblo, y querÍa hacer mÁs. ha traÍdo a su pueblo natal a decena de mÚsicos de la zona que lo admiran, gracias a Él tienen modo honesto
enrique: el pueblo natal de juan, parÁcuaro michoacan vive las Últimas pors para darle un tributo al juan gabriel en parÁcuaro michoacÁn , es encabezado por la banda juven que Él apoyÓ, y el profesor de mÚsica, recuerda cÓmo si fuera ayer la primera vez que le cantaron la estrella, hace 14 aÑos cuando estos jÓvenes eran a penas unos niÑos >> le cantamos unas canciÓn de Él y cuando volteo, estarÁ llorando, a lo mejor estÁ llorando porque cuanantaron feoo maestro, quÉ...
Sep 5, 2016
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. >> y ese don del divo de juÁrez, lo entregÓ sin reservas a su pueblo, que le dijeron adiÓs y tambiÉns de Él como jau rensz y queremos agradecerle todo lo que hizo por nosotros. >> es que aquÍ se pasÓ de la tristeza a la alegrÍa, recuerdo doloroso a la fiesta, porque asegura no se podÍa despedir de otra manera a juan gabriel. >> toda la noche sonaron las notas del mariachi mi tierra de juan gabriel. >> y con ellos cantÓ entre otros la cantante dulce. >> tambiÉn la india de puerto rico. >> ♪ (mÚsica) ♪ y la fiesta la puso el dÚo zona prieta. >> ♪ (mÚsica) ♪ . >> y desde la chimenea dentro de una ufrn juan gabriel fue testigo de la despedida. >> ♪ (mÚsica) ♪ despedida en que Él y su pueblo cantaron juntos igual que siempre. >> ♪ (mÚsica) ♪ hay un cÁlculo que fueron mas de cien mil las personas, mÁs de 140 mil personas que habÍan estado presentes durante este homenaje y en el que participaron grandes artistas y nosotros logramos platicar con algunos de ellos, con el dÚo zona prieta, tambiÉn con la india y hablaron que juan gabriel lo consideran su verdadero maestro. >> siempre va a ser l
. >> y ese don del divo de juÁrez, lo entregÓ sin reservas a su pueblo, que le dijeron adiÓs y tambiÉns de Él como jau rensz y queremos agradecerle todo lo que hizo por nosotros. >> es que aquÍ se pasÓ de la tristeza a la alegrÍa, recuerdo doloroso a la fiesta, porque asegura no se podÍa despedir de otra manera a juan gabriel. >> toda la noche sonaron las notas del mariachi mi tierra de juan gabriel. >> y con ellos cantÓ entre otros la cantante dulce. >>...
Sep 6, 2016
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raÚl: quÉ le quieres decir al pueblo de mÉxico? el pueblo que querÍa tanto a juan gabriel.ra nosotros. comprendan nuestro dolor que estamos sufriendo. arantxa: una entrevista sumamente emotiva. vamos a hablar de los nÚmeros de juan gabriel. entre los rÉcords conseguidos por el divo destacan los siguientes. vendiÓ 150 millones de Álbumes. cada 40 segundo se escucha uno de sus temas, y tiene dos dÍas en su honor en estados unidos. sin duda alguna, son cifras difÍciles de igualar, entre ellos mÁs de 1800 canciones compuestas. hoy nuestro lunes social le preguntamos, quÉ le gustaba mÁs el divo de juÁrez? Éstos son algunos de sus comentarios. comenzamos en twitter. seguimos en facebook. finalmente en facebook. muchas gracias por comentar nuestro lunes social. le queremos recordar que puede sugerir nos los temas. estÁ por vencerse el plazo para que los salvadoreÑos residentes en estados unidos reclamen el tps. una niÑa mexicana de sÓlo 5 aÑos causa sensaciÓn en las redes sociales en un vÍdeo en que arantxa: lo que usted no se puede perder. un nuevo huracÁn amenaza las costas del
raÚl: quÉ le quieres decir al pueblo de mÉxico? el pueblo que querÍa tanto a juan gabriel.ra nosotros. comprendan nuestro dolor que estamos sufriendo. arantxa: una entrevista sumamente emotiva. vamos a hablar de los nÚmeros de juan gabriel. entre los rÉcords conseguidos por el divo destacan los siguientes. vendiÓ 150 millones de Álbumes. cada 40 segundo se escucha uno de sus temas, y tiene dos dÍas en su honor en estados unidos. sin duda alguna, son cifras difÍciles de igualar, entre...
Sep 1, 2016
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el cantautor inspirÓ la remodelaciÓn de la carretera que lleva al pueblo.tar informado. jorge: con esto nos vamos, gracias por haber estado con nosotros en esta ediciÓn especial para la costa oeste. buenas noches. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ maia: es inteligente, guapo, de buena familia, le cae bien a mi papá. prácticamente, lo tiene todo. frida: ajá, sólo que nunca te he visto feliz y me alegra que le hayas puesto un stop. maia: sólo nos dimos un tiempo. porque, la verdad, yo creo que ese no es el amor. frida: es amor se siente o no se siente.
el cantautor inspirÓ la remodelaciÓn de la carretera que lleva al pueblo.tar informado. jorge: con esto nos vamos, gracias por haber estado con nosotros en esta ediciÓn especial para la costa oeste. buenas noches. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ maia: es inteligente, guapo, de buena familia, le cae bien a mi papá. prácticamente, lo tiene todo. frida: ajá, sólo que nunca te he visto feliz y me alegra que le hayas puesto un stop. maia: sólo nos dimos un tiempo. porque, la verdad, yo creo...
