after that, weekly addresses by president obama and montana senator, steve daines. republican presidential candidates were featured at the second day of the florida republican sunshine summit. coming up, we'll hear from rick santorum, jim gilmore, bobby jindal, rand paul, and chris christie and carly fiorina. this is almost three hours. ♪ rick santorum: thank you, thank you. [applause] [applause] thank you very much. it is great to be back in the home state of my mother. two weeks ago. how about that? i have to tell you, i'm here with a heavy heart, as many of you are, watching the news over the past 24 hours about the horrible attacks in paris by isis. certainly, our thoughts and prayers go out to our first ally, france. we will stand with them and pray for them, and if we had better leadership, help them. that is the other point, i come out here feeling upset. isis is a creation of a political decision by hillary clinton and barack obama. [applause] to abandon iraq against all of our generals' recommendations, against all of the policy recommendations, barack obam