- from whitby? yes, yes, from kate, my cousin my long lost relative. i found her, robert.he's written. she's moved from whitby, as a matter of fact, to a little village called kirk--kirkewell that's it. she's widowed, owns a pet shop. how long is it since you've seen her? oh, not since we were at school together. - oh, you must invite her over. - too late, she's invited us. to yorkshire? we don't have to have passports. oh, think of it, robert, sea air, crab salads, lobster. what do you say? we've nothing much on. well, i have. sorry, i have this article to write. - oh. - there's a deadline. we journalists work to them. - and i don't want my article to be in late. - oh, i understand, robert. i've got to do some research into that dodgy roofing company. i can't believe this. i've found somebody from my family. i thought they'd all passed on. ( laughs ) kate fielding. oh, she did turn a good skipping rope. ♪ salt, mustard vinegar, pepper ♪ ♪ pepper, salt ♪ ♪ mustard, vinegar pepper, salt ♪ ♪ mustard, vinegar, pepper ♪ hetty: oh, it looks just like lancashire, really. ( cell