theyeflect two aspects which are esseial in actually pursuing peace. so i see him in this speec during the delicate balae that i suspect we c get used to see roughout his tenure. that is, looking this se, that side,ut seeking to find the golden meani. now, as guy who has been so much for peace thai say that war dees every one of the ten commandments, yet respect that his teacng us how a commander in chief has to work throu those colexities to advance e very prospect of peace. >> lehr: joseph bottum, do you agree the president naged a delicate bance? >> well, he certainlgot both elementshere. it was a lovely eech, it was highinded, it was well crafted. it wastterly incoherent, but i'm not sure that anything cld ve solved the problem that h faced. this is, after all, man accepting a peace prize whe he is at war anrhetoric won't really if i can what lic says is broken. >> lrer: that's the coherence. you thk he just underlined rather than alt with? >> he certaiy strove rhetorically to reach me kind of resolution. e speech had elements of reinhold niebuhr'shristian realm in it, we live in a fallen world. violence is metimes necessary oppose violence. and then at the same time, i ha