Mar 1, 2017
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pasamos ahora con el doctor juan rivera. ♪ doctor rivera: buenos dÍas.rÍa marín para que nos cuente un poquito mÁs de quÉ sufre, cÓmo piensa una mujer cuando estÁ pasando por un proceso tan difÍcil. [aplausos] doctor rivera: bienvenida, mi querida amiga. por favor. bueno, yo me voy a poner cÓmodo, marÍa, porque somos amigos, y estamos en la casa de "despierta amÉrica", "a corazÓn abierto". marÍa: así es. doctor rivera: nos vamos a inspirar con tu historia. marÍa: tengo que aceptar que tengo nervios en este momento. doctor rivera: soy yo, tu doctor juan. piensa que estamos hablando como a las 10:00 de la noche. marÍa: yo sÉ. doctor rivera: marÍa, a mí no se me va a olvidar esa primera llamada, cuando recibiste la llamada del doctor que te decÍa que el diagnÓstico habÍa sido positivo para cÁncer. creo que me llamaste a mÍ primero, y me acuerdo que te costaba un poco de trabajo mencionar la palabra "cÁncer". marÍa: sí, al principio yo no podÍa decir la palabra. lo que yo decÍa, si tenía que darle la noticia a alguien, era: "me hicieron una biopsia y saliÓ c
pasamos ahora con el doctor juan rivera. ♪ doctor rivera: buenos dÍas.rÍa marín para que nos cuente un poquito mÁs de quÉ sufre, cÓmo piensa una mujer cuando estÁ pasando por un proceso tan difÍcil. [aplausos] doctor rivera: bienvenida, mi querida amiga. por favor. bueno, yo me voy a poner cÓmodo, marÍa, porque somos amigos, y estamos en la casa de "despierta amÉrica", "a corazÓn abierto". marÍa: así es. doctor rivera: nos vamos a inspirar con tu historia....
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a man identified as rivera's "brother." listed cell phone tracks back to this man, sigfredo garcia, of north miami. garcia is no gangbanger, but he is a childhood friend of rivera's who has also had numerous run-ins with the law. having both men's cell phone numbers is like hitting the jackpot for investigators. every ping on a cell phone tower, every call, every text, yields a play by play of their movements. and police say that data showed that in july, 2014, garcia and rivera set out on a fateful road trip from miami to tallahassee in that prius. wednesday, july 16, 2014, cell phone records show the prius heading up 1-75 on the seven-hour drive towards tallahassee. they hit tallahassee after midnight and check into this motel. friday morning, july 18th, cell phone tower records place garcia and rivera here, in the vicinity of the premier health and fitness center. surveillance cameras capture dan markel arriving at the fitness center in his black honda. now watch as this prius enters the parking lot. the cops say it's th
a man identified as rivera's "brother." listed cell phone tracks back to this man, sigfredo garcia, of north miami. garcia is no gangbanger, but he is a childhood friend of rivera's who has also had numerous run-ins with the law. having both men's cell phone numbers is like hitting the jackpot for investigators. every ping on a cell phone tower, every call, every text, yields a play by play of their movements. and police say that data showed that in july, 2014, garcia and rivera set...
Mar 14, 2017
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de santae spring donde juan rivera y su sobrina jackie estaban trabajando arduamente para poner lose participa mi sobrina jackie que va a cantar y mi sobrina chiquis tambiÉn cantarÁ uno. uno de esos temas siendo inÉdito que mi hermana grabÓ pero jamÁs se ha lanzado y creo que la gente estarÁ muy entusiasmada. >>> claro que si cantando con sus hijas, desde el cielo lo estÁn haciendo. juan y su sobrina jackie estaban disfrutando en trabajar en la sorpresa. >>> estaba muy contenta, y bailando cuando vimos este video, muchas felicidades dijimos mÁs adelante estaremos con la familia rivera >>> ayer se llevÓ as cabo la conferencia de prensa para anunciar el debut de la obra de teatro, "del otro lado de la cama" esta obra hecha con camila sodi y sebastiÁn zurita >>> la cuestionamos sobre su supuesta relaciÓn con el chicharito, miren lo que mos dijo y cÓmo reacciono >>> te metiste en una relaciÓn, que si no ¿ quÉ puedes decir tÚ al respecto cÓmo te siente contra estas acusaciones?. >>> te agradezco muchÍsimo tu interÉs, y que hayas tenido el valor de preguntarme, no hablo de mi vida privada
de santae spring donde juan rivera y su sobrina jackie estaban trabajando arduamente para poner lose participa mi sobrina jackie que va a cantar y mi sobrina chiquis tambiÉn cantarÁ uno. uno de esos temas siendo inÉdito que mi hermana grabÓ pero jamÁs se ha lanzado y creo que la gente estarÁ muy entusiasmada. >>> claro que si cantando con sus hijas, desde el cielo lo estÁn haciendo. juan y su sobrina jackie estaban disfrutando en trabajar en la sorpresa. >>> estaba muy...
Mar 5, 2017
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despuÉs se va al gimnasio. ♪ ♪ alrededor de las seis otra es su rutina. >> sus maÑanitas con pedro riveras fanÁticas cantándoles en las redes sociales y luego pasa el dÍa planeando vídeos, giras, presentaciones. ♪ ♪ >> siempre esta cantando por todos lados y lo admiro mucho por eso, no se da por vencido. marÍa: un pedro que no descansa, parecÍa no querer desperdiciar ni un solo segundo de cada dÍa. >> yo no le podrÍa dar ningÚn consejo a mi papÁ porque Él lo sabe todo yo no podrÍa decirle absolutamente nada, Él es el sabio. >> a pesar de todos los problemas que hemos tenido, la muerte, el divorcio, la separaciÓn de la familia pero usted nunca ha dejado de trabajar, siempre metiÉndole ganas, que orgulloso me siento. >> tienes razÓn, yo les enseÑe a ustedes a pelear por sus sueÑos! pero ahora el turno es mÍo, así tenga 70 aÑos. don pedro para mÍ es hÉroe, no hay supermÁn o batman. es una persona a la que le debo la vida marÍa: emociona mucho yo quiero que mi papÁ tenga un Éxito como cantante a los 70 aÑos para que pueda vivir el sueÑo de cualquier cantante, y el chapo de sinaloa le recuerda
despuÉs se va al gimnasio. ♪ ♪ alrededor de las seis otra es su rutina. >> sus maÑanitas con pedro riveras fanÁticas cantándoles en las redes sociales y luego pasa el dÍa planeando vídeos, giras, presentaciones. ♪ ♪ >> siempre esta cantando por todos lados y lo admiro mucho por eso, no se da por vencido. marÍa: un pedro que no descansa, parecÍa no querer desperdiciar ni un solo segundo de cada dÍa. >> yo no le podrÍa dar ningÚn consejo a mi papÁ porque Él...
