Aug 24, 2023
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amÉrica con luis Ángel arango, israel reyes, emilio lara, salvador reyes, sÁnchez, fidalgo, rodrÍguezulia quiÑones. en necaxa, martÍnez, montes, alexis peÑa, andrÉs colorado, y facundo batista. enrique: poca gente en este estadio. veremos si se mejora un poco la entrada. nada mÁs tiene tres partidos jugados y este es el cuarto. el balÓn estÁ en juego. la pieza comenzÓ en la cancha del estadio azteca. aquÍ estÁ el amÉrica recibiendo al necaxa. aquÍ estÁ lara jugando para salvador reyes. se estÁ apoyando en kevin Álvarez. ivÁn: dos equipos urgidos de triunfo. amÉrica tiene que ganar. presentador: es que un solo gol anotado el conjunto de necaxa. >> todavÍa hay gente que sale de sus trabajos. el clima tampoco ayudÓ. ojalÁ que no parezca la lluvia. comentarista: el cachorro atrÁs con israel reyes. aquÍ estÁ lara quien cumpliÓ una gran actuaciÓn en la posiciÓn de central por izquierda. aquÍ estÁ kevin Álvarez. reyes pierde un poco. facundo batista intentaba meter presiÓn allÍ. aquÍ viene zamudio. el remate de cabeza, golazo! gooool! de necaxa. en un gran centro de agustÍn oliveros. habÍamo
amÉrica con luis Ángel arango, israel reyes, emilio lara, salvador reyes, sÁnchez, fidalgo, rodrÍguezulia quiÑones. en necaxa, martÍnez, montes, alexis peÑa, andrÉs colorado, y facundo batista. enrique: poca gente en este estadio. veremos si se mejora un poco la entrada. nada mÁs tiene tres partidos jugados y este es el cuarto. el balÓn estÁ en juego. la pieza comenzÓ en la cancha del estadio azteca. aquÍ estÁ el amÉrica recibiendo al necaxa. aquÍ estÁ lara jugando para...
Aug 24, 2023
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fidalgo tiene la salida con israel reyes. reyes y diego valdÉs. la baja con el pecho.ime lozano. el quiere jugar para mÉxico. sigue en el trÁmite. espera la carta de naturalizaciÓn. me han contado que lo que platica quiÑones es que quiere defender la playera. comentarista: y colombia tambiÉn le echo un ojo con nÉstor lorenzo. amÉrica estÁ nÉstor lorenzo. amÉrica estÁ venciendo a necaxa 2 — 1. si pides una dave's single, spicy chicken sandwich, crispy nuggs o un frosty, te llevas otro por un dólar más. ¡llegó el día! el lucky dollar de mi bisabuelo hoy se convierte en... 10 nuggets. man, that lucky dollar never tasted so good. elige bien. elige el bogo$1 de wendy's. 5-hour energy. think of it as 5-second coffee. for when you wake up too late to make it. or you don't have time to wait in line for it. or you're just too busy for a coffee break. 5-hour energy. the 5-second coffee. por solo $6 puedes obtener tu elección de dos sándwiches, además de mis classic taco, curly fries y una bebida. no te escucho. por solo 6... prueba mi jack pack de $6 hoy. enrique: aquÍ vemos el
fidalgo tiene la salida con israel reyes. reyes y diego valdÉs. la baja con el pecho.ime lozano. el quiere jugar para mÉxico. sigue en el trÁmite. espera la carta de naturalizaciÓn. me han contado que lo que platica quiÑones es que quiere defender la playera. comentarista: y colombia tambiÉn le echo un ojo con nÉstor lorenzo. amÉrica estÁ nÉstor lorenzo. amÉrica estÁ venciendo a necaxa 2 — 1. si pides una dave's single, spicy chicken sandwich, crispy nuggs o un frosty, te llevas...
Aug 14, 2023
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reyes: el aviÓn transportaba 2.5 toneladas de cocaÍna.so fue un poco incÓmodo para la fiscalÍa, pues de acuerdo con documentos de la corte, el empresario trabajaba como informante de la dea mientras que estaba en la mira de la oficina de investigaciones de seguridad nacional. todos los aviones tienen letras en su cola que identifican el paÍs donde han sido matriculados. los de mÉxico son xa los de colombia hk y la n corresponde a estados unidos. esa letra es la clave de este entramado internacional que culminÓ con la acusaciÓn mÚltiple en texas. los narcos aprecian mucho la n en sus aviones. segÚn Ángel domÍnguez catzin, presidente del colegio de pilotos aviadores de mÉxico, en amÉrica latina persiste la idea de que todo aviÓn con esta matrÍcula siempre estÁ cumpliendo las reglas. domÍnguez: definitivamente, de entrada hay una creencia o hay una, digamos, que hay una confianza en lo que hace la faa, la federal aviation administration con las aeronaves que tienen registradas. reyes: tener una matrÍcula n reduce las probabilidades de que la
reyes: el aviÓn transportaba 2.5 toneladas de cocaÍna.so fue un poco incÓmodo para la fiscalÍa, pues de acuerdo con documentos de la corte, el empresario trabajaba como informante de la dea mientras que estaba en la mira de la oficina de investigaciones de seguridad nacional. todos los aviones tienen letras en su cola que identifican el paÍs donde han sido matriculados. los de mÉxico son xa los de colombia hk y la n corresponde a estados unidos. esa letra es la clave de este entramado...
Aug 27, 2023
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reyes: acÁ puede ver usted unos condominios. ahÍ.iban a matar. y todos esos que se ven abajo. ahÍ vivÍan familias de pandilleros. escobosa: las trabajadoras sexuales tambiÉn eran asediadas por los pandilleros, nos dice. reyes: pagaban renta a los pandilleros. murieron tambiÉn muchas de ellas. escobosa: a unos 25 kilÓmetros de san salvador, la capital, se encuentra huizucar en el departamento de la libertad. allÍ naciÓ y creciÓ melvin gÓmez. gÓmez: nosotros estÁbamos terminando el 9. grado y decidimos, como lo solÍamos hacer, ir al rÍo un dÍa y... escobosa: de pronto, en una tarde noviembre del 2009, la vida de melvin cambiÓ por completo. lo que debÍa ser la celebraciÓn de fin de cursos se tornÓ en tragedia. gÓmez: nosotros estÁbamos en el rÍo y 3 personas llegan y sin mediar palabra empiezan a disparar. escobosa: asÍ nada mÁs de la nada. gomez: no se estÁ preparado para una escena de ese tipo a esa corta edad. es un trauma bien profundo. escobosa: en ese momento no pudo moverse, buscar ayuda o atender a sus compaÑeros de clase. 3 ami
reyes: acÁ puede ver usted unos condominios. ahÍ.iban a matar. y todos esos que se ven abajo. ahÍ vivÍan familias de pandilleros. escobosa: las trabajadoras sexuales tambiÉn eran asediadas por los pandilleros, nos dice. reyes: pagaban renta a los pandilleros. murieron tambiÉn muchas de ellas. escobosa: a unos 25 kilÓmetros de san salvador, la capital, se encuentra huizucar en el departamento de la libertad. allÍ naciÓ y creciÓ melvin gÓmez. gÓmez: nosotros estÁbamos terminando el...
