the prize is due in just on the merits of the one experiment so rouer doing very interesting physics over the over the whole all over the years. in that we we. especially want to think of the morals of it in the gregorian who've been working with us for for quite a long time and. also have a great pool of from ta stupidness to the sun poles dogs who from all over the world with us but this science is no. it is this the scariest so vast now that we rely you know experiments not on the on the on our results we do rely on the results of all the community and it is you know it consists of probably hundreds of labs across the world so are you going to split the million quid you hey going to get it yet is that. it's well it's million dollars leigh i. have so busy at the moment i didn't know a thought for its. thought about this and really come hard year ok you're eager to each year and now your colleague andrew again said i quote that graphene has all the potential to change our life the same way plastics did in the twentieth century so do you think that the twenty first century will be th