i did not know that i only had two minutes, that is all i had to say. >> thomas coleman, leonard lynch, micro roberta. >> good afternoon, mr. coleman. >> have been made a. i'd like to speak to the notice today that we received in regards to the changing contractor permit terms. it is brief, so i will read the first part. they are not intended for long- term, on the street parking. my concern is that i would need to have defined for me what long term means. we have a lot of contractors with multiple permits. coming to and from their place of business over the course of a day, they could be several hours and one job location, or back at their place, take care of all of the paperwork. coming and going is an integral part of the business. if the legislation seeks to clarify the business of keeping your vehicle at 1,500 feet, or three blocks, instead impacting the workday, it becomes a very expensive issue for all the people in my association. everything in construction is very competitive. every minute on a generally been project is more than $1.50. if you have these electricians working a