Aug 28, 2023
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marigel: marigel reyes. omar: tienes nombre de artista y lo eres. faisy: marigel reyes.as a seleccionar en esta ronda. ¿quiÉn para ti es el mal cantante? ¿el actor o la locutora? solamente piensa que de esta decisiÓn, puede depender si ganas el gran premio de—— todos: 25 mil dÓlares. [aplausos] faisy: o si te regresas a casa con las manos vacÍas. esa decisiÓn te pido que me la digas regresando de este corte comercial. [mÚsica] me encanta cómo downy cuida mis sábanas y toallas. pero ¿sabías que downy le brinda siete beneficios a tu ropa, como hacerla más suave y más fresca? además, downy combate la decoloración y el estiramiento. haz que tu ropa sea más suave, más fresca y luzca nueva por más tiempo. después de advil. ¿te sientes mejor? ¡mejor que nuncaaaaaaa! antes de advil. advil ataca el dolor desde el origen. cuando viene el dolor, tu rápida solución es advil liquid gels. hola, soy yo... tu piel. algunos limpiadores funcionan, pero me resecan. los limpiadores de cerave me ayudan a mantener mi hidratación balanceada con ácido hialurónico y 3 ceramidas esenciales que ay
marigel: marigel reyes. omar: tienes nombre de artista y lo eres. faisy: marigel reyes.as a seleccionar en esta ronda. ¿quiÉn para ti es el mal cantante? ¿el actor o la locutora? solamente piensa que de esta decisiÓn, puede depender si ganas el gran premio de—— todos: 25 mil dÓlares. [aplausos] faisy: o si te regresas a casa con las manos vacÍas. esa decisiÓn te pido que me la digas regresando de este corte comercial. [mÚsica] me encanta cómo downy cuida mis sábanas y toallas....
Aug 30, 2023
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maricarmen reyes abriÓ el marcador. orozco Ácido usÓ el tren por uno. lo ganÓ el real madrid. la calidad de cuidado - y el cariño - que cualquier familia brindaría. kaiser permanente. para todo lo que tú eres. ♪ >> el dÍa de maÑana la superarlo una azul. estamos con aviso por riesgo de incendio. la preocupaciÓn es bastante y el dÍa sÁbado podrÍa ver en una que otra lluvia. maÑana vamos a hablar de esta sÚper lu flagelo del acoso escolar. ♪ maity: martes 29 de agosto y estas son las noticias mÁs importantes del dÍa. en solo horas el huracÁn idalia tocarÁ tierra en la florida con fuerza que expertos califican de "furia monstruosa". estallÓ la violencia alternar un partido de fÚtbol en mÉxico. aficionados de rayados de monterrey golpearon brutalmente a paramÉdicos.
maricarmen reyes abriÓ el marcador. orozco Ácido usÓ el tren por uno. lo ganÓ el real madrid. la calidad de cuidado - y el cariño - que cualquier familia brindaría. kaiser permanente. para todo lo que tú eres. ♪ >> el dÍa de maÑana la superarlo una azul. estamos con aviso por riesgo de incendio. la preocupaciÓn es bastante y el dÍa sÁbado podrÍa ver en una que otra lluvia. maÑana vamos a hablar de esta sÚper lu flagelo del acoso escolar. ♪ maity: martes 29 de agosto y...
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was a journalist, andre is, was bringing us up to date on the search for the loch ness monster and reyes. thank you very much. thank you, my. yeah. and that's the latest on data. will you use this hour of next is sports life? i'm marrying evans team from me and the entire news team in berlin. thanks for watching . the . every jenny is surprises. me is gone all out. to give you some of the right people in your northern most count the police the free time, but still very much alive. your guy to the special recognizes where exactly it was fun. i have learned a lot of our culture history, dw, travel, extremely worth of as the what's it like being a gymnast in your own world? a special world service. my name is russell mccully. i'm 18 years old. i and i love gymnastics for the heads of birds so correctly. so that's smart was born with down syndrome and is now a champion egyptian gymnast. i'm a strong person with a strong will and dream suddenly. she's traveling to europe for the 1st time to take part in the world's largest inclusive sporting event. the special olympics in berlin about coaches
was a journalist, andre is, was bringing us up to date on the search for the loch ness monster and reyes. thank you very much. thank you, my. yeah. and that's the latest on data. will you use this hour of next is sports life? i'm marrying evans team from me and the entire news team in berlin. thanks for watching . the . every jenny is surprises. me is gone all out. to give you some of the right people in your northern most count the police the free time, but still very much alive. your guy to...
Aug 28, 2023
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you think about current presidential administration, the impact it might have on a place like point reyesrks that is a excellent question that i absolutely no idea how to answer. i have actually been asked this question a few times since the election in november. it's hard to the some people would presume that the new administration is more open to either private public lands. the guy that he that he's appointed zinke i think is his name as the secretary of the interior has been pretty explicitly not an advocate for privatization of public lands. so that seems like it's probably not on the table. there might be more openness to this kind of working landscape to the the wrecking rising that you can have economic uses of land and environmental protection at the same, that they don't have to be oppositional or that said, the new administration seem particularly supportive of environmental concern signs at all so that that's where it's kind of a wild card. i think at this point in terms of how that will affect management on the ground. the other factor, this is unique, the park service and mo
you think about current presidential administration, the impact it might have on a place like point reyesrks that is a excellent question that i absolutely no idea how to answer. i have actually been asked this question a few times since the election in november. it's hard to the some people would presume that the new administration is more open to either private public lands. the guy that he that he's appointed zinke i think is his name as the secretary of the interior has been pretty...
Aug 8, 2023
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with the scores tied in the ninth inning and the bases loaded, pablo reyes hit a grand slam home runame. it marked a great recovery after they'd blown a two—run lead. it leaves them five games off a wild card spot after being whitewashed by fellow contenders, the toronto bluejays, over the weekend. and that's all the sport for now. tens of thousands of pupils across scotland are getting their exam results this morning for their nationals, highers, and advanced highers. the scottish qualifications authority has warned that the system still hasn tfully recovered from the covid pandemic. pupils are finding out how they've done by a combination of text, email and post. our scotland correspondent, james shaw reports. it's the moment of truth for thousands of pupils across scotland... holly. yeah, that's me. thank you. 0k, and chloe. ..and the end of an educational experience hit hard by covid. but these pupils at hamilton grammar school have shown resilience in the face of difficulties that previous generations did not have to endure. it was a lot of hard work during the exams. it was def
with the scores tied in the ninth inning and the bases loaded, pablo reyes hit a grand slam home runame. it marked a great recovery after they'd blown a two—run lead. it leaves them five games off a wild card spot after being whitewashed by fellow contenders, the toronto bluejays, over the weekend. and that's all the sport for now. tens of thousands of pupils across scotland are getting their exam results this morning for their nationals, highers, and advanced highers. the scottish...
Aug 29, 2023
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reggie: people visiting the point reyes national -- kumasi: people visiting the point reyes nationalng a big impact there. visitors spend more money from hiking and camping last year. the local tourism supports local jobs. park visitors spent billion dollars while traveling. reggie: check out this new way of getting around the beach. one man in south carolina was seen zipping by on a beach chair connected to an electric skateboard. kumasi: i'm not mad at it. reggie: where is he going? kumasi: wherever you need to go. reggie: why is no one looking at him? kumasi: he has been zipping around all day. reggie: they saw him all week long ender over it. kumasi: new at legend joe meant hannah is now suing the city of san francisco. why he says the city -- joe montana is now suing the city of san francisco. why he says the city is responsible for damages. reggie: look outside. it is 5:57. ♪ a victory that is there for the taking. grab it. now that was a great halftime speech. let's go win. [jim valvano] don't give up. don't ever give up® announcer: building a better bay area, moving forward,
reggie: people visiting the point reyes national -- kumasi: people visiting the point reyes nationalng a big impact there. visitors spend more money from hiking and camping last year. the local tourism supports local jobs. park visitors spent billion dollars while traveling. reggie: check out this new way of getting around the beach. one man in south carolina was seen zipping by on a beach chair connected to an electric skateboard. kumasi: i'm not mad at it. reggie: where is he going? kumasi:...
