Dec 14, 2020
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janiot: gracias doctor romero.nde podemos ir a ponernos la vacuna. romero: los Únicos lugares en los cuales estÁn poniendo la vacuna, son los centros mÉdicos y en los lugares de cuidados a largo plazo, o sea, cuidados para ancianos. mÁs adelante se va a poder ir a farmacias, quizÁs a clÍnicas y a su mÉdico de cabecera. pero en este momento sÓlo se estÁn distribuyendo en esos 2 lugares. rodrÍguez: bueno, muy bien. y la siguiente es una pregunta que muchos se hacen acerca de los menores de edad. >> hola, mi nombre es estela y mi pregunta para el experto es, ¿es necesario tomarles vacunas a mis hijos o a los bebÉs? romero: eso es una pregunta muy buena. o sea, en cuanto a las vacunas de covid, todavÍa no se autorizan para los adolescentes, niÑos o bebÉs. las vacunas ahorita se van a autorizar nada mÁs para adultos. entonces no hay que ponÉrselas a los niÑos. janiot: una cosa menos para preocuparse. muchas gracias al doctor romero por sus respuestas y vamos a volver con Él mÁs adelante. ahora le queremos preguntar al d
janiot: gracias doctor romero.nde podemos ir a ponernos la vacuna. romero: los Únicos lugares en los cuales estÁn poniendo la vacuna, son los centros mÉdicos y en los lugares de cuidados a largo plazo, o sea, cuidados para ancianos. mÁs adelante se va a poder ir a farmacias, quizÁs a clÍnicas y a su mÉdico de cabecera. pero en este momento sÓlo se estÁn distribuyendo en esos 2 lugares. rodrÍguez: bueno, muy bien. y la siguiente es una pregunta que muchos se hacen acerca de los menores...
Dec 14, 2020
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rodrÍguez: bueno, empecemos con el doctor romero.pregunta tiene que ver con una inquietud bÁsica. >> hola, mi nombre es ricardo pÉrez. mi pregunta para los expertos es, ¿puedo escoger cuÁl de las vacunas ponerme? romero: en este momento no se puede escoger cuÁl de las vacunas de covid se pueden usar. o sea, como ahorita tenemos nada mÁs 1 vacuna. más adelante va a haber otra vacuna y quizÁs haya hasta 4 vacunas que pueden existir a la vez. entonces, por el momento no. creemos que mÁs adelante si va a haber posibilidad de escoger la
rodrÍguez: bueno, empecemos con el doctor romero.pregunta tiene que ver con una inquietud bÁsica. >> hola, mi nombre es ricardo pÉrez. mi pregunta para los expertos es, ¿puedo escoger cuÁl de las vacunas ponerme? romero: en este momento no se puede escoger cuÁl de las vacunas de covid se pueden usar. o sea, como ahorita tenemos nada mÁs 1 vacuna. más adelante va a haber otra vacuna y quizÁs haya hasta 4 vacunas que pueden existir a la vez. entonces, por el momento no. creemos que...
Dec 11, 2020
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romero, it's grade to have you to let us know what will happen.so what will the cdc do and when do you think americans can be vaccinated? >> thank you. good morning. so the acip will meet today to discuss the vaccine and other issues. this will be a half-day meeting, and then we will meet again on sunday and on sunday if there is an eua officially posted for the pfizer vaccine, we will have the vote from the acip regarding its use. >> so what happens is that the fda will officially grant emergency use authorization, then the very next day the cdc basically will decide whether or not to go for it and then by the next day people could start getting the shots in their arms. a lot of data, a lot of information presented over the last 24 hours and i know you were watching it very carefully with a keen eye. what open questions -- and, again, this won't keep you from approving this and getting it in people's arms on monday or tuesday, but what questions still remain for you about the pfizer vaccine as far as who should be receiving it? >> yeah, i think t
romero, it's grade to have you to let us know what will happen.so what will the cdc do and when do you think americans can be vaccinated? >> thank you. good morning. so the acip will meet today to discuss the vaccine and other issues. this will be a half-day meeting, and then we will meet again on sunday and on sunday if there is an eua officially posted for the pfizer vaccine, we will have the vote from the acip regarding its use. >> so what happens is that the fda will officially...
Dec 27, 2020
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la capital mexicana mÓnica romero salió a investigar por quÉ los juristas siguen prefiriendo. -- turistascoronavirus acumulados ni mÁs de 120,000 muertos, ni siquiera saturaciÓn de hospitales alejan a los turistas. >> lo que pasa es que en estados unidos estÁ peor, esta horrible. de mi familia conoce a alguien que se ha muerto o que estÁ enfermo de coronavirus. aquÍ en puerto vallarta no es tan fuerte. >> miles de extranjeros han encontrado en mÉxico un lugar para pasar el confinamiento buenos precios y con menos restricciones. >> aquÍ la gente puede salir y no hay tanta gente que conoces que estÁ enfermo. >> expertos en turismo aseguran que otro de los motivos porque los visitantes tienen para elegir mÉxico es la cercanÍa, vuelos mÁs cortos y menos exposiciÓn en aeropuertos. >> tenÍamos que viajar porque tenÍamos nuestros boletos pagados, todo. ya tenemos planes internacionales, boletos de aviÓn, estancia, alto costo. >> mÉxico ocupa el cuarto lugar de muerte por covid-19 a nivel mundial. la presidenta del consejo mundial de viajes y turismo pide no bajar la guardia. >> la gran mayorÍa n
la capital mexicana mÓnica romero salió a investigar por quÉ los juristas siguen prefiriendo. -- turistascoronavirus acumulados ni mÁs de 120,000 muertos, ni siquiera saturaciÓn de hospitales alejan a los turistas. >> lo que pasa es que en estados unidos estÁ peor, esta horrible. de mi familia conoce a alguien que se ha muerto o que estÁ enfermo de coronavirus. aquÍ en puerto vallarta no es tan fuerte. >> miles de extranjeros han encontrado en mÉxico un lugar para pasar el...