Sep 29, 2016
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. >> el papa francisco le dedica un emotivo mensaje a mÉxico ante los sufrimientos de su pueblo y hace a la multitud reunida en la plaza de san pedro. >> ♪ (mÚsica) ♪ . >> "noticiero telemundo" con josÉ dÍaz-balart josÉ dÍaz-balart. >> faltan 41 dÍas para elecciones presidenciales y su voto decide. buenas tardes el pueblo se volÓo hoy para despedir al pelotero josÉ fernÁndez y acompaÑar en medio del cariÑo y el respeto a su familia. una multitudinaria procesiÓn fÚnebre lo llevÓ por Última vez al estadio de marlins donde alcanzÓ la gloria deportiva, angie sandoval estÁ en la iglesia donde cientos de personas lo siguen llorando. >> asÍ es josÉ centenares de personas estÁn llegando a esta iglesia en el sur de la florida para darle los respetos porque aquÍ estÁn velando a un amigo, estÁn velando a josÉ fernÁndez. una persona, un joven, una estrella del bÉisbol que brillaba mucho mÁs que en el campo de juego. >> ♪ (mÚsica) ♪ fue un adiÓs largo y doloroso para una estrella del deporte que brillÓ por poco tiempo. josÉ fernÁndez era el hijo de miami. y hoy sus compaÑeros peloteros vestidos de
. >> el papa francisco le dedica un emotivo mensaje a mÉxico ante los sufrimientos de su pueblo y hace a la multitud reunida en la plaza de san pedro. >> ♪ (mÚsica) ♪ . >> "noticiero telemundo" con josÉ dÍaz-balart josÉ dÍaz-balart. >> faltan 41 dÍas para elecciones presidenciales y su voto decide. buenas tardes el pueblo se volÓo hoy para despedir al pelotero josÉ fernÁndez y acompaÑar en medio del cariÑo y el respeto a su familia. una...
Sep 17, 2016
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en la universidad del pueblo, el pueblo estÁ tomando esta lucha. >> hay sectores que han sido determinadoes. la docencia serÁ suspendida. retornÓ a los estudios. locutora: hechos de nuestros paÍses. locutor: padres de los estudiantes desaparecido anuncian que el nuevo anuncio del nuevo cargo es una burla. la guerrilla de las farc iniciarÁ la 10 conferencia para aprobar el acuerdo de paz, definir su resoluciÓn como grupo armado. la conferencia se prolongarÁ hasta el 16 de septiembre. tres dÍas antes confirma el acuerdo de paz que se llevarÁ en la ciudad caribeÑa de india. con lÁgrimas en los ojos el presidente lula da silva, anuncia" hoy vÍctima de una mentira y esto es una novela". por la acusaciÓn formal de corrupciÓn que enfrenta. la fiscalÍa anunciÓ cargos por corrupciÓn en lavado de capitales. locutor: al regresar. locutora: hablan de prevenciÓn de cÁncer de prÓstata. locutora cada vez son mÁs los hombres que sufren de cÁncer de prÓstata. reportera: mÁs hombres sufren de cÁncer de prÓstata, pero lo bueno es que cada vez mÁs se puede tratar. >> hombres no se cuidan bien, causa muchos p
en la universidad del pueblo, el pueblo estÁ tomando esta lucha. >> hay sectores que han sido determinadoes. la docencia serÁ suspendida. retornÓ a los estudios. locutora: hechos de nuestros paÍses. locutor: padres de los estudiantes desaparecido anuncian que el nuevo anuncio del nuevo cargo es una burla. la guerrilla de las farc iniciarÁ la 10 conferencia para aprobar el acuerdo de paz, definir su resoluciÓn como grupo armado. la conferencia se prolongarÁ hasta el 16 de...
Sep 17, 2016
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el defensor del pueblo en venezuela nos dice cÓmo se defiende de las crÍticas.quieras, en nuestra red creada para datos lte ilimitados. presentamos t-mobile one. un solo precio. todo ilimitado. para todos. así es, obtén 4 líneas por $35 dólares al mes cada una, con datos 4g lte ilimitados. dile adiós a los datos limitados. ...y cámbiate a t-mobile. >> alberto, cÓmo has estado? qÉe has estado haciendo? no me digas que sigues pidiendo limosna? >> yo canto. locutor: juan gabriel, lo que usted no ha visto, en crÓnicas de sÁbado. ♪ enrique: rebeldes sirios publicaron un vÍdeo en internet que muestra el paso de un convoy militar aparentemente estadounidense. las imÁgenes no se han confirmado se ve una caravana circulando por una carretera cercana a la frontera. ilia: la compaÑÍa es la investiga causas del accidente mortal en china, el incidente ocurriÓ en enero, sale a la luz tras el anuncio de la empresa de que actualizar sistema. la familia de la vÍctima presentÓ una demanda contra tesla. enrique: la cumbre del movimiento de paÍses no alineados hizo un curso en el e
el defensor del pueblo en venezuela nos dice cÓmo se defiende de las crÍticas.quieras, en nuestra red creada para datos lte ilimitados. presentamos t-mobile one. un solo precio. todo ilimitado. para todos. así es, obtén 4 líneas por $35 dólares al mes cada una, con datos 4g lte ilimitados. dile adiós a los datos limitados. ...y cámbiate a t-mobile. >> alberto, cÓmo has estado? qÉe has estado haciendo? no me digas que sigues pidiendo limosna? >> yo canto. locutor: juan...
Sep 18, 2016
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si los castros no cumplen, con nuestra desde mandas y son la libertad religiosa y polÍtica para el puebloa los venezolanos cada vez mÁs en este estado mano dura contra el rÉgimen de nicolÁs maduro. >>> hay muchos venezolanos en el doral un lugar hermoso y vibrante miami estÁ lleno de duros trabajadores venezolanos pero su paÍs ha sido golpeado severamente por los socialistas el prÓximo presidente debe solidarizarse con toda la gente oprimo tida en nuestro hemisferio. >>> los sistemas al evento celebraron la presencia de donald trump y su mensaje que calificaron como necesario. >>> me dio una emociÓn muy linda porque ningÚn presidente ni hillary clinton jamÁs ni ha tocado el tema de cuba. >>> nadie te habla de venezuela. porque esa gente lo que estÁn pasando era lo que pasÓ cuba al dmranz revoluciÓn. >>> es que florida es cada vez mÁs importantes el mas reciente promedio de encuesta que hacen pone a donald trump y a hillary clinton prÁcticamente empatados en este estado considerado en en disputa es decir de no tradiciÓn de votaciÓn partidista y al final de la jornada a los nueve de la noch
si los castros no cumplen, con nuestra desde mandas y son la libertad religiosa y polÍtica para el puebloa los venezolanos cada vez mÁs en este estado mano dura contra el rÉgimen de nicolÁs maduro. >>> hay muchos venezolanos en el doral un lugar hermoso y vibrante miami estÁ lleno de duros trabajadores venezolanos pero su paÍs ha sido golpeado severamente por los socialistas el prÓximo presidente debe solidarizarse con toda la gente oprimo tida en nuestro hemisferio....
