no punishment for san francisco 49est raymond christopher gibson, who started against the -- ray mcdonald and started, and another. adrian peterson was reinstated after the team suspended him. he was indicted after he whipped his 4-year-old son, resulting in welts and scars. a statement read: . >> we are trying to do the right thing. this is a difficult path to navigate recording the judgment of how a parent disciplines his child. >> well, adrian peterson issued a statement apologising for his actions saying "i caused an injury i never intended or thought would happen", now he's been reinstated he'll practice and play in this week's game. >> to tie it up, robert muller, the former director of the fbi is attached to an investigation to find out how roger goodell and the n.f.l. handled the ray rice situation. >> an investigation on how the n.f.l. handled it, not internal from the league. >> thank you. no mention of the games. >> a diplomat from across the world agrees i.s.i.l. must be stopped. the hang up how and when met in paris to discuss a strategy, while discussions focus on iraq, they