Dec 2, 2020
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romero, we appreciate the work you're doing.i know the nose is to the grindstone, there is so much to do, this is all happening so fast. in some ways this is a miracle of science, we have never seen anything quite like this and we appreciate you being with us this morning. >> thank you. my pleasure. >>> erica? >> joining us now chief medical correspondent dr. sanjay gupta. it is as john just pointed out this really is a medical miracle the fact that we have gotten to this place in a matter of months, a process that normally takes a matter of years. one of the things that stood out that dr. romero just said, sanjay, is one of the things he's going to be looking at is he will be watching to see how this transportation, this transport plan works in the uk and whether adjustments will be needed here in the u.s. this is actually a really delicate endeavor. >> yeah, i think that that's one of the advantages i guess of having somebody else go first. there are going to be some kinks, everyone is anticipating in this whole process, becau
romero, we appreciate the work you're doing.i know the nose is to the grindstone, there is so much to do, this is all happening so fast. in some ways this is a miracle of science, we have never seen anything quite like this and we appreciate you being with us this morning. >> thank you. my pleasure. >>> erica? >> joining us now chief medical correspondent dr. sanjay gupta. it is as john just pointed out this really is a medical miracle the fact that we have gotten to this...
Dec 7, 2020
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romero and dr. lu some of the key questions you're probably asking about covid shots., how do i know when it's my turn? >> we'll be hearing messaging from our department of health, from our governors. >> television, radio, press, social media, anything that we have at our disposal to transmit this to the public will be used. >> so people won't exactly sign up but will be told when and where they can get a shot and should be able to make an appointment without having to wait. >> they could potentially get it in their retail pharmacies. they might go to their primary care physician's office, they might go to an urgent care clinic. they could potentially go to a type of covid vaccine clinic. they should be able to get a vaccine very, very similar to the flu vaccine. >> but while jaunohnson & johnss covid shot is similar to the flu vaccine, needing just one dose, pfizer's and moderna's need two. will i as a consumer have a choice and say, no, i think i want the johnson & johnson, no, no, give me the ffiz pfizer. >> it begins on supply. you may not have a choice in the begi
romero and dr. lu some of the key questions you're probably asking about covid shots., how do i know when it's my turn? >> we'll be hearing messaging from our department of health, from our governors. >> television, radio, press, social media, anything that we have at our disposal to transmit this to the public will be used. >> so people won't exactly sign up but will be told when and where they can get a shot and should be able to make an appointment without having to wait....
Dec 7, 2020
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romero expert today at 12:30 p.m. eastern california governor gavin newsom will be holding a news conference on the states or sponsor the coronavirus pandemic as parts of california activate their stay at home orders. watch live coverage bikini begt 12:30 p.m. eastern on c-span2. >> republican senator tim scott sat down with manhattan institute legal policy director james copland to discuss policing, his criminal justice reform bill and working across the aisle with his democratic colleagues in congress. >> welcome to the manhattan institutes that
romero expert today at 12:30 p.m. eastern california governor gavin newsom will be holding a news conference on the states or sponsor the coronavirus pandemic as parts of california activate their stay at home orders. watch live coverage bikini begt 12:30 p.m. eastern on c-span2. >> republican senator tim scott sat down with manhattan institute legal policy director james copland to discuss policing, his criminal justice reform bill and working across the aisle with his democratic...
Dec 11, 2020
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del panel estÁ el doctor juan rivera, carlos del rÍo que es experto investigador y el doctor josÉ romeroe especial de aquÍ y ahora en horario especial hasta las siete de la noche hora del este porque la verdad es que hasta yo aprendÍ muchísimo. vamos a responder todas sus preguntas. borja: quiero resolverlas asÍ que vamos estar pendientes. ojo con el horario porque es un horario especial. 7:00 del este. 10:00 en la parte del pacÍfico. gracias por estar con nosotros, un abrazo fuerte. la revista times escoge a joe biden y kamala harris como personas del aÑo 2020 destacando que se enfoca en lo que estÁ por venir. los guardianes del aÑo son los trabajadores de la salud que estÁn arriesgando su vida para salvar las nuestras de esta pandemia. dentro de la lista de las 100 personas que sobresalieron tambiÉn estÁ la banda surcoreana como artista del aÑo y como deportista, en el ex basquetbolista lebron james. vamos a hacer una muy corta pausa. al volver tenemos millones de fieles entonando las maÑanitas para la virgen de guadalupe y las restricciones para el coronavirus no impiden sus festejos
del panel estÁ el doctor juan rivera, carlos del rÍo que es experto investigador y el doctor josÉ romeroe especial de aquÍ y ahora en horario especial hasta las siete de la noche hora del este porque la verdad es que hasta yo aprendÍ muchísimo. vamos a responder todas sus preguntas. borja: quiero resolverlas asÍ que vamos estar pendientes. ojo con el horario porque es un horario especial. 7:00 del este. 10:00 en la parte del pacÍfico. gracias por estar con nosotros, un abrazo fuerte. la...
Dec 27, 2020
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mÓnica romero nos cuenta que le piden las familias al presidente andrÉs manuel lÓpez obrador. >> pasandados. se trata de tres policÍas de inteligencia que lleva mÁs de cinco aÑos en la cÁrcel. y aunque el chapo ya fue condenado ellos siguen sin ser procesados. esta navidad los familiares piden al presidente un regalo de aÑo nuevo. >> le pido con el corazÓn en la mano. seis aÑos de llorar. ya no veo, seÑor presidente. toques el corazÓn como padre. mi hijo a nadie le ha robado ni ha matado. >> fueron 12 elementos de la policÍa detenidos tras la espectacular fuga de guzmÁn cuando se escapo por un tÚnel desde el baÑo de su celda. todos fueron liberados menos los tres de menor jerarquÍa. >> no se vale lo que le estÉ pasando. cinco aÑosdonde no ha visto crecer a sus hijos. le pido amablemente que nos conceda una entrevista. que Él intervenga en la situaciÓn de mi esposo y de los muchachos que siguen sin ser procesados. >> hay elementos que apuntan a la inocencia de los detenidos.el comisionado de la policÍa nacional enviaron un documento al la procuradurÍa general de la repÚblica para decir
mÓnica romero nos cuenta que le piden las familias al presidente andrÉs manuel lÓpez obrador. >> pasandados. se trata de tres policÍas de inteligencia que lleva mÁs de cinco aÑos en la cÁrcel. y aunque el chapo ya fue condenado ellos siguen sin ser procesados. esta navidad los familiares piden al presidente un regalo de aÑo nuevo. >> le pido con el corazÓn en la mano. seis aÑos de llorar. ya no veo, seÑor presidente. toques el corazÓn como padre. mi hijo a nadie le ha...