Mar 7, 2017
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pedro rivera: cÓmo no. agradecido con la vida, con sus momentos buenos, los malos y los peores, como fue la pÉrdida de su hija jenni. a pesar de que ustedes su padre, ¿puede decir que aprendiÓ algo de su hija? pedro rivera: cÓmo no. algo que nunca aprendÍ a hacer bien, como lo hacÍa ella, ella tenía tiempo para llamar a todos. birmania: y dice que apoya la carrera de su nieta chiquis. pedro rivera: ella ha sabido aguantar los ataques de la gente que no la quiere. tiene que aguantar, porque es un proceso, y no se es artista de la noche a la maÑana. tiene que aguantar todas las crÍticas y todos los ataques de la gente: que canta feo, que es desafinada, que quiÉn sabe qué. pero se le puede ver el Ángel tan grande que ya tiene. birmania: a don pedro se le conoce como un hombre muy coqueto, y siempre ha presumido de tener varias novias. pedro rivera: hay que apreciara la mujer. birmania: quiere decir que usted siempre estÁ dispuesto a complacer a una mujer. pedro rivera: exactamente. birmania:asÍ tenga que hacer
pedro rivera: cÓmo no. agradecido con la vida, con sus momentos buenos, los malos y los peores, como fue la pÉrdida de su hija jenni. a pesar de que ustedes su padre, ¿puede decir que aprendiÓ algo de su hija? pedro rivera: cÓmo no. algo que nunca aprendÍ a hacer bien, como lo hacÍa ella, ella tenía tiempo para llamar a todos. birmania: y dice que apoya la carrera de su nieta chiquis. pedro rivera: ella ha sabido aguantar los ataques de la gente que no la quiere. tiene que aguantar,...
Mar 6, 2017
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doctor rivera: imagÍnate! ayÚdame.a: primero que todo, nunca pensÉ que me sucediera a mÍ. siempre pensÉ: "esto no me tocarÍa a mí". pues sÍ nos puede tocar. por eso estoy aquÍ hoy, para que se haga la prueba de detecciÓn. sentÍ mucho dolor y sufrimiento que mis hijos tuvieran que pasar por este dolor. doctor rivera: y entiendo que si no te lo hubieran diagnosticado cuando te lo diagnosticaron, quizÁ no estarÍas aquí. marra: exactamente. yo estoy muy feliz de que insistir en una colonoscopÍa, porque sino hubiera sido metÁstasis. doctor rivera: vamos a enseÑar a las personas, para que ustedes tengan una idea de cÓmo es que esto sucede. en el cÁncer de colon, lo primero que sucede es una masa que estÁ localizada. luego, esa masa se puede expandir localmente. empieza a invadir los tejidos locales. luego de eso, esa masa puede salir hacia la pared intestinal, y mÁs o menos por aquÍ es donde tÚ estabas, en esa etapa 3b. eventualmente, si no te hubieses hecho ese examen, hubieses llegado aquÍ, donde esas cÉlulas de cÁncer se
doctor rivera: imagÍnate! ayÚdame.a: primero que todo, nunca pensÉ que me sucediera a mÍ. siempre pensÉ: "esto no me tocarÍa a mí". pues sÍ nos puede tocar. por eso estoy aquÍ hoy, para que se haga la prueba de detecciÓn. sentÍ mucho dolor y sufrimiento que mis hijos tuvieran que pasar por este dolor. doctor rivera: y entiendo que si no te lo hubieran diagnosticado cuando te lo diagnosticaron, quizÁ no estarÍas aquí. marra: exactamente. yo estoy muy feliz de que insistir...
Mar 27, 2017
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jenny rivera estÁ muy decepcionada.momento, no era mi lugar, no me cuide,llevÉ descontrol en todo, traÍa dolor y estaba muy presionado entre deudas y trabajo. es estrÉs me complicÓ en la pulmonÍa y algo bien importante que se complicÓ. karla:moriste en paz? ramsÉs:no, tenÍa que darle mÁs a mi pÚblico, pense que me iba a morir con 90 aÑos. alan:quÉ pasa con tus demÁs hijos? ramsÉs:va a cantar y lo quiero y le mando energÍa. hay uno que tÚ sabes que hay un cortocircuito entre tu y yo. karla:todos son sus hijos? ramsÉs:lo que se ve no se juzga,todo el mundo pensaba que era algo que nunca toque pero al final de cuentas pude llevar una vida de dos. alan:quÉ va a pasar con todo el testamento? ramsÉs:quisiera que a ivÁn le vaya bien.el evento pÓstumo que hicieron estuvo bien. no fue tanto de mi agrado. karla: se arreglarÁ el asunto del testamento? ramsÉs:lamento mucho haber dejado problemas a mis hijos. hay un testamento y quiero que lo respeten. alan: ivÁn se va a encargar de todo? ramsÉs: siempre me mostrÓ tener control en t
jenny rivera estÁ muy decepcionada.momento, no era mi lugar, no me cuide,llevÉ descontrol en todo, traÍa dolor y estaba muy presionado entre deudas y trabajo. es estrÉs me complicÓ en la pulmonÍa y algo bien importante que se complicÓ. karla:moriste en paz? ramsÉs:no, tenÍa que darle mÁs a mi pÚblico, pense que me iba a morir con 90 aÑos. alan:quÉ pasa con tus demÁs hijos? ramsÉs:va a cantar y lo quiero y le mando energÍa. hay uno que tÚ sabes que hay un cortocircuito entre tu...
Mar 14, 2017
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cesar --despues deantas especulaciones, hoy por fin nuestra cadenaelemundo y lafamilia rivera dieroaprincipal de la tan esperada serie sobre la vida de jenni rivera, ---ettmachin hao con ellosy nos tiene el reportaje, adelante ite.. ke pkg 0:01 0:16 0:38 1:07 1:31 1:45 2:02 2:10 hola que taagos, marisa de barr la unicserie aurizada sobre la vidde la divde la bandcontara c un gran reparto pero definitivamente la gransorpresa fue conocer quela actriz angelica celaya fueaescogida para personificar unde las etapas mas importantes dla vida de la gran seÑora track: tres actre una misma jer, 3 apas de la da de alguique dejo huella en los corazones dtodos los que la conocier. en la serie "mariposa de barrio"veremos a una jenni rivedesde su niÑez, este papel sera interpretado p la actrizregina orquin, algo que llena de emocion la pequeÑa que no pudo esconder durante la conferencia de prea sot aciz reginarquin / interprera jenni en suiÑez track: despues de perder la oportunidad de hacer el casting y enviarlpor telefonoa joven actrizsamadhi zendejas esta feliz de haber sido escogidpara reencarn
cesar --despues deantas especulaciones, hoy por fin nuestra cadenaelemundo y lafamilia rivera dieroaprincipal de la tan esperada serie sobre la vida de jenni rivera, ---ettmachin hao con ellosy nos tiene el reportaje, adelante ite.. ke pkg 0:01 0:16 0:38 1:07 1:31 1:45 2:02 2:10 hola que taagos, marisa de barr la unicserie aurizada sobre la vidde la divde la bandcontara c un gran reparto pero definitivamente la gransorpresa fue conocer quela actriz angelica celaya fueaescogida para personificar...
Mar 23, 2017
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vamos a contarle esta historia con el doctor rivera.con la vanidad y la belleza. karla: lamentablemente las mujeres sufre mucho del acoso, el acoso fÍsico y muchas de ellas se ven humilladas a hacer cualquier tipo de cosas con tal de lucir con lo que se conoce como bella. todas somos bellas a los ojos de dios. alan: buenas noticias en los deportes. saludamos y felicitamos a los fanÁticos de los estados unidos. lo hicieron por primera vez. gana en el clÁsico mundial de bÉisbol, imaginen lo que hubiera sido si puerto rico hubiera ganado. un abrazo nuestros hermanos puertorriqueÑos que lo hicieron de maravilla, pero estados unidos estaba muy fuerte, 8-0 marcador final. karla: los dos son campeones. tambiÉn es el dÍa nacional de los cachorros, mande su foto con sus cachorros aquÍ en "despierta amÉrica". satcha:nos vamos directamente con esto que estaban adelantando y que acapara titulares a nivel internacional. en alerta severa se mantiene londres tras atentado terrorista en el que un hombre con un coche y un cuchillo matÓ a tres personas e
vamos a contarle esta historia con el doctor rivera.con la vanidad y la belleza. karla: lamentablemente las mujeres sufre mucho del acoso, el acoso fÍsico y muchas de ellas se ven humilladas a hacer cualquier tipo de cosas con tal de lucir con lo que se conoce como bella. todas somos bellas a los ojos de dios. alan: buenas noticias en los deportes. saludamos y felicitamos a los fanÁticos de los estados unidos. lo hicieron por primera vez. gana en el clÁsico mundial de bÉisbol, imaginen lo...