Sep 11, 2016
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call them pueblo, this word for small village. mrs.blos of new mexico 25 located 25 miles northwest of santa fe. the total membership of the pueblo is close to 300 people. most of whom live on tribal land. --e he can their language, they speak their language and cling strongly to the patriarchal family and client relationship. although most of the adults lack a formal education, the universal appreciation of art is most evident in their handmade goods. ♪ ♪ >> two famous residents of santa fe, as far as the johnson family is concerned, are mr. and mrs. antonio taylor, mr. and mrs. johnson's brother and sister-in-law. for years they have been telling mrs. johnson of the beauty of the carson national forest, with its golden aspen trees. in the final moment of her western tour, she arranged a walk through the forest. a walk that would bring to a close a tour called "faces of the west," a tour that might be summed up in the words of thoreau. >> we must be refreshed by the fight of an inexhaustible vigor. vast and titanic features. the wilde
call them pueblo, this word for small village. mrs.blos of new mexico 25 located 25 miles northwest of santa fe. the total membership of the pueblo is close to 300 people. most of whom live on tribal land. --e he can their language, they speak their language and cling strongly to the patriarchal family and client relationship. although most of the adults lack a formal education, the universal appreciation of art is most evident in their handmade goods. ♪ ♪ >> two famous residents of...
Sep 30, 2016
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some residents at pueblo regional center had into their skin. employees blamed it on paranormal activity. >> outrageous . makes my skin crawl. >> the alleged abuse dates back to last year. >>> the first votes are cast in the presidential election >> and a firefighter's heroic actions. >> the controversial move by the dea. >> and exploding washing machines? >> clear skies along the front range. too far behind that, clouds. not too far behind that, >> not sure we needed it, but more proof that von miller is good at football. and a chance to take money from some rich >>> voters in several states began casting ballots. candidates are courting voters in the final weeks including two stops in colorado for tr monday night at the budweiser event center in loveland, trump will hold a rally in pueblo monday noon at the convention center there. in the final weeks of the election, both candidates staying focused on key states to win this november. shoishg in iowa for the first day of early >> we have 40 days, and is every one of you can make the difference
some residents at pueblo regional center had into their skin. employees blamed it on paranormal activity. >> outrageous . makes my skin crawl. >> the alleged abuse dates back to last year. >>> the first votes are cast in the presidential election >> and a firefighter's heroic actions. >> the controversial move by the dea. >> and exploding washing machines? >> clear skies along the front range. too far behind that, clouds. not too far behind that,...
Sep 30, 2016
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. >>> at least eight workers in pueblo have been fired from a center for the disabled. an investigation found several cases of abuse. some residents at pueblo regional center had the words die or kill scratched into their skin. employees blamed it on paranormal activity. >> outrageous . makes my skin crawl. >> the alleged abuse dates back to last year. >>> the first votes are cast in the presidential election. >> and a firefighter's heroic actions. >> the controversial move by >> and exploding washing machines? >> clear skies along the front range. too far behind that, clouds. not too far behind that, some moisture. >> not sure we needed it, but more proof that von miller is good at football. and a chance to take mon >>> voters in several states began casting ballots. candidates are courting voters in the final weeks including two stops in colorado for trump. >> addition to campaigning monday night at the budweiser event center in loveland, trump will hold a rally in pueblo monday noon a center there. in the final weeks of the election, both candidates staying focused o
. >>> at least eight workers in pueblo have been fired from a center for the disabled. an investigation found several cases of abuse. some residents at pueblo regional center had the words die or kill scratched into their skin. employees blamed it on paranormal activity. >> outrageous . makes my skin crawl. >> the alleged abuse dates back to last year. >>> the first votes are cast in the presidential election. >> and a firefighter's heroic actions. >>...
Sep 14, 2016
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he preguntado sobre los arrestos en margarita. >> pido respeto de tu parte hacia el defensor del pueblo que pasa que jorge ramos quiere que le responda como quiere jorge ramos. [hablan a la vez] >> respondo como considero yo. jorge: la entrevista completa sin editar, con el defensor del pueblo, esta noche en univisiÓn noticias.com. y este domingo el programa "al punto". los hombres se abalanzaron al escenario cuando terminaba de bailar el nadador olÍmpico ryan lochte en el programa de baile transmitido en vivo. protestaron ante el escÁndalo de los juegos olÍmpicos de río cuando los nadadores inventaron un asalto a mano armada para esconder sus acciones. ♪ ♪ en alemania, arrestaron a tres sitios sospechosos de pertenecer al estado islÁmico y los estÁn investigando en relaciÓn con los mortales ataques terroristas de noviembre en parÍs. los sospechosos pero llevados a europa con los mismos contrabandistas que trasladaron a los atacantes de parÍs. un aviÓn de carga golpeó la pista y se deslizÓ casi una milla y perdiÓ su tren de aterrizaje en un aeropuerto de indonesia. partes del aviÓn queb
he preguntado sobre los arrestos en margarita. >> pido respeto de tu parte hacia el defensor del pueblo que pasa que jorge ramos quiere que le responda como quiere jorge ramos. [hablan a la vez] >> respondo como considero yo. jorge: la entrevista completa sin editar, con el defensor del pueblo, esta noche en univisiÓn noticias.com. y este domingo el programa "al punto". los hombres se abalanzaron al escenario cuando terminaba de bailar el nadador olÍmpico ryan lochte en...
