u. member state hungary, which has a close ties to russia. so that elephant in the room was, it mentioned. but what we heard at the end of her speech coincided with a very interesting message, we also heard from secretary general, stalking back from nato. essentially saying that it's time to call into question the premises of globalization that were essentially the credo of this venue of davos. namely, the idea that everyone should trade with every one, regardless of political inclination. and that more trade was a good thing in and of itself. and the nato dance, secretary general said we must not sacrifice long term security to short term economic interests. a very, very different point of view than what davos has generally takes absolutely. does this, this backlash against globalization. we've, we're sort of heard some criticism of that already in recent years, but much has happened. and now when we hear it was a life underline saying that ukraine must win, it also means that russia must lose. and so far, those people in davos, there were t