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Poster: Alison OK Date: Jan 28, 2019 11:31am
Forum: news Subject: NC State Philanthropy Journal News: Bitcoin: Fundraising for the Future

“Should we accept cryptocurrency as a form of donation?,” a question nonprofits may not have expected to receive 15 years ago. This is now a reality for many nonprofit executives and their boards. Nonprofits consider a lot of ways to diversify their funding, whether it be through accepting donated cars, property, or even boats. Not too long ago stock transfers offered a new way to diversify funds, is it now time to open the space up to cryptocurrency donations? Within the nonprofit sector, organizations such as Songs of Love, a nonprofit that creates and delivers original songs for children suffering from medical, emotional, or physical challenges, Tunapanda Institute, an organization that runs intensive technology design and business training programs, and Internet Archive, a nonprofit that has been archiving the web since 1996, have integrated Bitcoin into their funding agenda. Throughout this article we will be exploring best practices on using cryptocurrency as a source of donations by examining how these nonprofits have succeeded in utilizing cryptocurrency as a funding source.

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