journal stanton kosofsky has spoken with the celebrated russian medical professor and raji specialist dmitri laval of about the spread of the virus and why perhaps it isn't as bad as it sinks. in his new work there are 2 types of corona virus the alpha corona virus involves a human virus that's been circulating among people hundreds of years seasonal coronavirus a type of acute risberg 3 viral infection this year around 7 percent of acute respiratory viral infection cases are coronaviruses. humans just got accustomed to them yes humans got accustomed to them they aren't lethal they cause some trouble especially among children wiley's viruses mostly spread in winter and winter our body is going through some restructuring or a decrease in the resistance to infections secondly in winter there's a high concentration of people in houses buildings bars in other places and the high concentration of people is a condition for epidemic spread why is it happening in china there are many people them and there's a high concentration of population then they call it a deadly virus on t.v. it's not d