and levon burton has the i think the integrated towards this, the option that we could not sit onto the table and discuss about the a, the shuttle discomfort and move forward. but the western world might be having some other ideas. and that is what the reasons probably, that they are the wording this perspective or the writing this a, you know, follow from the, from that, from the president, put in to sit on the table and negotiate the resolution of the concert. and the interest might be, is it, you know, to push it to shut back and took on russian influence. so nothing on the him that he didn't, but also end of on the world stage. yeah. so interesting we, we, so we appreciate your insight on this. we'll have to leave with that. so my direct to the focus on i've got this on youth form on demand of the south aged times and use agency. so a pleasure is a primary, something to run. the motive is to visit russia on monday by his 1st by that so summit abroad, since they re elected last month, now is what i think was about it and put them in advisor to focus on the further development of what