Dec 4, 2020
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romero, appreciate you coming on. sharing your perspective with us. healthy out there, sir. >>> up next, the georgia runoff turns it up to 11 with some big political star power over the next 2 days. keep it here. r? with new bounce pet hair & lint guard, your clothes can repel pet hair. one bounce mega sheet has 3x the hair fighting ingredients of the leading dryer sheet. simply toss into the dryer to bounce out hair & lint. look how the shirt on the left attracts pet hair like a magnet! pet hair is no match for bounce. it's available in fresh scent & unscented. with bounce, you can love your pets, and lint roll less. essential for sewing, but maybe not needles. for people with certain inflammatory conditions. because there are options. like an "unjection™". xeljanz. the first and only pill of its kind that treats moderate to severe rheumatoid arthritis, psoriatic arthritis, or moderate to severe ulcerative colitis when other medicines have not helped enough. xeljanz can lower your ability to fight infections. before and during treatment, your doctor
romero, appreciate you coming on. sharing your perspective with us. healthy out there, sir. >>> up next, the georgia runoff turns it up to 11 with some big political star power over the next 2 days. keep it here. r? with new bounce pet hair & lint guard, your clothes can repel pet hair. one bounce mega sheet has 3x the hair fighting ingredients of the leading dryer sheet. simply toss into the dryer to bounce out hair & lint. look how the shirt on the left attracts pet hair like...
Dec 1, 2020
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romero just laid out who will get the vaccine in what order once it's approved, once it has emergencyuse approval. cnn has learned that this morning the fda commissioner steven hahn has been summoned to the white house to meet with mark meadows. apparently there is displeasure in the white house and i'm putting it in air quotes so long for the fda to grant emergency use approval for the pfizer vaccine which put in the first application the fda commissioner steven hahn felt the need to put out a statement overnight saying let me be clear our career scientists have to make the decision and will take the time that is needed to make the right call on this important decision. this isn't taking a long time, sanjay, it's the opposite of a long time, correct? >> the whole process is remarkably fast and i don't say that lightly. people have been talk about this for some time, but eight months, essentially 243 days between the point that pfizer actually created this vaccine to the time that they applied for emergency use authorization, eight months -- eight years would have been considered fast
romero just laid out who will get the vaccine in what order once it's approved, once it has emergencyuse approval. cnn has learned that this morning the fda commissioner steven hahn has been summoned to the white house to meet with mark meadows. apparently there is displeasure in the white house and i'm putting it in air quotes so long for the fda to grant emergency use approval for the pfizer vaccine which put in the first application the fda commissioner steven hahn felt the need to put out a...
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acip committee chair jose romero clarified this group will have no preferential order. >> it's no preferential order of vaccination. is that correct? >> that's correct. >> committee members sited at least 243,000 covid cases infected health care workers since the pandemic began. that's even worse for long term care facilities. cases infecting residents and staff as of late last week. this is why california's advisory committee is pushing for both groups to receive doses at the same time, but mike wasser man on the advisory committee fears there will be hesitati hesitation. >> the numbers are incredibly concerning. 20%, in some cases, of front line nursing home staff say that they will take the vaccine. ok. so that means anywhere from 60 to 80% are going to refuse or are not going to be comfortable. >> now, according to acip's recommendation, the second phase would include police, firefighters, correction officers and transportation staff. the third phase would include adults ages 65 and up. reporting live, stephanie sierra, abc7news. >> good news we're in this spot having this conversation. th
acip committee chair jose romero clarified this group will have no preferential order. >> it's no preferential order of vaccination. is that correct? >> that's correct. >> committee members sited at least 243,000 covid cases infected health care workers since the pandemic began. that's even worse for long term care facilities. cases infecting residents and staff as of late last week. this is why california's advisory committee is pushing for both groups to receive doses at the...
Dec 1, 2020
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jose romero is on that committee. what is your biggest challenge in arkansas? >> i think our biggest challenge is going to be reaching those urban constituents that need the vaccine. rural health care centers, rural hospitals. >> reporter: while the military will rush vaccines to every state and territory, each healt department must get it to the most remote corners of the country. both moderna and pfizer require two shots. one concern, keeping the pfizer vaccine cold enough. >> it may not be possible to get it out to some remote clinics and smaller hospitals that just don't have the capacity to store it in the appropriate fashion. >> reporter: with lives on the line one of the biggest civilian cargo airlifts in history is now ramping up tom costello, nbc news, philadelphia. >>> this is keir simmons in london. as many european countries announce nationwide strategies to vaccinate their citizens, the uk's plan which is ready to roll out, begins wit immediate vaccinations in care homes for elderly residents and those who work in them next up, people 80 years and
jose romero is on that committee. what is your biggest challenge in arkansas? >> i think our biggest challenge is going to be reaching those urban constituents that need the vaccine. rural health care centers, rural hospitals. >> reporter: while the military will rush vaccines to every state and territory, each healt department must get it to the most remote corners of the country. both moderna and pfizer require two shots. one concern, keeping the pfizer vaccine cold enough....
