May 16, 2014
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. >>> time now it's friday, we've got to find out where is roberto gonzalez. >> roberto, where are you? >> you guessed it earlier michelle. i'm at the brand new home of our san francisco 49ers, and sure we've got sneak peaks of the brand new stadium, but this time we had a special tour with this week's edition of where's roberto. >> levy stadium will open in just 12 weeks for now and it's a new home of san francisco 49ers. i want today see a part of the stadium that's a special feature where only few will venture, so i go up 170 feet. >> we're up here on the roof here at levy stadium. and this is a unique feature of any stadium. and this is an area where we have planted over 16 species of plant. we've got the solar panels above our head. we've got the green roof with the plants, we actually have a little weather station up here that wind speed, the temperatures and things of that nature. >> up here are the roof, all of these plans are looking at were chosen because they are drought resistant. they also used reclaim water and they're beneficial for keeping the roof at the stadium. >> bo
. >>> time now it's friday, we've got to find out where is roberto gonzalez. >> roberto, where are you? >> you guessed it earlier michelle. i'm at the brand new home of our san francisco 49ers, and sure we've got sneak peaks of the brand new stadium, but this time we had a special tour with this week's edition of where's roberto. >> levy stadium will open in just 12 weeks for now and it's a new home of san francisco 49ers. i want today see a part of the stadium that's...
May 9, 2014
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derecho a estudiar y no se puede discriminar, un fuerte sismo se se sintiÓ en mÉxico, y la hija de robertoaÑos hablÓ sobre la salud de su padre. asÍ comenzamos. ♪ ♪ >> este su noticiero univisiÓn ediciÓn nocturna, con ilia calderÓn y enrique acevedo. >> no se puede discriminar a ningÚn niÑo que quiera estudiar en cualquier escuela de estados unidos, tienen la obligaciÓn de matrÍcula a todo niÑo quqe quiera estudiar sin importar su estatus migratorio. pedro nos cuenta cuÁles son las pautas que los distritos escolares tendrÁn que hacer cumplir para no violar las no -nomas establecidas. >> tienen la obligaciÓn legal de inscribir a cualquier estudiantes sin importar su estatus migratorio, asÍ se anunciÓ esta maÑana, la noticia esta siendo aplaudida a nivel nacional. >> es un dÍa muy importante porque la educaciÓn de los niÑos es un derecho que no sÓlo es un tema demÓcrata o republicano, es un derecho humano. >> el miedo de inscribir a sus hijos en escuelas pÚblicas por no estar legalmente es muy grande en el paÍs y los niÑos son los que sufren, y resaltan que el gobierno federal se ha encargad
derecho a estudiar y no se puede discriminar, un fuerte sismo se se sintiÓ en mÉxico, y la hija de robertoaÑos hablÓ sobre la salud de su padre. asÍ comenzamos. ♪ ♪ >> este su noticiero univisiÓn ediciÓn nocturna, con ilia calderÓn y enrique acevedo. >> no se puede discriminar a ningÚn niÑo que quiera estudiar en cualquier escuela de estados unidos, tienen la obligaciÓn de matrÍcula a todo niÑo quqe quiera estudiar sin importar su estatus migratorio. pedro nos...
May 9, 2014
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. >> paulina, a cargo de la fundaciÓn roberto gómez bolaÑos, dice que los problemas de su padre son por muchos aÑos, y es impresionante el cigarro, que aunque hayas dejado de fumor te daÑÓ los pulmones, y te daÑó los pulmones, y al cumplir aÑos, esto se ve reflejado, y necesita oxÍgeno y elel sistema es parte de lo que te provoca el cansancio. >> ella dijo que lo visitÓ recientemente y Él como es costumbre la llenÓ de atenciones. >> mi mamÁ me dice que soy guapÍsima, por eso me gusta ir, no llevÉ a mi hija, me pregunta por su nieta, y estÁ tambiÉn en la etapa de platicar anÉcdotas e historias de toda su juventud, de las novias, no? cuando era galancito. >> no sÓlo ellas se mantiene muy al pendiente de su padre si no el resto de sus hermanos. >> Él vive con su esposa, y nosotros nos damos las vueltas, florinda se encarga de lo que haya que encargarse. >> asegura que su padre recibe atenciÓn mÉdica a su hogar en cancÚn ya que le resulta complicado, trasladarse a los hospitales, y prueba de que su salud no se ha complicado, es que su padre continÚa en su casa. >> gracias por las declaracio
. >> paulina, a cargo de la fundaciÓn roberto gómez bolaÑos, dice que los problemas de su padre son por muchos aÑos, y es impresionante el cigarro, que aunque hayas dejado de fumor te daÑÓ los pulmones, y te daÑó los pulmones, y al cumplir aÑos, esto se ve reflejado, y necesita oxÍgeno y elel sistema es parte de lo que te provoca el cansancio. >> ella dijo que lo visitÓ recientemente y Él como es costumbre la llenÓ de atenciones. >> mi mamÁ me dice que soy...
May 13, 2014
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roberto lleva 10 anos viviendo en esta comunidad, esta simplemente devastado y con miedo a mirar haciael futuro... roberto munoz/residen te de buena vista "bueno se siente uno logico, muy triste porque va a la escuela... y quisiera que estuviera mas en palo alto para que continue sus estudios" la mayoria de estas familias gana entre 30 y 50 mil dolares al ano... la ciudad de palo alto debe tener mil 200 hogares de renta accesible para este aÑo, pero hasta la fecha tan solo tienen 200.. maria luisa alvarado/resi dente de buena vista "somos 4 o 5 en la casa, poso y yo no trabajo, y mi tos preocupados tambien rque estamos enfermos de dicinas, estamos pagando en ro." andres la ultima palabra la tendra la ciudad de palo alto en autorizar la reurbanizacion de esta propiedad de 4 punto 5 acres.. los oficiales estan estudiando el caso... cesar muchas gracias andres blanca ---el area de la bahia continua experimentando una crisis de vivienda, asi lo aseguran organizaciones de vivienda asequible. take vo ---y la crisis no solo afecta a los pobres sino tambien a la clase media. ---los analisis in
roberto lleva 10 anos viviendo en esta comunidad, esta simplemente devastado y con miedo a mirar haciael futuro... roberto munoz/residen te de buena vista "bueno se siente uno logico, muy triste porque va a la escuela... y quisiera que estuviera mas en palo alto para que continue sus estudios" la mayoria de estas familias gana entre 30 y 50 mil dolares al ano... la ciudad de palo alto debe tener mil 200 hogares de renta accesible para este aÑo, pero hasta la fecha tan solo tienen...
