the approach is very punitive you need more training for stuff you need more aboriginal and torres strait islander people and stuff currently like western australia has only 4 percent of aboriginal and torres strait islander people and stuff so it's very very law and above all the laws need to be changed you know not raising the age of criminal responsibility is one but there needs to be a ban on the use of solitary confinement be needs to be more monitoring of prisons so the abuse stops then needs to be you know better training so that the service the provided enough in a manner that is appropriate for people who indigenous to do if you are an aboriginal person in prison you do not want to seek health services because it is a barrier it is a lot of research them you are all all sorts of names you're insulted on a daily being hit by a prison officials but i think it has to be a more comprehensive form. and also made then you inspired a huge conversation is going on right now and the each in each of us thank you very much for engaging that conversation ladies thank you very much for being guests on