Sep 28, 2016
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this is appropriate for pueblo. i agree. pueblo is the home of heroes. and they got that name because there are so many people from pueblo who have received the congressional medal of honor. i don't know if there's something in the water or what, but it's touching to see that kind of patriotism coming out of the people of pueblo. so that really warms my heart. so mr. speaker, with having said all that, i'd yield back the balance of my time. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman from colorado yields back his time. the question is on will the house suspend the rules and pass senate 3283, as amended. those in favor say aye. those opposed, no. mr. lamborn: mr. speaker, i ask for the yeas and nays. the speaker pro tempore: just a moment, mr. lamborn. in the opinion of the chair, 2/3 having responded in the affirmative, the rules are suspended, the bill is passed, and without objection, the motion to reconsider is laid on the table. the yeas and nays are requested. all those in favor of taking the vote by the yeas and nays will rise and remain standing until
this is appropriate for pueblo. i agree. pueblo is the home of heroes. and they got that name because there are so many people from pueblo who have received the congressional medal of honor. i don't know if there's something in the water or what, but it's touching to see that kind of patriotism coming out of the people of pueblo. so that really warms my heart. so mr. speaker, with having said all that, i'd yield back the balance of my time. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman from colorado...
Sep 4, 2016
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lamarr, la junta and even pueblo in the mid to upper 90s. tonight in denver, getting to the mid-50s. early to mostly cloudy skies. we start the day on a cool note but also with a lot of 89 degrees are expected high. we will see that breezy condition last through monday before we start to cool down tuesday when a cool friend dropping temperatures to the lower 80s. for the rest of our labor day,, i know we are starting to get into the official start of fall but still feeling like summer out there with highs in the upper 80s. we stay innthe mid-80s through >> not bad. >>> foothills animal shelter is in the house. ? amazing sleep stays with you all day and all night. sleep number beds adjust on both sides for your best sleep ever. don't miss the biggest sale of the year. right now save 50% on the labor day limited edition bed, plus 36-month financing. hurry ends monday! >>> we're back with -- for pet of the day. obie essure cute. >> she is about 12 years old. she came to theeshelter about a month ago because her owner moved to a place that oesn'
lamarr, la junta and even pueblo in the mid to upper 90s. tonight in denver, getting to the mid-50s. early to mostly cloudy skies. we start the day on a cool note but also with a lot of 89 degrees are expected high. we will see that breezy condition last through monday before we start to cool down tuesday when a cool friend dropping temperatures to the lower 80s. for the rest of our labor day,, i know we are starting to get into the official start of fall but still feeling like summer out there...
Sep 4, 2016
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the pueblo county coroner says 19-year-old danielle gonzales died from gunshot wounds. his body was found between parked cars around midnight. detectives are looking for two vehicles that were seen in the area around that time. the state fair says at this point no changes will be made as a result of this incident. strong winds to several states along the east coast. the storm is gaining strength once again and is expected to move off the coast of virginia to new york over the next couple of days. it's expected to bring dangerous flooding along the coast although the impact is not expected to be as bad as superstorm sandy. tropical storm warnings are out for north carolina all the way to massachusetts tonight. while the storm is bringing harsh conditions to some areas it is also providing just the right mix of clouds for a be nearly empty over the next two days due to the storm over what is the next -- the last weekend over the summer. >>> thousands of pilgrims started to gather today for what is being referred to as the jubilee of mercy, more than 100,000 people expecte
the pueblo county coroner says 19-year-old danielle gonzales died from gunshot wounds. his body was found between parked cars around midnight. detectives are looking for two vehicles that were seen in the area around that time. the state fair says at this point no changes will be made as a result of this incident. strong winds to several states along the east coast. the storm is gaining strength once again and is expected to move off the coast of virginia to new york over the next couple of...
Sep 24, 2016
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misted seexpected to arrive in pueblo -- misty is expected to arrive in pueblo tonight. >> as far as our weather goes, sunshine, blue skies out here! temperatures in the 70s and 80s! snow off the off to the west of us. what happens, low pressure system, counterclockwise flow, pulling that more their moisture from the pacific. we get our moisture from the gulf. that low pressure system has to be over southeastern colorado for it to affect us. so as the front goes by, we'll see an isolated shower or thunder shower and that is it. but the mountains will see rain and snow! this warm front today, lots of warm up ahead of it. downslope winds helped that. and the southern border until 8:00 tonight. and a freeze warning from 10:00 pm tonight till 9:00 am on saturday with temperatures dropping to 28 to 32 degrees. and yes, here is our winter weather advisory from midnight tonight to 9:00 am saturday. short duration, but they could get two to five inch was snow! all the mountains could see snow. es of snow! all the mountains could see snow. watch the skies clear for sunday, border to border, w
misted seexpected to arrive in pueblo -- misty is expected to arrive in pueblo tonight. >> as far as our weather goes, sunshine, blue skies out here! temperatures in the 70s and 80s! snow off the off to the west of us. what happens, low pressure system, counterclockwise flow, pulling that more their moisture from the pacific. we get our moisture from the gulf. that low pressure system has to be over southeastern colorado for it to affect us. so as the front goes by, we'll see an isolated...
Sep 30, 2016
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at three at the pueblo convention center. doors for that rally open at noon. later in the day, he's stopping in loveland, at the budweiser events center. that rally starts at six. there are tickets trump's website. support for hillary clinton continues to pour in following this week's debate. quite a few newspapers have made their endorsements. even usa today is taking a stance. in a surprise move.. breaking with tradition of not picking sides... in an editorial the paper wrote quote," by all means vote, just not for donald trump." while the editorial doesn't specifically support clinton, it does spell out reasons the paper feels donald trump should not be the president. trump's running mate mike pence wrote a competing op-ed in u-s-a today, talking bout how trump is ready to lead. both vice presidential candidates are taking sone time- to get ready for next tuesday's debate. presidential nominee will relax at home in indiana - and prep for his one and only debate. in the past days... he's been practicing... doing mock debate
at three at the pueblo convention center. doors for that rally open at noon. later in the day, he's stopping in loveland, at the budweiser events center. that rally starts at six. there are tickets trump's website. support for hillary clinton continues to pour in following this week's debate. quite a few newspapers have made their endorsements. even usa today is taking a stance. in a surprise move.. breaking with tradition of not picking sides... in an editorial the paper wrote quote," by...