Aug 21, 2023
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hubo un asesora que engalana la noche con el gran equipo de expertos. >> sofÍa reyes.posteriormente le de un trombo en la pierna derecha. gabriel: el juego para rubÉn ya estaba ganado pero tenÍamos que saber es si era capaz de detectar a los malos cantantes. ♪ gabriel: finalmente rubÉn apostÓ a que el preparar fÍsico si cantaba y vea lo que pasÓ. ♪ ♪ gabriel: esos $25,000 se fueron para ambos competidores y Ésta se convirtiÓ en una noche mÁgica para todos. >> gracias de corazÓn. >> la pase divino, el final es Épico, no pudo estar mejor. >> todos con la bondad, saber compartir, el amor alguien que quieres apoyar. ♪ ♪ cynthia: "veo como cantas", domingo 7:00 p.m. por univisiÓn. raÚl: todos vimos el programa noche, todos comentando. cynthia: que bueno que no fuimos jueces porque hubiÉramos perdido. jomari: cierto que no se meten mucho, siento que da su opiniÓn. jesse: cada uno opina una cosa. cynthia: imagÍnate la responsabilidad de decir no cantas. raÚl: eso es lo que les ha pasado, le dan el consejo y tu mismo de la casa estÁ diciendo cÓmo? jomari: asÍ serÍa yo. ♪ [mÚsi
hubo un asesora que engalana la noche con el gran equipo de expertos. >> sofÍa reyes.posteriormente le de un trombo en la pierna derecha. gabriel: el juego para rubÉn ya estaba ganado pero tenÍamos que saber es si era capaz de detectar a los malos cantantes. ♪ gabriel: finalmente rubÉn apostÓ a que el preparar fÍsico si cantaba y vea lo que pasÓ. ♪ ♪ gabriel: esos $25,000 se fueron para ambos competidores y Ésta se convirtiÓ en una noche mÁgica para todos. >> gracias...
eye 38
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was a journalist, andre is, was bringing us up to date on the search for the loch ness monster and reyes. thank you very much. thank you. my. uh and that's the latest on the w news, this our a mary anna evans thing. thanks for watching the . 7 because you daniels and thank you belong to the 77 percent to come to i don't good and 65 full was while all those top 5 years, 31 to 115. we are here to help you make up your mind. we are here on please find your mind.
was a journalist, andre is, was bringing us up to date on the search for the loch ness monster and reyes. thank you very much. thank you. my. uh and that's the latest on the w news, this our a mary anna evans thing. thanks for watching the . 7 because you daniels and thank you belong to the 77 percent to come to i don't good and 65 full was while all those top 5 years, 31 to 115. we are here to help you make up your mind. we are here on please find your mind.
Aug 20, 2023
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seeing some of those wet roadways through the sacramento valley, moist out there towards the point reyes shoreline. we are detecting some lightning near the national weather service in monterey there, and closer to i-5. so definitely do not recommend any roadways going down or coming up from southern california over the next couple of days, because of hurricane hilary. we're going to talk about all of the impacts into southern california and here in the bay area, too, in about ten minutes. kira, back to you. >> cinthia, thanks. >>> as cinthia just said, hilary is expected to reach tropical storm status, as it makes landfall in southern california. so from a hurricane to a tropical storm, but the threat of this historic weather event is far from over. millions of californians and people in parts of mexico are being warned to prepare. we have some live looks for you, both in san diego on the left and los angeles on the right. a. il. one of nearly a dozen counties under a state of emergency. that's because yesterday, the governor signed an emergency declaration. he was in san diego. he has
seeing some of those wet roadways through the sacramento valley, moist out there towards the point reyes shoreline. we are detecting some lightning near the national weather service in monterey there, and closer to i-5. so definitely do not recommend any roadways going down or coming up from southern california over the next couple of days, because of hurricane hilary. we're going to talk about all of the impacts into southern california and here in the bay area, too, in about ten minutes....
Aug 3, 2023
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los presidentes no son reyes y el demandante no es presidente. afirmÓ.lemundo. ma naon tendremos cobertura especial sobre la imputaciÓn de cargos al expresidente donald trump. puede sintonizar por nuestros noticiero y plato foms digitales no se lo pierda. en matarÍa de salud luego de 20 aÑos de in resto gaciÓn cientÍficos desarrollaron una pÍldora que es capaz de destruir es una esperanza en una lucha contra el cÁncer nos explica lourdes hurtado. >>> es un anhelo inmenso que tenemoss todos losos que hemos pasadodo por esto.. >>> comomo sobobrevivientete dÁr de m mama sara se siente esperanzada por una pastilla que puede destruir tumores sÓlidos. >>> decirle a mi cuerpo, vamos a pasar por este prococeso, peroon algo menos tÓxico, q que i impla menonos r riesgos a mi vida. >>> cientÍficos uno de los centros de investigaciÓn y tratamiento de cÁncer mÁs grande de los estados unidos, publicaron un estudio en que describen el desrrofr de n eximiÓ terapia dirigida que u en su investigaciÓn parece la medicina nombradada atacaca una variante canancerÍgena que es
los presidentes no son reyes y el demandante no es presidente. afirmÓ.lemundo. ma naon tendremos cobertura especial sobre la imputaciÓn de cargos al expresidente donald trump. puede sintonizar por nuestros noticiero y plato foms digitales no se lo pierda. en matarÍa de salud luego de 20 aÑos de in resto gaciÓn cientÍficos desarrollaron una pÍldora que es capaz de destruir es una esperanza en una lucha contra el cÁncer nos explica lourdes hurtado. >>> es un anhelo inmenso que...
Aug 24, 2023
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yo hice esta canciÓn resumiendo unas dÉcimas que habÍa escrito con el maestro julio reyes. que admiro muchÍsimo, porque se quedÓ conmigo cuando era chiquito, sola, trabajando muchÍsimo, la invitÉ el vÍdeo, nunca habÍa estado en un vÍdeo mÍo, ella es actriz, invitarla a este vÍdeo es muy importante, es como regresar al cordÓn umbilical un ratito, darte cuenta de dÓnde vienes para seguir confiando en la vida. lindsay: y esa conexiÓn que jamÁs se rompe, la adversidad hace al hombre, de eso se trata educaciÓn tambiÉn, te tienes que perder para volverte a encontrar? >> sÍ, la clave de esa canciÓn es mirar profundo hacia adentro con todo lo que eso implica, ya mirar hacia dentro un puede sonar muy clichÉ, pero no es tan superficial, mirar profundo hacia dentro es algo que muy pocas personas logran hacer, vas a ver cosas que no te van a gustar. carolina: hay una pronta que siempre hacemos aquÍ en la "ediciÓn digital", quiero que pongas mucha atenciÓn, hemos estado viendo tus redes y tienes 731 personas que tÚ sigues. hay alguna persona en esa lista que tÚ sigues, pero que no te si
yo hice esta canciÓn resumiendo unas dÉcimas que habÍa escrito con el maestro julio reyes. que admiro muchÍsimo, porque se quedÓ conmigo cuando era chiquito, sola, trabajando muchÍsimo, la invitÉ el vÍdeo, nunca habÍa estado en un vÍdeo mÍo, ella es actriz, invitarla a este vÍdeo es muy importante, es como regresar al cordÓn umbilical un ratito, darte cuenta de dÓnde vienes para seguir confiando en la vida. lindsay: y esa conexiÓn que jamÁs se rompe, la adversidad hace al...