Dec 11, 2020
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romero, it's grade to have you to let us know what will happen. the cdc do and when do you think americans can be vaccinated? >> thank you. good morning. so the acip will meet today to discuss the vaccine and other issues. this will be a half-day meeting, and then we will meet again on sunday and on sunday if there is an eua officially posted for the pfizer vaccine, we will have the vote from the
romero, it's grade to have you to let us know what will happen. the cdc do and when do you think americans can be vaccinated? >> thank you. good morning. so the acip will meet today to discuss the vaccine and other issues. this will be a half-day meeting, and then we will meet again on sunday and on sunday if there is an eua officially posted for the pfizer vaccine, we will have the vote from the
Dec 2, 2020
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de los cuartos, las personas que entregan la comida presidenteor josé romero ex >> el expresidteeneldeltegrados por especialistas que definió el grup del cdc o a el de mayor pr integrada por 15 entre pfzier y moderna producirán más de 20 millones d dosis que apenas alcanzarán para los 21 millones detr trabajador de la salud. el país. ella es >>por supuesto decir la señora le da de comer a los pacientes de c >> esta señora que le da de comer a los pacientes de covid >> me parece perfecto porque estamos en 1 a >> vemos a cada ratoenfermos, muertos y nos parece muy bien para así no solos poder luchar y seguir adelante con ellos. >> las hospitalizaciones aumentan y algunos sitios el personal médico cae enfermo. >> el personal de salud es el que más necesita ahorita para poder combatir esta pandemia y atender a estas personas que lo necesitan >> en el grupo uno a también están los residentes de los hogares para el cuidado de la salud la mayoría personas de edad avanzada. >> los asesores de los cdc definirán en los próximos días al siguiente grupo que será inmunizado una vez terminen de vacun
de los cuartos, las personas que entregan la comida presidenteor josé romero ex >> el expresidteeneldeltegrados por especialistas que definió el grup del cdc o a el de mayor pr integrada por 15 entre pfzier y moderna producirán más de 20 millones d dosis que apenas alcanzarán para los 21 millones detr trabajador de la salud. el país. ella es >>por supuesto decir la señora le da de comer a los pacientes de c >> esta señora que le da de comer a los pacientes de covid...
Dec 7, 2020
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romero expert today at 12:30 p.m. eastern california governor gavin newsom will be holding a news conference on the states or sponsor the coronavirus pandemic as parts of california activate their stay at home orders. watch live coverage bikini begt 12:30 p.m. eastern on c-span2. >> republican senator tim scott sat down with manhattan institute legal policy director james copland to discuss policing, his criminal justice reform bill and working across the aisle with his democratic colleagues in congress. >> welcome to the manhattan institutes that casper i am james copland come senior fellow with the manhattan institute for policy research and director of legal policy for the institute. today's event casts is sponsored in cooperation with the manhattan institutes new policing and public safety initiative and we are pleased to welcome senator tim scott, republican of south carolina. to discuss with us federal criminal justice reform. senator scott is someone i look up to a lot. he's a south carolina senator. i'm a nort
romero expert today at 12:30 p.m. eastern california governor gavin newsom will be holding a news conference on the states or sponsor the coronavirus pandemic as parts of california activate their stay at home orders. watch live coverage bikini begt 12:30 p.m. eastern on c-span2. >> republican senator tim scott sat down with manhattan institute legal policy director james copland to discuss policing, his criminal justice reform bill and working across the aisle with his democratic...
Dec 31, 2020
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en pantalla, para que usted pueda tomar nota, esta hierba que tengo en las manos, es el nombre es romero lo vamos a servir acompaÑado de unos buenos espÁrragos a los que les pusimos, recuerdas la vinagreta que bonita toma, hermoso, dÉjame y le pongo un poquito mÁs de sal acÁ, poema, poema en su televisor. okay le decÍa para servirlo. pongo un poco de los espÁrragos a los espÁrragos les vuelvo a agregar toque de la vinagreta de limÓn conto mill tomillo, agreg purÉ de papas, y al lado entonces ponemos una porciÓn discreta o generosa ya usted lo decide de este plato que reciÉn hicimos. se me ocurre que esto, dÉjame ver siempre en este plato, yo creo que sÍ, mira mÁs o menos a las de acÁ. >> se ve muy lleno, le pongo espÁrrago encima, el limÓn para que mejore la presentaciÓn, pero mÁs alla de la receta que usted prepare el dÍa de hoy, lo mÁs importante es tener salud, estar cerca a travÉs de las nuevas tecnologÍas de nuestras personas especiales yo le deseo a usted seÑor seÑora el mejor de los aÑos en este 2021, ya verÁ que todo va a venir mucho, mucho mejor. >> voy contigo querida ada ¿algu
en pantalla, para que usted pueda tomar nota, esta hierba que tengo en las manos, es el nombre es romero lo vamos a servir acompaÑado de unos buenos espÁrragos a los que les pusimos, recuerdas la vinagreta que bonita toma, hermoso, dÉjame y le pongo un poquito mÁs de sal acÁ, poema, poema en su televisor. okay le decÍa para servirlo. pongo un poco de los espÁrragos a los espÁrragos les vuelvo a agregar toque de la vinagreta de limÓn conto mill tomillo, agreg purÉ de papas, y al lado...
Dec 24, 2020
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good news ethnic group they're the majority in that area and that the victims belong to the mara romero and she nasha ethnic groups who are minorities in that area it is the latest succession of waves of ethnic violence that have been affecting that region since september malcolm how much concern is there now when you look across ethiopia of whether the whole ethnic cohesiveness of the country is beginning to creak. prime minister the prime minister came to power just over 2 and a half years ago and he was credited with bringing in democratic reforms that this followed nearly well many decades of hard to have or thora tarion is and it kept many of ethiopia's conflicts along ethnic lines so that kept a lid on in those those reforms that brought in this kind of open the lid on many of these simmering tensions its critics would say that some of his actions have actually inflamed some of these conflicts being thoughts on ethnic lines now the federal forces have been occupied fighting to grain people's liberation front to the north in the to gray region for the last 6 weeks that's also promp
good news ethnic group they're the majority in that area and that the victims belong to the mara romero and she nasha ethnic groups who are minorities in that area it is the latest succession of waves of ethnic violence that have been affecting that region since september malcolm how much concern is there now when you look across ethiopia of whether the whole ethnic cohesiveness of the country is beginning to creak. prime minister the prime minister came to power just over 2 and a half years...