Sep 8, 2016
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. >> yo creo que Él era del pueblo.el espectÁculo estuvo a cargo de mariana seoane quien fue muy allegada " al divo de juÁrez" >> me ha costado mucho trabajo aceptar que ya no estÁ. tengo un montÓn de sentimientos encontrados y preferirÍa no en estos momentos. hablamos en otro momento. leÓn: nos informó inÉs, se esperan mÁs homenajes y foros sobre la vida y el legado del cantautor mexicano juan gabriel. los fondos para combatir el zika han enfrentado una dura batalla del fracaso para lograr un acuerdo entre demÓcratas y republicanos entre el congreso debido a las exigencias ambas partes y luego de este reciente intento por aprobar fondos para combatir el virus del zika, al congreso sÓlo le queda hasta fin de mes para alcanzar un compromiso y aprobar el presupuesto. >> debemos pensar primero en la salud del pueblo. pero para mÍ en esta ocasiÓn en que se va a transmitir este virus a una nueva generaciÓn de niÑos inocentes. leon: segÚn sostienen algunos legisladores, la Única soluciÓn serÍa incluir los fondos contra el zik
. >> yo creo que Él era del pueblo.el espectÁculo estuvo a cargo de mariana seoane quien fue muy allegada " al divo de juÁrez" >> me ha costado mucho trabajo aceptar que ya no estÁ. tengo un montÓn de sentimientos encontrados y preferirÍa no en estos momentos. hablamos en otro momento. leÓn: nos informó inÉs, se esperan mÁs homenajes y foros sobre la vida y el legado del cantautor mexicano juan gabriel. los fondos para combatir el zika han enfrentado una dura...
Sep 13, 2016
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jorge: tuve la oportunidad de entrevistar al defensor del pueblo de venezuela cuya funciÓn es que sera totalmente sesgada. siento que no es correcto omar periodÍsticamente hablando. presenta un caso e inmediatamente me criminaliza, cient que estÁs bajando el nivel que acostumbras. [hablan a la vez] >> tÚ me quiere llevar a mi a una especie de paredÓn de fusilamiento y no te lo voy a permitir. jorge: Éste defiende los derechos humanos en venezuela... por eso les he preguntado sobre los arrestos en margarita. >> pido respeto de tu parte hacia el defensor del pueblo de venezuela. jorge: lo que pido es que me contesten una de las preguntas, usted dice defender los derechos humanos pero le he presentado el caso de prisioneros polÍticos... >> lo que pasa que jorge ramos quiere que le responda como quiere jorge ramos. [hablan a la vez] >> respondo como considero yo. jorge: la entrevista completa sin editar, con el defensor del pueblo, esta noche en univisiÓn noticias.com. y este domingo el programa "al punto". los hombres se abalanzaron al escenario cuando terminaba de bailar el nadador olÍ
jorge: tuve la oportunidad de entrevistar al defensor del pueblo de venezuela cuya funciÓn es que sera totalmente sesgada. siento que no es correcto omar periodÍsticamente hablando. presenta un caso e inmediatamente me criminaliza, cient que estÁs bajando el nivel que acostumbras. [hablan a la vez] >> tÚ me quiere llevar a mi a una especie de paredÓn de fusilamiento y no te lo voy a permitir. jorge: Éste defiende los derechos humanos en venezuela... por eso les he preguntado sobre...
Sep 17, 2016
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el defensor del pueblo en venezuela nos dice cÓmo se defiende de las crÍticas.sy nos dicen por quÉ hay que votar. >> el punto es que voten. de los datos limitados.
el defensor del pueblo en venezuela nos dice cÓmo se defiende de las crÍticas.sy nos dicen por quÉ hay que votar. >> el punto es que voten. de los datos limitados.
Sep 3, 2016
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mid-90s pueblo. low 90s denver, greeley and fort collins. mid-70s in the high country. lightning after 3:00, those hiking and biking. moisture more limited moving into sunday afternoon, which is nice. 69 the high in grand lake tomorrow and 71 at red feather lakes. in denver tonight maybe a brief shower before skies clear completely. so far it's quiet and dr hit 81 by lunchtime. top out at 90. i think both sunday and for the holiday monday we'll be close to 90 degrees. moisture very limited until tuesday with the arrival of a weak front, brings in scattered storms tuesday and wednesday, 20% chance of rain mid-week. and a slight cool down, but seasonal temperatures for tuesday and wednesday. we get you into the first full week of september with temperatures that are just lovely. nowhere near record territory, colorado state fair in pueblo tomorrow, low to mid-90s. if you're looking for summer sunflowers or daisies, get a picture and send those in to me. so much green on the hill side, often highlighted by the mostly cloudy skies we've had all week long. in the back yard n
mid-90s pueblo. low 90s denver, greeley and fort collins. mid-70s in the high country. lightning after 3:00, those hiking and biking. moisture more limited moving into sunday afternoon, which is nice. 69 the high in grand lake tomorrow and 71 at red feather lakes. in denver tonight maybe a brief shower before skies clear completely. so far it's quiet and dr hit 81 by lunchtime. top out at 90. i think both sunday and for the holiday monday we'll be close to 90 degrees. moisture very limited...
Sep 26, 2016
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. >> reporter: amanda borrows helps manage a youth football team in pueblo colorado. her order was supposed to be in by august 18. practice uniforms. and for the nearly $2000 sent to sts she says nothing has
. >> reporter: amanda borrows helps manage a youth football team in pueblo colorado. her order was supposed to be in by august 18. practice uniforms. and for the nearly $2000 sent to sts she says nothing has
Sep 7, 2016
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more mid-90s near pueblo and lomar. it's warm toy and temperature wise tomorrow looks a lot like it. we have been watching a few clouds across the plains, but you're going to find by 3:00 it is d southern and even northern colorado overnight tonight into early tomorrow morning. we have been tracking what's left of tropical storm it in and it's bringing heavy rain down in through the desert southwest and new mexico. we're not expecting much of anything from it except clouds. early tomorrow, 7:00, we could see a few spots of patchy fog burlington foggy conditions. could see again. tomorrow afternoon, things are nice. we have the broncos game tomorrow, so tailgating gets going tomorrow afternoon. why theestart of the game, we might have a few isolated storms out east. otherwise, clear skies and beautiful weather for tomorrow night's game. we will be in the 80s for the start of it, the dropping into the 70s. denver today, mid-, upper 80s both today and tomorrow. friday, things start to friday, low 80s on saturday. this is t
more mid-90s near pueblo and lomar. it's warm toy and temperature wise tomorrow looks a lot like it. we have been watching a few clouds across the plains, but you're going to find by 3:00 it is d southern and even northern colorado overnight tonight into early tomorrow morning. we have been tracking what's left of tropical storm it in and it's bringing heavy rain down in through the desert southwest and new mexico. we're not expecting much of anything from it except clouds. early tomorrow,...
