brent: for more on this, i'm joined by our correspondent, tania kramer. good evening to you. lp us understand what netanyahu's doing here and he says he intends to annex parts of the west bank. is he talking about an illegal land grab? tania: you h have to see the statementt in ththe context of e elections. you said it, a a week before the elections. he said he wants to annexx the settlement in the jordan valley and north of the dead sea. and also in light of the possssible revelation n of the p stand afteter the elelections ad that he needs the mamandate from his voters, the israeli p public to do o so immediately aftfterhe elelections. it's not really a new plan. israel has always said they want to keep this jordan valley, especially as a security barrier, as a a possible eastern border. ofourse, it is a big if, if he is reelected, that w would be a dramatic developopment. because it would put towns like jejericho, israel occupupied the west bank in 1967. anand of course, they made the occupation permanent.. and also, the notion for r the palestinians over possible palestini