May 11, 2014
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nos vamos al tenis espaÑol nadal avanzÓ a la final del masters de madrid derrotando a roberto bautistates recordarles que la informaciÓn estÁ en la página de univisiÓn. >> gracias alejandro una ediciÓn especial de aquÍ y ahora con un invitado especial, juan gabriel. ♪ >> sus primeros pasos en michoacÁn. >> le gustaba saltarse las clases, se escapaba. >> sus comienzo buscando una oportunidad. >> estilo, querÍa estilo. que todo el mundo anda buscando. >> hasta que se convirtiÓ en un Ícono de la canciÓn mexicali mexicanaun recorrido por su mÚsica y su carrera artÍstica. >> asÍ es. juan gabriel amor eterno este domingo a las 7 de la noche con marÍa elena salinas y teresa rodrÍguez, el presidente ruso putin olvidar ♪ >> mientras en ucrania crece la tensiÓn del presidente ruso putin dejÓ atrÁs las tensiones por la crisis y decidiÓ calmar el estrÉs participando en un torneo de hockey sobre hielo para aficionados, estuvo jugando con un equipo local mostrando sus dotes, anotando seis goles y 5 asistencias su equipo ganÓ 25 a 20 en la liga de las estrellas creada por el propio putin donde juegan
nos vamos al tenis espaÑol nadal avanzÓ a la final del masters de madrid derrotando a roberto bautistates recordarles que la informaciÓn estÁ en la página de univisiÓn. >> gracias alejandro una ediciÓn especial de aquÍ y ahora con un invitado especial, juan gabriel. ♪ >> sus primeros pasos en michoacÁn. >> le gustaba saltarse las clases, se escapaba. >> sus comienzo buscando una oportunidad. >> estilo, querÍa estilo. que todo el mundo anda buscando....
SFGTV: San Francisco Government Television
May 25, 2014
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titus, the next speaker, next will be roberto [speaker not understood] i can't here. i think she had to leave. okay. dr. ga linda, you want to speak in public comment? i assume i read your statement right. then julisa hernandez, miguel peirez. [speaker not understood]. michael t -- i don't know her last name, i can't read it, then [speaker not understood]. thank you. >>> good afternoon, commissioners. my name is lottie titus. i'm a resident of bayview hunters point and grandmother of five. my daughter is a diabetic and her 9 year old diabetic. she's a full blown diabetic. since finding out sugary sweetened beverages affect the health disparities of our youth and families, we support the tax. i will continue to support this tax because i have a strong desire to live in a healthy community. it's very, very personal for me. thank you for your support of this tax as well. thank you. >> thank you. next speaker, please. >>> good afternoon, my name is theresa hernandez. i am an organizer for ufpw local 648 and [speaker not understood] has diabetes. my mom is currently 74 yea
titus, the next speaker, next will be roberto [speaker not understood] i can't here. i think she had to leave. okay. dr. ga linda, you want to speak in public comment? i assume i read your statement right. then julisa hernandez, miguel peirez. [speaker not understood]. michael t -- i don't know her last name, i can't read it, then [speaker not understood]. thank you. >>> good afternoon, commissioners. my name is lottie titus. i'm a resident of bayview hunters point and grandmother of...
May 16, 2014
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. ♪ >> roberto abre las puertas de su hogar.or quÉ decidiÓ abandonar la actuaciÓn. ♪ >> esto y mÁs, ahora mismo en primer impacto. ♪ hola, quÉ tal? bienvenidos a primer impacto. le saluda bÁrbara bermudez. >> tambiÉn pamela silva conde. gracias por acompaÑarnos. >> bueno, comenzamos hoy con los incendios forestales que arrasaron con miles de hectareas de bosques al sur de california. juan carlos gonzÁlez en las afueras de san diego con mÁs informaciÓn y las impactantes imÁgenes. (imÁgenes) >> hoy es el tercer dÍa que el condado de san diego amanece con llamas que arrasa todo a su paso. >> son 7 incendios, contando el incendio que empezÓ todo, qque empezÓ en racho san bernardo fueron 8. >> a pesar dos los esfruerzos de los bomberos los incendios destruyeron 24 casas. se capturÓ la imagen de cuando devoraba una. >> hoy ella y su familia buscan lo poco que quedÓ. aquÍ prÁcticamente no hay nada que rescatar. al menos 20 mil viviendas mÁs desocupadas ante el peligro de mayores tragedias. las condiciones son mÁ favorables. y a pesar q
. ♪ >> roberto abre las puertas de su hogar.or quÉ decidiÓ abandonar la actuaciÓn. ♪ >> esto y mÁs, ahora mismo en primer impacto. ♪ hola, quÉ tal? bienvenidos a primer impacto. le saluda bÁrbara bermudez. >> tambiÉn pamela silva conde. gracias por acompaÑarnos. >> bueno, comenzamos hoy con los incendios forestales que arrasaron con miles de hectareas de bosques al sur de california. juan carlos gonzÁlez en las afueras de san diego con mÁs informaciÓn y...
May 3, 2014
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vamos a otros temas, la familia de roberto gÓmez bolaÑos, quien ha entretenido a muchos con sus personajesranquilo al nivel del mar, gracias por preguntar". un estrago costÓ vidas en puebla, las consecuencias, como nos dice andrea gonzÁlez desde ciudad de mÉxico, fueron fatales. >> unos minutos de lluvia se convirtieron en tragedia para 7 familias del estado de puebla, centro de mÉxico, la crecidos ordenarÍa de un río provocÓ un deslave que dejÓ a su paso muerte, destrozos en viviendas y la pÉrdida total de seis vehÍculos. cuatro niÑos y 3 mujeres adultas, quedaron sepultados bajo tierra. >> cuando empezÓ a llover, a los tres minutos toda el agua venÍa ya. se metiÓ medio metro, en algunos un metro de agua. ahora estÁn los militares ayudÁndonos a limpiar. >> al decir del gobernador de puebla, este fenÓmeno natural fue inesperado y atÍpico. >> en esta regiÓn, ustedes lo saben, lo que hay es sequÍa, en ese sentido fue una tromba de corto plazo, muy sorpresiva y copiosa, una lluvia muy copiosa en muy poco tiempo. >> las siete personas que perdieron la vida estaban por una razÓn especial en el
vamos a otros temas, la familia de roberto gÓmez bolaÑos, quien ha entretenido a muchos con sus personajesranquilo al nivel del mar, gracias por preguntar". un estrago costÓ vidas en puebla, las consecuencias, como nos dice andrea gonzÁlez desde ciudad de mÉxico, fueron fatales. >> unos minutos de lluvia se convirtieron en tragedia para 7 familias del estado de puebla, centro de mÉxico, la crecidos ordenarÍa de un río provocÓ un deslave que dejÓ a su paso muerte, destrozos...
