sfx: ziploc bag closing sc johnson aspartame free diet pepsi. just one sip [ahh] and you're in love. two men ruined by--i'm sorry-- a horrible woman. horrible. a modern-day lady macbeth. i don't think i have ever... what are you doing here? i was just headed downtown for some dinner. i thought i'd drop by. (man) ...unfortunate tragedy. and for mrs. reston to-- (mutes tv) another win for olivia pope. we should celebrate. i can stop dropping by. i can stop calling. i can stop asking. but you never tell me to stop. edison? yes? i don't want you to stop. i want you to keep asking. but i'm not ready to say yes. will you tell me when you're ready? i will. i promise. (sighs) (sighs) (laughs) i'm telling you, it wasn't obvious. really? because i felt like i had "i'm having sexual intercourse with abby whelan" written on my forehead. so the fact that you got your job back-- does that mean your meeting at the griddle yesterday-- but it's not what i thought it was. if dropping this thing's the only way to get my job back, maybe it's worth dropping. (harris