. >> councilmember wilson seconds, and councilmember supanich has discussion. >> i do. i don't have a problem with the cochair choosing someone at the discretion - the way it is worded, if one cochair cannot attend one or more meetings, i think he would be okay for the other cochair to appoint someone for a month but beyond that, i would like to see fuller council involvement, say someone is to take a leave of absence, so the whole council can provide input, and unnecessarily have a person chosen for a long-term. if you give me a second, i will try to come up with wording. >> chair: that makes sense to me. it would ensure the value of the council's vote and who the leader is, not just one person. for more than one month. >> should we change the wording to one month? or the current month? would that be easier? instead of one or more meetings. >> chair: tag a line that says, not to exceed one month duration. >> what about, not to exceed two consecutive meetings. >> i would be happy with that. >> that would be a regular meeting and an executive meeting. >> >> chair: could