Dec 7, 2020
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there's like a george romero movie where you pull up and see these places that have fallen into such disarray spare. >> you got places like los angeles. kevin james, not the actor but the republican candidate from years ago how would you go about picking the book and did you leave some behind that you felt bad about now having them in >> there's always one that you would include. the book could have been twice as long i didn't want it to be closely tied with it' going on n politics. i don't write very much on the campaign. part of my every four years is i do spend time writing about the president presidential elections going on but it's not where i think i provide very useful service, so i didn't want to write something that i thought was what does the trump phenomenon mean and all this talk about the working class and is it true or not true. there is some of that in the book but i didn't want to write about a campaign book or a retrospectivretrospective accous been going on over the last four years, so i tried to pick things that i thought were -- i wanted it to be of interest 20 ye
there's like a george romero movie where you pull up and see these places that have fallen into such disarray spare. >> you got places like los angeles. kevin james, not the actor but the republican candidate from years ago how would you go about picking the book and did you leave some behind that you felt bad about now having them in >> there's always one that you would include. the book could have been twice as long i didn't want it to be closely tied with it' going on n politics....
Dec 24, 2020
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y que ademÁs le viene muy bien a nuestro organismo, el romero, le agrego esta especie que es la canelamana. ahorra en regalos de última hora. en target. listerine® limpia aprácticamente un 100%. ayudando a prevenir gingivitis y el mal aliento. nunca te conformes con un 25% siempre ve por un 100% demuestra de quÉ estÁs hecho™ todavía so, so. por suerte, en covered california les atienden en español, y les dan consejos sobre ayuda económica. te ayudamos a conseguir seguro médico de calidad y a tu alcance. inscríbete en coveredca.com ♪ (mÚsica) ♪. >> ♪ (mÚsica) ♪ >> una de mis canciones favoritas, acabamos de escuchar a paty cabo tÚ con el e tema diciembre que es parte de la producciÓn musical celebremos, eterna navidad que estÁ disponible en pantalla para todos ustedes en estados unidos y puerto rico, discÚlpeme, hoy como es navidad ando medio trabada, ricardo montaner estÁ de estreno con sus hijos eva luna, mau y ricky, con el tema amÉn, que es una chulada, una hermosa canciÓn escrita, producido, interpretada yada entre toda la familia que ademÁs incluye el estilo de cada uno de ellos,
y que ademÁs le viene muy bien a nuestro organismo, el romero, le agrego esta especie que es la canelamana. ahorra en regalos de última hora. en target. listerine® limpia aprácticamente un 100%. ayudando a prevenir gingivitis y el mal aliento. nunca te conformes con un 25% siempre ve por un 100% demuestra de quÉ estÁs hecho™ todavía so, so. por suerte, en covered california les atienden en español, y les dan consejos sobre ayuda económica. te ayudamos a conseguir seguro médico de...
Dec 7, 2020
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plant, a nice middle-class town who just everything being gone and there's something like a george romeromovie you can pull up and see these places that have fallen to such disrespec despai. kevin james, the guy that is a republican candidate from maryland a few years ago would drive around parts of the city where there were shuttered storefronts and things like that but it's also new york city has vast areas with very little commercial activity and this is not a market failure. a. >> how did you go about the storage of the book and did you leave some behind that you felt -- >> there's always one that you wish you had included afterwards. it could have been twice as lo long. i didn't want it to be closely tied to what's going on in politics. i don't really write very much about the campaign. part of my every four year reconciliation as i spend time writing about presidential elections when they are going on but it's not what interests me. i didn't want to write something that was, you know, what does the trump phenomenon mean it's about what's going on in the last four years, so i tried t
plant, a nice middle-class town who just everything being gone and there's something like a george romeromovie you can pull up and see these places that have fallen to such disrespec despai. kevin james, the guy that is a republican candidate from maryland a few years ago would drive around parts of the city where there were shuttered storefronts and things like that but it's also new york city has vast areas with very little commercial activity and this is not a market failure. a. >> how...
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inertial enjoy time not everything is how it seems as side when you step out of the romero continuum i think the columns are made of spore for you but it's actually stuck on marble that was itself stuck on to cast iron columns oil and that was necessary for construction recently and. everything is fisher who. found stein is the perfect symbiosis of the latest technology and medieval statics the king's wishes challenge the creativity of the architects. the throne room is a modern construction. a masterpiece of engineering. the head of administration of the council johann hensel is giving us a peek behind the curtains of the mock middle ages the roof construction of noise funston castle. the area is not open to the public. we have given no ones we are now above the throne room this is the dome a silver star. forcing construction is above is this technique was innovative at the time arctic golding with on land or with these large i and good is that we also see downstairs in the throne room and the ones are lothian it was revolutionary at that time it when i got it for 2 on. the modern c
inertial enjoy time not everything is how it seems as side when you step out of the romero continuum i think the columns are made of spore for you but it's actually stuck on marble that was itself stuck on to cast iron columns oil and that was necessary for construction recently and. everything is fisher who. found stein is the perfect symbiosis of the latest technology and medieval statics the king's wishes challenge the creativity of the architects. the throne room is a modern construction. a...
Dec 14, 2020
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y le pego ligeramente para liberar aceites esenciales el romero nos ayuda a evitar algunos problemasjo gana con todos. con la pasta pronamel repair más minerales pueden llegar a lo profundo de la superficie del esmalte. el que tengas oportunidad de reparar lo que ya ha sido dañado... es asombroso. persestán despertandortes que va lo que es posibleipo 2 con rybelsus®. rybelsus® funciona diferente para bajar el azúcar en la sangre que cualquier otra pastilla para la diabetes, porque trabaja de estas tres maneras: aumenta la insulina, baja el azúcar y demora la salida de los alimentos. la mayoría de las personas que tomaron rybelsus® redujeron su nivel de azúcar en la sangre y lograron un a1c por debajo del 7%. las personas que tomaron rybelsus® perdieron hasta 8 libras. y rybelsus® no aumenta el riesgo de eventos cardiovasculares serios, como ataque cardíaco, ataque cerebral o la muerte. rybelsus® no es para personas con diabetes tipo 1 o cetoacidosis diabética. no uses rybelsus® si tú o tu familia ha tenido cáncer medular de tiroides, o si tienes el síndrome de neoplasia endocrina múl
y le pego ligeramente para liberar aceites esenciales el romero nos ayuda a evitar algunos problemasjo gana con todos. con la pasta pronamel repair más minerales pueden llegar a lo profundo de la superficie del esmalte. el que tengas oportunidad de reparar lo que ya ha sido dañado... es asombroso. persestán despertandortes que va lo que es posibleipo 2 con rybelsus®. rybelsus® funciona diferente para bajar el azúcar en la sangre que cualquier otra pastilla para la diabetes, porque trabaja...
