here, i have the picture of a tenet convention for as sarraute tannins. -- for sro tenants. you can see right here, it was aired on kpsa. it is not just for the neighborhood, but letting the community in the larger sense no will the issues that the sro tenants face. i attended the grand opening of sell my grand. here is a picture -- i attended the grand opening of selma grand. >> here is the famous coach being recognized with some of his track club. and here is the picture of me with art agnos at a grand opening. i actually have a hard hat on. this is an old picture, because it was a polaroid. anyway, it is trying to show my diversity, doing a lot of things in the community under the categories that are being requested here. i think show and tell sometimes helps in the more interesting way. of course, nothing fell on even though i had a hard hat on. i have been involved with a lot of things. questions? supervisor kim: i have a quick question. i am very familiar with all that you do in our neighborhood. i want to thank you for that. your incredibly active the to go to every e