May 28, 2014
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bebeto emparejÓ la cuenta, luego rivaldo factura con elegancia, los rojos aprovecharon un regalo de robertoas recomendaciones del departamento de estado, invitamos maÑana a un chat en univisiÓnnoticias.com >> nos llena de orgullo informarles que univisiÓn noticias recibiÓ uno de los premios de mayor prestigio en el mundo del periodismo, el reyde espaÑa en la categorÍa de televisiÓn, lo ganó el programa especial "el gran encuentro", que fue para que se hicieran preguntas a los candidatos a la presidencia. >> ayuda a la comunidad hispana en estados unidos, se ha premiado en suma un periodismo de calidad. >> el premio rey de espaÑa de periodismo lo recibieron marÍa elena salinas y la productora ♪ ♪ >> bienvenidos. llega el presidente al Área de la bahÍa,cÓmo estÁs? >> en busca de dinero.
bebeto emparejÓ la cuenta, luego rivaldo factura con elegancia, los rojos aprovecharon un regalo de robertoas recomendaciones del departamento de estado, invitamos maÑana a un chat en univisiÓnnoticias.com >> nos llena de orgullo informarles que univisiÓn noticias recibiÓ uno de los premios de mayor prestigio en el mundo del periodismo, el reyde espaÑa en la categorÍa de televisiÓn, lo ganó el programa especial "el gran encuentro", que fue para que se hicieran preguntas...
May 30, 2014
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and roberto has a place. the taxi driver and the people who sell newspapers all know where these luminaries live. so a person was bringing a taxi driver was bringing someone to my house. and he slowed down, the driver d he said where would i find martin lewis park. he said are you looking for dr. maya angelou. tavis: they love you. >> yes, they do. tavis: there are a lot of folks for a lot of reasons that don't like us. it wasn't just america that dropped the ball but there are a lot of folk out there, angela who don't like us these days. are they justified not liking us. -- liking us? >> we had done some ugly things. but we had done some good things before. the good things sort of balanced out the evil things. me ver, because of this against the world and you're not it. and i don't like you because the way you call god your color or something because of that, then i don't have to make any effort to know you. at one time, tavis smiley, americans where not looked at with hate in various places in the world. an
and roberto has a place. the taxi driver and the people who sell newspapers all know where these luminaries live. so a person was bringing a taxi driver was bringing someone to my house. and he slowed down, the driver d he said where would i find martin lewis park. he said are you looking for dr. maya angelou. tavis: they love you. >> yes, they do. tavis: there are a lot of folks for a lot of reasons that don't like us. it wasn't just america that dropped the ball but there are a lot of...
May 26, 2014
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roberto sanchez was killed by that same explosion. rob was not a big guy.fe. surrounded by friends and melting hearts with the devastating smile. he admired the army from a young age. dressed up as a soldier the first time he went out for halloween. he meticulously arranged g.i. joe's on his red room floor. when he watched the twin towers fall that awful september day, he found his calling to serve his country. tookud army ranger, he care of his fellow soldiers as he did his own family. october, 2009, he was on his fifth deployment area they were finishing a mitch and -- mission with their fellow rangers. the bomb went off and this -- made aamily matter sacrifice to us will ever comprehend. in the todug deep live without rob. she keeps in touch with cory. she shares her memories of rob. she runs half marathons. they pour their hearts into raising their youngest son logan. she will probably send another son into military service. she is watching this from home near indianapolis. everyday, when she looks at the old photo of rob it sits on her dresser, she is
roberto sanchez was killed by that same explosion. rob was not a big guy.fe. surrounded by friends and melting hearts with the devastating smile. he admired the army from a young age. dressed up as a soldier the first time he went out for halloween. he meticulously arranged g.i. joe's on his red room floor. when he watched the twin towers fall that awful september day, he found his calling to serve his country. tookud army ranger, he care of his fellow soldiers as he did his own family....
May 4, 2014
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they identified that officer killed as roberto sanchez. >> officer sanchez is survived by his wife andis best friend who was his partner last night. we mourn the loss of officer sanchez as should the rest of the city of los angeles. >> he was on the force for just about six years. >>> hollywood has the oscars and washington has the white house correspondence dinner. they traded their note pads for champagne flutes, rubbing shoulders with those they reported on. now there's a red carpet, a presidential appearance and comic relief. >> i usually start these dinners with a few self- deprecating volkswagens. after my stellar 2013, what could i possibly talk about? [ laughter ] >> america won the boston marathon for the first time in 30 years. [ laughter ] >> -- which was inspiring and only fair since a kenyan has been present for the last six. >> hillary clinton has a lot going for her. she has experience, natural leader, and as the first female president, we could pay her 30% less. that's the saving this country could use! >> ouch. this marks the 100th anniversary of that dinner. >>> down
they identified that officer killed as roberto sanchez. >> officer sanchez is survived by his wife andis best friend who was his partner last night. we mourn the loss of officer sanchez as should the rest of the city of los angeles. >> he was on the force for just about six years. >>> hollywood has the oscars and washington has the white house correspondence dinner. they traded their note pads for champagne flutes, rubbing shoulders with those they reported on. now there's...
May 28, 2014
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los rojos aprovecharon un regalo de roberto carlos, todo volviÓ como al principio.era nacional a la escolta de jugadores del tri, incluyendo su capital rafa marquez. peÑa nieto asegurÓ que mÉxico cree en su selecciÓn. tras ir al mundial para la recomendaciÓn del departamento de estado para quienes viajan a brasil participe este miÉrcoles a las 7,- 6 en un chat en televisiÓn noticias. >> para finalizar un motivo mÁs de orgullo para la cadena univisiÓn. hoy se entregÓ los premios rey de espaÑa de periodismo. en categoria de televisiÓn la ganÓ el gran encuentro. de univisiÓn. para que el pÚblico hiciera pÚblica a los candidatos. en las elecciones del 2012. el rey destacÓ la importancia de este galardÓn. >> una magnifica entrevista que demuestra la pujanza de la lengua espaÑola y la comunidad hispana en los estados unidos. se premiÓ en suma un periodismo de calidad y de actualidad. >> el premio rey de espaÑa lo recibieron marÍa elena salinas y lourdes torres en nombre de todo el equipo de univisiÓn. >> por cosas como esta gracias por confiar en univisiÓn. en nombre de t
los rojos aprovecharon un regalo de roberto carlos, todo volviÓ como al principio.era nacional a la escolta de jugadores del tri, incluyendo su capital rafa marquez. peÑa nieto asegurÓ que mÉxico cree en su selecciÓn. tras ir al mundial para la recomendaciÓn del departamento de estado para quienes viajan a brasil participe este miÉrcoles a las 7,- 6 en un chat en televisiÓn noticias. >> para finalizar un motivo mÁs de orgullo para la cadena univisiÓn. hoy se entregÓ los premios...