Mar 14, 2017
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i love geraldo rivera. we are buddies.have a problem with me, what you come to me -- if something you were doing was bothering me as a friend, i would say hey, geraldo, what are you doing? why do they have to race to cnn for every five seconds with every minor critique? i lost respect for lindsey graham for not keeping his word. >> i think you really laid it out. i think the problem is, there is not enough of a personal relationship between thesee gentlemen and the president of the united states. you talk about our t friendship, our deep on undividing p friendship. i would never go behind your back on a issue. this is not the relationship that the president of the united states has. the more he isolates himself behind his closed circle, the less he is going to be able to work with them. >> sean: he has invited everybody in. let's bring monica into this. he is inviting everybody in.er now that they have laid out a health care bill, they did not have consensus, now he has to clean up their mess. >> exactly right. to geraldo'
i love geraldo rivera. we are buddies.have a problem with me, what you come to me -- if something you were doing was bothering me as a friend, i would say hey, geraldo, what are you doing? why do they have to race to cnn for every five seconds with every minor critique? i lost respect for lindsey graham for not keeping his word. >> i think you really laid it out. i think the problem is, there is not enough of a personal relationship between thesee gentlemen and the president of the united...
Mar 20, 2017
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es la segunda vez que vemos a jenny rivera aparecer, cantÓ junto a su hija chiquis rivera. del camerino con su papÁ. la banda "el recodo" opina de los problemas que artistas han tenido Últimamente para ingresar a estados unidos y no traen visa de trabajo. >> nosotros cuando venimos a trabajar, sacamos la visa de trabajo. cuando venimos a pasarla bien sacamos la de turista. cuando venimos a un festival decimos que venimos o festival, dime cuÁl quieres que saque? le decimos, lo mÁs importante es andar bien. Ángel:juanes nos dijo porque no se ha dado el dueto con shakira. juanes: la he visto muchos aÑos, si algÚn dÍa hay una canciÓn que nos gusta a los dos, la admiro mucho y la respeto mucho tambiÉn, asÍ que, por quÉ no? Ángel: al final esperamos a alejandro fernÁndez para preguntar cÓmo va la demanda con luis miguel. sin embargo no quiso decir ni una sola palabra y asÍ se marchÓ del lugar a toda prisa. ♪ ♪ ♪ orlando:vamos hacer un servicio social, entren al instagram de mi amiga francisca. ponme "no me ames", vente para acÁ! vamos hacer karaoke. si estÁ en su casa en este mom
es la segunda vez que vemos a jenny rivera aparecer, cantÓ junto a su hija chiquis rivera. del camerino con su papÁ. la banda "el recodo" opina de los problemas que artistas han tenido Últimamente para ingresar a estados unidos y no traen visa de trabajo. >> nosotros cuando venimos a trabajar, sacamos la visa de trabajo. cuando venimos a pasarla bien sacamos la de turista. cuando venimos a un festival decimos que venimos o festival, dime cuÁl quieres que saque? le decimos,...
Mar 9, 2017
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city council members and state senator gustavo rivera. just last month, ravi was recognized in albany with the immigrant excellence award by the new york state association of black and puerto rican legislators, given to those who show "deep commitment to the enhancement of their community." "the indypendent" newspaper recently featured him in a cover story called "walk with me," and a canadian broadcasting corporation film crew is following him this morning. ravi legally immigrated to the united states from trinidad and tobago more than 25 years ago, but a 2001 wire fraud conviction made his green card subject to review. even though he is married to a u.s. citizen and has a u.s.-born daughter, the government refuses to normalize h his status. instead, immigration and customs enforcement has exercised
city council members and state senator gustavo rivera. just last month, ravi was recognized in albany with the immigrant excellence award by the new york state association of black and puerto rican legislators, given to those who show "deep commitment to the enhancement of their community." "the indypendent" newspaper recently featured him in a cover story called "walk with me," and a canadian broadcasting corporation film crew is following him this morning. ravi...
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abc 7 news reporter lonnie rivera is in san jose where hundreds turned out for the rally. lonnie? >> reporter: yes, ama. it was a message of unity, love and support for all women in downtown san jose. but the speakers called for those protesters to take this even beyond the rally holding those in power accountable. for some it's a day off from work to stand up for women's rights. a couple hundred people wore red to show solidarity. the day without a rally -- >> one much our heroes. >> robin and her daughter came to connect and support the rights and freedom of all women. >> come out and stand up and do what you can. call your representatives. run for an office. >> becky couldn't pass up the chance to support the cause. >> i think the more people who are involved and take part in it, the more effective it will be. >> steve put on a red hoodie for the women in his life. >> people feel it's okay to put
abc 7 news reporter lonnie rivera is in san jose where hundreds turned out for the rally. lonnie? >> reporter: yes, ama. it was a message of unity, love and support for all women in downtown san jose. but the speakers called for those protesters to take this even beyond the rally holding those in power accountable. for some it's a day off from work to stand up for women's rights. a couple hundred people wore red to show solidarity. the day without a rally -- >> one much our heroes....
Mar 15, 2017
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en este disco hay duetos con chiquis rivera y otro dueto con lupillo rivera.n lubricación antes y después de las cuchillas. protege y refresca al rasurarte. proshield chill de gillette. oigan, sé que estamos cortos ...día de reposo mañana. un... las mamÁs no toman dÍa de reposo las mamÁs toman nyquil severe. la medicina nocturna contra estornudo, tos, fiebre, para... ...que puedas dormir de lo mejor con un resfriado. ♪ ♪ ♪ presentador: el poder imitar es algo que muy pocos pueden hacer. hacerlo bien es difÍcil. presentadora: tenemos a la encargada. diecisiete aÑos! se ha vuelto un fenÓmeno en las redes. estÁ con nosotros, renata vÁzquez. quÉ bonita! renata: muchas gracias por la invitaciÓn. estoy muy contenta. karla: quÉ bÁrbaro! cuÁndo te das cuenta que tienen la facilidad de imitar voces? renata: pues, yo siempre vivo cantando. mi familia es sÚper musical. las artistas a las que imitÉ en el vÍdeo siempre me ha encantado. yo soy actriz. con las clases de actuaciÓn te vuelves muy observador. creo que eso me ha ayudado para imitar bien a estas cantantes. alan:
en este disco hay duetos con chiquis rivera y otro dueto con lupillo rivera.n lubricación antes y después de las cuchillas. protege y refresca al rasurarte. proshield chill de gillette. oigan, sé que estamos cortos ...día de reposo mañana. un... las mamÁs no toman dÍa de reposo las mamÁs toman nyquil severe. la medicina nocturna contra estornudo, tos, fiebre, para... ...que puedas dormir de lo mejor con un resfriado. ♪ ♪ ♪ presentador: el poder imitar es algo que muy pocos pueden...
