. > round two: saxo bank is out with its crazy calls for 2013. they're known for their outrageous predictions, such as gold at $1,200. they say that the german dax will plunge by 33%. crude oil will be at $50. will any of these predictions come true? > > this is right in your wheelhouse. this is your doom and gloom. this is got to be you. > > that's right, this is my doom and gloom. i am going to take that gold prediction, and i am going to take out a one and add a zero to the end and make gold $2,000 in 2013. that is my outlandish prediction. i think short-term, gold looks been selling off. however, everybody is going to need gold. they are going to run for guns and gold once we go through a huge recession next year. alan knows it. mr. bull over here. big recession. obama cannot stop spending money. > > actually there is one prediction here that does make sense to me. looking at the green markets, we're at $14 in soybeans right now. they are looking for a 50% increase. $21 is not out of the range of possibility. > > that is possible. > > with $1