. >> sderg sanchez i request approval with modifications to the board of supervisors to the planning code as well as the other ordinance as mentioned the proposed ordinance will limit the number one residential use greater than 25 thousand square feet within the rional district and the night life uses this existed in the mixed use office district from the prohibition within the mixed district as imposed. the planning department staff recommends the following modifications one research eliminating the prohibition for you'll uses staff believes that's only to eliminate the secondary schools and two stafl recommends to clarify that night life entertainment uses be exempt under the buffer >> bethey must have been established to be re-established and 3 i want to point out that since the publication of the report last week was brought to the planning department attendance that the adapted conditional use came out for the establishment of the mixed use was a typo and currently as mentioned well, the intention was it was principally permitted urging the conditional use authorization so staff