all the way back to wilson and fdr lew the kennedy administration and on to today with valorie jarrett. it is always something like that like and always good for the president because he has ultimate judgment. and it is a good thing. >> carl rove, but also chiefs of staff. not necessarily troika. >> protocol is thrown out the window now. you have a businessman in the white house who's not going to worry about what the press is saying. and i think the american people asked for that. so it's refreshing. he's going make it fun to watch politics again for all of us covering it. [laughter ] >> are we having fun yet? >> all the talk, donald trump pushing back on "new york times" reporters saying look, things are going incredibly smoothly. everything is great with the transition. mike rogers who left yesterday who i talked to yesterday said look there are clearly some issues. he believes it is going to get worked out. he wouldn't go as far as to say knife fight or anything. but he said there are clearly some issues. >> there are clearly some issues. i had heard wednesday morning there is goin