Aug 1, 2023
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hace dÍas el vendedor ambulante de fresas hernÁndez reyes, originario de puebla, mÉxico, fue desalojadodolido porque ese dÍa perdiÓ parte de sus ventas. >> fui humillado, violentado. me podido hacer nada para resolver eso. solamente me acuerdo y tengo que vivir con ese recuerdo. >> durante el incidente uno de los agentes patio—— casa cajas de fresas pero dice que despuÉs ofreciÓ pagar las. en total ese dÍa perdiÓ $250 pero mÁs que todo dice que se sintiÓ indefenso. no obstante, cuando llegÓ la policÍa y son reporte. >> a partir de que hice el reportero oficial me dijo, dijo, si quieres levanta tus cajas y puedes irte. y me dejÓ amenazado. hice si vuelves a venir aquÍ y vuelven a marcar a nosotros, la policÍa, si tendrÍamos que llevarlo arrestado. >> es el Único que se ha sentido venerable al estar en la calle veneno sus productos. varios vendedores que asistieron a un foro de recursos en el ayuntamiento narraron experiencias difÍciles al estar en la calle. >> donde estamos anteriormente robaron a uno de los clientes. y a mi esposo tambiÉn es sacaron una pistola. >> cÓmo se siente con es
hace dÍas el vendedor ambulante de fresas hernÁndez reyes, originario de puebla, mÉxico, fue desalojadodolido porque ese dÍa perdiÓ parte de sus ventas. >> fui humillado, violentado. me podido hacer nada para resolver eso. solamente me acuerdo y tengo que vivir con ese recuerdo. >> durante el incidente uno de los agentes patio—— casa cajas de fresas pero dice que despuÉs ofreciÓ pagar las. en total ese dÍa perdiÓ $250 pero mÁs que todo dice que se sintiÓ indefenso. no...
Aug 12, 2023
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hija registraron aeronaves con matrÍculas de estados unidos en un pequeÑo pueblo de texas, gerardo reyes y cuenta cÓmo se derrumbÓ el imperio de la seÑora de los cielos. ilia: aquÍ y ahora en la noche. jorge: en segundos, el merecido homenaje al mÍtico jugador de los dogers de los Ángeles, fernando valenzuela. >> el histÓrico resto de donald trump. noticias univisiÓn les trajo toda la cobertura en vivo trajo toda la cobertura en vivo desde popeyes big box ha vuelto. todo esto por solo $6.99 no tiene sentido. pero agregar un biscuit de fresa si. ¿soy solo un simple biscuit? ya no. no tenemos sentido, tenemos pollo. ♪love that chicken from popeyes♪ tu gerente de envíos se fue para encontrarse a “si mismos.” dejándote perdida. necesitas contratar. necesito indeed. indeed instant match inmediatamente encuentra candidatos que cumplen con tu descripción de empleo. redime tu crédito de 75 dólares en indeed punto com diagonal oferta camisa los dodgers retiraÁn hoy la camisa Úmero 34 de jorge van a —— jorge: los dodger van a retirar la camiseta de fernando, el toro, como le conocÍan, jugÓ 11 aÑos
hija registraron aeronaves con matrÍculas de estados unidos en un pequeÑo pueblo de texas, gerardo reyes y cuenta cÓmo se derrumbÓ el imperio de la seÑora de los cielos. ilia: aquÍ y ahora en la noche. jorge: en segundos, el merecido homenaje al mÍtico jugador de los dogers de los Ángeles, fernando valenzuela. >> el histÓrico resto de donald trump. noticias univisiÓn les trajo toda la cobertura en vivo trajo toda la cobertura en vivo desde popeyes big box ha vuelto. todo esto...
Aug 23, 2023
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by tonight we'll see it develop around point reyes, around san francisco, half noon bay and will move into parts of the bay area as typical but not as dense for the start of our wednesday middle of the workweek here. watch how it just pulls back to the coast by the mid morning hours and will continue to mix out of the picture bringing in warmer temperatures. here is that buildup. tomorrow, nice day out in san francisco, 77 degrees. as we go on into hayward and the valleys, we see the microclimates play out. one of our warmer spots, 99 in fairfield. the heat will be short-lived. the whole drill, and also if your kids or yourself are sensitive to that bad air quality, tomorrow, wednesday, we'll have moderate across the board from the north bay. the heat will be short-lived, however. desert heat traps the ozone. wednesday, thursday, warmest day tomorrow. the heat will continue on thursday before we receive the return of the low-pressure system off the coast. that will increase wind speeds, feel the relief and also bring back a little bit of that cloud cover as we go into saturday. very w
by tonight we'll see it develop around point reyes, around san francisco, half noon bay and will move into parts of the bay area as typical but not as dense for the start of our wednesday middle of the workweek here. watch how it just pulls back to the coast by the mid morning hours and will continue to mix out of the picture bringing in warmer temperatures. here is that buildup. tomorrow, nice day out in san francisco, 77 degrees. as we go on into hayward and the valleys, we see the...
Aug 8, 2023
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>> boy, they needed that, a walk off grand slam hit by pablo reyes of all people lifted boston red soxst night. two pitches before the walk off slam the manager was ejected. instead of an inning ending strike-out, the bases were loaded for reyes whose walk off homer gave them a 6-2 win. the red sox catch a break and remain virtually unbeatable when they wear those yellow connect jerseys. speaking of managers being ejected the new york yankees skipper aaron boom was tossed for an ale sixth time this season and 32nd time in his managerial career. it came after anthony vulpe was called out on strikes in the eighth inning with frustration building for the yankees who left 13 runners on base and struck out 12 times last night. after boom was thrown out you're seeing it here, he put on a theatrical display at home plate drawing a line in the dirt where he thought the pitch was and he mimicked the umpire's call. replay showed, that might have been a strike. white sox beat the yankees 5-1. meanwhile the yankees shortstop tim anderson went 0-2 with two strike-outs remaining in chicago's line-up
>> boy, they needed that, a walk off grand slam hit by pablo reyes of all people lifted boston red soxst night. two pitches before the walk off slam the manager was ejected. instead of an inning ending strike-out, the bases were loaded for reyes whose walk off homer gave them a 6-2 win. the red sox catch a break and remain virtually unbeatable when they wear those yellow connect jerseys. speaking of managers being ejected the new york yankees skipper aaron boom was tossed for an ale sixth...
Aug 3, 2023
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. >> los presidentes no son reyes y el demandante no expresidente.apel juega un juez en decidir cuándo es el juicio cuando comienza el proceso legal. >> el tiempo tiene que ser rápido para las 2 partes, significa que la corte tiene que asegurarse que basado en el caso nadie está en una desventaja sobre el otro que sea injusta. estaremos escuchando de ella. está al frente del juicio. sin embargo hoy le niega los cargos de presidente trump que también está aquí dentro de la corte y será quien frente al presidente en cualquier momento. estamos a la espera de que llegue donald trump aquí detrás de nosotros con la seguridad preparada para su llegada y cristina londoño cerca de donde estamos transmitiendo atenta a lo que suceda. en gran medida es la gran pregunta. si el juicio por este caso comenzará antes o después de las elecciones de 2024. >> así es julio una de las preguntas que se hace todo el mundo y del lado de donald trump. dicen que es el acusado que tiene el derecho a un juicio rápido y también tiene derecho a saber lo que hay en su contra hasta
. >> los presidentes no son reyes y el demandante no expresidente.apel juega un juez en decidir cuándo es el juicio cuando comienza el proceso legal. >> el tiempo tiene que ser rápido para las 2 partes, significa que la corte tiene que asegurarse que basado en el caso nadie está en una desventaja sobre el otro que sea injusta. estaremos escuchando de ella. está al frente del juicio. sin embargo hoy le niega los cargos de presidente trump que también está aquí dentro de la...