Mar 14, 2017
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estrellas latinas --- cesar --- hoy se realiz el anunciooficial de la see biogrfica sobre "jenni riveralia y los protagonistas... --- "ivette machn" est en "telemundo studios" y nos cuenta mas --- take ivette lot :01 :18 :35 ivette machn miami,l rosie rivera / hermana jennrivera take vo / arlen --- atue brutaldos sujetos golpean salvajemente a un take vo / arlen--- aque brutal, dosujetos golpean salvajemente a u joven en la ciudad de nueva yorky todo queda captado en cmara ---- take vo / cesar - se desa el infino en la tierra, un vor incendio consume por completo un edificio dapartamentos causando sucolpaso, le tenemos ladramticas imgenes --- vo/arlen decenase famils tuvieron qu de reportarse un voraznceio en ucomplejo departamentosde nueva york... el siniestro se report en horasde la noche y los bomberotuvieron dificultad paracombatir las llamas que amenazaban a ms estructuras...el lugar qued inhabitable y l autoridades temen que en cualquiemomentcolapse... incend sigue ba investacin... cesar / take vo -- lpolica nueva yo est tras la pista de s sospechos que golpearon salvajemente a jo
estrellas latinas --- cesar --- hoy se realiz el anunciooficial de la see biogrfica sobre "jenni riveralia y los protagonistas... --- "ivette machn" est en "telemundo studios" y nos cuenta mas --- take ivette lot :01 :18 :35 ivette machn miami,l rosie rivera / hermana jennrivera take vo / arlen --- atue brutaldos sujetos golpean salvajemente a un take vo / arlen--- aque brutal, dosujetos golpean salvajemente a u joven en la ciudad de nueva yorky todo queda captado en...
Mar 8, 2017
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tiempo conlla en su hogar de whittier y en ocasiones se quedaba a rmir con su abuela paterna en pico rivera dice la menono era problemtica, ni tampoco tenia una recion amorosa e ella supiera. martha espza/suija desaparecio hace 9 dias "una amiga dijo que iba a sal con un muchachque apenas conoció, pero no le dijo el nombre o nada". pero lo que tiene consterna martha eque su hi no contestael telefono desde ennc. y al revisar el historial de llamadas se percato que la menfue contactada en al menos 23 ocasiones el dia sudesaparicion desde un numerotelefonico que ofrece servicis de damas de compania. martha esparza/su hijadesaparecio hace 9 dias "gente que vende muchachas algasí no estosegura y esoes lo que me está dando mucho miedo". el mismo numero telefonicopudimos constatar aparece en internet bajodiferentes perfiles de jovencitas que ofrecen servici sexuales. la familia de daene ya reporto su saparicion a lapolicia de chino hills y lasautoridades nos confirmaronue estan investigando el caso ysiguieo varias pist. martha esparza/su hijadesaparecio hace 9 dias "su apa y abuelfueron a la polic
tiempo conlla en su hogar de whittier y en ocasiones se quedaba a rmir con su abuela paterna en pico rivera dice la menono era problemtica, ni tampoco tenia una recion amorosa e ella supiera. martha espza/suija desaparecio hace 9 dias "una amiga dijo que iba a sal con un muchachque apenas conoció, pero no le dijo el nombre o nada". pero lo que tiene consterna martha eque su hi no contestael telefono desde ennc. y al revisar el historial de llamadas se percato que la menfue contactada...
Mar 13, 2017
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abc 7's lonnie rivera is live in san jose. >> good morning, natasha. since we've been here this morning, all we've seen is just this police car in front of the hotel here. we're not sure if it is part of the security detail for the former president. but here's a look at former president obama's motorcade as it arrived at san jose airport. the reason for his visit is not clear. it comes as the clock ticks for president trump to back up his claims that the former president wiretapped his phones during the campaign. the house intelligence committee set today as the deadline for proof of those accusations. >> president trump has to provide the american people, not just the intelligence committee, but the american people with evidence. >> before traveling to san jose, president obama spent the day with billionaire warren buffet in omaha, nebraska. they had lunch and a quick meeting sunday. we will be here this morning to see where he's going next. we're live in downtown san jose. lonnie rivera, abc 7 news. >> thank you. >>> an estimate of how much president
abc 7's lonnie rivera is live in san jose. >> good morning, natasha. since we've been here this morning, all we've seen is just this police car in front of the hotel here. we're not sure if it is part of the security detail for the former president. but here's a look at former president obama's motorcade as it arrived at san jose airport. the reason for his visit is not clear. it comes as the clock ticks for president trump to back up his claims that the former president wiretapped his...
Mar 8, 2017
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good to be with you, i am franc francis rivera. >>> wikileaks released what the cia says it's an entire hacking capacity to get into your electronics. apple releasing a statement saying many of the issues leaked were already patched in the latest phone software. microsoft and google say they are investigating, but for some americans this breach could hit closer to home. >> reporter: in some of the most common electronic devices, spying on their owners. designed to break into iphone or android and bypass secure messing apps. and even a hack from microsoft windows named after a character in a popular will ferrell movie, and wikileaks is not revealing its source and the cia is not commenting. computer experts and former intelligence officials are treating the documents as real as well as the alleged security breach. >> we have always been worried about spies inside our agencies, and what is different now is technology allowed the fruits of the spying, if you will, to be more powerful in the hands of our adversaries. >> the spying tools would have been used exclusively for foreign surveilla
good to be with you, i am franc francis rivera. >>> wikileaks released what the cia says it's an entire hacking capacity to get into your electronics. apple releasing a statement saying many of the issues leaked were already patched in the latest phone software. microsoft and google say they are investigating, but for some americans this breach could hit closer to home. >> reporter: in some of the most common electronic devices, spying on their owners. designed to break into...
Mar 26, 2017
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lonni rivera was there as they try to get support for a plan they submitted yesterday. she's live in oakland. lonni. >> reporter: yes, the mayor said today that it is a myth that the city is not ready to build something right now and right here. those were her words in the latest effort to keep the raiders here in oakland. >> this is home. >> reporter: for so many passionate raiders fans, this is home. the site of the oakland coliseum captures their heart because it holds so much history. and this sign said, las vegas, if you build it, we won't come. >> we are stuck with the team in losing seasons and came here any way and so we really want to make sure that we're rewarded for that. >> reporter: raiders fans joined the oakland mayor and other city leaders to push the latest plan to keep the team in the city of oakland. ronnie lott presented a plan to build a new venue adjacent to the coliseum. >> 55 acres of open land that is ready to be built on right now. >> reporter: fans showed up in silver and black gear with straightforward signs but many say voices are not being
lonni rivera was there as they try to get support for a plan they submitted yesterday. she's live in oakland. lonni. >> reporter: yes, the mayor said today that it is a myth that the city is not ready to build something right now and right here. those were her words in the latest effort to keep the raiders here in oakland. >> this is home. >> reporter: for so many passionate raiders fans, this is home. the site of the oakland coliseum captures their heart because it holds so...
SFGTV: San Francisco Government Television
Mar 3, 2017
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under support services, with assistant deputy chief rivera, they received a total of 254 request for services during this reporting period. a little less than half or approximately have,-more than half, 144 were close during this period. construction at pump station one which is located at headquarters, has been extended due to the current testing of the fuel tank and pumps on-site. they are also working on-they are near completion of the minor work that's been done on the second floor of the building. all easter projects continue to move forward and our track. and next month we should have a permanent position filled for our and industrial hygienists. we currently have the assistance of the department of public health which is assisting our department on related health and safety issues. working chief rivera, working with center shop they have-they are in the process of outfitting [inaudible] 18 with our [inaudible] agb and service next month which is waiting for additional security valves on the apparatus. we are working with the mta to standardize residential parking permits. this
under support services, with assistant deputy chief rivera, they received a total of 254 request for services during this reporting period. a little less than half or approximately have,-more than half, 144 were close during this period. construction at pump station one which is located at headquarters, has been extended due to the current testing of the fuel tank and pumps on-site. they are also working on-they are near completion of the minor work that's been done on the second floor of the...