May 16, 2014
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. >> ademÁs de ser uno de los villanos favoritos de las telenovelas, roberto palazuelos es un exitoso la polÍtica, sus sueÑos no tienen lÍmite. >> mÁs adelante quiero ser alcalde, y despuÉs ser senador, o ver a dÓnde me lleva el destino, seguir trabajando por la gente, seguir cual las novelas unos aÑos mÁs, pero no de por vida, sÍ quisera la Última faceta de mi vida dedicarme mÁs a la actividad polÍtica. >> desde hace 17 aÑos vive en el paraÍso maya, y nos revelÓ por quÉ desde muy chico se enamorÓ de este lugar. >> vi este mar, vi las tortugas y todo lo que habÍa, me enamorÉ, tenÍa 14 aÑos y vivía cuando sea mayor voy a dejar a hacer negocios, voy a vivir aquÍ. cuando tenÍa 18 aÑos puse mi primer negocio, una caseta de larga distancia, y eso creciÓ, me metÍ en todos lados. >> escuchen cÓmo ha logrado cautivar a aquellos que sÓlo lo ven como un villano de las telenovelas. >> estoy catalogado como el antagÓnico, y la gente piensa que eres asÍ, pero para mi antes de ser un impedimento es un arma a mÍ favor, porque cuando me conocen los guardo en mi bolsa. >> ap a pesar de estar tan ocupa
. >> ademÁs de ser uno de los villanos favoritos de las telenovelas, roberto palazuelos es un exitoso la polÍtica, sus sueÑos no tienen lÍmite. >> mÁs adelante quiero ser alcalde, y despuÉs ser senador, o ver a dÓnde me lleva el destino, seguir trabajando por la gente, seguir cual las novelas unos aÑos mÁs, pero no de por vida, sÍ quisera la Última faceta de mi vida dedicarme mÁs a la actividad polÍtica. >> desde hace 17 aÑos vive en el paraÍso maya, y nos...
May 3, 2014
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y el de visiÓn nocturna, la familia de roberto gÓmez bolaÑos, sale al paso.cular. platicÓ con el elenco. ( hablan en inglÉs ) >> es la pelÍcula de superhÉroes mÁs esperada del aÑo. >> cuando entramos al ser comido vemos con el traje de spider man, nos dimos cuenta que esto iba a ser algo histÓrico. >> la vida no es siempre justa para el. >> es un sueÑo, me siento muy afortunado y contento de estar aquÍ. Él era mi superhéroe favorito cuando era niÑo. me siento, no sÉ, bendecido de estar en esta posiciÓn. >> ambos, luego aprenderÁ lecciones duras de vida. primero electro lo admira. como dicen ahÍ, del amor al odio hay un solo paso. al parecer, esta pelÍcula tendrÁ muchas lecciones de vida, por emma stone se encargarÁ de enseÑarle a spider man la vida real. en este del amor bien importante. >> hay tanto que estÁ sucediendo, y esta tambiÉn hecha. la primera vez que leÍ el guiÓn, habÍa tanto corriendo, la vez, la pelÍcula. estaba viendo, llorando punto focal en el romance. devastada. como si fuera una montaÑa rusa de emociones. >> si no te emociona demasiado la hi
y el de visiÓn nocturna, la familia de roberto gÓmez bolaÑos, sale al paso.cular. platicÓ con el elenco. ( hablan en inglÉs ) >> es la pelÍcula de superhÉroes mÁs esperada del aÑo. >> cuando entramos al ser comido vemos con el traje de spider man, nos dimos cuenta que esto iba a ser algo histÓrico. >> la vida no es siempre justa para el. >> es un sueÑo, me siento muy afortunado y contento de estar aquÍ. Él era mi superhéroe favorito cuando era niÑo. me...
May 9, 2014
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derecho a estudiar y no se puede discriminar, un fuerte sismo se se sintiÓ en mÉxico, y la hija de roberto
derecho a estudiar y no se puede discriminar, un fuerte sismo se se sintiÓ en mÉxico, y la hija de roberto
May 6, 2014
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track 2 roberto gmez bolaÑos vive desde hace algunos aÑos en cancn, quintana roo y es conocido por los aqu radica su personaje favorito. sot muroslava fuentes sper: fan de chespirito 02:22:29 clip 19 / tarjeta dos ojalá que pronto se mejoré porque todavía lo queremos mucho y lo queremos ver. el que más me gusta es el chavo porque tiene mucha inocencia y es lo que nos falta. sot adi sper: fan de chespirito 01:50:48 clip 49 / disco 1 me gustaría verlo en persona, ver que el esta bien de salud, no como dicen que esta delicado, que ya se va morir, pues no sabemos porque no lo vemos. sot hugo sper: fan de chespirito 02:21:32 clip 19 disco dos haremos oración para que se mejoré. sot carlos contreras sper: fan de chespirito 02:16:29 clip 9. / disco dos que se mejoré que yo rezo por usted. track 3 la resonancia de la alarmante noticia de que chespirito esta delicado ha hecho eco en cada rincon de cancn. hasta esta iglesia guadalupana hubo quien elevo sus rezos para el clebre escritor. sot juan luis sper: admirador de chespirito 02:07:50 clip 84 confié en dios de que su salud va a ser lo más im
track 2 roberto gmez bolaÑos vive desde hace algunos aÑos en cancn, quintana roo y es conocido por los aqu radica su personaje favorito. sot muroslava fuentes sper: fan de chespirito 02:22:29 clip 19 / tarjeta dos ojalá que pronto se mejoré porque todavía lo queremos mucho y lo queremos ver. el que más me gusta es el chavo porque tiene mucha inocencia y es lo que nos falta. sot adi sper: fan de chespirito 01:50:48 clip 49 / disco 1 me gustaría verlo en persona, ver que el esta bien de...
May 8, 2014
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sabes, raquel aunque le he tenido un poco de envidia a roberto
sabes, raquel aunque le he tenido un poco de envidia a roberto
May 1, 2014
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¿será roberto? pero no toda la acción ocurre en el lugar de la excavación. iah! es el doctor iglesias
¿será roberto? pero no toda la acción ocurre en el lugar de la excavación. iah! es el doctor iglesias
May 4, 2014
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officer roberto sanchez was killed in a hit-and-run accident overnight in the harbor city neighborhood of los angeles. police say sanchez and his partner were making a u-turn when they were broadsided by an suv. the impact was so severe that the patrol car police radio would not work. and the surviving officer had to use his cell phone to call for help. he is in serious condition tonight. police say they have detained one person in connection with this crash. >>> a frantic search is underway for survivors after a massive deadly landslide in afghanistan. tonight, the estimates of those bearded dead range from the hundreds to the thousands. here is video of the remote village in northeastern afghanistan where the mudslide hit burying 300 homes. the governor declared the site a mass grave. he said more than 150 feet of mud cover some of the homes making it impossible to dig up the bodies. landslide -- the landslide struck yesterday after a series of flash flood that hit the area in the last week. >>> a day of mourning after 42 people were killed in street fighting and the burning of a bui
officer roberto sanchez was killed in a hit-and-run accident overnight in the harbor city neighborhood of los angeles. police say sanchez and his partner were making a u-turn when they were broadsided by an suv. the impact was so severe that the patrol car police radio would not work. and the surviving officer had to use his cell phone to call for help. he is in serious condition tonight. police say they have detained one person in connection with this crash. >>> a frantic search is...