Sep 26, 2016
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flores y mensajes recordando a quienes fueron brutalmente asesinados en este pequeÑo y tranquilo puebloo para siempre. >> es la mera esquina del paÍs donde las cosas no han llegd --llegado casi, ver la violencia aquÍ que abre los ojos, nuestros sobre mÉxico ni en las ciudades grandes. ana: en la noche del sÁbado se registrÓ otro tiroteo en baltimore, maryland. balearon a ocho personas, entre ellas una niÑa de tres aÑos. segÚn las autoridades, se desconocen los motivos que ambos tiroteos. marÍa elena: las autoridades creen que tiroteo en baltimore fue un acto premeditado. asÍ concluimos el reporte especial. los invitamos a ver nuestra ediciÓn especial de "aquÍ y ahora". locutor: esta noche, sus padres los envÍan a lo que consideran un lugar seguro. >> cuando alguien les diga algo, retÍrense, no contesten, no hagan un problema mÁs grande. locutor: sin embargo varias escuelas se han nvertido en lugares de abuso. evidencias de diseminada en vÍdeo y en redes sociales. >> se burlaban. locutor: agresiones que escalan. >> mi esposo me despertÓ. le dieron una puÑalada a tu hijo, quedÉ en shock.
flores y mensajes recordando a quienes fueron brutalmente asesinados en este pequeÑo y tranquilo puebloo para siempre. >> es la mera esquina del paÍs donde las cosas no han llegd --llegado casi, ver la violencia aquÍ que abre los ojos, nuestros sobre mÉxico ni en las ciudades grandes. ana: en la noche del sÁbado se registrÓ otro tiroteo en baltimore, maryland. balearon a ocho personas, entre ellas una niÑa de tres aÑos. segÚn las autoridades, se desconocen los motivos que ambos...
Sep 1, 2016
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despidiÉndose de Él es algo que en realidad siento que tiene razÓn lucÍa mÉndez, juan gabriel ya es parte del pueblono es parte de todos mnosotros porque creo que hay que respetar lo que Él haya pedido y lo que la familia este haciendo, siguen las pequeÑas re rencillas entre la familia. >> eso siempre va a pasar, pero como dice lucÍa estamos seguros que eso lo dejÓ juan gabriel en algÚn momento lo tiene que haber hablado para que ahora la familia quiera cumplirla como lo pidiÓ, asÍ es e deberia hacer. >> asÍ es un abrazo grande para ti diego. >> igualmente gracias chicos. >> bueno queridos amigos vamos a una pausa en su programa preferido de todas las maÑanas "un nuevo dÍa", enseguida el presidente municipal de la ciudad de juÁrez nos cuenta
despidiÉndose de Él es algo que en realidad siento que tiene razÓn lucÍa mÉndez, juan gabriel ya es parte del pueblono es parte de todos mnosotros porque creo que hay que respetar lo que Él haya pedido y lo que la familia este haciendo, siguen las pequeÑas re rencillas entre la familia. >> eso siempre va a pasar, pero como dice lucÍa estamos seguros que eso lo dejÓ juan gabriel en algÚn momento lo tiene que haber hablado para que ahora la familia quiera cumplirla como lo pidiÓ,...
Sep 29, 2016
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trump is holding rallies next phobd monday in pueblo and love land. >> . clinton appearing at a rally in des moines. they have a message for the candidates. >> . everyone and we mean everyone. seems to care about this election. >> . and that includes the the thousands of students at eagle crest high. in centennial. where 2016 doesn't just signify homecoming. it also means the first election. where they can speak their minds. >> . with trump and clinton. >> . he's 16. he won't be able to vote. but says some studenting feel all the nastiness. goes against what he and his friends are taught in school. >> . we're all really passionate about politic. >> on both sides there's passion. teenager trump supporters liking teenage hilary fans respecting the girl power. >> . young women especially in the school. are really excited to be here. and to be able to vote for the first woman president. >> as for high teenagers are getting their political news. well. bad news for us. if you believe 17 year-old skwrarb. >> . we get it through social media. twitter. facebook. al
trump is holding rallies next phobd monday in pueblo and love land. >> . clinton appearing at a rally in des moines. they have a message for the candidates. >> . everyone and we mean everyone. seems to care about this election. >> . and that includes the the thousands of students at eagle crest high. in centennial. where 2016 doesn't just signify homecoming. it also means the first election. where they can speak their minds. >> . with trump and clinton. >> . he's...
Sep 12, 2016
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not much of a change near pueblo the colder air not reaching tha. they will get a chance for thunderstorms. futurecast shows clouds building by the afternoon. a mix of sun morning and afternoon. down across southern colorado and closer to the springs pueblo down through the san louise valley, a snow mix early tomorrow morning likely above 12,000 feet. that's when it looks like it's at midnight. we'll see more cloud cover and a chance for a few showers. we could get more scattered storms and ssowers throughout the day tomorrow. tomorrow will be even cooler and that's at 5:30. so we go from 70s today to likely some mid to upper 60s tomorrow. cooler and a little more cloud cover at 67 here in denver. then we'll warm up another ten degrees by wednesday. you'll find a slight chance for a few storms each afternoon through thursday. things are getting drier and so far this cin pretty perfect. saturday and sunday you can see jason, here's your first alert with a lot of soins on he board. upper 70s and sunshine this weekend. >>> we have a pretty tough drive
not much of a change near pueblo the colder air not reaching tha. they will get a chance for thunderstorms. futurecast shows clouds building by the afternoon. a mix of sun morning and afternoon. down across southern colorado and closer to the springs pueblo down through the san louise valley, a snow mix early tomorrow morning likely above 12,000 feet. that's when it looks like it's at midnight. we'll see more cloud cover and a chance for a few showers. we could get more scattered storms and...