Mar 12, 2017
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galore are a rivera -- gloria rivera has coverage of both sides. >> reporter: republicans face questionsbout the row place -- replace gop healthcare bill. >> i just got finished cancer treatment, my treatment is half a million dollars a year, i can't afford that, i can't afford not to have insurance. insurance for me is 60 to $70,000 a year. >> the current bill is not in the form i approve of. >> reporter: the white house has en hasna aitboulahcen -- enlisted has enlists -- enlisted mike pence. rand paul is against the current gop proposal. so is the governor. >> i know not every politics in kentucky supports our plan. >> reporter: keeping popular elements from obama care and keeping the controversial part like tax credits. he know this is an up hill battle. the bill has cleared two major committees and could be on the house floor by the end of the month. gloria rivera abc, washington. >>> inside story will look at mayor jim kenny's soda tax. >>> happening today celebration of irish pride in center city. the parade begins at noon, it's a tradition in philadelphia dating back to 1771. >>>
galore are a rivera -- gloria rivera has coverage of both sides. >> reporter: republicans face questionsbout the row place -- replace gop healthcare bill. >> i just got finished cancer treatment, my treatment is half a million dollars a year, i can't afford that, i can't afford not to have insurance. insurance for me is 60 to $70,000 a year. >> the current bill is not in the form i approve of. >> reporter: the white house has en hasna aitboulahcen -- enlisted has enlists...
Mar 9, 2017
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lonnie rivera has more. when you own a bakery closing shop for a day isn't a good idea. >> it's a struggle, for sure. >> reporter: an international women's day, second story bakery stayed open. the from city hall and gave demonstrators a chance to support a local business. >> i gnaw if we shop anywhere today, this would be perfect. >> i love to see the activism in the neighborhood and close to city hall and elevates everybody. >> reporter: christi can relate to today's eloquent powmpowerme. she decided to pursue a career in the bakery business. >> it's important for us to feel like he can make a change. >> reporter: you'll find an assortment to satisfy your sweet tooth but sometimes there is nothing sweet about running a small business. >> i have a daughter, so i want to see the world to be a better place for her. she comes of age. >> reporter: she's writing a new story and hopes to inspire all women to pursue their passion no matter what. in san jose, lonnie rivera, abc 7 news. >> abc 7 news was in berkeley
lonnie rivera has more. when you own a bakery closing shop for a day isn't a good idea. >> it's a struggle, for sure. >> reporter: an international women's day, second story bakery stayed open. the from city hall and gave demonstrators a chance to support a local business. >> i gnaw if we shop anywhere today, this would be perfect. >> i love to see the activism in the neighborhood and close to city hall and elevates everybody. >> reporter: christi can relate to...
Mar 7, 2017
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i'm frances rivera. developing overnight, north korean state media just released video of four missiles launching these could be the ballistic missiles fired into japanese waters on monday. the united states began employing a fad antimissile system to south korea. defense officials insist it is strictly defensive, a defense system aimed solely at north korea. they are not the only to feel threatened. the malaysian prime minister accused them of holding them in hostage. relations have been dissbi grating since the half brother was attacked at kuala lumpur airport in february. >>> here at home donald trump continues to face questions on his unsubstantiate the allegations that former president obama wiretapped his office during the 2016 campaign. question is not just being lobbed by democrats, but trump's fellow republicans. senator john mccain is asking release of evidence and sharing tough words on the president's allegations. >> it is his obligation to tell the american people why he made the allegation
i'm frances rivera. developing overnight, north korean state media just released video of four missiles launching these could be the ballistic missiles fired into japanese waters on monday. the united states began employing a fad antimissile system to south korea. defense officials insist it is strictly defensive, a defense system aimed solely at north korea. they are not the only to feel threatened. the malaysian prime minister accused them of holding them in hostage. relations have been...
Mar 2, 2017
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rivera is a hispanic male. >> all immigrants are not hispanic, and when you get things like this, it doesn't make us look good. >> reporter: this is the same park used for at least two ms13 murders 3-4 years ago according to investigators, and the u.s. attorney's office says the two gang members and at the least four members dismembered one of their own before burying the person in a shallow grave. convictions came down last spring this search has several units involved, and detectives are not saying yes or no if it's connect to the recent ms13 murders in springfield and dumfries or if it's connected to the cases of after 17-- old and 14-year-old missing since september, and a police spokesperson said right now they are not ruling anything out in fairfax county, stephanie ramirez, wusa 9. >> police also searched tyson park, but they have since ruled that area out of the search. >>> gang violence is not just a problem here. in central america gang members are allegedly targeting children, threatening them with harm if they don't come up with cash. andrea mckaren spoke to one mom who h
rivera is a hispanic male. >> all immigrants are not hispanic, and when you get things like this, it doesn't make us look good. >> reporter: this is the same park used for at least two ms13 murders 3-4 years ago according to investigators, and the u.s. attorney's office says the two gang members and at the least four members dismembered one of their own before burying the person in a shallow grave. convictions came down last spring this search has several units involved, and...
Mar 26, 2017
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in oakland, lonni rivera, abc 7 news. >>> not everyone is upset about the possibility of the raiders relocation. some raiders fans who live in las vegas say they are looking forward to a potential move. >> they deserve las vegas. las vegas deserves the raiders. and we're going to welcome them with open arms. >> a lot of fans that live in the bay area that are excited about coming out here. not all oakland people are upset that they're coming. >> abc 7 news reporter laura anthony is heading to phoenix for the nfl owners meeting. her live reports begin tomorrow on abc 7 news and she'll break news on any raiders first on twitter@laura anthony 7. >>> a break in the rain today but there is another storm on the way. a live look outside right now from our abc 7 camera on sutro tower. more on that rain headed our way with meteorologist drew tuma. good to see you, buddy. >> hey, eric. it is a beautiful shot out there. and we have tons of sunshine. and the rain is going to hold off that we're tracking until sunday. so we're taking your evening planner. here we go. by 7:00, the sun is going dow
in oakland, lonni rivera, abc 7 news. >>> not everyone is upset about the possibility of the raiders relocation. some raiders fans who live in las vegas say they are looking forward to a potential move. >> they deserve las vegas. las vegas deserves the raiders. and we're going to welcome them with open arms. >> a lot of fans that live in the bay area that are excited about coming out here. not all oakland people are upset that they're coming. >> abc 7 news reporter...
Mar 26, 2017
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in oakland, lonni rivera, abc 7 news. >>> not everyone is upset about the possibility of the raiders relocation. some raiders fans who live in las vegas say they are looking forward to a potential move. >> they deserve las vegas. las vegas deserves the raiders. and we're going to welcome them with open arms. >> a lot of fans that live in the bay area that are excited about coming out here. not all oakland people are upset that they're coming. >> abc 7 news reporter laura anthony is heading to phoenix for the nfl owners meeting. her live reports begin tomorrow on abc 7 news and she'll break news on any raiders first on twitter@laura anthony 7. >>> a break in the rain today but there is another storm on the way. a live look outside right now from our abc 7 camera on sutro tower. more on that rain headed our way with meteorologist drew tuma. good to see you, buddy. >> hey, eric. it is a beautiful shot out there. and we have tons of sunshine. and the rain is going to hold off that we're tracking until sunday. so we're taking your evening planner. here we go. by 7:00, the sun is going dow
in oakland, lonni rivera, abc 7 news. >>> not everyone is upset about the possibility of the raiders relocation. some raiders fans who live in las vegas say they are looking forward to a potential move. >> they deserve las vegas. las vegas deserves the raiders. and we're going to welcome them with open arms. >> a lot of fans that live in the bay area that are excited about coming out here. not all oakland people are upset that they're coming. >> abc 7 news reporter...
