. >> and the point that mark brought up, something known as t.i. a. -- this is short term. patient would have this, they would get similar symptoms. it's the way a light bulb, it starts to go out. that is t.i.a.and you can prevent that. >> i wont wonder if i can ask this question, oftentimes when people have a headache, people think i'm having a stroke. do you take an aspirin? >> i don't think you should do anything, you being patient. i think you need to debt get the doctor in the loop. because if you have a sudden headache and that is your only symptom that could be a bleed i don't want people like that taking an aspirin. ambulance on the way to the hospital makes that decision. aspirins are helpful in this situation if we don't think its bleed going on. it will decrease the mortality, the amount of damage from a stroke dramatically. stroke is number one cause of long term disability in the united states. it's the number one reason for admission to nursing homes. >> jamie: i ask if people wants to help someone, call 911 is the way to go. so much more. new questions over ge