proletarian writer, as platonov was still considered during his lifetime, this is surprising , or his story yushkaare also these motives there, the children didn’t like the hedgehog, well, they didn’t like the hedgehog, they reflected , hedgehog, offended he was, uh, homeless, and this, by the way, such a platonic accent, i want to throw a bridge over to your writings. yes, the name platonov is found in the aviator in the last novel. eh, chagen is also such a surname platonic in terms of sound and composition. here after all, if we talk not only about the lavra, where the yurudievs are shown, as holy fools, in the conditions of the natural russian middle ages. and if we talk, uh, about your work , about your novels, the actions that are taking place, we are already closer to us. yes, in the twentieth century, even in the twenty-first, right here, as you would define it yourself, and here is the holy fool's accent, which is in your books. it seems to me that the foolish accent, as well, of which you speak of it to a greater or lesser extent. uh, carry all my uh novels, because on actually a joke, b