Dec 1, 2020
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romero heart, who is running this advisory committee for immunizations. this is a commit that going to make recommendations. these aren't mandates, these are recommendations to the states who are looking for guidance in terms of based on the science, who are the be people who. we know that likely it's going to be a health care care workers are probably going to be first in and if they do get sick, that will put a strain number. but people who high-risk medical conditions if you did all, and you have to multiply in a times two because people rye pit's going to take a lot is my point. just about everything, most people in this country in some way, the majority are either essential workers are going to have some sort of preexisting condition that makes them more vulnerable. so those are going to be the people who are first in line. >> and you have a sense, i think, of how this roll out there because a lot of people have been talk about available in november and december. they are looking at this as sort of on shots start going into flarnl let's say it if wha
romero heart, who is running this advisory committee for immunizations. this is a commit that going to make recommendations. these aren't mandates, these are recommendations to the states who are looking for guidance in terms of based on the science, who are the be people who. we know that likely it's going to be a health care care workers are probably going to be first in and if they do get sick, that will put a strain number. but people who high-risk medical conditions if you did all, and you...
Dec 24, 2020
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go at night and looks it's how is our mock marco romero is reporting and that wraps up kron 4 news at 8, but the news continues tonight, the top of the hour, here's what we're working on coming up next at night is traveling for the holidays during the pandemic. >>we really worth it some would say yes we come back, we'll look at just how many people are hitting the roads and boarding planes ahead of christmas sees and san francisco chinatown's oldest banquet restaurant closing after about a 100 years, but city leaders are doing to try to help others struggling businesses. >>from the bay area's local news station. watching kron 4 news. 9 we are 2 days away from christmas and people are still traveling despite the cdc's plea not to do that triple a expects fewer travelers compared to last year's holiday season but. >>as many as 84.5 million americans may still travel over the christmas holiday. >>good evening, i'm ken wayne and i'm catherine for pam moore tonight surging covid cases in the state and all over the country that's not stopping people from hopping on planes and hitting the ro
go at night and looks it's how is our mock marco romero is reporting and that wraps up kron 4 news at 8, but the news continues tonight, the top of the hour, here's what we're working on coming up next at night is traveling for the holidays during the pandemic. >>we really worth it some would say yes we come back, we'll look at just how many people are hitting the roads and boarding planes ahead of christmas sees and san francisco chinatown's oldest banquet restaurant closing after about...
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jose romero said this group will have no preference order. >> no preference is that correct? >> that's correct. >> reporter: they cited 243,000 covid cases. that figure worse for long-term care facilities. 730,000 covid cases infecting both residents and staff as of late last week. this is why california's advisory committee is pushing for both groups to receive doses at the same but mike wassermann fears there will be hesitation. >> the numbers are concerning. 20% in some cases of front line nursing home staff say that they will take the vaccine. okay. so that means anywhere from 60 to 80% are going to refuse or not going to be comfortable. >> now, the second phase of distribution would include essential workers. this means police, firefighters, corrections officers and transportation staff. now, the third phase would include adults 65 and older and those with high risk medical conditions. stephanie sierra, a bc 7 news. >> before you go, are there exceptions to health care workers that should receive priority? >> that was brought up several times today, dan but the committee
jose romero said this group will have no preference order. >> no preference is that correct? >> that's correct. >> reporter: they cited 243,000 covid cases. that figure worse for long-term care facilities. 730,000 covid cases infecting both residents and staff as of late last week. this is why california's advisory committee is pushing for both groups to receive doses at the same but mike wassermann fears there will be hesitation. >> the numbers are concerning. 20% in...
Dec 31, 2020
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that earthquake happened about an hour ago and i'm here with jose romero who lives in the twin peeks area. he reached out to our newsroom saying that he felt it. so, i guess walk us through every morning you typically get your coffee, but this morning was a little bit different. >> usually and to the last day of the year, i was just getting ready for having a nice meal and usually i go twice, rest for a bit and then in the meantime i just tried to and i open my sliding door and that's when the shake and i look out on my chandelier and it was just shaking. this is serious. and then i take out my phone and i started filming around and seeing it's been a while around here. and i have my armoire and they were shaking and including my partner which never wakes up this early. just jump out of the bed. and that was kind of good morning. >> so, i guess, how are you feeling? did it take you by surprise? it seems like you were surprised. >> previous advice and, yeah, he did. yeah. so right now i don't think i need a coffee. i hope there's not aftershocks. >> thank you so much for reaching out.
that earthquake happened about an hour ago and i'm here with jose romero who lives in the twin peeks area. he reached out to our newsroom saying that he felt it. so, i guess walk us through every morning you typically get your coffee, but this morning was a little bit different. >> usually and to the last day of the year, i was just getting ready for having a nice meal and usually i go twice, rest for a bit and then in the meantime i just tried to and i open my sliding door and that's...
Dec 20, 2020
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jose romero discussed that decision. >> this is without doubt the hardest vote that i have taken in my six and a half years on the committee. i am confident that we have arrived at this by examining the data thoroughly and that what we are providing as has been stated before the ultimate decision will be at a local level but what we are providing governors, health officials with a framework which is supported by evidence. >> reporter: more than half a million people have already received the pfizer vaccine in the u.s. and now the moderna vaccine is being shipped as we speak with the first shots expected to happen tomorrow. >> this is an unprecedented situation. we had expected that this would be complex as it began to roll out but it is fascinating to see this list continue to expand and get to those first responders as quickly as possible and essential workers. natasha chen, thank you so much. >>> earlier today trucks carrying the recently authorized moderna vaccine began shipping out all over the country. a top operation warp speed official tells cnn the first shots will most likely
jose romero discussed that decision. >> this is without doubt the hardest vote that i have taken in my six and a half years on the committee. i am confident that we have arrived at this by examining the data thoroughly and that what we are providing as has been stated before the ultimate decision will be at a local level but what we are providing governors, health officials with a framework which is supported by evidence. >> reporter: more than half a million people have already...
