century, specifically as a response in many ways to the discovery of blood circulation in 1628 by william harvey. from there people wanted to test the idea of blood circulation, so they started putting fluids -- all types of things, liquor, booze, opium, milk, water -- into the veins of dogs. because the idea in the 17th century is that blood -- and if you think about early medicine, right? the first thing you think about is leeches, right? and you also think about lance ets and blood let'sing, so the very point of putting blood in made no sense to the early 7th century mind. -- 17th century mind. but they needed to test harvey's idea. the way they tested it was testing the earlier predecessors who believed that blood, of course, did not circulate, but rather was the product of the digestive system. so you ate food, it went into the stomach, it got purified into the liver, into the red-gold of blood, and then it made a one-way trip up to the heart where the heart served as a furnace, blood was burned off. you breathe out to get rid of the fumes. so when harvey came up with the idea that blood ac