. >> c-span's coverage focuses on est of the morning, the host of the attitude with arnie arneson, comingut of wh and radio out of concord h radio in concord, d morning and thank you for returning to the show. guest: hampshire. host: you are a longtime watcher of politics, how does this primary set itself up over previous ones? guest: it's soadit is the sadd'e ever experienced. there is no enthusiasm, there's very few house parties, there is no debate, the only debate we've seen is donald trump and judges in n york city.]d on the democratic side because the democrats are starting with south carolina and there's a push for a right in for joe biden, the democratic national committee says it's meaningless. for democrats, there is little reason to be engaged and for republicans, very little hands-on grasping the kind of organizing and politicking and living rooms and it's not been about the issues. that's donald trump. even if you are running against donald trump who is the only one left standing is nikki haley, they are afraid to attack him and they just say trump withoute chaos. where you s