calls, waitingur in illinois. employer-provided insurance, go ahead. i actually am retired from state police, california, so i retired with full medical. i getan army veteran, benefits, so i had insurance my whole life. thatbelieve for the record everyone should be insured through the government. background is wide and varied. different parts of the health care system, but one thing i noticed you are not addressing, i was a self-defense instructor most of my career. and i have maintained an athletic lifestyle at 65. and my question to you is, have you seen what america looks like on the ground? do you know the statistics of the obesity levels in this country. and the reason i ask, we can't possibly have any kind of health ise system if every corner filled with fast food slop that people are shoveling in seven days per week. i hate to put it that way, but that's about as low as a gift. this country will never be healthy if we promote the lifestyle that you see. if you go to different parts of the country like i've been, it's sad to see young and old and