u. k. in the u. s. o, that is the denial structural racism as a systemic factors that define our society. and this is one of the main obstacle we have us caller says, academics as rocky to these people, the one i face it. and so how can we be auntie races if we dont dallas is a huge residence that will make it likely to be an to races and, and what it all data had? no, i was thinking, no, i was thinking i was following up on this like literally, but he does the r war in italy. the racism can be mention, racism doesn't exist also in the media because we have a responsibility on mainstream media for the fact that in after the mother of the whole show, many media gave a lot of reference to what the mother in question said. the fact that we said that it was bothering is a partner, but he said it was asking for money and he was given so much space to the mother to, to a version of a mother and not enough space to the family. a family of a leak, and i think we style so much dignity for people of color is not it's not something that's really it, but that's where the focus was. a focus on it all, invest those, those everything speaks volumes. because from that, we can see how this all narrative is shaped before during after the election. and just look at, i am so sorry, yeah, i've been there to the street and it's literally broadway. it's like time square. so it's really something happening in a big street. it's the main shot of the city. and people were just staring at it, or even just passing by a so again, racism is not about the individual that went there and say, you know, and word, whatever. it's about the whole system that contributed to the death of men and is this was shocking. less talking about the media. i think what angela was saying, you know, i think it's important the media, the language. he, we didn't have it name. he was defined as nigerian, the st. bender, the migrant. so every time people are denied their humanity and individuality in favor of their city or what they do. so just because it may be a different name and name, difficult to pronounce. well, we don't even give the dig in, it's in the respect to naming properly. so i was founding the media language also very violent and not only the narrative the were portraying, but also these lack of humanity towards this person who hasn't been killed in broad daylight is kwansa was saying, and nobody intervened and still is then i g. ryan, let me add another voice i conversation. this is a clue ala about dolly. this is what she taught us a little bit earlier to help us understand racism in italy. i like most of what he callan population express, so root and blame for the mother of alika 2. this feelings are very common among citizens dressed. and even among those politicians, the speculator ross is to pin consensus. i believe that as long as this mother is cru, see the red. i mean, to be dual in a sectional act of races and not as the sign of a system s t been in screaming nation the course of their new election will not changed. and somehow we will be complete i think it's really important to say that i cause death. a murder was not an individual instance. there. were they many instances of people of color being killed, harassed, assaulted in italy, those on and on and on and on. so let's take a broader look. i want to go back to somebody that really stopped me in my tracks. my flight, which was 2020 in rome, which is a black lives matter rally. have a look at this extraordinary. it's also a moment of silence. you're not going to hear much, but you're actually going to see, i don't really need to show it to you guess. but for our audience, just to remember that there was a moment where italy and some people in italy realized that they had their own issues with racism. when you look at that, i'm delicate again. these images. what does it tell you about italy? growth, the ability to bounty disgust, and talk about racism openly? well, you know, families interesting because i was there, it was a milan or during these demos and what i, i have very mixed feelings because on the one hand people, people of color, black people have been doing active fights against racism for decades. so was not the death of george floyd that told us there was received them back for white italian. those who were trigon said as anti racist. well, it was frustrating to see what they call this performative and to racism. so, so many people went in the streets, we just finished a lockdown. we were in the middle of a pandemic all vitale. it was in the streets, protesting for the death of george floyd. but we, as you mentioned, got so many black men and women killed by re season. look, now, alaska, how many people did go in the streets and protest besides us? there were many people who went there once i was among them and the court didn't. i'm into an accident and did actually stuff, but where, where the oddest and so this is frustrating. i think you need to lead until the white anti racist movement is problematic because they don't recognize white privilege. for example, when you mention these words, they say this doesn't apply to us because this is in the us. we cannot talk about trees. we don't, we don't talk about pre minutes. how are we privileged as italians? i've been struggling for centuries. we were immigrants too. and you see, this is the difficulty in let people understand that whiteness has been historically protected and maintain, even if you're poor, even sure, discriminated for