May 4, 2014
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colleagues saluted as the body of six year veteran roberto sanchez was taken away. the driver took off and was later arrested. a second officer in the patrol car is in critical condition tonight. >>> one of the hottest congressional races in the country is taking place in the south bay. a new district is up for grabs. the encoupleincumbent had refused to debate, but now that has changed. >> reporter: if viewers were looking for fire, they were out of luck. >> do you support limits on campaign contributions mr. honda? >> yes. >> absolutely. >> absolutely, yes. >> what should an immigration law contain? >> we need to increase the h1b cap. regardless of what everyone says about borders. it allows silicon valley to bring in high-tech workers from other countries. >> we need to recognize that immigration creates jobs. dreamers should have citizenships but what we have forged together on a bipartisan bill. >> reporter: it all ended on a cordial note. >> i want to thank my opponent. you are much more charming in person than the papers. >> ditto. >> i want to thank these ge
colleagues saluted as the body of six year veteran roberto sanchez was taken away. the driver took off and was later arrested. a second officer in the patrol car is in critical condition tonight. >>> one of the hottest congressional races in the country is taking place in the south bay. a new district is up for grabs. the encoupleincumbent had refused to debate, but now that has changed. >> reporter: if viewers were looking for fire, they were out of luck. >> do you support...
May 29, 2014
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roberto carlos/residente de san josé 1:18:23 pues como no, dinero es dinero, pero todavía nada.e los primeros 2 sobres, gente empez a tratar de adivinar donde 'hiddencash' dejara el prximo sobre.. varias personas se congregaron en el parque csar chvez.. esta seÑora hasta llev binoculares. s.o.t. guadalupe negrete/ 4:11:07 pues no mas tengo una hora, so i thought, que en una hora si no encuentro nada, quien lo gana, gana. s.o.t. patricio amador/ 5:57:09 por qué estas aqui ? estoy buscando la feria, el dinero, qué mas. jaime live y hace media hora hidden cash tuite que estara en los ngeles esta misma noche, y que el primer sobre aparecer en cuesitn de horas. en san jos, jaime peluffo, noticiero tedes.cesar ... un muerto y un dej una balacera anoche en una estacin de servicio en vallejo... take map ... esto ocurri por la autopista 101, al oeste del camino lincoln... ---la polica determin que alguien abri fuego contra un carro estacionado, donde se encontraba un hombre de 24 aÑos que muri en el hospital tras ser impactado... --- otro hombre, que caminaba por el lugar, result herido.
roberto carlos/residente de san josé 1:18:23 pues como no, dinero es dinero, pero todavía nada.e los primeros 2 sobres, gente empez a tratar de adivinar donde 'hiddencash' dejara el prximo sobre.. varias personas se congregaron en el parque csar chvez.. esta seÑora hasta llev binoculares. s.o.t. guadalupe negrete/ 4:11:07 pues no mas tengo una hora, so i thought, que en una hora si no encuentro nada, quien lo gana, gana. s.o.t. patricio amador/ 5:57:09 por qué estas aqui ? estoy buscando la...
SFGTV: San Francisco Government Television
May 22, 2014
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my name is roberto vargas and i'm here representing ucsf engagement health policy program. and we are not as university taking a stand on the soda tax, but what i am here to say is that since 2010 we've been partnering with the department of public health and community-based organizations to address chronic disease, health disparities here in san francisco. this is one of several priority health issues that we've chosen to address by leveraging the research resources of the university and it's because it's one of the health outcomes that impact san francisco the most when we look at health disparities across the city. and in looking at ways that we can address this problem, we found that it's really important that we do education for folk about what foods are unhealthy with sugary drinks being at the top of that list. we've also found that it's really important to look at how to change the environment for folk in communities that are most impacted which includes making healthy foods more available and local retail as well as looking for ways to look at policy and regulation
my name is roberto vargas and i'm here representing ucsf engagement health policy program. and we are not as university taking a stand on the soda tax, but what i am here to say is that since 2010 we've been partnering with the department of public health and community-based organizations to address chronic disease, health disparities here in san francisco. this is one of several priority health issues that we've chosen to address by leveraging the research resources of the university and it's...
May 4, 2014
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fellow officers saluted as the body of officer roberto sanchez was moved from a hospital. an suv allegedly slammed into the patrol car today right after the officers made a u- turn. >> i watched them basically take the officers out of the car and put them into the ambulance. it was dramatic. they both looked unconscious. >> the second officer in the crash is in critical condition. the driver who fled the scene has since been arrested. >>> the 15-year-old boy who stowed away in the wheel well of the jet is no longer in hawaii and there are reports that he is back in the bay area. betty yu is live outside the family's home in santa clara. betty, what's the latest? >> reporter: brian, i can tell you that the family of yahya abdi has not come to the door today because of the overwhelming media attention. i did speak with the 15-year- old's brother off camera and he said that yahya is not at home with them tonight and that their dad is returning from hawaii soon. he flew to hawaii to bring him back home to california, but things didn't go as planned. >>> reporter: yahya abdi ha
fellow officers saluted as the body of officer roberto sanchez was moved from a hospital. an suv allegedly slammed into the patrol car today right after the officers made a u- turn. >> i watched them basically take the officers out of the car and put them into the ambulance. it was dramatic. they both looked unconscious. >> the second officer in the crash is in critical condition. the driver who fled the scene has since been arrested. >>> the 15-year-old boy who stowed away...
May 27, 2014
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te roberto garzon votante "un debate abierto de ideas y que la gente vote con altura por cualquiendidato vote con tura pocualquierndidato." cesar --autoridades en nigeria anunciaron que ya localizaron a las casi 300 niÑas secuestradas por extremistas islamicos. take vo --el problema ahora es que no pueden usar la fuerza para liberarlas porque seria muy peligroso y causaria la muerte de las jovencitas al intentar el rescate. --los militares rechazaron dar cualquier detalle sobre la localizacion de las adolescentes ya que es un secreto militar y se mantienen trabajando para regresar a las muchachas a sus hogares. blanca --nueva pausa en noticiero telemundo 48 pero al regresar take vo --tiene usted mas de 40 aÑos y cree que el ejercicio intenso ya no tiene los mismos resultados que cuando era joven? vo cesar --desfile lleno de color y alegria con la llegada del carnaval de san francisco y, por supuesto, telemundo 48 estuvo presente... vo --se encienden las alarmas... uno de los grandes a punto de quedarse fuera del mundial... vo --ademas este escalador gravemente herido salva su vida gracia
te roberto garzon votante "un debate abierto de ideas y que la gente vote con altura por cualquiendidato vote con tura pocualquierndidato." cesar --autoridades en nigeria anunciaron que ya localizaron a las casi 300 niÑas secuestradas por extremistas islamicos. take vo --el problema ahora es que no pueden usar la fuerza para liberarlas porque seria muy peligroso y causaria la muerte de las jovencitas al intentar el rescate. --los militares rechazaron dar cualquier detalle sobre la...