Mar 3, 2017
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i'm frances rivera. a total witch hunt. that's how the president of the united states is describing it this morning. attorney general jeff sessions recusing himself of any federal probe of the trump campaign which could include an investigation of russian meddling. there was a conversation with the russian ambassador in july. while speaking to a group of ambassadors at the republican convention and again in september, a one-on-one conversation in sessions' senate office, at a time when allegations of russian influence were in the headlines. overnight, questions of another discussion with russia's ambassador during an interview with fox news. >> i don't recall any discussion of the campaign in any significant way. it was in no way some sort of coordinating of an effort or doing anything improper. >> according to a news report, you met twice with the russian ambassador in person and one phone conversation. is that the extent of the contact? >> i don't remember whether i had a phone call conversation or not. >> we just receive
i'm frances rivera. a total witch hunt. that's how the president of the united states is describing it this morning. attorney general jeff sessions recusing himself of any federal probe of the trump campaign which could include an investigation of russian meddling. there was a conversation with the russian ambassador in july. while speaking to a group of ambassadors at the republican convention and again in september, a one-on-one conversation in sessions' senate office, at a time when...
Mar 23, 2017
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i'm frances rivera. >> and i'm yasmin vossoughian. a deadly rampage outside of london, a raid this morning that resulted in several arrests. >> but first and just hours, donald trump and house speaker paul ryan are headed for their first major political test as the clock winds down for republicans to replace obamacare. there are reports that president trump has been working the phones all night to get the 215 votes needed. this after multiple meetings with conservatives. and another on the books for this morning, congressman mark meadows head of the freedom caucus leading the opposition to the bill saying a deal could be in the works. >> the president and i came to an agreement in principle. i think what we're trying to do now is to make sure that our agreement is actually something that can be executed in a way that passes the senate. >> as of this morning our nbc news analysis shows 29 house republicans oppose the plan or lean towards no. at least six of them would have to flip. otherwise the bill will fail. but speaker ryan says th
i'm frances rivera. >> and i'm yasmin vossoughian. a deadly rampage outside of london, a raid this morning that resulted in several arrests. >> but first and just hours, donald trump and house speaker paul ryan are headed for their first major political test as the clock winds down for republicans to replace obamacare. there are reports that president trump has been working the phones all night to get the 215 votes needed. this after multiple meetings with conservatives. and another...
Mar 29, 2017
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. >> i'm frances rivera. great being with you on a wednesday. certainly a lot going on including a dust up with the president's press secretary, but before that i want to show you this. incredible scene in peru. a boento a flaming inferno. landing the pl swerved off the runway, its right wing scraped against the tarmac likely starting the fire. amazingly all 141 people on the flight evacuated safely without serious injuries. the airline says the pilot's expertise and professionalism prevented this from becoming a major incident. >> incredible. glad everybody was safe. >>> to washington a different donald trump wases on display as the president reached out to democrats inviting senators and spouses to the white house for a bipartisan affair and making this abrupt about face. >> and i know that we're all going to make a deal on health care. that's such an easy one. i have no doubt that's going to happen quickly. i think it will actually. hopefully it will start being bipartisan because everybody really wants the same country that we love. so i thi
. >> i'm frances rivera. great being with you on a wednesday. certainly a lot going on including a dust up with the president's press secretary, but before that i want to show you this. incredible scene in peru. a boento a flaming inferno. landing the pl swerved off the runway, its right wing scraped against the tarmac likely starting the fire. amazingly all 141 people on the flight evacuated safely without serious injuries. the airline says the pilot's expertise and professionalism...
Mar 24, 2017
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live in fremont, lonni rivera, abc 7 news. >> good to see it finally happening. thank you. >>> well fighting back against a phone scam. the three things to do right now so you don't become a victim. >>> also new apple products now for sale, from the phone to the ipad. which makes each one something special. >>> and a live look from the stormy sfo and mike tracking flight delays for us. remember we want to see pictures of the weather where you live. so share them on social with the #athe #abc7now and we'll use them on air or online. ♪ every day in northern california, people are inventing, innovating, and discovering the next thing that could change the world, which means if you grow up here, you really can be anything. sutter health. proudly caring for northern california, birthplace of pioneers. >>> well now to our morning money report. the apple red iphone and cheaper ipad are now on sale. proceeds from the phone sales will go to the global fund to fight aids through the red organization, the ipad is 9.7 inches and has over 3 million pixels on a brighter retina
live in fremont, lonni rivera, abc 7 news. >> good to see it finally happening. thank you. >>> well fighting back against a phone scam. the three things to do right now so you don't become a victim. >>> also new apple products now for sale, from the phone to the ipad. which makes each one something special. >>> and a live look from the stormy sfo and mike tracking flight delays for us. remember we want to see pictures of the weather where you live. so share them...
Mar 11, 2017
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in palo alto, loni rivera, abc 7 news. >>> house minority leader nancy pelosi from san francisco says had planned to retire if hillary clinton had won the white house rather than donald trump. >> none of us thought hillary wouldn't win. we knew she would win. this was, oh, my gosh, it was really shocking. but anyway, that motivated me to stay. >> pelosi says she remains focused on fighting republican efforts to repeal and replace obamacare. >>> another san francisco restaurant has declared itself a sanctuary restaurant. don ramon's mexican restaurant posted this sign at the entrance. the restaurant hopes it can calm fears from its staff which has expressed concern about rumored immigration raids. the designation does not have any legal standing, but the owner says it has taught her how to protect her employees' legal rights. >> they have to have a warrant. they can't just come in and say, hey, now i know that all your employees are illegal. wait a minute, how do you know ? >> the golden gate restaurant association is encouraging more restaurants to declare themselves sanctuaries. the
in palo alto, loni rivera, abc 7 news. >>> house minority leader nancy pelosi from san francisco says had planned to retire if hillary clinton had won the white house rather than donald trump. >> none of us thought hillary wouldn't win. we knew she would win. this was, oh, my gosh, it was really shocking. but anyway, that motivated me to stay. >> pelosi says she remains focused on fighting republican efforts to repeal and replace obamacare. >>> another san...
Mar 16, 2017
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lonni rivera explains the fact that he's swimming away on his own is a relief for experts. they thought they may have to rescue him. >> reporter: in the middle of a farm pasture, look who pops up. the talk of the town, a sea lion out of his element but stealing hearts. >> i was like, you know what? let's take a little longer lunch break and see if we can catch him. >> i'm so happy for him and i'm really grateful that we got to be a part of this history-making moment. >> reporter: mr. leisure, the male sea lion, was last seen entering a concrete storm drain after being spotted near this spillway tuesday morning. >> spent appears to be the entire night in the culvert, came out early this morning and just started heading back towards the ocean. >> reporter: the huge male sea lion swam with the currents and onlookers followed him along the way. animal control and marine mammal officials included, only there to make sure he safely moved through the canal. >> we basically wanted to keep it going out towards the ocean so just in case that it decided to make a turn, go up the canal
lonni rivera explains the fact that he's swimming away on his own is a relief for experts. they thought they may have to rescue him. >> reporter: in the middle of a farm pasture, look who pops up. the talk of the town, a sea lion out of his element but stealing hearts. >> i was like, you know what? let's take a little longer lunch break and see if we can catch him. >> i'm so happy for him and i'm really grateful that we got to be a part of this history-making moment. >>...
