so sheila bear is a long time government public servant, she was the chair of the s.c.i.c., and she said only in the wonderful land of washington would these look like anything other than a bribe and my concern is that when people leave a private sector job. a $21 million gift and when the interest of your former firm conflicts with the interests of main street, i am sure they will go with the interest of their former firm >> andy, some banks city group, goldman, they want to be exempted from a shareholder proposal that was brought by the a.f.l.c.i.o., that would require transparency on these matters. what would this proposal specifically require of the banks? >> well, the proposal >> it's not entirely clear what they are asking for, be few underlying issue is important, and that is it is a good thing to have in government, people who are really knowledgeable about the industry. that's being religious freedomlated. and it isn't necessarily the case that this is bad motives to have people go, there are many different kind of payments. very often this is money that's already been earned by