May 13, 2014
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-www.ncicap.org--] annenberg media ♪ by: ya verás las sorpresas que te esperan cuando despiertes, robertorimero, conoceremos a nuestro abuelo. narrador: bienvenidos a destinos: an introduction to spanish. primero vamos a ver algunas escenas de este episodio. ¿cómo era rosario? bueno, mi madre... era una mujer llena de vida, afectuosa.
-www.ncicap.org--] annenberg media ♪ by: ya verás las sorpresas que te esperan cuando despiertes, robertorimero, conoceremos a nuestro abuelo. narrador: bienvenidos a destinos: an introduction to spanish. primero vamos a ver algunas escenas de este episodio. ¿cómo era rosario? bueno, mi madre... era una mujer llena de vida, afectuosa.
May 31, 2014
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o no' >> publicÓ este video en donde se ve a roberto en nueva york.os y medio. oyeme tiene mÁs de un millÓn y medio, o alrededor de visitas. en los dos aÑos destaca la personalidad de los niÑos. ella va a ser maestra la veo enfocada >> las niÑas >> creo que lo mÁs tierno. la niÑa coreana me encantÓ tremendo ritmo. >> vamos a esperar que la gente la imite. haciendo el ejercicio >> mateo puede ser abogado? puede ser mecÁnico, de todo >> le mandamos un saludo a su mamÁ que nos colabora y comparte las aventuras. >> estas eslletras enciendas con sus bailes en salsa y bachata en bailando por un sueÑo. pero un mal paso puede sacar a cualquiera fuera de la competencia. por quÉ digo esto? vamos a tener lo que ocurra detrÁs de escena. vamos a ver quiÉn serÁ el primer eliminado o eliminada. de esta competencia tampoco se van a querer perder al malvado que lo odiamos pero lo queremos mucho a alejo de que pobres tan ricos que estarÁ con nosotros en sal y pimienta >> el domingo familiar empezando con bailando por un sueÑo. despuÉs sal y pimienta. >> claro que sÍ. >
o no' >> publicÓ este video en donde se ve a roberto en nueva york.os y medio. oyeme tiene mÁs de un millÓn y medio, o alrededor de visitas. en los dos aÑos destaca la personalidad de los niÑos. ella va a ser maestra la veo enfocada >> las niÑas >> creo que lo mÁs tierno. la niÑa coreana me encantÓ tremendo ritmo. >> vamos a esperar que la gente la imite. haciendo el ejercicio >> mateo puede ser abogado? puede ser mecÁnico, de todo >> le mandamos un...
May 26, 2014
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today i want to close with a story of cory's brother in arms, sergeant roberto sanchez, who was killed explosion. rob was not a big guy but his mother wendy says he was larger than life. always surrounded by friends and melting hearts with a devastating smile. rob admired the army from a young age, dressed up as a soldier the first time he went out for halloween, and for many halloweens after that. he meticulously arranged and rearranged "g.i. joes" on his bedroom floor. when he watched the twin towers fall that awful september day, rob found his calling to serve his country. a proud army ranger, who took care of his fellow soldiers just as he did his own family. he would tell wendy, mom, i'm your superman. and in october, 2009, rob was on his fifth deployment and rob and cory were finishing a mission with their fellow rangers in kandahar. and that's when the bomb went off and that's when this american family made a sacrifice the depths of which few of us will ever truly comprehend. and in the years since when he has dug deep to find the strength to live without rob, she keeps in touch
today i want to close with a story of cory's brother in arms, sergeant roberto sanchez, who was killed explosion. rob was not a big guy but his mother wendy says he was larger than life. always surrounded by friends and melting hearts with a devastating smile. rob admired the army from a young age, dressed up as a soldier the first time he went out for halloween, and for many halloweens after that. he meticulously arranged and rearranged "g.i. joes" on his bedroom floor. when he...
May 9, 2014
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a los angeles police officer say the suspect intentionally hit the officers cruiser. 32-year-old robertonchez died as a result of that collision. investigators say 20-year-old minor vorerla rammed the police car in an effort to stop it from going after his friend who was trying to flee police. another officer hit in the car is still recovering. >>> police are asking for the public's help in tracking down an identity theft suspect. he rented a flat bed truck and carburetor and never returned them. an investigation revealed he used another person's i. d. the person may have also taken rentals in oakland and southern california. >>> tonight invest -- investigators are trying to figure out who set a fire that destroyed a children's play structure. >> it's a lot -- it's a loss for the entire community. >> reporter: children can have fun by doing just about anything. but now they know that their favorite is almost about gone. >> somebody burned it down. >> all i can think is it's maybe teenagers not using common sense. it's not good for the community though. >> reporter: it was donated to the
a los angeles police officer say the suspect intentionally hit the officers cruiser. 32-year-old robertonchez died as a result of that collision. investigators say 20-year-old minor vorerla rammed the police car in an effort to stop it from going after his friend who was trying to flee police. another officer hit in the car is still recovering. >>> police are asking for the public's help in tracking down an identity theft suspect. he rented a flat bed truck and carburetor and never...
May 20, 2014
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el hijo de roberto gÓmez bolaÑos dijo que tiene problemas para caminar y respirar, pero estÁ bien.irÁ en brasil. durante el mundial. la esposa quiere llevar una obra sobre su vida. hay muchos proyectos en camino, le deseamos mucha suerte. >> tenemos hoy otro invitado de impacto. el disco nuevo de luis fonsi.. estÁ en vivo para hablar de esto y mucho mÁs. aquÍ en primer impacto. ♪ ¿consiguieron el paquete? el wendy's tuscan chicken. ¿quÉ hacen? manejando el negocio de la familia. ¿y yo, padrino? un gusto italiano. el nuevo tuscan chicken en pan ciabatta de wendy's. mucho mejor. le saluda maria elena salinas. condctor responde ante la justicia en colombia tras el incendio de un vehiculo causando la muerte de 32 niqos. confirman primer caso de contagio del virus conocido como mers, ocurrido de una persona a otra dentro de estados unidos.las peores inundaciones en bosnia en 120 aqos mantienen a decenas de miles alejados de sus hogares. les espero hoy junto a jorge ramos en noticiero hola miguel. recibí tu email sobre cuanto te gusta la comida picante. a si que quería que fueras el prim
el hijo de roberto gÓmez bolaÑos dijo que tiene problemas para caminar y respirar, pero estÁ bien.irÁ en brasil. durante el mundial. la esposa quiere llevar una obra sobre su vida. hay muchos proyectos en camino, le deseamos mucha suerte. >> tenemos hoy otro invitado de impacto. el disco nuevo de luis fonsi.. estÁ en vivo para hablar de esto y mucho mÁs. aquÍ en primer impacto. ♪ ¿consiguieron el paquete? el wendy's tuscan chicken. ¿quÉ hacen? manejando el negocio de la...