Aug 8, 2023
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with the scores tied in the ninth inning and the bases loaded, pablo reyes hit a grand slam home runit marked a great recovery after they had blown a two—run lead. it leaves them five games off a wildcard spot after being whitewashed by fellow contenders the toronto bluejays over the weekend. that's all the sport for now. welcome back, you're watching bbc news. we start in ireland, where mourners have been gathering for the funeral of sinead o'connor, who died last month aged 56. we have heard music throughout the morning, people clapping, cheering, laying flowers and paying their respects. we are hoping to cost our reporter in a few moments. first, let's head to edinburgh, where a whole cast of comedians, theatrical performers and other creatives had to on edinburgh for this year's fringe festival. 2023 march the festival's 76 year, and over that time the event has grown from a handful of performances to a sprawling extravaganza. live now to our reporter courtney pembridge. courtney, it looks like you have been having a lot of fun there this morning. what is going on there at the mo
with the scores tied in the ninth inning and the bases loaded, pablo reyes hit a grand slam home runit marked a great recovery after they had blown a two—run lead. it leaves them five games off a wildcard spot after being whitewashed by fellow contenders the toronto bluejays over the weekend. that's all the sport for now. welcome back, you're watching bbc news. we start in ireland, where mourners have been gathering for the funeral of sinead o'connor, who died last month aged 56. we have...
Aug 27, 2023
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le diremos donde reyes realizar el trÁmite. con la campaÑa de ocupar albergues.
le diremos donde reyes realizar el trÁmite. con la campaÑa de ocupar albergues.
Aug 23, 2023
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del ataque al capitolio el 6 de enero, caminando con alguno de los manifestantes ese dÍa, y tambiÉn reyessonas mÁs, john hickman, abogado del expresidente, donald trump, y tambiÉn scott holden, uno de los famosos electores del estado de georgia. poco a poco se comienzan a producir las entregas a las autoridades. hoy hay varias expectativa, por un lado se sabe que la fiscal de distrito, fanny willis, quien ha acusado a las 19 personas, va a decir esta tarde si va a recibirlos recursos de amparo para permitir que ellos no sean detenidos. estas 2 personas estÁn pidiendo que este juicio se ha llevado a una corte federal. por otra parte, tambiÉn sabemos que el expresidente, donald trump, estarÁ llegando a esta ciudad maÑana en la tarde, Él ya lo anunciÓ en su red social, tambiÉn ya sabe que en su equipo ya negociÓ los tÉrminos de su entrega, definitivamente hay mucho por otra parte, tambiÉn sabemos que el expresidente, donald trump, estarÁ llegando a esta ciudad maÑana en la tarde, Él ya lo anunciÓ en su red social, tambiÉn ya sabe que en su equipo ya negociÓ los tÉrminos de su entrega, defini
del ataque al capitolio el 6 de enero, caminando con alguno de los manifestantes ese dÍa, y tambiÉn reyessonas mÁs, john hickman, abogado del expresidente, donald trump, y tambiÉn scott holden, uno de los famosos electores del estado de georgia. poco a poco se comienzan a producir las entregas a las autoridades. hoy hay varias expectativa, por un lado se sabe que la fiscal de distrito, fanny willis, quien ha acusado a las 19 personas, va a decir esta tarde si va a recibirlos recursos de...
Aug 15, 2023
eye 71
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her former coworkers captured agnes reyes, clocking out for the last time last month at chesapeake medicalame unit for more than 33 years. when retirement calls, you have to answer. top headlines next my a1c was up here; now, it's down with rybelsus®. his a1c? it's down with rybelsus®. my doctor told me rybelsus® lowered a1c better than a leading branded pill and that people taking rybelsus® lost more weight. i got to my a1c goal and lost some weight too. rybelsus® isn't for people with type 1 diabetes. don't take rybelsus® if you or your family ever had medullary thyroid cancer, or have multiple endocrine neoplasia syndrome type 2, or if allergic to it. stop rybelsus® and get medical help right away if you get a lump or swelling in your neck, severe stomach pain, or an allergic reaction. serious side effects may include pancreatitis. gallbladder problems may occur. tell your provider about vision problems or changes. taking rybelsus® with a sulfonylurea or insulin increases low blood sugar risk. side effects like nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea may lead to dehydration, which may worsen kid
her former coworkers captured agnes reyes, clocking out for the last time last month at chesapeake medicalame unit for more than 33 years. when retirement calls, you have to answer. top headlines next my a1c was up here; now, it's down with rybelsus®. his a1c? it's down with rybelsus®. my doctor told me rybelsus® lowered a1c better than a leading branded pill and that people taking rybelsus® lost more weight. i got to my a1c goal and lost some weight too. rybelsus® isn't for people with...
Aug 7, 2023
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you think about current presidential administration, the impact it might have on a place like point reyes national parks that is a excellent question that i absolutely no idea how to answer. i have actually been asked this question a few times since the election in november. it's hard to the some people would presume that the new administration is more open to either private public lands. the guy that he that he's appointed zinke i think is his name as the secretary of the interior has been pretty explicitly not an advocate for privatization of public lands. so that seems like it's probably not on the table. there might be more openness to this kind of working landscape to the the wrecking rising that you can have economic uses of land and environmental protection at the same, that they don't have to be oppositional or that said, the new administration seem particularly supportive of environmental concern signs at all so that that's where it's kind of a wild card. i think at this point in terms of how that will affect management on the ground. the other factor, this is unique, the park se
you think about current presidential administration, the impact it might have on a place like point reyes national parks that is a excellent question that i absolutely no idea how to answer. i have actually been asked this question a few times since the election in november. it's hard to the some people would presume that the new administration is more open to either private public lands. the guy that he that he's appointed zinke i think is his name as the secretary of the interior has been...
eye 7
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so uh to uh, uh, like, who is this just reyes and uh, there was a family. they took a century for august and the cancellation through the democracy. it's a very interesting by aristotle's time. you have the time to rewrite this in the same way that in the united states congress is trying to, uh uh, and there's a brain fart are trying to do the same thing today. the arts ended up trying to assassinate the democratic and saying, we want to put the original, faster, boucher over a solid back. we don't want the constitution to move forward for democracy. we want to move backward. they made up an artificial constitution and said, also on the really answer was that they appreciated the client, so it was easier to pay them the other. they real, pretty good story and show that this simply wasn't, wasn't so, and either in athens or elsewhere, same thing happened out in rome. they find that there was, you know, an says through oligarchy, and just want to go back to that, just like in the united states, the frank partisan. we have to go back to the constitution that w
so uh to uh, uh, like, who is this just reyes and uh, there was a family. they took a century for august and the cancellation through the democracy. it's a very interesting by aristotle's time. you have the time to rewrite this in the same way that in the united states congress is trying to, uh uh, and there's a brain fart are trying to do the same thing today. the arts ended up trying to assassinate the democratic and saying, we want to put the original, faster, boucher over a solid back. we...
eye 17
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so uh, 2, uh, uh, light is reyes and uh, there was a family that took a century for uh, this is the answer relation to the democracy. it's a very interesting bi aerosols time. you have the time to rewrite this thing in the same way in the united states congress is trying to, uh uh, and as a brain fart are trying to do the same thing today. the only arch ended up trying to assassinate the democratic is thing we want to put the original fast, the boot of our side of the solid back. we don't want the constitution to move forward for democracy. we want to move backward and they made up an artificial constitution and said, also wants to really answer the appreciate as a client. so it was easier to pay them the other. they real where you guys are in charge to simply wasn't, wasn't so, and either in athens or elsewhere, same thing happened out in rome. they find that there was, you know, an says bro, all the guardians, just want to go back to that. just like in the united states that frank partisan, we have to go back to the constitution that was written by slaveowners people who bear democracy.
so uh, 2, uh, uh, light is reyes and uh, there was a family that took a century for uh, this is the answer relation to the democracy. it's a very interesting bi aerosols time. you have the time to rewrite this thing in the same way in the united states congress is trying to, uh uh, and as a brain fart are trying to do the same thing today. the only arch ended up trying to assassinate the democratic is thing we want to put the original fast, the boot of our side of the solid back. we don't want...
