and i am not a ceo i am not a lawyer, i am just a small time fishing captain at fisherman's warf. for a person who has a one boat operation i can reach the masses on a daily basis i take people fishing and i get to take them out into the bay off the coast and share with them a lot of wonderful resources and i have to tell you that people don't look at san francisco as a world class fishing destination but i fished in three different continents and three countries but this is home. this is home base and there is nothing like seeing somebody catch a 20 to 30-pound king salmon and it is just amazing what we have just a half of a mile away and this proposal would allow not only this resource and treasure to be shared, but the rest of the world on an even better basis but for myself as a small businessman, this is big for me to have the opportunity at the airport to be able to actually advertise to the people and this proposal, for smaller guys like myself, it really helps us out. because, contrary to popular belief, it is the small businesses that keeps the city running and i am the o