you said in canada, over the san amana time, it skyrocketed. -- over the santsame amount of time, itrocketed. does it make sense that our prices will go down? >> items think so. we were just rated on a value to payment basis and alongside 29 european countries that were raided, candidate came in bottom in value for money. -- alongside 29 countries that were rated, canada came in at the bottom. bill: i like jon stewart, he is a clever guy. he is usually not mean-spirited. last night, he went off the rails deriding us for our coverage of the health care controversy. i feel it is my duty to set him straight. he told his viewers that fox news has become liberal because we defend the timid protesters on the health care front. -- legitimate protesters on the health care front. then he ran a clip of our show. we don't describe the protesters as loons. >> of course you don't, what kind of monster would describe protesters voicing political opinion that way? bill: surveys show many of the political protesters are loons. >> to be fair, those are protesters that he disagreed with. bill: to be f