let me quote the words of adolf eichmann, who said that in order to destroy a nation, it is necessaryy first of all, children, because if you kill their parents, the children will grow up and will definitely take revenge, and if you kill children, they will never grow up, the nation will disappear. we need victory, if this means slaughtering all your families, i will be one of the first. then it was clearly a minority, and for us , for ordinary people, this did not cause, that is , a serious danger, in our opinion, then, when the maidan was jumping there, i, for example, went to work, did my work here, family, we were spinning , we watched how they were there, we even treated them with sympathy, we watched how they were freezing us there on the maidan, all the events... took place in the center, around the maidan, you move away, there are several blocks there, you drive away, the situation seemed normal , that is, i wanted to not believe in what was happening, when this chaos began, when they started shooting people with molotov cocktails, when they started destroying them, i didn’t l