Mar 18, 2017
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and coulter, geraldo rivera, sarah carter will be here. but first, today's meeting highlighted major differences between trump and chancellor merkel's approach to key issues. america can can learn. president trump and chancellor merkel capped off their first visit earlier today by holding a joint trust conference. where we stand on protecting this country. watch this. >> our two countries must continue to work together to protect our people from radical islamic terrorism. and to defeat isis. i applaud chancellor merkel for germany's contributions. both civilian and military as a counter isis coalition member. we also recognize that immigration security is national security. we must protect our citizens from those who seek to spread terrorism, extremism and violence inside our borders. immigration is a privilege, not a right. and the safety of our citizens must always come first. >> sean: we have been covering in-depth on this show how president trump has promised to do everything within his power to stop radical islamic terrorist from ente
and coulter, geraldo rivera, sarah carter will be here. but first, today's meeting highlighted major differences between trump and chancellor merkel's approach to key issues. america can can learn. president trump and chancellor merkel capped off their first visit earlier today by holding a joint trust conference. where we stand on protecting this country. watch this. >> our two countries must continue to work together to protect our people from radical islamic terrorism. and to defeat...
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lonnie rivera has more.n you own a bakery closing shop for a day isn't a good idea. >> it's a struggle, for sure. >> reporter: an international women's day, second story bakery stayed open. the location across the street from city hall and gave demonstrators a chance to support a local business. >> i gnaw if we shop anywhere today, this would be perfect. >> i love to see the activism in the neighborhood and close to city hall and elevates everybody. >> reporter: christi can to today's eloquent powmpowerme. she decided to pursue a career in the bakery business. >> it's important for us to feel like he can make a change. >> reporter: you'll find an assortment to satisfy your sweet tooth but sometimes there is nothing sweet about running a small business. >> i have a daughter, so i want to see the world to be a better place for her. she comes of age. >> reporter: she's writing a new story and hopes to inspire all women to pursue their passion no matter what. in san jose, lonnie rivera, abc 7 news. >> abc 7 news
lonnie rivera has more.n you own a bakery closing shop for a day isn't a good idea. >> it's a struggle, for sure. >> reporter: an international women's day, second story bakery stayed open. the location across the street from city hall and gave demonstrators a chance to support a local business. >> i gnaw if we shop anywhere today, this would be perfect. >> i love to see the activism in the neighborhood and close to city hall and elevates everybody. >> reporter:...
Mar 15, 2017
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abc 7 news reporter loni rivera is on the ground. you just got an update a short time ago. >> reporter: i sure did, kristen. just a couple of minutes ago, they're trying to make some progress here just behind me. there's some men wearing some red hats there. they're standing on top of what's called a concrete culvert, otherwise a drainage pipe, and that is where the sea lion is. hours ago it swam inside of there and hasn't come out since. so marine mammal officials are here on scene and it's just a pain-staking process to try to get this animal back out. they have to be careful because, of course, it's a wild animal and they don't want to startle it. a creek with falling bart is pretty typical in vacaville, but look closely, something doesn't fit in this picture. >> today it's a sea lion, so never a dull moment. >> the poor thing, that's pretty scary. they say it could have been here for a couple of days or a week. >> the large male sea lion weighs several hundred pounds and he's not even fully grown. it swam more than 50 miles from
abc 7 news reporter loni rivera is on the ground. you just got an update a short time ago. >> reporter: i sure did, kristen. just a couple of minutes ago, they're trying to make some progress here just behind me. there's some men wearing some red hats there. they're standing on top of what's called a concrete culvert, otherwise a drainage pipe, and that is where the sea lion is. hours ago it swam inside of there and hasn't come out since. so marine mammal officials are here on scene and...
Mar 29, 2017
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adelante doctor juan rivera. ♪ ♪ ♪ juan:soy el doctor juan rivera, se acuerdan el segmento la semanaicarte conmigo? javier:yo veÍa que usted era muy inteligente y quise llamarlo para ayudar a mi hermanito. juan: marÍa del carmen, cuÉntame cuando diagnosticaron a brian con diabetes? >> en mayo va a ser tres aÑos. juan: cuÉntame, brian qué era lo que te estaba ocurriendo? no se escucha bien. >>empezaba hacerse en la cama, me decÍa que era porque tomaba agua. juan:pasa el telÉfono a brian para que Él nos diga. te sentÍas cansado? brian:si. juan: estabas asustado? brian:si. juan:quÉ te dijo el médico? brian: que tenÍa diabetes tipo 1. juan: brian orinaba mucho y tenÍa mucha sed porque ese Órgano el pÁncreas no es capaz de producir la hormona, el azÚcar en la sangre aumenta mucho y eso hace que te mucha sed, que orine mucho y tenga mucha hambre. marÍa del carmen, como te sentiste cuando te dan ese diagnÓstico? >> no creÍa que tenía diabetes porque la familia nadie tiene, nos quedamos en shock. hasta ahora no me hago a la idea. va para tres aÑos y sigue igual. juan:por lo menos fÍsicamente
adelante doctor juan rivera. ♪ ♪ ♪ juan:soy el doctor juan rivera, se acuerdan el segmento la semanaicarte conmigo? javier:yo veÍa que usted era muy inteligente y quise llamarlo para ayudar a mi hermanito. juan: marÍa del carmen, cuÉntame cuando diagnosticaron a brian con diabetes? >> en mayo va a ser tres aÑos. juan: cuÉntame, brian qué era lo que te estaba ocurriendo? no se escucha bien. >>empezaba hacerse en la cama, me decÍa que era porque tomaba agua. juan:pasa el...
Mar 24, 2017
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. >> lonnie rivera is live along monterey circle. lonnie? >> reporter: you can see the crews are wrapping up. there are only two trucks left. they hosed it one last time to be on the safe side. and now they're leaving. here's a look at the flames when the fire broke out. firefighters responded to the blaze about 10:15 here at monterey circle. it was well involved when they arrived. three adults and two teens made it out of the house. at this time, they're crediting smoke detectors for saving those people's lives. >> there were other buildings threatened by the structure on fire. we had multiple occupants to evacuate and protect with hose lines. additionally, water supply is limited in here. that was another challenge. >> reporter: pg&e crew vs. shut off gas to the entire mobile home park. the fire was caused by gas. it burned adjacent homes nearby, but they did not damage the sbrrts. no word on how long the gas will be out this morning. live in san jose, abc7 news. >> thank you. >>> also in san jose, the case of a man found dead in the gutte
. >> lonnie rivera is live along monterey circle. lonnie? >> reporter: you can see the crews are wrapping up. there are only two trucks left. they hosed it one last time to be on the safe side. and now they're leaving. here's a look at the flames when the fire broke out. firefighters responded to the blaze about 10:15 here at monterey circle. it was well involved when they arrived. three adults and two teens made it out of the house. at this time, they're crediting smoke detectors...
Mar 11, 2017
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juan rivera, thank you very much for coming in.y is he can call in sick tomorrow. we'll be right back with "pop news," everybody. used car you should feel confident. that's why carmax has over 40,000 cars to choose from nationwide. with prices clearly marked, the same online as they are in the stores. that should give you some car-buying confidence. the type of confidence you need to wear white after labor day. the type of confidence to suddenly switch to an english accent for no reason whatsoever. yep... . at carmax, it's all about confidence. nothing but net. nailed it! or should i say, nailed it gov'nor. come on. the moment you realize you have a one person vanity but a 4 person family. ♪ at lowe's, we have the latest styles and trends to fit your budget. ♪ all projects have a starting point. start with lowe's. hurry into the lowe's kitchen and bath event for up to 40% off. ♪ everythat's why new dialo get closer hibiscus wateru love. is formulated for up to 12 hours of freshness, for the fresh skin feeling you love. dial. health
juan rivera, thank you very much for coming in.y is he can call in sick tomorrow. we'll be right back with "pop news," everybody. used car you should feel confident. that's why carmax has over 40,000 cars to choose from nationwide. with prices clearly marked, the same online as they are in the stores. that should give you some car-buying confidence. the type of confidence you need to wear white after labor day. the type of confidence to suddenly switch to an english accent for no...
