potential i don't want to speculate so while it's a place in silicon or with griffin there are fossil wolken complicated questions that. as i said already there are quite a few properties of this material which we can show unique it's mechanical optical electronic and it will find its applications. so the lead nobel tries going in physics this year spotlight will be back shortly right after the break so stay with us then there. are the. possible. loss of a. maximum efficiency. for. some of. the marks. in technology for. the future. as you know song was sixteen years old when he committed these marise that's not to say that song so are some of the honest for his crimes sean is being punished no rational person in the i vowed saw has been punished is being honest and will be honest. as ours must be executed for the brutal crime committed this is a punishment this is not. imagine. that safe. because we've. been immersed know me whatsoever. how i didn't come here justice. and heard the first. star were dismissed. by martin. and i that is now. welcome back to spotlight and i'll do nuffin just to