Aug 24, 2023
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kennedy actually got through seashore public parks like cape cod like padre island texas like point reyes. kennedy seashores f because kennedy had read rachel carson, rose is the fanatic. the books they love was the book under some book called cape cod. that book helped create cape cod national seashore that many decades after his death. in the mid-50s the government, but the report called our vendors and shorelines in that report said public beach is disappearing, doeverybody apartments hotels jersey à dredging and we have no open public seashore lands for the public to enjoy. that movement kennedy seized on as is one big conservation. so you got the seashore conservation going in the 50s, early d60s, you've got the anti-bombs stop testing nevada people are getting sick. and ddt. out of the ddt group, a big ck thing happens a woman named marjorie spock, how many of you here have ever heard of doctor benjamin spock. the baby doctor benjamin spock sister marjorie spock was an organic farmer. she had a vast part of suffolk county new york and is an organic farm. today there's whole foods on
kennedy actually got through seashore public parks like cape cod like padre island texas like point reyes. kennedy seashores f because kennedy had read rachel carson, rose is the fanatic. the books they love was the book under some book called cape cod. that book helped create cape cod national seashore that many decades after his death. in the mid-50s the government, but the report called our vendors and shorelines in that report said public beach is disappearing, doeverybody apartments hotels...
eye 8
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to the pros, faster in turkey, and then to be sent to be supplied to the media as count reyes. and we're also discussing of this matter which with our friends from guitar, a few that are ready to, to participate financially within this initiative. which to me is very useful in use i use or i think i would like to say that we appreciate them independent oriented at the national lean traveling policies for us. you advise on? correct. so we know for a fact that the west is trying to assist you, but you will get some new to undermine this policy. so many ways a 10 because it's a great you're attend was for them these kind of position. they're saying there's a constructive, equal balance cooperation with our country. we believe you know that it's mutually beneficial and it's usable for turkey from bush because we didn't knew what crippling yeah. nomic point of view and to strengthen the solver and foundation to solve the foreign policy we all met. and if you're a public attorney, yeah, we always tried to meet our our case counterparts. have a way that when we talk about the solution
to the pros, faster in turkey, and then to be sent to be supplied to the media as count reyes. and we're also discussing of this matter which with our friends from guitar, a few that are ready to, to participate financially within this initiative. which to me is very useful in use i use or i think i would like to say that we appreciate them independent oriented at the national lean traveling policies for us. you advise on? correct. so we know for a fact that the west is trying to assist you,...
eye 65
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earnie reyes said santana has a warrior spirit. >> think about her all the time.she has been my heart and soul to keep fighting hard. >> she is now trading for her for degree back -- black belt. reggie: she looks wonderful. i am so glad for her. she's been through so much. kumasi: i'm so glad she was ready to share. reggie: a major ruling in donald trump's countersuit for who sued him in one. kumasi: you can play the fastest growing sport for free. reggie: pickle ball, you are in the news every, single day. here's a live look at sfo, we will be right back. back in the day, sneaker drops meant getting online to wait in line. now with xfinity mobile... ...we get the fastest mobile service and can get the freshest kicks asap. i got this. get the best price for 2 lines of unlimited when you switch to xfinity mobile for $30 a line per month. nice job, little sis! they grow up so fast... i'm a fan. from xfinity. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ get exclusive offers on select new volvo models. contact your volvo retailer to learn more. building a better bay area, moving forward, finding
earnie reyes said santana has a warrior spirit. >> think about her all the time.she has been my heart and soul to keep fighting hard. >> she is now trading for her for degree back -- black belt. reggie: she looks wonderful. i am so glad for her. she's been through so much. kumasi: i'm so glad she was ready to share. reggie: a major ruling in donald trump's countersuit for who sued him in one. kumasi: you can play the fastest growing sport for free. reggie: pickle ball, you are in...
Aug 3, 2023
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la jueza lo obligÓ a revisarlo y dijo que los presidentes no son reyes. dÍa de hoy por varias razones, la primera es porque al ser una corte federal dentro no hay cÁmaras y tampoco se le tomarÁ una foto al momento que sea procesado para leerle los cuatro cargos criminales, tampoco porque la entrada estÁ cortÉs peculiar sea que es un lugar en donde se llevan a cabo casos de personas de alto perfil y hay una entrada privada al estacionamiento del edificio. es poco probable que entre por alguna de las tres populares en la corte federal. es mi reporte en vivo. volvemos con mÁs de "despierta amÉrica". karla: recordamos que el equipo de noticias univisiÓn seguirÁ los pormenores de esta acusaciÓn histÓrica que expresa el expresidente trump por querer cambiar los resultados electorales del 2020. elyangÉlica: la polÍtica estÁ caliente tanto como las temperaturas en el paÍs. jess: a partir de maÑana se expande calor hacia estados como california. vamos estar viendo temperaturas excesivas desde california hacia partes de alabama. a esta hora tres estados y aumenta e
la jueza lo obligÓ a revisarlo y dijo que los presidentes no son reyes. dÍa de hoy por varias razones, la primera es porque al ser una corte federal dentro no hay cÁmaras y tampoco se le tomarÁ una foto al momento que sea procesado para leerle los cuatro cargos criminales, tampoco porque la entrada estÁ cortÉs peculiar sea que es un lugar en donde se llevan a cabo casos de personas de alto perfil y hay una entrada privada al estacionamiento del edificio. es poco probable que entre por...
Aug 11, 2023
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de mis reyes hablÓ con su elenco—— denisse reyes hablÓ con su elenco.o tambiÉn que estÁ llegando en las prÓximas horas a quito en ecuador. la primera hipÓtesis que empieza a aparecer el que estas personas harÍan parte del tren de aragua. el tren de aragua es una organizaciÓn multinacional poli criminal que trabaja en venezuela, en colombia, y tambiÉn en ecuador. estos seÑores, segÚn lo que cuentan las autoridades colombianas, tenÍan antecedentes. antecedentes de trÁfico de armas, trÁfico de drogas, y homicidios en colombia. no se explica hasta ahora cÓmo estaban libres y cÓmo habÍan viajado hacia ecuador. es muy interesante esta Última propuesta porque tiene que ver con la llegada, por supuesto, muy fuerte de narcotrÁfico en ecuador. ely: el tren de aragua naciÓ en el estado aragua en venezuela y ha sido una organizaciÓn internacional para delinquir. muy triste esta realidad. luis carlos, gracias por informarnos esta maÑana. Él como saben presentador en noticias univisiÓn 24/7. ahÍ lo pueden ver todos los dÍas. gracias. vamos con esto. alguna vez te has
de mis reyes hablÓ con su elenco—— denisse reyes hablÓ con su elenco.o tambiÉn que estÁ llegando en las prÓximas horas a quito en ecuador. la primera hipÓtesis que empieza a aparecer el que estas personas harÍan parte del tren de aragua. el tren de aragua es una organizaciÓn multinacional poli criminal que trabaja en venezuela, en colombia, y tambiÉn en ecuador. estos seÑores, segÚn lo que cuentan las autoridades colombianas, tenÍan antecedentes. antecedentes de trÁfico de...
Aug 27, 2023
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i would say closer to the coastline, mendocino, president -- point reyes.re also going to keep an eye on it for monday. some of that could turn more unhealthy for the northern parts of the state, closer to reading up there. and what else are we watching? those warmer temperatures. we're going to see an uptick in temperatures day by day as we get into our warmest day on wednesday. so by monday, slightly warmer in the valleys. we have 80s and mid 90s in fairfield. this will continue to climb as we go on tuesday. novato, 92. 77 in san francisco. very mild out there. and the winds will tart to die down by wednesday. seeing 70s, 80s, 90s, even triple digit temperatures in fairfield, 102. and a sizzling day. make sure you're taking care of yourself and each other, drinking plenty of water and avoiding the sun when you just need a little bit of a break. san francisco, 70s until we get to about friday, where we see a low pressure system drop in from the pacific northwest. that will help cool things down from those scorching 90s back down to the 80s. more pleasant w
i would say closer to the coastline, mendocino, president -- point reyes.re also going to keep an eye on it for monday. some of that could turn more unhealthy for the northern parts of the state, closer to reading up there. and what else are we watching? those warmer temperatures. we're going to see an uptick in temperatures day by day as we get into our warmest day on wednesday. so by monday, slightly warmer in the valleys. we have 80s and mid 90s in fairfield. this will continue to climb as...
