positive didn't pass on details of their recent contacts or the scientists behind the study dr tim colborne told me there is now a broad range of scientific evidence proving face coverings are effective. where assuming that kind of 19 is still a deadly disease and many people will die it's left unchecked so we looked at a range of different strategies including face coverings and various different strategies for testing tracing in isolation and we find that very strategies can actually get on top of the epidemic without the need for additional lockdowns scale that quickly and prevent they associated mortality the 50000 figure in terms of life saves comes against neural tentative without face coverings or any test tracing nicely at all and it seems that they will then be additional locked down to berber and even more people dying but $50000.00 people still die because the additional lockdowns will not be able to get on top of the epidemic as quickly as the testing tracing in isolation can when also weighed it with a scope so why do you think the government refused to consider a mosque until