ideally you would call the seychelles a large oceanic state. the seychehelles economys driven by tourism and fisheries. they are the two main drivers of our economy. antat: the corals provide a home for different specieies in the ocean, macroinverts, fish species. but they also provide for economic activities, including diving and snorkeling. but at the sasame time, corals protect y your coastline. therere has been a risse in ocen tempmperature,e, and this hahasn impt on yourur corals, because then this leads t to coral bleaching, and then you lose the ccorals 'cause t then you enendp with dead corals. when coral bleach, you obsererve the whihite corals,s, and once they're dead, t they are usuauay taken ovever by tough algae. the resourcrces that you had and the a activities that y you coud carry out t on the cororal rfs,, thenen you've lo t that. sims: most t of the main challelenges that our country is facing is related toto climate change.e. the reefs closer totoe inner islands are e the ones tht are e most impacted from humans. thesese reef