SFGTV: San Francisco Government Television
Mar 15, 2017
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under support services, with assistant deputy chief rivera, they received a total of 254 request for services during this reporting period. a little less than half or approximately have,-more than half, 144 were close during this period. construction at pump station one which is located at headquarters, has been extended due to the current testing of the fuel tank and pumps on-site. they are also working on-they are near completion of the minor work that's been done on the second floor of the building. all easter projects continue to move forward and our track. and next month we should have a permanent position filled for our and industrial hygienists. we currently have the assistance of the department of public health which is assisting our department on related health and safety issues. working chief rivera, working with center shop they have-they are in the process of outfitting [inaudible] 18 with our [inaudible] agb and service next month which is waiting for additional security valves on the apparatus. we are working with the mta to standardize residential parking permits. this
under support services, with assistant deputy chief rivera, they received a total of 254 request for services during this reporting period. a little less than half or approximately have,-more than half, 144 were close during this period. construction at pump station one which is located at headquarters, has been extended due to the current testing of the fuel tank and pumps on-site. they are also working on-they are near completion of the minor work that's been done on the second floor of the...
Mar 18, 2017
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fox news correspondent at large geraldo rivera. geraldo, you and i go back-and-forth on this every time i point out to you i sat there with all of these local law enforcement guys in texas and there was 642,000 crimes in a seven-year period committed against texans alone including rape, including murder, including drugs, including kidnapping. i mean, to me this is now commonsense. i really -- you like to say you're a commonsense guy. isn't that common sense? >> first of all, let's start on a happier note. i wore this green tie in honor of you, my irish brother from another mother. >> sean: yeah. >> david clarke, nice to see you. i think -- and you and i discussed this, the issue of sanctuary cities funding and defunding and so forth is when the rubber hits the road, the fight between left and right and red and blue, once the russian stuff is sorted out, this'll be the issue i think that reoccupies the conflict between the the two sides. >> sean: let me ask you as a lawyer a lawyer. we have a rule of law. if cities are defying the r
fox news correspondent at large geraldo rivera. geraldo, you and i go back-and-forth on this every time i point out to you i sat there with all of these local law enforcement guys in texas and there was 642,000 crimes in a seven-year period committed against texans alone including rape, including murder, including drugs, including kidnapping. i mean, to me this is now commonsense. i really -- you like to say you're a commonsense guy. isn't that common sense? >> first of all, let's start...
Mar 5, 2017
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. >> geraldo rivera joins us now in studio. two lawyers together tonight, perfect timing in terms of this story to go over the specifics. the president is down in mar-a-lago, he started this morning when he tweeted the information. it sounded like he just received it. >> i woke up this morning to do fox and friends and was greeted with the news. the president of the united states is with the attorney general and general kelly and steve bannon. i think it's incumbent upon the * to clarify his tweet this morning. with all due respect to the commander-in-chief, he can't put out something as exclusive as these extraordinary allegations, that the 44th president wiretapped the 45th president. this is very, very nuclear stuff. the president has to tell us whether he really believes the tweets that he issued this morning are accurate. are they literally true, or are they hyperbole? he has to tell us that. right not you consequences are enormous. first of all, pair threatically. one of the nicest things about the transition has been the
. >> geraldo rivera joins us now in studio. two lawyers together tonight, perfect timing in terms of this story to go over the specifics. the president is down in mar-a-lago, he started this morning when he tweeted the information. it sounded like he just received it. >> i woke up this morning to do fox and friends and was greeted with the news. the president of the united states is with the attorney general and general kelly and steve bannon. i think it's incumbent upon the * to...
Mar 11, 2017
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juan rivera, thank you very much for coming in.y is he can call in sick tomorrow. we'll be right back with "pop news," everybody. that's why carr 40,000 cars to choose from nationwide. with prices clearly marked, the same online as they are in the stores. that should give you some car-buying confidence. the type of confidence you need to wear white after labor day. the type of confidence to suddenly switch to an english accent for no reason whatsoever. yep... . at carmax, it's all about confidence. nothing but net. nailed it! or should i say, nailed it gov'nor. oh, it's going good.going? yeah, it's going great. this is my jam. yeah? what is that? what? what is that? the moment you realize the gardening gene skipped a generation. at lowe's, our grow together planting system takes the guess work out of creating a beautiful yard. all projects have a starting point. start with lowe's. hey, it looks good huh? not bad. now get 5 bags of premium mulch and garden soil for $10 at the lowe's "refresh your outdoors event". ♪ everythat's why n
juan rivera, thank you very much for coming in.y is he can call in sick tomorrow. we'll be right back with "pop news," everybody. that's why carr 40,000 cars to choose from nationwide. with prices clearly marked, the same online as they are in the stores. that should give you some car-buying confidence. the type of confidence you need to wear white after labor day. the type of confidence to suddenly switch to an english accent for no reason whatsoever. yep... . at carmax, it's all...
Mar 6, 2017
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i'm frances rivera. nbc news asked fbi to reject donald trump's latest claim after accusing president obama of wiretapping his trump tower office during the 2016 campaign. he waged the claim via twitter. >> explosive new allegation from the president. >> in a series of tweets. president trump allegation that former president obama tapped his phone during the election. >> this is one of six tweets he fired off. nothing found. this is mccartyism. >> there's no evidence to back up the claim. >> there's zero proof to support this allegation. >> former president obama spokesperson kevin sponsored today. >> any suggestion otherwise is false. >> the president of the united states is accusing the former president of wiretapping him. >> i think this is something that if this happened martha -- >> if, if, if. >> i agree. >> why is the president saying it did happen? >> he is going off information he is saying that lead him do believe this is potential. >> it is such a serious allegation, if it's true it's a extrao
i'm frances rivera. nbc news asked fbi to reject donald trump's latest claim after accusing president obama of wiretapping his trump tower office during the 2016 campaign. he waged the claim via twitter. >> explosive new allegation from the president. >> in a series of tweets. president trump allegation that former president obama tapped his phone during the election. >> this is one of six tweets he fired off. nothing found. this is mccartyism. >> there's no evidence to...
Mar 10, 2017
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abc 7 news reporter lonnie rivera talked with the family who is standing by their son's innocence. >>ng very depressed about this. >> the search of his cupertino home. >> they didn't even show us the warrant. and i asked them, i insist -- they grab my shirt and pull me outside. detectives came here to cupertino wednesday morning. when they searched it, they left with several computers and pictures of young girls. eventually one detective showed him a warrant after the search. his 35-year-old son raj is accused of stalking at least four underaged girls and detectives believe there could be a total of 19 total possible victims. >> whatever acquisition of in a search warrant was, they were false. i know my son. >> neighbors are still shocked. >> i've seen so many kids walking this way. i have a 13-year-old daughter who goes to hide. i don't think she ever encountered anything. >> a 14-year-old claims she was repeatedly approached by sani who gave her gifts. >> i'm so glad there was somebody who was able to speak up and stop this. >> his bail is set at $200,000. in san jose. loni rivera,
abc 7 news reporter lonnie rivera talked with the family who is standing by their son's innocence. >>ng very depressed about this. >> the search of his cupertino home. >> they didn't even show us the warrant. and i asked them, i insist -- they grab my shirt and pull me outside. detectives came here to cupertino wednesday morning. when they searched it, they left with several computers and pictures of young girls. eventually one detective showed him a warrant after the search....