when i was young, i watched steve reeves. steve reeves pulled down the tower, which is very symbolic and very reminiscent of what the museum looks like, the pillars and the columns. and i thought, wouldn't it be great to kind of do an homage or run up these steps, and that's sort of what influenced you to get you in the films anyway, was this look. and i was going to carry my dog up to show how strong rocky was. but once i lifted that bull mastiff at 130 pounds, i got three -- i got three steps, i started to hear my discs compress. i said, sorry, honey, i love you, but sit, fetch, go. i'll do this one. i visited your beautiful city, by the way. that view from that moment when he's putting his hands up, what an amazing view. and you -- you can see the skyline of philly from there. yeah. everything looks beautiful on the rocky steps, come on. you working in philadelphia, you got to see some of the movie being shot, which i'm so jealous about. and you have a really cool story about that. i keep saying over and over, in philly ro