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Poster: | brewster | Date: | Jun 12, 2008 6:19am |
Forum: | sflan | Subject: | SF Mayor announced ad-based wifi system for San Francisco |
The Mayor of SF yesterday stood in a housing project that was WIRED with a fast non-commercial network created using muni fiber, archive transit, Mission development corp internal wiring, and one-economy training. I was in the audience.
But the announcement was about his excitement about Meraki stepping into Google/Earthlink's vacuum to build an ad-based publicly-accessible commercial wifi system in SF. Where this system uses the City fiber/Archive bandwidth in the housing project, it uses Meraki-provided DSL lines in the rest of the city. The mayor pointed out that this is not government driven, but rather driven by Meraki.
We will wait to see what this means for the Archive's offer to providing a non-profit wireless access points that are free, fast, symmetric, and ad-free that leverage city facilities.
I look forward to seeing how well the Meraki system works for city residents. It is encouraging that Meraki is getting going without depending on any municipal help.