other reasons. alika was not just a black man, he was also a poor man. so the class component here is essential and the something people want faith, the police were saying they were saying it could have happened to any one. but how many wife italian are in the streets asking for a coin. i don't see many. so being italian beings being a white one. so would you say it's that the issue that you will not viewed as being a kaleon if you're not white? absolutely. we see that. how white italian confuse class with raise and so wasn't really go with it perfectly right? there is a lot of white italians in the races, historical anti races, organizations that say no, i'm not. i'm not privilege because why? because they grew up in the project. but that, that is some thing that appeal to class in general. so they substitute class, which race very often and they don't understand that that race and class are 2 different elements that can co exist or course can be intertwined but, but they can also act separately. and so it's very difficult for italian and them. and we've seen that also with by lieutenant, for example, that when he was chlorine he was praised as you know. busy callian back soccer blair. and then when he couldn't score or when he was behaving, you know like her normal young there then goes to the club and some noise is no longer a italian. he was just a black man or even the n word was used in saying there is no such thing as like italian. you cannot be, i mean, if you're black. so we still have this problem then even more emphasized by the italian citizenship law. that is, that goes 3 lead by blood, and therefore, by race, of course, it doesn't say that black cannot be and but it said that to be italian, you have to prove to have italian blood. and so of course, it's more difficult for a black person to have the power in blood rather than a white person. there may be mixed race like myself or things like that. so now you have to let the line is very thin. i hate, i hate exactly what you're saying. let me just bring in a new voice into our conversation. this is a mock co. i tony's. he spoke to us a few hours ago and you haven't listened to marco. and then i love your reaction to what he tells us because he has a problem with race. i think the attorneys that were used in these schools mainly because he was a misuse. he was used successfully during fascism life. race does not exist and about language that also racism does not exist. so here lies the problem, i think in the, in italy there has never been an open public conversation about the role of race in the formation of the entire nation. so what to do? i think changing these cases a 2 way process on the one hand, i think it should be a move in a protest by ordinary citizen, demanding justice in public rights for black people. they migrate the more broadly . and on the other hand, as a political reform which can deliver on these demands, but frankly, the president political contest, i don't see either of them happening i'm going to be some, some very bullet points, to be honest to think like a conversation about some of this is about race and racism. i'm not, i'm not present at all. i think the so, so as to the fact of us know, not enough voices of color, black voices in the, i mean there are, of course, i mean we can see but the love, the voice, it will be invited that wouldn't be in the television, a partner with people like me, angelica was all many others, well the we wouldn't be, will be the people invited to talk about it. so will be our white conversation about racism. it will be any and i think this is part of the central part of the issue. also because we as, as also a lot to do with diversity, seeing as something necessarily new in italy while we have other communities gonna be very tree and a challenge community, somebody telling community for being present in the country for decades. but all of this is the sole source connection with the through colonialism and reese fundamentally feed into the cries of fascism requirement of italy. all the talent colonialism is something that is still not present and not the stuff. so we have dark history coming and we're always sold on conversation, but there's big choices just to rush everything down the carpet from the money. we have to talk about politics and political climate because we are just a month away. p change before a snap election. we did a little bit of getting around to see what politicians were saying about a leakage death and also about immigration and migration. have a look here. i think cats and some thoughts and some, some tweets fully, mattie and savvy is the lead of the far right lead. trust is, well, he treated italians of the lease races, people in the world. someone on the left instead decided to exploit that poor man mascot. one thought there another that's enough. we can't take any more cities out of control. illegal immigrants who land every day and more, more violence in the streets. but for the left, the problem is the right one war because i, i feel like you know, where i'm going to. it is time to reverse the course and restored dignity to italy by defending it's borders. this is all on the lead up to an election. that's happening in mid september. angelic, her. what does that tell us about the way politicians are thinking about people of color, immigration migrants who are in italy right now? well, you know, really confirm once more how our bodies are exploited by the political discourse. in 