steven wright. it's good to see you particularly in this time like this.> yeah, so part of what was problematic about the hearing that's not been her huge contribution to the law. instead what she does is she works with prosecutors to prevent and to review questionable convictions. and one of the biggest contributions she's had she's helped a lot of places establish what are called conviction integrity units. and all that is, it's an in-house team in prosecutor's office that's really dedicated to making sure there are no more innocent people put into jail and to also find ways to help and to release and exonerate those individuals who have been wrongfully convicted. >> that doesn't sound like soft on crime. that sounds like making sure that the right person is held to account for a crime. and if the wrong person's in prison, don't we want them out to make sure that, well, as it said, convictions actually have integrity? so, what do you think is actually behind this? that doesn't make logical sense they would want to attack her for that. it seems nonsensica