particularly were chief zanoff at jeff adochi's memorial, and i appreciate the kind of level chief zanoff and chief cochran gave to the members that were $. there. again, in terms of division of fire prevention and investigation, fire marshal decozio, thank you for your efforts. i had many opportunities to interact with your fire personnel prevention, but i think on any occasion that you think this commission should be able to have some interaction, or at least some moments of appreciation to those hard-working members, i would be open to that. i think this commission is as well. there is captain bolton and captain chad law who are all part of this particular report. i just wanted to acknowledge that as well. i also see that dr. yea is in the audience as well. i wanted to acknowledge all of the good work that you're doing, doctor. i still am trying to coordinate a joint kind of a meeting between us and the department of health commissioners, but i also know we want to move on to the homeless department as well. well within that endeavor. to the questions that came up in terms of pcmc, i w