joining us now, with more is stephen levy, now with medium moin com and author of the book "in the plex" how google works and thinks and shapes our lives. stephen, welcome to you. google shares a little higher today from that $85 ipo price. >> yeah. i think it's doing quite a bit better, actually. i looked over the chapter in my book about it. looking at one of the commentator saying that only people dropped on their head as a baby would spend more than $100 for google stock. >> funny you mention that. more google in a second. ap is trading near the $100 mark. this, of course, after doing a seven for one split. shares at $99.71, stephen. what's the impact of that? >> well, you know, look, these big companies are juggernauts and all -- as they get bigger, and they're all trying to step on each other's business. each of them is dominant in their core, but they all want to do what everyone else does. you know, youtube starting a music service. google second service. apple's in the music business. you see also amazon is in the music business, mishgs microsoft, music business. all piv oting