her husband is robert kagan, one of the architects of the iraq war, famed neal con birds of a feather, i guess. but no one claims to be a democrat, her actions would suggest otherwise, but, you know, here we have her sitting in yet another high profile roll under another democratic products. first, it was under obama now. biden, are we to believe that her politics or her world view are somehow different than that of her husband's? a couple of things, you know, i could call myself a democrat. i could call myself a libertarian. i could call myself a cactus. it doesn't matter my, the ideology is what it is my believes in how the world order should be either changed or maintained or what they are. so in america, we have been good weight into believing that the republicans and the democrats are at odds that they're having a knife fight. when in turn they are having a pillow fight entered. in reality, they are not fighting over the, particularly, they're not fighting over the issues of foreign policy. as i said, there is a small strain, a small element of populist in the republican party. w