keep them safe at 2 45 pm shortly after senators were ushered to safety from the senate floor and suresh miss reach this senate gallery the following video was filmed by a new yorker reporter. was. minutes later the insurrectionists invaded and desecrated the senate floor these vandals shouted and rifled through the desks in this room they took pictures of documents and of themselves celebrating that they had taken over the floor and stop the counting of electoral college votes. i want to go to is that. right the faction that is going to sell us out. of yet to. understand there's a window that somehow that was. this . school. which. was 7. larry brock who was arrested for his role in the insurrection was photographed on the senate floor wearing a helmet tactical gear and carrying flex cuffs. this man. also in the senate gallery is eric munch l. like brock he was dressed in what appears to be tactical gear also holding up flex cuffs if the doors to this chamber had been breached just minutes earlier imagine what they could have done with those cuffs after insurrectionist occupied the capitol a