Dec 13, 2020
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and there's really something sort of like a george romero movie when you pull up and see places that have fallen into such despair. >> you see that in places like los angeles. kevin james, not the actor but the guy who is a republican candidate for mayor years ago, took a little drive around parts of the city where you had blocks and blocks of shuttered storefronts and things like that. how does that's happen in los angeles? new york city has vast areas that are quite underdeveloped and very little commercial activity, and this is not a market failure i think. this is a policy failure. >> yeah. absolutely. so, hough did you go about pick egg the stories for the book and did you leave some behind and you felt really bad about not having them in there. >> there's always ones you wish you had included afterward, and so the book could have been twice as long and would have suited me just fine to be twice as long, not sure it would suit everyone else. so, i didn't want it to be too closely tied to what is currently going on in politics. i don't really write very much but campaigns. part o
and there's really something sort of like a george romero movie when you pull up and see places that have fallen into such despair. >> you see that in places like los angeles. kevin james, not the actor but the guy who is a republican candidate for mayor years ago, took a little drive around parts of the city where you had blocks and blocks of shuttered storefronts and things like that. how does that's happen in los angeles? new york city has vast areas that are quite underdeveloped and...
Dec 16, 2020
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francisca: ahora miren quÉ linda esta foto que nos mandÓ la familia nieves romero.mos en vivo con un doctor y una enfermera que ya se la colocaron. nuestro doctor juan se vacunarÁ hoy. carlos: el hijo de lupita la elecciÓn acusa al hijo del gobernador de mÉxico de dejarlo en ese estado. francisca: te imaginas que se te caiga el telÉfono de un aviÓn? no vas a creer como termina esta historia. carlos: quÉdense con nosotros en despierta amÉrica en dos de sus maÑanas se llenan de ayuda, energÍa, alegría, informaciÓn. [mÚsica] karla: cÓmo aparecÍ post. yisus: en la parte paz divina de toda la casa. karla: mucha gente necesita de tu ayuda. vamos a do lo que nos dice nuestro amigo que tiene problemas. >> buenos dÍas. mi novia estÁ quilladÍsima conmigo porque dice que pasÓ trabajando. yo quiero que me diga que le puedo preparar para enfriarme con ella. yisus: yo te voy a ayudar con eso. preparemos una versiÓn venezolana del flan pero antes de comenzar les quiero compartir algo que me enorgullece mucho porque a partir de hoy, dos de mis recetas favoritas de la temporada navi
francisca: ahora miren quÉ linda esta foto que nos mandÓ la familia nieves romero.mos en vivo con un doctor y una enfermera que ya se la colocaron. nuestro doctor juan se vacunarÁ hoy. carlos: el hijo de lupita la elecciÓn acusa al hijo del gobernador de mÉxico de dejarlo en ese estado. francisca: te imaginas que se te caiga el telÉfono de un aviÓn? no vas a creer como termina esta historia. carlos: quÉdense con nosotros en despierta amÉrica en dos de sus maÑanas se llenan de ayuda,...
Dec 17, 2020
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that showed up almost right away, right off the coast of the united states was this thing called romero so, all of the ship captains were docking their ships full of alcohol three miles offshore. and, right away than all these speedboats are coming out there. just outside of the three mile limit, filling up their speed boats, full of alcohol -- and then re-supplying all the bars and whatnot. this became known as from rome. it was all unknown up and down the east coast, and out of this idea that the three mile limit came -- of course the three mile limit cocktail. and the shows here by the way, this is one of sooner the prohibition -- the coast guard seized. they were only actually able to cease 10% of all the different ships. in the mid 19 twenties, the country negotiated a secret agreement with the british. the british wanted to keep bringing alcohol in on their transatlantic liners. and they were allowed to do so if they were willing to grant the united states to extend the three mile limit out to 12 miles. and that way, they could trap all the bootleggers, which they did. and the bri
that showed up almost right away, right off the coast of the united states was this thing called romero so, all of the ship captains were docking their ships full of alcohol three miles offshore. and, right away than all these speedboats are coming out there. just outside of the three mile limit, filling up their speed boats, full of alcohol -- and then re-supplying all the bars and whatnot. this became known as from rome. it was all unknown up and down the east coast, and out of this idea that...
Dec 24, 2020
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she's been on "say yes to the dress," and her designs worn by celebrities like carly pierce and tess romeroareer all over the use of her name. >> it is with a very heavy heart that i announce my resignation as a designer. >> reporter: her announcement following a lawsuit filed by jlm couture, the company that backed her brand over much of the last decade. the lawsuit claiming that the company owns her social media accounts. >> i wanted to be the first to personally tell you that i am no longer posting or engaging on that account until this matter is resolved. >> reporter: the lawsuit also blocking paige from using different variations of her name on social media based on language in her contract, paige now telling us she feels bullied. >> i was feeling very uncomfortable with a lot that was going on and that resulted in my instagram being essentially taken where i could not control or post freely as i had always been doing. >> reporter: jlm couture responding to paige on instagram saying, the issue is between jlm couture and hayley paige gutman are multifaceted, adding, company all love hay
she's been on "say yes to the dress," and her designs worn by celebrities like carly pierce and tess romeroareer all over the use of her name. >> it is with a very heavy heart that i announce my resignation as a designer. >> reporter: her announcement following a lawsuit filed by jlm couture, the company that backed her brand over much of the last decade. the lawsuit claiming that the company owns her social media accounts. >> i wanted to be the first to personally...