Sep 6, 2016
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it's all thanks to the work of the "nature and raptor center of pueblo". listen to this. "go on baby... go fly... (cheers) i didn't want to let go, it was so pretty i wanted it to last longer. it really was quite nice. it was very calm and i don't know i just looked at it's eyes and it was just, it was beautiful." that's the voice of an outdoor enthusiast.... chosen to help the bird fly free. the young red- tailed hawk was hurt in a storm a couple months ago... now - she's nursed back to health and back in her natural environment - where she belongs. the nature and raptor center of pueblo sees as many as 250 injured birds every year... ...and tries to help as many as possible return to the wild - after getting the help they need. thanks for joining us.. fox5 news at 6 o'clock is straight live from las vegas fox5 news at 6 starts now. a murder suspect is still on the loose after escaping police custody.... tonight we hear from a man who had a violent encounter with the dangerous suspect. today is not a day off for many people around our 24-hour town. hear from people on th
it's all thanks to the work of the "nature and raptor center of pueblo". listen to this. "go on baby... go fly... (cheers) i didn't want to let go, it was so pretty i wanted it to last longer. it really was quite nice. it was very calm and i don't know i just looked at it's eyes and it was just, it was beautiful." that's the voice of an outdoor enthusiast.... chosen to help the bird fly free. the young red- tailed hawk was hurt in a storm a couple months ago... now - she's...
Sep 29, 2016
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>>> straight ahead on denver7 news at 4:30, shocking allegations of abuse at a mental hospital in pueblo. accused of brutally abusing their own patients. >>> city leaders are coming together in one place to update progress on 16th street mall. carolina shooting. more about the attack at an elementary school and the suspected shooter. . >>> first, this is either going to make you happy or sad. it's a sign that winter is around the corner. >> snow at the resort and most of it on the peaks which is natural but they have already fired up the snow making machines as well. >> if you heard someone screaming, that was lisa hidalgo. be sticking around. >>> there's way too many leaves on the trees, a lot of broken branches. do you see this jason? look at my hair. what is happening this morning? >> i don't know how to fix that. >> do we have el mer's glue? is that better? it is going to be a beautiful day today. no snow. just sunshine. low 80s this afternoon. by 4:00 e 80-82. mostly sunny skies and a few more clouds by this afternoon but another warm one for the 3 state, closer to 90 near pueblo. w
>>> straight ahead on denver7 news at 4:30, shocking allegations of abuse at a mental hospital in pueblo. accused of brutally abusing their own patients. >>> city leaders are coming together in one place to update progress on 16th street mall. carolina shooting. more about the attack at an elementary school and the suspected shooter. . >>> first, this is either going to make you happy or sad. it's a sign that winter is around the corner. >> snow at the resort...
Sep 26, 2016
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a woman saw a facebook post so she drove to missouri to pick her up and bring her back to pueblo. the owner is still in shock. i thought you got to be kidding me. >>> the family is training her to become a service dog. >> i can't believe that. after five years. >> that's crazy. >>> what an interesting weekend. i was in the high country and leaves and you come down here it's toasty. >> yeah, that's colorado. i love it. friday and saturday we had some snow but sunday gusty winds and today though, we're starting off on a very cool note. this is a frost advisory remaining in effect until 9:00 so do expect chilling temperatures in the thoifts 30s. 76 in broomfield and same in denver. 60s across the foothills. temperatures in the low 80s. >>> four and a half minutes until they're supposed to be done with a paving here on the southbound side of i-25. it doesn't look like they're getting done. somebody driving through there told me there's equipment and signs up out there. they don't think they will get it could turn into ten minutes. . >>> as we get ready for october and breast cancer aw
a woman saw a facebook post so she drove to missouri to pick her up and bring her back to pueblo. the owner is still in shock. i thought you got to be kidding me. >>> the family is training her to become a service dog. >> i can't believe that. after five years. >> that's crazy. >>> what an interesting weekend. i was in the high country and leaves and you come down here it's toasty. >> yeah, that's colorado. i love it. friday and saturday we had some snow but...
Sep 1, 2016
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. >> miles de personas llegan al pueblo espaÑol de... que naciera hace una semana, el bebÉ y su madre, estÁn en Óptimos estado de salud se espera que el zoolÓgico haga una encuesta para darle un nombre a este hermoso bebÉ gorila. >> dios mÍo, mira como se toma. >> dios mÍo quÉ belleza. >> amigos vamos a ir a una pausa, y enseguida en las noticias, el papa propone incluir el medio ambiente en obras benÉ gracias por continuar con nosotros en "un nuevo dÍa" si apenas nos ve bienvenido a toda la informaciÓn que tenemos, donald trump disipÓ todas las dudas sobre su plan de migraciÓn, conto sus promesas a detalles habrÁ un muro y mÉxico lo pagara, todos los indocumentados deberÁn salir del paÍs y no habrÁ amnistÍa, tambiÉn dijo que pondrÍa fin a la polÍtica de captura y l liberaciÓn y que tendrÍa cero tolerancia con los delincuentes ademÁs pondrÍa fin a las ciudades santuario, tambiÉn asegurÓ que lo importante en polÍtica de migraciÓn es lo que conviene a los estadounidense. >> del lado demÓcrata la visita de donald trump a mÉxico no se hicier
. >> miles de personas llegan al pueblo espaÑol de... que naciera hace una semana, el bebÉ y su madre, estÁn en Óptimos estado de salud se espera que el zoolÓgico haga una encuesta para darle un nombre a este hermoso bebÉ gorila. >> dios mÍo, mira como se toma. >> dios mÍo quÉ belleza. >> amigos vamos a ir a una pausa, y enseguida en las noticias, el papa propone incluir el medio ambiente en obras benÉ gracias por continuar con nosotros en "un nuevo...
Sep 30, 2016
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>> at least eight people have been fired because of alleged abuse at a center for the disabled in pueblo. a federal investigation found numerous cases of abuse. it includes residents who had the words die and kill scratched into their own skin. >> it was just unbelievable that in this day and age, p in this way. >> the department of human services oversees the pueblo regional center. it released a statement saying it will continue to improve staff training in a number of areas. >>> retailers all over the denver area are hiring hundred >> reporter: there are a lot of people in denver looking to get back to work. and the city is hoping that the retail industry is that ticket to that future. >> there are about 12,000 people looking for work in the city, and we need to make sure there are opportunities for them, an abundance of opportunities for them to go to work. >> reporter: mayor hancock excited about the nearly half million dollar new grant. he thinks it help find good jobs for talented young people. they're already target the retail sector, and it seems to be working. >> i was working
>> at least eight people have been fired because of alleged abuse at a center for the disabled in pueblo. a federal investigation found numerous cases of abuse. it includes residents who had the words die and kill scratched into their own skin. >> it was just unbelievable that in this day and age, p in this way. >> the department of human services oversees the pueblo regional center. it released a statement saying it will continue to improve staff training in a number of...