eye 271
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i stood there like a fool in a roberto cavalli gown, fierce! fierce! diva! diva! fierceness!ce. >> yes. yes. >> jimmy: you clapped. >> yes, i clapped. and i don't know her. and i yelled fierce, diva, fierceness, fierce. #fierce. >> jimmy: what did she say? >> she ignored me. a crazy person. of course. and then, it got worse. because i felt compelled to tell like powerful women that i had won this grammy as a woman. best comedy album. first time since 1986 a woman has won. i started just bum-rushing people, like poor pink. i see pink. looked beautiful. i knocked her off her shoes. i went, pink, i won. she was like take this creature off me. oh, hi, kathy. i ran up to katy perry in a dior gown, sparklies, i got tanked in her skirt. i won, i won. i almost knocked over a lot of very powerful celebrities. got tangled in jared leto's hair. a lot happened. big night. >> jimmy: must have been a big night. that its a very, very big deal for you. >> i know. look i still have goals. >> what are yours. what's left. >> everything is shake of in late night. i think i should go on after "ni
i stood there like a fool in a roberto cavalli gown, fierce! fierce! diva! diva! fierceness!ce. >> yes. yes. >> jimmy: you clapped. >> yes, i clapped. and i don't know her. and i yelled fierce, diva, fierceness, fierce. #fierce. >> jimmy: what did she say? >> she ignored me. a crazy person. of course. and then, it got worse. because i felt compelled to tell like powerful women that i had won this grammy as a woman. best comedy album. first time since 1986 a woman...
May 9, 2014
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a los angeles police officer say the suspect intentionally hit the officers cruiser. 32-year-old robertohez died as a result of that collision. investigators say 20-year-old minor vorerla rammed the police car in an effort to stop it from going after his friend who was trying to flee police. another officer hit in the car is still recovering. >>> police are asking for the public's help in tracking down an identity theft suspect. he rented a flat bed truck and carburetor and never returned them. an investigation revealed he used another person's i. d. the person may have also taken rentals in oakland and southern california. >>> tonight invest -- investigators are trying to figure out who set a fire that destroyed a children's play structure. >> it's a lot -- it's a loss for the entire community. >> reporter: children can have fun by doing just about anything. but now they know that their favorite is almost about gone. >> somebody burned it down. >> all i can think is it's maybe teenagers not using common sense. it's not good for the community though. >> reporter: it was donated to the sc
a los angeles police officer say the suspect intentionally hit the officers cruiser. 32-year-old robertohez died as a result of that collision. investigators say 20-year-old minor vorerla rammed the police car in an effort to stop it from going after his friend who was trying to flee police. another officer hit in the car is still recovering. >>> police are asking for the public's help in tracking down an identity theft suspect. he rented a flat bed truck and carburetor and never...
May 14, 2014
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lamulac's family has filed a lawsuit against roberto acantar.that case goes to trial later this year. >>> a 7-year-old girl from oakland is now in the safety of police custody after she wandered away from her home last night. the little girl was found at the east oakland faith deliverance center after wandering in during a prayer service. she told a woman she was lost, that woman took her home for the night until she heard the story on tv and took her to police. >> reporter: police say they are questioning the girl and her mother to try to determine what happened and whether any crime was committed. >>> less than an hour ago the san jose city council approved a rate hike for it's garbage collection services. as robert handa tells us, residents told the council members in no uncertain terms what they think about that. >>> fueled by a campaign on social media about 1,000 san jose residents sent in written protests about a rate hike by recycled plus. homeowners say the use of a 32- gallon containers costs $59.90 every two months. the proposed rate
lamulac's family has filed a lawsuit against roberto acantar.that case goes to trial later this year. >>> a 7-year-old girl from oakland is now in the safety of police custody after she wandered away from her home last night. the little girl was found at the east oakland faith deliverance center after wandering in during a prayer service. she told a woman she was lost, that woman took her home for the night until she heard the story on tv and took her to police. >> reporter:...
May 20, 2014
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. >> roberto said that since installing them in september, the milk production has increased bringing in more cash, and he also uses robots to push feed to the animals, as well as clean up after them. and helping out with crops, and on this farm, it's helping to attract a new generation of farmers. >> it really changes from the farmer doing the monotonous, boring work, to the farmerring able to manage the cows. i never thought that we would be able to implement this much technology this fast. >> and the hope is that the technology will be a selling point for young workers sceptical of farm life. mary snow, aljazeera. >> those were cute cows. robots on farms milking cows is cool. but how much will the technology really make for struggling farmers? i'm joined by the professor of economics at cornell university refound for its study of agriculture, it's good to see you, and this sounds fantastic, and i never wanted to be a farmer but i wouldn't pick dairy farming because of the time commitments. you can push feed to the cows and they can milk themselves and it has to cost money. is this
. >> roberto said that since installing them in september, the milk production has increased bringing in more cash, and he also uses robots to push feed to the animals, as well as clean up after them. and helping out with crops, and on this farm, it's helping to attract a new generation of farmers. >> it really changes from the farmer doing the monotonous, boring work, to the farmerring able to manage the cows. i never thought that we would be able to implement this much technology...
May 2, 2014
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¿y roberto? todavía no se sabe nada. siguen trabajando. pero...guros de que tiene suficiente aire? hombre: iroberto!
¿y roberto? todavía no se sabe nada. siguen trabajando. pero...guros de que tiene suficiente aire? hombre: iroberto!
May 7, 2014
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you have inspiring heroes like jackie robertson and roberto clemente and people like donald sterlinglding them up. >> sterling's hate filled comments are hardly the first to hit the world of sports. >> i think this makes the controversies all the more striking. >> former cincinnati reds owner was reportedly overheard saying, never hire another n word. i would rather have a trained monkey working for me. in 1996 on espn she says this about adolf hitler. >> everybody in history know he just went too far. >> with a history of offensive comments, she is forced to sell the reds three years later. >> it took a long time for baseball it drum her out. this is not have the swift throw-day justice of donald sterling. >> in 1987, then dodger general manager makes an outrageous comment about african-americans on abc's "nightline." >> there's still that much prejudice in baseball today? >> no, i don't think it is prejudice. i think they truly may not have some of the necessities to be, let's say, a field manager or perhaps a general manager. >> he later tries to explain he was talking about the l
you have inspiring heroes like jackie robertson and roberto clemente and people like donald sterlinglding them up. >> sterling's hate filled comments are hardly the first to hit the world of sports. >> i think this makes the controversies all the more striking. >> former cincinnati reds owner was reportedly overheard saying, never hire another n word. i would rather have a trained monkey working for me. in 1996 on espn she says this about adolf hitler. >> everybody in...
