sandman a fortune. "the new york times," the rest of the media mob, they are not interested in truth, they're t interested in destroying their political enemies. that's far more important to them. and with all the venom, all the hate, all the ink, the vitriol they are all clearly addicted to all things donald trump and the reality is, psychologically, for them, they cannot quit their psychotic addiction to donald trump. they miss him more than anybody. my message to "the times," my message to the rest of the media mob is simple. it's time for you to tell the truth. it's time to own your own truth. you are radical leftists, neww green deal, trump hating, trump obsessed, new green deal socialist. that's who you are. you are kind of like talk show hosts, you claim to be journalists and you are not. you're propagandists and it's very easy to expose all of your lying and your agenda. the difference, for example between me and you, it's simple yet it's kind of profound. i'm honest about who i am. i am a membe