Aug 8, 2023
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. >> and to baseball, bottom of the ninth boston's reyes gets a hold of it one. would it stay fair?m. red sox win 6-2. his first home run in two years. fun fact, red sox 7-0 season while wearing those yellow uniforms. >>> and boone wasn't too pleased with the job of the home plate umpire and last straw is when volpe was called out on strikes. boone going out there to argue. and boone would draw a line in the dirt and then mock the way that diaz called strike three. pretty funny. yankees would go on to lose the game to the white house sox a 5-1. and finally president biden welcoming the houston astros to the white house yesterday. and he congratulated dusty baker for winning his first title as manager. and biden joked that he and 74-year-old baker are in similar situations given their age. >> i remember rooting for him as a kid and i was older than he was. people counted you out saying you are past your prime. hell, i know something about that. >> so president biden with the jokes there. and both biden and baker going for back to back, going for the repeat. >> don't count them out, t
. >> and to baseball, bottom of the ninth boston's reyes gets a hold of it one. would it stay fair?m. red sox win 6-2. his first home run in two years. fun fact, red sox 7-0 season while wearing those yellow uniforms. >>> and boone wasn't too pleased with the job of the home plate umpire and last straw is when volpe was called out on strikes. boone going out there to argue. and boone would draw a line in the dirt and then mock the way that diaz called strike three. pretty funny....
Aug 3, 2023
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bodega bay point reyes, san francisco buoy national weather service.u go out in the pacific, not too far. you can find warm water. but off our immediate coast, it's still really cold 50s on most of the temps here to the north. any 40s? yeah, there's a sebastopol . cool. 46 low 50s on many of these lagunitas at 51 fairfax 52 degrees sonoma also at 52 degrees. so there are some cooler readings this morning, 4345. truckee, south lake tahoe , 54 in reno, 46, and mammoth. all the activity was close, but it was east and southeast. and then probably could see the pretty good buildups. and there have been some hefty downpours from the monsoon moisture, but not over tahoe, truckee, if you're up there, keep an eye on things. but it looks like everything's pushing off even more. so today. so anywhere near the water today, 50, 60, the fog will retreat, but still a decent fog bank, not as much drizzle. there's a little bit, but more in the higher elevations and at the surface, 60, 7080s on those highs today but warmer temps a little bit tomorrow more so on the week
bodega bay point reyes, san francisco buoy national weather service.u go out in the pacific, not too far. you can find warm water. but off our immediate coast, it's still really cold 50s on most of the temps here to the north. any 40s? yeah, there's a sebastopol . cool. 46 low 50s on many of these lagunitas at 51 fairfax 52 degrees sonoma also at 52 degrees. so there are some cooler readings this morning, 4345. truckee, south lake tahoe , 54 in reno, 46, and mammoth. all the activity was close,...
Aug 30, 2023
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. >> edward reyes, joins us now from tampa. good morning to you, edward. >> good morning.ood morning. >> ainsley: what time did you wake up this morning? >> i woke up around 6:30 in the morning. >> ainsley: what have you seen, compare 8:30 to 6:30. >> it's picked up quite a bit. in the morning, it was calm and i looked outside, now there is a lot of wind. actually a lot of trees moving side to side. wind has picked up. >> steve: yeah, do you have electricity or are you on a generator or what? have you lost juice? >> i have not lost any juice, we have electricity. it flickers from time to time, my house, generator is attached to my house. i have seen on the news, they have lost electricity, glad that is not my case. >> brian: are you convinced you are not going to get flooded? >> i don't think where i live i will get flooded. there is a lake, i may have flooding from the lake. but i don't live off the coast as people in pinellas do. >> ainsley: depends who you talk to, i am sure you have friends in different areas. i talked to someone in palm harbor and her house is elevate
. >> edward reyes, joins us now from tampa. good morning to you, edward. >> good morning.ood morning. >> ainsley: what time did you wake up this morning? >> i woke up around 6:30 in the morning. >> ainsley: what have you seen, compare 8:30 to 6:30. >> it's picked up quite a bit. in the morning, it was calm and i looked outside, now there is a lot of wind. actually a lot of trees moving side to side. wind has picked up. >> steve: yeah, do you have...
Aug 1, 2023
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that is going to jail when they kicked hundreds of dollars worth strawberries before calling police reyes who does not speak english, says it's just trying to make a living. >> took him. and i told him that it was an injustice that we kick my boxes and insulted me verbally and psychologically because that's my property. i paid for them. but it though city. so is it a lost everything that day? i lost the $230 that used to pay for the boxes was a book i lost 3 work days because i couldn't find a place to go and someone to give me a >> san jose police say they have forwarded raises report to the district attorney for review. home depot says a 3rd party security guards no longer work for them. but this is not the first incident in san jose involving a street vendor in february. vendor was hit in the head outside of the sapd center. few days later, a man was arrested for attacking a vendor with a bat. well, the cases are unrelated. city officials organize the fair to try to help street vendors be safe on the job. >> our street vendors deserve to be safe, respected and have the opportunity to m
that is going to jail when they kicked hundreds of dollars worth strawberries before calling police reyes who does not speak english, says it's just trying to make a living. >> took him. and i told him that it was an injustice that we kick my boxes and insulted me verbally and psychologically because that's my property. i paid for them. but it though city. so is it a lost everything that day? i lost the $230 that used to pay for the boxes was a book i lost 3 work days because i couldn't...
Aug 3, 2023
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reyes, who's also a cal state east bay professor, says someone also broke into the school's shed wednesday morning. obviously it's devastating, but if you can also see the energy of the space, we're interviewing teachers right now, so we can't let those break-ins devastate us and immobilize us. we have to stay focused on what we're trying to do and what they're trying to do, says principal cesar cruz, is to be a different, independent, free school for 30 at risk ninth graders who may not like school. when you walk into our building, it's living history. you see asian american, african american , latino history, you see a place that feels like home for kids. the school takes pride in being a place where everyone belongs, even those who may have broken in. we know that if we work with them before they might not have done this and the message to them now is that we're still going to be here. and if you need help and support, we can do that for you . 11th oakland police are investigating. a gofundme has been set up by the school to help replace the stolen items. you can find more details on ou
reyes, who's also a cal state east bay professor, says someone also broke into the school's shed wednesday morning. obviously it's devastating, but if you can also see the energy of the space, we're interviewing teachers right now, so we can't let those break-ins devastate us and immobilize us. we have to stay focused on what we're trying to do and what they're trying to do, says principal cesar cruz, is to be a different, independent, free school for 30 at risk ninth graders who may not like...
Aug 3, 2023
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reyes, who's also a cal state east bay professor, says someone also broke into the school's shed wednesday morning. obviously it's devastating, but if you can also see the energy of the space, we're interviewing teachers right now, so we can't let those break-ins devastate us and immobilize us. we have to stay focused on what we're trying to do and what they're trying to do, says principal cesar cruz, is to be a different, independent, free school for 30 at risk ninth graders who may not like school. when you walk into our building, it's living history. you see asian american, african american , latino history, you see a place that feels like home for kids. the school takes pride in being a place where everyone belongs, even those who may have broken in. we know that if we work with them before they might not have done this and the message to them now is that we're still going to be here. and if you need help and support, we can do that for you. the school's working extra hard and time for opening day on september 11th. oakland police are investigating this break in in oakland. henry lee k
reyes, who's also a cal state east bay professor, says someone also broke into the school's shed wednesday morning. obviously it's devastating, but if you can also see the energy of the space, we're interviewing teachers right now, so we can't let those break-ins devastate us and immobilize us. we have to stay focused on what we're trying to do and what they're trying to do, says principal cesar cruz, is to be a different, independent, free school for 30 at risk ninth graders who may not like...