Sep 22, 2016
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house majority pac is responsible nvernd >>> happening tomorrow, a family in pueblo will be reunited with their dog that got away five years ago. >> it took a determined volunteer to make it happen. despite the fact missy had a microchip. >> there was inaccurate information on the chip so when she contacted the chip company, they were able to trace down the last name was spelled it gets back to colorado. i will drive it back to colorado. >> i'm really excited >>> my daughter is excited. i just want to cry. >> reporter: well nobody knows how missy made it from pueblo to the suburbs of the st. louis but she is coming home which is awesome. >> what is going on? >> there is a lot going on in the weather world. the fog we had this morning has ft looking at more sunshine. we still could see more cloudcover later it day as we have the possibility of some rain, but it is a lot cooler, as well. we had the cloudcover early and the front worked its way through. it is windy in parts of the state. steamboat craig, winds 30, 35 miles per hour and then south of denver, fairly calm on the eastern pl
house majority pac is responsible nvernd >>> happening tomorrow, a family in pueblo will be reunited with their dog that got away five years ago. >> it took a determined volunteer to make it happen. despite the fact missy had a microchip. >> there was inaccurate information on the chip so when she contacted the chip company, they were able to trace down the last name was spelled it gets back to colorado. i will drive it back to colorado. >> i'm really excited...
Sep 19, 2016
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. >>> pueblo police are looking for a two-year-old boy who was police think he may be in danger. on the left was the two-year-old and on the right is his mom. they may be in a red monster with colorado plates a 109832. >>> a pretty crazy scene in commerce city. a man trapped after falling into a trench, he had to be rescued from emergency workers. it happened on iv street. pulled up in the nick of time. he just pulled up. he just jumped up. he started digging aad he could not find anything. he dug around i fingers and he dug his face that and spit out all the dirt and stuff. >> the trench was 10 feet deep. thankfully okay. >> police are looking for a man who shot and killed eight that man will be okay. >> police are looking for a man who shot and killed 816-year- old at a house party. the victim is haley vargas. police found her lying in the street with a gunshot wound to the torso. they're looking for a hispanic man in his teens or 20s 5'6" with a gold hoop in his nose.>>> therefore called them longmont, both communities are grieving the loss of teachers killed in a crash on int
. >>> pueblo police are looking for a two-year-old boy who was police think he may be in danger. on the left was the two-year-old and on the right is his mom. they may be in a red monster with colorado plates a 109832. >>> a pretty crazy scene in commerce city. a man trapped after falling into a trench, he had to be rescued from emergency workers. it happened on iv street. pulled up in the nick of time. he just pulled up. he just jumped up. he started digging aad he could not...
Sep 30, 2016
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he'll be at the pueblo convention center at 3 p.m., doors opening at noon. yesterday we told you the event center. tickets are available -- and the the budweiser event center. tickets are available on donald trump's website. >>> mike pence spent the last two days doing mock debates with wisconsin governor scott walker standing in for vp nominee tip kaine. that vice presidential debate -- tim kaine. the vice presidential debate is tuesday here on 9news. >>> the ceo of wells fa promised an expanded investigation into the 2 million fake accounts opened without customer knowledge. john stumpf admitted what his bank did was unethical. some in congress say it was illegal. >> using customer numbers to open credit cards without their consent is not wrongful sales behavior. it is identity theft. >> did wells fargo employees steal from 1 million to 2 million of their customers, yes or no? >> in some cases they did. >> they did. >> yes. the trust of our customer and the american people is going to be our biggest challenge. >> seems like that went well. wells fargo has
he'll be at the pueblo convention center at 3 p.m., doors opening at noon. yesterday we told you the event center. tickets are available -- and the the budweiser event center. tickets are available on donald trump's website. >>> mike pence spent the last two days doing mock debates with wisconsin governor scott walker standing in for vp nominee tip kaine. that vice presidential debate -- tim kaine. the vice presidential debate is tuesday here on 9news. >>> the ceo of wells fa...
Sep 12, 2016
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a raÍz de los rumores de que estaba de visita en el pueblo tocamos, pero nadie respondiÓ.an sus ojos, tiene ojos agresivos, tenÍa ojos de tigresa, peligrosos. era muy flaca. gerardo: melania se lanzÓ al modelaje en europa pero es poco de lo que se sabe en esa Época, estuvo en italia como lo recuerda esta ex productora de un programa de modas para la televisiÓn de eslovenia. >> las modelos que encontrÉ tenÍan sueÑos grandes, claudia schiffer, naomi cambell,erÚ es un mundo muy duro. gerardo: un multimillonario que buscaba modelos para su agencia de nueva york entrevistÓ a melania. >> muy linda, muy seria, le preguntÉ si querÍa venir a trabajar en nueva york. me dijo ya trabajÉ varios aÑos en europa, en alemania y francia, me encantarÍa probar un nuevo mercado. gerardo: melania comenzÓ a modelar a mediados de los 90 a travÉs de una agencia, por la cual obtuvo una visa de trabajo. >> se precisa una visa, la mayorÍa de la parte se llama h1b. gerardo: la manera con la que consiguiÓ en 2001 su residencia o green card es otro misterio, se obtiene generalmente por dos vÍas, como lo
a raÍz de los rumores de que estaba de visita en el pueblo tocamos, pero nadie respondiÓ.an sus ojos, tiene ojos agresivos, tenÍa ojos de tigresa, peligrosos. era muy flaca. gerardo: melania se lanzÓ al modelaje en europa pero es poco de lo que se sabe en esa Época, estuvo en italia como lo recuerda esta ex productora de un programa de modas para la televisiÓn de eslovenia. >> las modelos que encontrÉ tenÍan sueÑos grandes, claudia schiffer, naomi cambell,erÚ es un mundo muy...