May 13, 2014
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happened was madonna walked past and my inner gay boy took over and i stood there like a fool in a robertojust going like this -- "fierce! diva, fierce! fierceness! fierce!" >> jimmy: you did not say fierce. >> yes. yes. >> jimmy: you clapped. >> yes, i clapped. and i don't know her. i clapped and i yelled fierce, diva, fierceness, fierce. #fierce. >> jimmy: what did she say? >> she ignored me. that's a crazy person. of course. and then it got worse. because i felt compelled to tell like powerful women that i had won this grammy as a woman. best comedy album. first time since 1986 a woman has won. >> jimmy: wow. >> so i started just bum-rushing people like poor pink. i see pink. and she looked beautiful. and i like knocked her off her shoes. i go, pink, i won. she's like take this creature off me. then she goes, oh, hi, kathy. and i ran up to katy perry who was in like a dior gown with like sparklies. i got tangled in her skirt. i was like i won, i won. i almost knocked over a lot of very powerful celebrities. and i got tangled in jared leto's hair. a lot happened. it's a big night. >> jim
happened was madonna walked past and my inner gay boy took over and i stood there like a fool in a robertojust going like this -- "fierce! diva, fierce! fierceness! fierce!" >> jimmy: you did not say fierce. >> yes. yes. >> jimmy: you clapped. >> yes, i clapped. and i don't know her. i clapped and i yelled fierce, diva, fierceness, fierce. #fierce. >> jimmy: what did she say? >> she ignored me. that's a crazy person. of course. and then it got...
May 4, 2014
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officer roberto sanchez was 32 years old and just got married three months ago.t they were making a u-turn in the neighborhood yesterday when they were broadsided by the suv. and his partner was badly injured, remaining in serious condition. police say that they have detained one person connected to the accident. this is the third deadly crash involving the lapd officer in two months. two bay area officers killed in the line of duty are among those being honored by california this weekend as elizabeth butler were shot and killed in february last year while investigating the sexual assault complaint. they will be remembered tonight in sacramento. and tomorrow the governor will honor them by adding them to the peace officer's memorial. >> two firefighters are recovering after being injured in the string of brush fires in san diego county. the total of four fires broke out between interstate 8 and pine valley. one firefighter was treated for heat exhaustion and the other for a possible fractured ankle. the firefighters, they believe that the faulty catalytic convert
officer roberto sanchez was 32 years old and just got married three months ago.t they were making a u-turn in the neighborhood yesterday when they were broadsided by the suv. and his partner was badly injured, remaining in serious condition. police say that they have detained one person connected to the accident. this is the third deadly crash involving the lapd officer in two months. two bay area officers killed in the line of duty are among those being honored by california this weekend as...
May 2, 2014
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roberto and a moment that our chairman martin are out with the san francisco the permanent parking andot of repair mission to stop vehicles. but the owner of the sticker triumphal last, is have some7 outstanding tickets coming close to $800. is nothing in montreal that it attributed is the money to get your received. the b-1 to get nothing yet to are three still nothing new debt for and not the the sixth person ticket then you become blue worthy. when you become aware the you end up in the computer system that scandalous and play and then the book comes out. dome of the stickup rack up nine parking tickets for whopping $1,542. that's not really the wiring find they once got a commercial $41,000 in tickets. can you say the vehicle giveaway there's only two ways you can get a bowl of your car door the owner of the big and didn't give fine or you can ignore for 72 hours in the bull or automatically be removed and replaced with a tow truck. pitcher lucky day which employs the boutonniere redcoat so were never told century air here for ago. the blue control data blue ocean unbutton--boot pa
roberto and a moment that our chairman martin are out with the san francisco the permanent parking andot of repair mission to stop vehicles. but the owner of the sticker triumphal last, is have some7 outstanding tickets coming close to $800. is nothing in montreal that it attributed is the money to get your received. the b-1 to get nothing yet to are three still nothing new debt for and not the the sixth person ticket then you become blue worthy. when you become aware the you end up in the...
May 14, 2014
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department of state, carlos roberto moreno of california to be ambassador extraordinary and plench to bleez -- plenipotentiary to belize. the presiding officer: under the previous order, there will be two minutes of debate prior to a vote on the williams nomination. mr. leahy: i yield back the time. the presiding officer: without objection all time is yielded back. the question occurs on the williams nomination. all those in favor. all those opposed. the ayes have it. the nomination is confirmed. under the previous order, there will be two minutes of debate prior to a vote on the moreno nomination. mr. leahy: i yield back the time. the presiding officer: without objection all time is yielded back. the question occurs on the moreno nomination. all in favor signify by saying aye. all those opposed. the ayes appear to have it. the ayes do have it. the nomination is confirmed. under the previous order, the time until 5:15 p.m. will be equally divided between the two leaders or their designees. mr. leahy: mr. president? the presiding officer: with the time from 3:00 p.m. to 3:45 controlled
department of state, carlos roberto moreno of california to be ambassador extraordinary and plench to bleez -- plenipotentiary to belize. the presiding officer: under the previous order, there will be two minutes of debate prior to a vote on the williams nomination. mr. leahy: i yield back the time. the presiding officer: without objection all time is yielded back. the question occurs on the williams nomination. all those in favor. all those opposed. the ayes have it. the nomination is...
May 31, 2014
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what wearing said playing dead and roberto it but happen to just a caught at a military base and alaskamother bear and cobb shared was a tie as bonds and nature were of the most frightening if you literally but one into by accident. i beckoned toward her eyes had a sort of feeling and should not madonna with her front. native just a caught body shows what happens next when army wife wearing the hon hurrahs and may 18th on a trail at joy base, north and a larger set alaska when she saw caught immediately my thoughts were where is the mother. another brown bear like this abutting slashing after digging her by the side where oliver laying there telling myself us and this is a pretty much all on one to die this is a. amazingly and she actually it stumbled to her feet after the attack caught the eye of sgt passing his truck burst. she credits the survival to of the shredded it learned that i played dead unless i could i did not relate make a noise or scream. what but officers right here in homestead say x absolutely the right thing to do with a species she faced a moscow. thus, big- is and n
what wearing said playing dead and roberto it but happen to just a caught at a military base and alaskamother bear and cobb shared was a tie as bonds and nature were of the most frightening if you literally but one into by accident. i beckoned toward her eyes had a sort of feeling and should not madonna with her front. native just a caught body shows what happens next when army wife wearing the hon hurrahs and may 18th on a trail at joy base, north and a larger set alaska when she saw caught...