2018 when live by myself, i mean it morgan energy were still want. and let's remember for the 1st time in europe, italy had to partially spark these in power. well, leg, especially the base electoral campaign on anti black onto immigrant onto refugees discourse and the citizenship law. blog water angela was mentioning earlier as been as strategically use and it was a winning waveform. and so again, you see that he's always the condemnation of the act, that poor man without technology, as we said, as he was black, that he was a refugee, that he was poor, that he was disabled for. all of these is brushed off to just not to talk about race and we can see how yes ga maloney. now we have a war monthly scene as something progressive. but what kinds of ideas she has? what kind of park tissue to present is a far right party, that is the direct heritage of the trashes party. so these are the people who are about quite very many chances to leave our country and is frankly worried. i want to bring in more debt can go to go ahead. you go fast and i mean, you see, you see it's always why people make the politicians in italy are basically all white, 99 percent are white and so they keep on something moving themselves. they keep on talking about racism, but they're not direct address, do you of the problem. and so they constantly building themselves even the policeman was doing the same because they all belong to the same system, all white supremacy institutions. and another big problem that also below on the week and on the right we party, that is the central problem for me, is that migration is always treated and told as an emergency, whereas is one of the most ancient phenomenon of human b. yeah, and it's always revise in the ruins. we're really are only good at migration. they migrated over a year and much of europe as well. okay. and let me get back to adding one more voice to our conversation. this is maria totality, who was really, really moved by what happened to alley car. just a few days ago. this is what he told us as a black reader, mentally, i'm particularly devastated and impacted by the sudden violent death of elisa sanchez, the latest of a series of murderous crimes against black people in italy. but these isn't evidence of showing that black people in italy, law safe in the country like people are not safe, especially if the issue lose hold on just one off race was also the one of poverty or the one of disability. so i think that the next few months of campaigning are going to be fundamental for especially the progressive parties to promote an agenda is also about the fact. the black lice matters in this country and we won't be bullied on the offer. phobia promoted by the narrative of the far right our audience watching on you should thank you for your comments and your questions. have a number of questions for you. guess they are instant art says so one sentence answer so we can get to as many as possible. this one at the napoleon we need harsh punishment for races. kwansa thoughts and media thoughts. that's for sure. we don't have yet a lot that the racism as a criminal offense itself. we only have the aggravating eye at a se one that will happen in the next year or so. is it imminent or still what to be done? oh, it's not even been discussed yet. ah, okay, all right, never saw it here or this is from brad. what initiatives can be taken to make cultural assimilation easier on both sides? angelica well, i'm not sure i will talk about cultural assimilation because a simulation is a very problematic award. i think up there, that is this idea that black people, people of color are new in this country is, was angela was sent earlier and we are defined often, 2nd generation. so we're also fed up above beasts because we're not 2nd or 3rd, 4th, 5th, 6th generation suite time to recognize that italy is not a white country. and there is a lot of mixing in this country. i want to leave you with the voice of charity arianne case. she is the wife of alika. this is what she is hoping will happen with her husband's case manager just is from reynolds one. i just thought i wanted and it justice was just almost it been. it's almost a pen is too much for me. i don't. when francesca montela, who has a leak, his lawyer got in touch with us early on today, this is what he told us. we are waiting for psychiatric report. the killer, we don't believe has a mental illness. the killing was deliberate. what we're looking for is justice, not revenge. thank you. angelica kwanzaa, angelo for shining light on how difficult it is for italy to talk about racism. you prove the opposite right now on the stream. we thank you for your thoughts and for your participation. i'll see you next time. take everybody. ah ah. pro democracy activists risking their lives fighting autocracy. i mean, i know that i might go to prison. good. so i will join the rodney democracy may be exposed to struggle if those who believe democracy is worth dying for. we never know when an opening is going to come. when a fruit vendor is going to emulate themself and say enough is enough. my life for democracy on al jazeera ah ah sake that he'd been home and then international anti corruption excellence award boat. now for your hero. ah, holding the powerful to account. as we examined the u. s. seats row in the world on al jazeera. ah, hello there, i'm dealing mcdonalds here in london with your top stories on al jazeera, the head of the u. n. z atomic agency is calling for any millage.