Aug 3, 2023
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reyes, who's also a cal state east bay professor, says someone also broke into the school's shed wednesday morning. obviously it's devastating, but if you can also see the energy of the space we're interviewing teachers right now, so we can't let those break-ins devastate us and immobilize us. we have to stay focused on what we're trying to do and what they're trying to do, says principal cesar cruz, is to be a different, independent free school for 30 at risk ninth graders who may not like school . when you walk into our building, it's living history. you see asian american, african american, latino history. you see a place that feels like home for kids. the school takes pride in being a place where everyone belongs, even those who may have broken in. we know that if we work with them before, they might not have done this. and the message to them now is that we're still going to be here. and if you need help and support, we can do that for you. the schools working extra hard in time for opening day on september 11th, oakland police are investigating this break in in oakland. henry lee, kt
reyes, who's also a cal state east bay professor, says someone also broke into the school's shed wednesday morning. obviously it's devastating, but if you can also see the energy of the space we're interviewing teachers right now, so we can't let those break-ins devastate us and immobilize us. we have to stay focused on what we're trying to do and what they're trying to do, says principal cesar cruz, is to be a different, independent free school for 30 at risk ninth graders who may not like...
Aug 7, 2023
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bodega bay, 51 point, reyes 51 and 54, san francisco bay. now there's warmer water. south off san diego and there's warmer water. west but not here yet. much cooler tuesday, but still temperatures in that will be about ten, 15 degrees above average. you just have too much warm air aloft. mount victor is at 78 degrees. berkeley lab 74. that's warm for them. i know ben lomond mountain was 79 last time. we look fog is out there. take a look at that. i mean, there was nothing a couple of hours ago now it's offshore. but that's going to lead to a significant drop in some of the temps. fog is trying to get its act together. also around santa cruz, san mateo coast. eventually these two emergencies send in a big cooling trend, probably won't be until tomorrow for inland areas, coast and bay. i would think they'll get a decent sea breeze sometime later today. probably not in the morning, but by the afternoon. san francisco, oakland, around the bay will already seeing some low 80s for some 70s for many. so i mean, it won't take long here to warm up. we'll be in the hot categor
bodega bay, 51 point, reyes 51 and 54, san francisco bay. now there's warmer water. south off san diego and there's warmer water. west but not here yet. much cooler tuesday, but still temperatures in that will be about ten, 15 degrees above average. you just have too much warm air aloft. mount victor is at 78 degrees. berkeley lab 74. that's warm for them. i know ben lomond mountain was 79 last time. we look fog is out there. take a look at that. i mean, there was nothing a couple of hours ago...
Aug 28, 2023
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tomorrow morning, the forecast model shows that patch of fog clear up around point reyes and stenson beach. and then you see the temperatures begin to warm. reds are 90, so the heat is coming a little bit further west and it'll do that each day until we get to thursday when it'll start to move, the heat will start to move towards the east. these are the forecast highs for tomorrow about where they were today, maybe a degree warmer in some spots. and then the five day forecast is marked by the significant heating on tuesday and wednesday. and again, in this period, especially tuesday, wednesday, we're looking at increased fire danger, air quality stuff. so think about that as you go forward the weekend, it cools off pretty rapidly. it's a nice week ahead. just going to be a couple of hot days on tuesday, wednesday. all right, bill, thank you. olympic gymnast simone biles is back, winning a record breaking eighth. all around national title at the us gymnastics championship today in san jose. wow sam, you just don't want it to end. she's still got it despite twisting her ankle during sa
tomorrow morning, the forecast model shows that patch of fog clear up around point reyes and stenson beach. and then you see the temperatures begin to warm. reds are 90, so the heat is coming a little bit further west and it'll do that each day until we get to thursday when it'll start to move, the heat will start to move towards the east. these are the forecast highs for tomorrow about where they were today, maybe a degree warmer in some spots. and then the five day forecast is marked by the...
Aug 26, 2023
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so uh you have the balance of misspelt windows uh uh, missing in many in many high reyes. uh, so uh before here all are ready to vote, but they are so many deficiencies that we noticed. okay, this, once we started, i mean what your outlining is very problematic. all this international service in the selection knew there's no international of service. they decided to some months ago to, to, to not let any international observers and be around the evictions. okay. the delay is that you were mentioning, how concerning is that not just the legs, but the other problems as well, given the post and the actual period that previously and go on has seen a lot of violence, especially when the opposition has disappeared with the results. how can i point it's i don't think that one of these people are eager for justice bill is the for, for change the in the for, for piece um, but as you saw, as i told you having those deficiencies, make people very, very angry in some, in some uh voting places, people already fighting because the comforts they are tired since the morning because some p
so uh you have the balance of misspelt windows uh uh, missing in many in many high reyes. uh, so uh before here all are ready to vote, but they are so many deficiencies that we noticed. okay, this, once we started, i mean what your outlining is very problematic. all this international service in the selection knew there's no international of service. they decided to some months ago to, to, to not let any international observers and be around the evictions. okay. the delay is that you were...
Aug 3, 2023
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now the water temps, you're probably going to hear a lot about this, but bodega bay and point reyes areold. 51 degrees. san francisco bay, 53, even monterey, 55. the water temps off of san diego have warmed up considerably in the last three weeks. and there is warm water to the west of us, but not on our immediate coast. so we'll keep an eye on that, see if the warm water sloshes in here anytime soon. here, 50, 60 on the temps here. you can see the low clouds, plenty on the coast. so they'll stay cold. it has been a cold summer for many on the coast and also in san francisco. very few days of warm temperatures now, that monsoon moisture was so close yesterday , tahoe, truckee, reno. but like that is being pushed out of the area. so i think if you're heading up there, it'll be good to go, except for maybe some partly cloudy. i think the activity is moved out. pretty good system, though, that's wrapped up out towards salt lake city for us. and a cool day yesterday. more of the same today. nice little breeze behind it. we'll see temperatures below average, especially inland. but this time
now the water temps, you're probably going to hear a lot about this, but bodega bay and point reyes areold. 51 degrees. san francisco bay, 53, even monterey, 55. the water temps off of san diego have warmed up considerably in the last three weeks. and there is warm water to the west of us, but not on our immediate coast. so we'll keep an eye on that, see if the warm water sloshes in here anytime soon. here, 50, 60 on the temps here. you can see the low clouds, plenty on the coast. so they'll...
Aug 28, 2023
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the la native plays jaime reyes, dc's first latino super hero.y, it's good to be back. >> they were collateral damage. the humans in the movie that were in the way of larger corporations. >> as the film is out, as actors are on strike in solidarity with writers, people who are asking for the right to live and work and thrive in the business should be allowed to and should be able to. >> and because of that reason, i won't be able to promote the movie. >> the mom part of me. it just has really been heart breaking. not to see them be able to really enjoy and be part of this situation still. >> ramirez sanchez explains. the issue is personal. her grandfather was part of the railroad union. >> my mom was a culinary worker in las vegas. that's part of seiu, and she was also a member of the grocery union. so we have deep union roots. >> she's partnered with other organizations to increase access through free screenings for hundreds of community members. >> the reaction ions honestly have been an overwhelming at times the family is drawing people's atte
the la native plays jaime reyes, dc's first latino super hero.y, it's good to be back. >> they were collateral damage. the humans in the movie that were in the way of larger corporations. >> as the film is out, as actors are on strike in solidarity with writers, people who are asking for the right to live and work and thrive in the business should be allowed to and should be able to. >> and because of that reason, i won't be able to promote the movie. >> the mom part of...