Dec 25, 2020
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. >> yo romero, hoy se me antojan unos mucho butt. >> no solamente fÍsica el tambiÉn es frm, y vemoss en nuest, este es el Úl que recomiendo, es de remolacha, zanahoria, limÓn, manzana verde y jengibre. este es uno de mis favoritos y de mis clientes, generalmente este jugo lo tomamos como desayuno, o vay. >>, nos conecta con nuestra sangre y nos da la sensaciÓn de la vitalidad y de hacer todo. recuerden que la sangre es la que lleva todos los nutrientes a nuestras cÉlulas, al tomar este jugo nos da la sensaciÓn de vitamina de fuerza, pero aparte de todo es un jugo que ayuda a desintoxicar el hÍgado que es uno de nuestros Óosrgan mÁs importantes porque sintetiza todas las sustancias tÓxicas que entran en nuestro organismo, cuando tenemos, con estos. >> que nuestro cuerpo energÉtico es muy importante porque estÁ conectado a nuestro cuerpo mental, fÍsico y emocional. cuando nosotros hablamos de la palabra, pensamos mÁs en lograr objetivos de largo plazo, imagino que hay personas que han hecho millones de dietas y no les funcionan, lo que necesita su cuerpo no es a nivel fÍsico, no es qu
. >> yo romero, hoy se me antojan unos mucho butt. >> no solamente fÍsica el tambiÉn es frm, y vemoss en nuest, este es el Úl que recomiendo, es de remolacha, zanahoria, limÓn, manzana verde y jengibre. este es uno de mis favoritos y de mis clientes, generalmente este jugo lo tomamos como desayuno, o vay. >>, nos conecta con nuestra sangre y nos da la sensaciÓn de la vitalidad y de hacer todo. recuerden que la sangre es la que lleva todos los nutrientes a nuestras...
Dec 10, 2020
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una taza de piÑa, un poco de piÑa congelada para que este frÍo, eesto es un tÉ de romero, le vamos avid-19 con sÍntomas leves, me puede volver a dar con sÍntomas fuertes. >> en estos momentos, ante el covid-19 ninguna autorÍa sanitaria puede decirte cosas absolutas y cosas que es una verdad ya puÑo.lo que han demostrado los coronavirus antes es que por lo regular no se vuelve a re infectar la persona. entonces, agradeciÉndote que nos has escrito, creo decirte que te tienes que cuidar, usa mucho la mÁscara o simplemente no te va volver a dar. pero te tienes que cuidar. juan: sabemos que hay casos donde se ha revertid el mejor regalo es tu compañía. la de tu hermano, la de tu abuelita, la de los que traen sonrisas, y la del que está ahí, aunque no sea en persona. celebra estas fiestas con la mejor compañía, cerca y lejos, y con nuestras bebidas inspiradas en las fiestas. américa se mueve con dunkin'. y tienen presión arterial elevada. es posible que no puedan tomar cualquier medicamento para el dolor. por eso los doctores recomiendan tylenol®. no aumenta la presión arterial como puede
una taza de piÑa, un poco de piÑa congelada para que este frÍo, eesto es un tÉ de romero, le vamos avid-19 con sÍntomas leves, me puede volver a dar con sÍntomas fuertes. >> en estos momentos, ante el covid-19 ninguna autorÍa sanitaria puede decirte cosas absolutas y cosas que es una verdad ya puÑo.lo que han demostrado los coronavirus antes es que por lo regular no se vuelve a re infectar la persona. entonces, agradeciÉndote que nos has escrito, creo decirte que te tienes que...
Dec 24, 2020
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paprika, ajo en polvo, cebolla en polvo, tomillo, romero, sal y pimienta, vamos a echsar todito juntoor cada libra de cerdo se cocina 20 minutos en el horno. entonces si Ésta pieza pesa dos libras son 40 minutos y asÍ sucesivamente. otro marinado, con esta misma brocha mezclamos miel, salsa de soja, mostaza. marÍa: no es por nada pero se te va a quemar aquello-- [hablan a la vez] marÍa:francisca, tÚ tienes que aprender! francisca:espÉrate que te ayudo! chef: vamos a poner el horno a 375. nos queda un minuto... en este minuto vamos a hacer esta mezcla y aquÍ estÁ, esto tambiÉn le vamos a poner al cerdo antes de hornear. ponemos en la bandeja, lo traemos selladito para acÁ. ya vimos el sello, ahora vamos con el marinadito, lo vamos a hacer cada 20 minutos le vamos a echar el glaseado otra vez porque lo va a absorber. esto lo vamos a acompaÑar con un arroz verde. francisca: todas las recetas estÁn en tu libro. huele rico! chef: el arroz estÁ en la pÁgina 100. y esta salsa de manzana que tengo aquÍ tambiÉn la encuentras en la pÁgina 118! [aplausos] chef: esto es importante, una salsa que
paprika, ajo en polvo, cebolla en polvo, tomillo, romero, sal y pimienta, vamos a echsar todito juntoor cada libra de cerdo se cocina 20 minutos en el horno. entonces si Ésta pieza pesa dos libras son 40 minutos y asÍ sucesivamente. otro marinado, con esta misma brocha mezclamos miel, salsa de soja, mostaza. marÍa: no es por nada pero se te va a quemar aquello-- [hablan a la vez] marÍa:francisca, tÚ tienes que aprender! francisca:espÉrate que te ayudo! chef: vamos a poner el horno a 375....
Dec 21, 2020
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la albahaca en sumo con el perejil y esto que es riquÍsimo, el romero.jugar con nosotros. aylen: regresamos con "despierta amÉrica" tu show favorito de las maÑanas. [mÚsica] locutor: mc donalds le pone mÁs alegrÍa las temporadas con las ofertas diarias gratis que consigan sÓlo en la aplicación con la compra mÍnima de un dÓ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ no importa quién seas, hay una oferta para ti en nuestro app durante esta época de fiestas. y tienen presión arterial elevada. es posible que no puedan tomar cualquier medicamento para el dolor. por eso los doctores recomiendan tylenol®. no aumenta la presión arterial como puede ocurrir con advil® aleve® o motrin. para alivio seguro, confía en tylenol®. con advil® aleve® o motrin. mermelada. fresa. calentita. tres palabras más... ...perfectas. como. están. es un hecho, las bites congeladas saben a helado. por aquíyo no fui.nadie lo hace. por eso sabía que necesitábamos ultra oxi con el poder limpiador de tide. ahora... podemos remover todas las manchas más difíciles que nadie hizo. yo no fui. tiene que ser tide. carlos: gracias
la albahaca en sumo con el perejil y esto que es riquÍsimo, el romero.jugar con nosotros. aylen: regresamos con "despierta amÉrica" tu show favorito de las maÑanas. [mÚsica] locutor: mc donalds le pone mÁs alegrÍa las temporadas con las ofertas diarias gratis que consigan sÓlo en la aplicación con la compra mÍnima de un dÓ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ no importa quién seas, hay una oferta para ti en nuestro app durante esta época de fiestas. y tienen presión arterial elevada. es...